How to Make Garlic Sauce with Only 4 Ingredients

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- Hey guys, it's Yumna, AKA Feel Good Foodie. I love to share wholesome nutritious meals that make your body feel good. As a Lebanese foodie, I use a lot of garlic in my recipes, and one of the most popular sauces we eat is called Toum, which is basically garlic sauce. It's pretty much a slow and steady emulsion process of garlic and oil with a little bit of lemon juice. And I'm gonna show you how easy it is to make it. My recipe makes a huge batch that will last you three to four months, and you can then add it to grilled chicken, shawarma, rotisserie, and sandwiches, or just slap it on everything the way my brother-in-law does. Here's what you'll need. You'll need a cup of garlic, three cups of a neutral oil, half a cup of lemon juice, and two teaspoons of kosher salt, or a thicker salt as possible. So to get started, you want to use very fresh garlic. Go out to the store, buy a fresh bulb, feel it, make sure it feels kind of hard and it's not mushy. And then peel the garlic cloves and make sure that they look fresh and they feel fresh. So, first you'll want to cut off the stem, like so. And then cut the garlic clove in half. And when you do that, you'll notice a green sprout over here. You wanna gently remove that, it comes right off. So you move that green sprout because that's gonna remove any bitterness that comes with the garlic and give it an extra fresh taste. Next, you wanna transfer the sliced garlic into a food processor and add the kosher salt on top. It might look like a lot of salt and it might seem like the food processor, it's too big, but just keep in mind that this is going to emulsify and roll times like five or times 10 even. Now, we basically want to mince the garlic. So, we'll get started by closing the food processor and you wanna turn it on and let it mince the garlic and make sure to scrape down the side so that nothing is left on the top of the food processor. Now that the garlic is minced, we're going to start the emulsion process and you wanna start with just one to two tablespoons of the oil and slowly drizzle that in through the food processor while the motor is running. Stop the food processor again and scraped down the garlic. You'll see it still looks minced. And then mulching process hasn't started. So we'll add another couple of tablespoons of the neutral oil. Now, at this point, you have in here about four or five tablespoons of oil, and you can see, it's already starting to look creamy, and this is exactly what we want. We moved from minced garlic to more of a garlic paste. So, now you'll alternate between adding the oil and the lemon juice while the motor is running for the whole time, until all the oil and all the lemon juice is used up. And this should take about 15 minutes. So, just be patient and just watch it and just keep alternating between the two. So, after that whole process, we're gonna go ahead and open up the food processor and what you have here, you guys is garlic magic. I mean, look how beautiful this is. It's literally like 10 times the size of the garlic that it was before. It's all fluffy, emulsified, beautiful white color. And this is the kind of texture that you want. Now, what you wanna do is remove the garlic sauce from the food processor and transfer it to a glass container. And we will cover this glass container with a paper towel for 24 hours. That paper towel will help absorb any extra moisture in the garlic sauce. And after 24 hours, you can just seal it normal and keep it in the fridge for three to four months, months. You can enjoy it right away, or you can wait until the next day until it gets a little bit thicker as well. I'm just gonna spread this over here. We need a little bit of a mess, oops. So we can actually enjoy some of this now. It's ready to go, so we'll put some here just to serve for today and then we can spread out the rest and store it in the fridge. So after 24 hours, just to remove the paper towel and just cover it with a normal lid. And there you have it. Beautiful, emulsified, creamy, fluffy, so tasty, Lebanese garlic sauce, AKA Toum. So, you can actually have this as a dip. You can have it as a sauce. There so many different ways to eat it. And it really enhances the flavor of meat dishes and chicken dishes. And you can also just have it with some pita. And dip it right in. And I think it's time for video Matt to try this garlic sauce. And let's see if it's as good as the ones he has that Lebanese restaurants. Yay! Yay, he liked it and I hope you guys try this recipe and like it as well. Thank you for watching. Check out the video description below for a full written recipe and be sure to like, comment, subscribe, follow for more healthiest recipes with feel good ingredients. See you guys next time.
Channel: Feelgoodfoodie
Views: 666,629
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Id: IrqEynAjkmI
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Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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