How to Make Greek Coffee at Home

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C okay in this video I'm going to show you how to make Greek coffee at home now this video is going to be broken down into two different parts first I'm going to show you how I make coffee here at home and I'm going to show you how my friend who has a shop abalo and he prepares his own Greek coffee so you're going to see it from two different angles pretty much from a EOS point of view how I make Greek coffee and you're going to also see how uh Greek prepares his own fresh coffee in his shop let's get right into the video so all you need is a bicki okay Cafe I have fresh grounded Greek coffee here sugar if you like to drink it with sugar a little cup which is am mono measurement and a dplo I like to drink Theo Cafe okay theoo Cafe all right so there's three ways to drink Greek coffee here in Greece sketo which means what is sugar without sugar metrio which is half coffee half sugar and gcol which is more sugar than coffee so we're going to get ready to make the coffee and I'm going to show you exactly the very basic steps in order to make your own Greek traditional coffee okay so the first thing that we need to do is to measure the amount of water that we're going to be using a lot of people make the mistake of putting water straight into the biki don't do that so we put the amount of water that's going to fill the coffee cup and we put it in the bicki then we put the amount of coffee that we're going to be adding I'm drinking a Theo elino Cafe so I put two tpoon of coffee I'm not using sugar because I like to drink a scet okay so now we're getting ready to heat up our coffee at this point you start to steer the coffee and we wait for it to boil don't make the mistake of walking away this is a very quick process if you spill the coffee this is some Superstition that says that if you spill the coffee when it's boiling or you drop the the mug with the coffee you will get money okay the coffee it's almost done you can see the cream you can see the coffee Rising now if you don't see the cream of the coffee rising or you don't have that thick texture then you haven't added enough coffee all right oh almost [Music] done this is what it's all about almost there and here we go and we pour it very very carefully very carefully there you go the perfect El coca face now at this point it's important to just wait a little bit because obviously it's very very hot so just let it sit a little bit before you start drinking it once you start drinking it you need to do this that's how we drink it here in Greece it's important to mention here that as you drink the coffee the coffee at the bottom is going to have the residue of the coffee we do not drink that okay now that I have showed you how to make your own Greek coffee at home let's go to the shop of my friend Botti so you can see what type of coffee you can purchase uh I'm going to show you as well how he makes his own coffee and where I get my freshly ground coffee as well however you can get Greek coffee in any type of shop if you live in the states or or in England or or whatever you watch in this video from when I used to live in London I would get my Greek coffee from different uh Greek shops and you know C shops uh there are different shops around that you can get uh imported products if you will so let's just go to my friend's shop and let's drink some more Greek coffee pby [Music] okay as you can see here you can see the different type of Greek coffee Greek coffee brands if you will this is what people usually buy here in Greece but you can get of course a freshly ground coffee and this is what I do [Applause] [Music] [Music] head Moe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is Meto Meto fore fore [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] OS [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you so much for all the love and support and I'll see you in another video [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: My Greek Lifestyle πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·
Views: 3,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make Greek Coffee at Home, coffee, greek food, How to Make Greek Coffee, Greek Coffee, Greek Coffee at Home, Make Greek Coffee at Home, Make Greek Coffee, Greece, nafplio greece, Nafplio
Id: wyIjUVwFrjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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