How to Make Gruyère Style Cheese at Home

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Oh get I could nerds today we're going to be making Gruyere now Gruyere is a French classic French cheese that is made in the Alpine style so with this cheese I've actually gotten a rivaling box it's about a month old now and I've been working it with a simple brine solution anyway you'll see how that works from the video anyway on with the cheese you'll need ten liters of full cream milk so that's three point four to four point one milk fat quarter of a teaspoon of thermophilic culture two point five mils of calcium chloride and two point five mils of a liquid rennet and you'll need to saturate a brine solution to brine the cheese in later on so going to bring the temperature up to 32 degrees Celsius which is 90 Fahrenheit I'm going to add in our starter culture which in this instance is the thermophilic culture let's sprinkle that all over the top I'm going to let that rehydrate I'm going to rehydrate that for just five minutes let's put the lid on make sure no fluff and stuff gets in there now we're going to give that a good stir I'm stirring for about two minutes here just making sure that the temperatures still at 32 degrees Celsius and then we're going to allow that to ripen so you let that ripen for 10 minutes so it's going to create a little bit of acid not too much but just enough so after the acidification now we're going to add in our wet ingredients so going to add in our calcium chloride itself to fortify the milk that's a bit occurred if you using caster eyes milk in this case I'm using under modernized but I'll still put in calcium chloride topping in the rennet there I'm using a two hundred iron see you rennet so give it a good stir for no more than one minute though just check the target temperature look look it's starting to drift upwards there so I will take that off the heat in a minute before it sets so pop the lid on and we let that ripen now for 40 minutes Thank You iPhone okay 40 minutes later it should have set a good curd check for a clean break I'll just use the knife there yep nice clean split that's lovely now if you didn't get a clear break right now what you could do is wait for another 10 minutes and then check it again I'm cutting the curds into very small pieces I just cut the horizontal ones there and now I'm just cutting the rest with a big balloon whisk so trying to get pea-sized curd grains or curd cubes and don't whisk it around just plop it up and down like I'm doing there and you can see that you'll get the desired curd size pretty easily once you start stirring it though you may see some larger pieces and you can just cut those with the stirring spoon that you're using so we're going to stir that increasing the temperature to 46 C or 114 F over the period of one hour so don't do that too quickly because if you do the curd shrink too quickly form a skin and they don't release the amount of way they're supposed to you can see there that there is a lot of way as being released from the curd the curds are quite small now they're probably about the size of a big plump grain of rice so now I don't want that to heat up any more and take it off the heat and just put the lid on and we let that settle for five minutes so we can pour the way off and mold it up so five minutes later we just pour the way through the cheesecloth I'm using the 165 millimeter cheese mold there I've got it lined with cheesecloth that's the loose weave cheesecloth and just let that rest for a little bit just make sure it's level before you put in your rum put your follower on top and just give it a little bit of a stretch to make sure that there's no wrinkles which will appear in the outside of the cheese after you pressed it so drain sufficiently it'll drain really well because the curd sizes are very very small split the cheesecloth over the top then put the follower on top now we're going to press this now we're going to press this about 11 kilos or 22 pounds for one hour and this will form the shape of the cheese before we press it heavier later on a lot of whey starts to drain off at this time so after an hour just take it out of the mold and then just turn it over in the cheesecloth and then remould it and then press again so fold over cheesecloth which follow on top and then repress so you can see there that the little compression spring are using fifty pound or 22 kilo compression spring and when you have it wound all the way down you're using fifty pounds of pressure that's how you can tell so go around all the way down we're going to press that for 12 hours now and this will compact the Kurds very tightly which is the kind of as the kind of structure we're trying to get in the Gruyere cheese so just take it out of the it'll involve down and unwrap it and then we're going to souls in the brine solution if it doesn't look too bad quite even so we'll just pump it into the brine so this is a fully saturated 18 percent brine I'm going to brine that for 10 hours I'm going to turn it over once at the half an hour mark then if you find that you don't have something like this to hold the cheese down just sprinkle some salt on top of that a teaspoon of salt on top of the of the cheese and that way then you can just it involves salt that way as well so you don't like half brine that the chilies they flip it over at the 5 hour mark you're getting prawn the rest of it now after that's all finished just take it out and we're going to add right now so I'm just using a bamboo draining mat and goes I'm drain on a bamboo chopping board I am just going to trim there is a little bit of a visual defect there just to give it a bit of a trim there just trim that off we're going to air-dry that for two to three days until it's touch dry and then we're going to start maturing the cheese so that just hits on the bench and I usually put a cheesecloth over the top just to make sure that no bugs or flies or anything like that I'm going to be up going to creep all over my cheese at nighttime so we're going to place it in a ripening box but before what we'll do I'll just show you the first wash and normally ripens at 13 cells is 55 Fahrenheit at a very high humidity between 90 and 95 percent so you flip this cheese once a week sorry twice a week wash it with a simple brine solution and then you pop it back into the cheese queso at one month this is a one-month bulb then you start to flip it weekly instead so to make a simple brine solution we're going to use 2 teaspoons of salt in one cup of cooled boiled water so you can use table salt as long as it's non-iodized because that will actually kill the cultures in the cheese this is called bald water and you simply just give it a bit of a stir and then we're going to use a lint-free cloth and we're just going to wipe the cheese all over money does that keep all where the molds off but you don't want it also helps the cheese stay moist well there you go you are for it and I made it there's my Gruyere and it's been going for about a month now in a I'll be Brian washing it for another month that with that simple brine solution I just showed you and then after that I'll be dry brushing I've got a little nail brush soft nail brush that'll just keep the mold down with that and I'll pay up to about six months for this one anyway thanks for watching Kurd nerds now don't forget that if you want to look at another Alpine cheese you can check out the video here this is my Emmentaler so have a look at that one also don't forget that you can make always all these cheeses that I make with our kits and pop over to little green workshops combo you to check out our great range of cheese making kids anyway thanks for watching Kurd nerds and I'll see you next time
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 165,480
Rating: 4.8938479 out of 5
Keywords: Gruyère, How to make Gruyere at home, Apline Cheese, Gruyere Cheese, cooking, cheese, recipe, how to make cheese, cheese making, cheese making at home, cheesemaking
Id: Oi2y4Ymrd5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2017
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