how to make FRESH ORECCHIETTE by hand

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I don't know about you guys but I need a little bit of therapy I'm a dire need of zoning out right now if there's one thing I know is that when I need some therapy I don't want to pay for it I make homemade pasta and the pasta I find especially therapeutic to make our or Kathy this has been my pride and joy for the last few weeks this is the book by American pasta master Evan funky he's a guy who describes himself as maniacal about pasta he doesn't believe in a pasta machine his philosophy on pasta is very old-school and it's something that I really relate to and I've been studying from his ways he studied from this lady maestra Alessandra Disney she's an eight-time world champion pasta roller so she knows what she's doing and she's from Bologna and a lot of the recipes that he cooks are from the region of emilia romagna or Ketty is more of a pasta shape from the south in Puglia specifically the streets of body where they're like famous grandma's who will make this on the side of the street dry out or Cathy and some to the public no I don't have mentors I never really worked in a restaurant besides that my food cart I don't learn from people in a physical way I have to find mentors and stuff on the internet and through books and then study their ways and that's sort of what I've done over the course of my life to get good at cooking as I find the right people to study from and then practice practice practice and today I need to practice I just need to just sit here and play with dough and get better at making Ora Kathy and I think that that's gonna make me feel better plus back in the day not everyone could afford eggs so the idea of egg pasta was very much this kind of luxury that only maybe the wealthier people were able to do making pasta with just flour and water was a sign of frugality and maybe scarcity and sort of is something that is reminiscent of right now and it's why I think I gravitate towards Italian cooking because a lot of the famous recipes were rooted in scarcity and just trying to make something out of nothing and that's the way I've been trying to think about this whole ordeal that we're going through and so today I hope I can offer you a way to make dough you can make off a few different shapes but the most popular ones I think you're gonna make with this are cavatelli or or Kathy but today we're just gonna make our Kathy and I'm gonna use a recipe for the dough from Evan funky so I'm gonna use a scale and grams and follow his recipe now he uses double zero flour to make his flour and water dough which I have here and this is what I mainly use for egg dough's it's a just ground a little finer the way Evan describes double zero flour is as the Ferrari of flour so that's what he uses but today I'm gonna use organic durum wheat semolina flour and this is what is more traditional in the streets of body and Puglia so goes to show you that like you can use whatever you have this recipe calls for double zero flour I'm gonna use semolina and we have amounts but the difference is in humidity if you're gonna make this in Florida then you might need less water I've actually made or a caddy for friends wedding that I went through down in Florida and I dried or Kitty out before I went and it was so humid when I got there that the orchid II kind of hydrated a little bit so that was a really interesting example of how can affect this so take this as a guide but we're gonna have to feel things out when we're making this so we're gonna start off with one pound of flour and 225 grams or eight ounces of tepid water tepid meaning like kind of hot or warmish I've got my scale I'm going to turn my scale on put your bowl on and then tear so you've zeroed out the scale now you can pour in your flour 454 grams there's a flour same thing with the water you're just gonna warm up a little bit of tap water and then measure out 225 grit I'm not gonna add oil or salt I'm just going to start to make this using the well method and so what we're gonna do is pour dough in the middle of the board now it's good to have one of these because you can just sort of control things a little bit easier this is a bench scraper having that is key and with my hand I'm going to make a well and I want it to be pretty big you want there to be legitimate walls and you want to be able to see the bottom of the board in the middle and then from there we're gonna add our water and then we're gonna use it for and we're just gonna start to incorporate it like you were sort of beating eggs until we get it to it like a pancake batter consistency as you're mixing pull in some of that flour now what you want to do is take your bench scraper and almost like you know you're folding biscuits or the way they do it in the South we're going to fold the flour and cut into the mix fold and cut then you want to work it until it comes together [Music] now this those real sticky now and what we're doing is we're trying to work that flour into the dough just keep kneading until the dough absorbs as much flour as it can and it's just slightly tacky scrape off any dry bits off the board get all that out of there and just start working this dough there's a few ways to knead this is the grandma method where it's just two hands you're rolling it into like a log and then you fold it onto itself and then you keep rolling this is more of like a Baker's way of kneading when it comes down to it you just really need to find a method of kneading that you're comfortable with so now it's sort of very soft very supple it's got some bounce to it now the bat the key to pasta is a balance between elasticity and extensibility so you want it to be elastic enough to kind of have a bite and to have some structure but you want enough extensibility so that you could be able to roll it and shape it in a way that you want and that's why we're working in developing gluten and there's two ways to do that it's by kneading and working and it's also by resting so the way Evon roses pastas he works it a little bit and then he rests it for a little bit and then he works it for a little bit and then he rested for a little longer period and then he's ready to make pasta he's a very interesting way of wrapping the dough he takes a square piece of plastic wrap and he puts the dough bottom up and he takes a little piece of the plastic wrap fold it down and then begins pleating so he's pleading the plastic so that there's a relatively even seal all along the plastic [Music] now we're just gonna let this rest for 15 minutes at room temperature and then it's going to sort of rest and relax understand your the ideas were hydrating flower so the longer that sits the more hydrated it becomes the softer becomes easier it is to roll out so that's the kind of balance we're working on we're gonna get really deep into this kind of stuff and I'm gonna repeat a lot of this information just so it becomes more understandable the only reason I'm able to understand it better than I used to be is because I kind of watched people do these things over and over and over again and say the same things after enough kind of learning you just get it so that's why I repeat a lot repetition is the key to learn this is called a bench rest okay now it's been 15 minutes so I'm gonna unwrap it I'm gonna continue to knead it because it should be much softer and much more hydrated and we can continue to work a little bit of that gluten in there that's good this guy open and start to you need now as you can see it's already it's like shiny already so you can see that gluten is starting to develop now when you're working it if it's a little too dry you can wet your hands and work it into the dough or you can use a spray bottle like this and just missed it and you can sort of work more moisture into it but this looks perfect and we can just start to knead it now when while we're kneading it we're trying to maintain this kind of ball so with the heel of our hand we're gonna pull back and then push forward and then turn and then keep doing that turn a need turn a need and you can do it forcefully as you can see you're starting your working air into the dough every time you fold it back in your working air pockets into the dough see folding in that air so again if you have trouble closing any of these pieces you can split some water and it sort of helps seal them sometimes if you don't work it hard enough or well enough when you go to roll it they'll be like gaps in this sense there so it's something you have to be careful that's sort of a sign of maybe not enough hydration in the dough you always want to make sure there's no excess flour on the board and now we're just going to wrap this the same way now we should have worked it well enough at this point what I'm going to do is I'm going to rest this on the table for three to four hours at a minimum or what I could do is I can put it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours and that's all the help that we're going to take from Evan today next we're gonna sort of rely on grandma's in Puglia and body on the technique that I learned on how to make Ora catty [Music] so it's been a few hours and I kinda just want to get started this is the part of the process that I look forward to we're gonna unwrap it and then I have a knife and we're gonna cut pieces off in like a sawing motion very gently and then we're gonna roll that out like a little snake and I don't roll them out at once I kind of will cut a piece off and then make my or Kathy and let them dry because I don't want the dough to dry out then it becomes hard to roll out it becomes hard to form into the ORAC Eddie and I have these wire racks that I'll just set off to the side and when I'm done making a line of auric NT then I'll tense for them over here and let them dry they need time to at least cure a little bit semi-dry even if you're gonna make them right away so that they'll hold their shape once they do come so the drawing or the curing process is actually important when making pasta and this is the tool we're gonna use to make the ears and basically you're gonna have to figure out your own process and your own style doing it the women in body cand cut roll and flip and shape in one smooth move and they can do it fast as hell and that's sort of what I'm hoping to aspire to but I can't do it as well I'm practicing and that's what this is all about it's a lifelong thing right so let's just jump right into it I'm gonna keep my plastic and that's gonna be wrapped over it to keep it nice and moist if you can see those little air pockets that are worked into the dough and then the dough is a nice dense mass that's how you know you did a good job so I keep that off to the side keep it wrapped and then I have this guy that I'm gonna roll this is legitimately play-doh and so this is perfect to get your kids involved and to just have fun with it and this is what I look forward to usually I'll throw my headphones in and just zone out doing this so just roll it out into a thin rope now to measure to make sure you have them the same size and length you can just twist them together and then be able to see if they're the same thickness so that looks a lot good to me and so now what I'm gonna do is take my rope and you want even sizes so I like to take a thumbnail and about the size of a thumbnail I'll cut and then I will place pressure on it and roll and then fold over my thumb now the first one I mess up always and that goes into my mouth taiyaki which is poorly rolled pasta so if you have any ones that are bad you just throw them off to the side and then I make little coins [Music] that's much better now you're just gonna go through and try and hone your shapes and you want to do it fast enough that these guys don't dry out too much don't get too discouraged with the first few it really does take a little calibrating to figure out the right pressure to roll with depending on how I'm feeling I kind of move my fingers around the knife and use sort of different techniques and try and stick with whatever feels best or most comfortable in that moment the key is rolling it as flat and as even as you possibly can I'm making sure each one is the same so now is where I'll just put my headphones in and just ona [Music] this is really all about developing a feel for the dough and feel for the knife and trying to make it all come together into one even thickness and size across all of the Arkadiy so they're doing I have to let these kind of set for a little bit so that they can be handled and we have our Kathi fire and water it's amazing and to tell you the truth I just spent you know a few hours working on that and zoned out feels so much better I just focused in on this and it's what I needed no I was terrible when I started this if you've been following me on Instagram I showed you the first time I made them and they looked awful and the progress you make each time you make them like from the first one you roll to the last one you roll is amazing so don't feel discouraged if you get there and you start to press one out and you're like I don't know how to do this just feel it out work it out just kind of understand how like pressure is being used with that knife and you have to get used to the amount of pressure necessary to roll it nice and flat I'm still getting good at it myself so don't worry [Music] you can see this one sort of dried out so I can hold its shape it's not fully dry it's kind of like cured but now you could go ahead and you could cook these off I got my Mota yachty which is the poorly cut pasta so I just want to show you some really bad attempts right this is bad this is an uneven curl there's this like tear right here that's not a great piece of pasta here's another one super thick right here that's gonna be crunchy so maybe I'll squash it out see but do you get the difficulty making this is that if this part is really thick and the inside is really thin then you're gonna have overcooked pasta here and then undercooked pasta on the edges that's a key aspect of difficulty about making or Ketty fresh pastas does not ever become al dente because it was never dried to begin with it's only when you dry a pasta do you get an out dente so there you have it over Ketty we'll finish off the dish next episode I just want to shout out to all my patrons right now I just have to like really tell you from the bottom my heart especially now the fact that you guys are supporting me really means the world to me it creates a little bit of stability and comfort for me so I do really appreciate all you patrons everyone who watches my videos and supports this channel even a view of these videos is very supportive for me right now so just want to thank you all hope you are all safe pasta making is therapy so I hope you guys try this I hope you make it with your kids and I hope that you guys can nail it that's all I have today I'll see you next time until then take care of yourself go feed yourself stay home stay safe and stay cooking you
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Keywords: how to make FRESH ORECCHIETTE by hand (Pasta Fatta A Mano), evan funke, evan funke pasta, pasta grannies, bari puglia orecchiette, homemade pasta, handmade pasta, pasta fatta a mano, semolina flour dough, flour and water pasta, how to make pasta dough without egg, no egg pasta dough, how to make orecchiette, how to make, orecchiette (food), fresh pasta, orecchiette pasta, italian pasta, how to make pasta dough, fresh pasta without machine, fresh pasta dough recipe
Id: 8WaaR78Zpwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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