【萌え断】半熟たまごサンドイッチ 〜わんぱくサンドのポイント!〜 【沼サン】【料理レシピはParty Kitchen🎉】

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Medium boiled Omelet Sandwich Today I will be making a Omelet Sandwich. 1/4 cabbage Slice the cabbage finely. 1/4 tsp of salt Mix 1/4 tsp of salt with cabbage and let it sit for a little bit. I put it in the refrigerator. Now, let's make tomato soup. 1/4 onion 1/2 clove of garlic 1/2 tomato 1/2 a slice of bacon 4 eggs (for soft-boiled eggs) 2 eggs (for more hard-boiled eggs) For the soft-boiled eggs: once the water starts to boil, keep the eggs in for another 5 minutes at medium heat. Cook the hard-boiled eggs for 5 minutes longer than the soft-boiled eggs. To make sure the yolk comes to the center, occasionally stir the eggs while they boil. Take it out of the fridge, and remove the water from the cabbage (by squeezing it). 30 ml of vinegar 1 tbsp of olive oil 1/2 tsp of sugar little salt and pepper Mix thoroughly, then refrigerate for about 30 minutes. about 2 tablespoons of Mayonnaise little salt and pepper some olive oil 450 ml of water Add one cube of bouillon Let it stew for a little over medium heat. Finely chop some parsley. Remove the scum at the top of the soup. Continue to let it stew. Some yogurt and fruit I put it in the refrigerator. little salt and pepper 4 slices of bread I'll toast. Some mustard Four slices of ham Some butter Repeat for the other sandwich. letting the sandwiches sit for about 5 minutes. Now, let's make the milk tea. little black pepper some parsley some honey add suger Thanks for the food.
Channel: Party Kitchen - パーティーキッチン
Views: 3,169,081
Rating: 4.8684521 out of 5
Keywords: サンドイッチ, タマゴサンド, だし巻きたまごサンド, 厚焼き玉子サンド, たまごサンド 作り方, たまごサンド 関西, 基本レシピ, 喫茶店 レシピ, Egg Sandwich, Japanese Recipes, 絶品, 究極のたまごサンド, ASMR, 調理音, コンビニ たまごサンド, サンドイッチマン, 悪魔のサンドイッチ, 悪魔トースト
Id: nCznthfPH9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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