ASMR 芸妓さんの白塗りメイク Japanese Geiko Makeup Routine

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Collaboration video. Director: Takuya Shimada Nice to meet you, my name is Chizuru. I'm going to apply my makeup base now. Hello. I'm Tam! Much of this video used translation software. This time, we collaborated with a documentary film starring geisha Chizuru. Chizuru's dream was to become a geisha, but the coronavirus pandemic destroyed that dream. Shimada's film is about Chizuru's attempt to make her dreams come true again. There is a preview video at the end of this video. The description section of this video contains movie information, store information, and Instagram account information. I would like you to watch it until the end. And I would like you to visit Tanikawa. Next, I apply Bintsuke-abura on my face, neck and back. What is Bintsuke-abura? Bintsuke-abura is a solid oil used in traditional Japanese hair styling. It is used to tie sumo wrestlers' topknots. It is also used as a white makeup base by Maiko Maiko, Geiko Geiko, and Kabuki actor Kabuki. It also has a protective effect on the skin. What is the most difficult part of the makeup process? What I find difficult about geisha makeup is... I think... I think the one thing I always struggle with is lipstick. Please tell me the reason. I think this is where the left-right imbalance is most noticeable. I think. Bintsuke-abura is transparent. Therefore, it seems difficult to check whether it is applied evenly! Is there a technique to do it well? It's very difficult at first. It's hard to tell where Abura's unevenness is. It depends on the person... The only way to get better is through repeated failures. As you continue, you will be able to see which areas are more likely to become uneven. Only after applying Oshiroi will you be able to see where the unevenness is. Therefore, the only way is to gain experience. Does applying too much Bintsuke-abura increase the chance of failure? That is correct. The trick to creating beautiful Oshiroi makeup is to spread a small amount of Bintsuke-abura thinly. However, the only way to be able to apply Abura thinly and evenly is through practice. Next, I paint Oshiroi. Dissolve Oshiroi in water. Then apply it to your face, neck, and back. Then, finish by dabbing or spreading with a makeup sponge. Areas with thick oil will become too white. In that case, she says she removes it by dabbing it off with a makeup sponge. Then, the oil is spread from the areas where the oil is thicker to compensate for the areas where the oil is thinner. According to Chizuru, she made the white color on the neck to be whiter than the white color on the face. Next, I add pink color. Why put pink on top of Oshiroi? The reason is that if you leave it pure white, it will become flat. By adding pink like this, you can create shadows. And pink color can give a lovely impression. New maikos use more pink to create a lovely impression. She puts a little more pink around her cheekbones. I will draw Mehari from now on. The way "Mehari" is written differs from person to person. Actors change their appearance depending on the role. If Mehari doesn't draw well, can I correct it later? It is possible to some extent. But you can only fix it a little bit. OK.Next I draw eyeliner. Next I use mascara. The next step is to create eyebrows. When drawing her eyebrows, she creates a gradation from red to black from the beginning of the eyebrow to the end of the eyebrow. She says she puts a little powder on the tip of her eyebrows to create a finish that isn't too flat. This concludes the makeup for this section. Next I apply lipstick. Wet the tip of a lip brush with water and dissolve the rouge. First, make the shape with water rouge. Then apply stick rouge. Boubeni (a stick of lipstick that is crushed and transferred to a container) is a process that creates a deep color. Coating makes it difficult to peel off. Makeup is now complete. What are you going to do next? I will take care of the wig. Wigs are made to fit the shape of a geisha's head. Therefore, although it has some weight, it fits to the shape of your head, making it feel lighter than it actually is. How much does the wig weigh? Sorry, I don't know the exact weight... I don't think it weighs more than 1 kg. Is it about 1 kilo? It's not that heavy. However, it seems that wigs in the past were heavy. The craftsman who made the wig said so. It is said that old wigs were sometimes made partially of iron. Does it take time for the wig to break in? This wig is made to fit my head shape, so it doesn't take long. However, it also depends on where you want to tie and place your hair. In that sense, it takes some getting used to. The hair is tied up and placed inside the wig, but you may need to be a little creative with how you put it in. It is said that a geisha's wig is beautiful when it forms an equilateral triangle from the center of the hairline to the top of the eyebrows when worn. Maikos do not wear wigs and create their own hairstyles. When a maiko becomes a geiko, she begins wearing a wig. This concludes my wig care. Comb it to give it a shine. Do you use Abura for your wigs? I've never used Abura. From now on, I will wear a habutae and a wig over it. OK, I'll put on the wig. A full video of how to put on a kimono will be uploaded at a later date. OK, you're done. [Tsuru-ni-naru] Director: Takuya Shimada In the once prosperous red-light district of Minami, Osaka, there is only one teahouse left. A tea house (Geiko house) is considered to be a place with a high barrier to entry. This person is my mother. Chizuru quit high school and aimed to become a geisha. congratulations! You are a geisha from today onwards, do your best! thank you! Hello, my name is Chizuru.
Views: 200,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, MASSAGE, マッサージ, sleep, 睡眠
Id: jsTHv9MrG6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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