How To Make DUST MOTES In UE5! (Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial)

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hello everybody so today I'm going to go over how I set up this mode effect up for the environmental Effect series I'm going to go over how the textures are set up and how to put them in a particle system please let me know if you have any questions comments or you have any request please leave them in the comments hope you enjoy all right then let's get started so for an effect like this what I generally tend to do is to split them up into two different textures so one texture which is going to be 12 x 12 uh is a cluster texture so what I mean by that is I'm going to have a texture that has a cluster of modes uh in the in just one place so for example you would have something like this you would add it into a particle system and then you would have that in the world so to actually achieve something like this what I like to do is to do a layering effect so I would have four different layers at four different opacities and then have them be in this texture and then when I put it into the world it looks like there is like a really large amount of particles where in reality there is only just this secture and there's a lot of depth to it so let's say for example if you're trying to do a cluster but you only have like something like this as the modes that's not going to be feasible because when you're actually trying to give the player the illusion of depth this is not it because it has just one gradient what you trying to do is for example like for frame one oh sorry layer one I would do 25% of the opacity Layer Two 50% of the opacity Layer Three is 75% and layer four is going to be the 100% so when you get to a point where you're trying to actually do the modes you want to do them layer by layer so for example I'm going to start with the 25% and then just do something like this and then I would move to the 50% layer and then just add a little bit here and there try not to like do something like this because it's going to overshadow the background and you don't want that just want like some smaller uh we just want some smaller clusters so I I went a bit too much here if I go back yeah that should be fine then I'm going to move on to the 75% and then the 100% so as you can see even though I did it in four layers you can still see that there is a lot of depth in here so if you see for example if I move 's say just one of them like this you can still see that the background the for midr and foreground it has a lot of depth and that's what I'm looking for and one thing you can also do to give it that extra level of detail and level of complexity is to add a little bit of uh blur so what I'm going to do is turn them all off except for one then go uh filter blur and gaj blur so for this one I'm going to start at one and then every layer you go uh up like for example 25 is one this is going to be 50 75 uh sorry 25 and then maybe this one is zero or3 so let's say for this one is going to be say7 because I don't think you can do 75 and then for the next one would be BL 2.5 for this and then for the last one it would be uh blur question blur and uh two so that way you can see like you still have the depth but now it's just an extra layer of uh complexity in it because the background is a bit blur and it gets sharper in the front and that's what you're looking for I think that's a little bit too sharp so I'm going to add one more yeah I think that should be fine so yeah uh that's it for this texture uh and I would just save as a copy and go to TGA and call this modes so for the next texture is just going to be oh actually sorry I didn't merge them that's what I needed to do just in case okay so for the next texture I'm basically going to do just one uh Moe One Singular Mo so yeah uh for this one you really don't need to go to a higher resolution you can actually go down to 128 or 256 I'm I'm going to go to 128 cuz that's just going to be easier for me to deal with going also add a new layer change this into a darker background and you're just going to grab a brush just a normal one oh right also for the other one I used the splatter brush just FYI for this one I'm going to go into the softer brushes and just I think this is fine honestly yeah uh that's good to go I'm going to also save this as a copy and Targo and instead of Ms I'm just going to call it Mount uh but yeah uh that's it for the textures so in unreal I'm going to actually import them to the textures just making sure it actually looks good perfect I think you can see it here more than in Photoshop but as you can see like the front is a bit sharper the background is a bit blurry and this is what you're looking for when you're looking at depth actually you can even reuse this for like dust uh no not dust sorry uh grit and for example sand and other things so it's not just like for modes just a small tip uh but yeah okay so I'm going to go to materials make a new one called this mcore Moes okay so for this uh okay so I'm going to start with the behavior and then gradually go to the texture itself so what you would expect from something like this is when you get closer to it to slowly start to fade away and then when you back out it slowly gets into perspective so to do something like that you would want a pixel depth with a sphere mask so what this fear mask does is basically just gives you a um a radius of a sphere but what I'm using the pixel depth for is how far it is uh how far the texture is going to be or like the origin point of the actual effect so let's say for example I have I'm just going to do a constant of 20 I think it's better to show uh so I'm going to do it 20 so for example the further I get away from this the more it's going to disappear so if I increase actually decrease this and let's say Okay so the further away I get the more it's going to fade so now if I wanted to have this as a uh effect where the closer I get the more it fade I'm just going to have to have a y minus which is going to invert this result so if I look at it the closer I get to it the more it starts to fade that's the type of effect that I'm looking for so now that I have what I'm what I want uh I'm going to do a texture call this modes and I'm going to do particle color because I want to control the alpha in this I'm going to do a multiply another multiply to get the shortcut for the multiply is uh left uh M hold M and left click okay so I'm just going to use green channel for this okay next I'm going to add a depth fade so if this uh if this texture inter or the particle interacts with any object this is going to give it that fade line so it doesn't have like a harsher line uh when it interacts with anything so next I'm just going to multip LLY it here I take a look at it actually let's change this translucent unlit not sure if you can see it but it's right here so if I just kill this here you would have your modes and as soon as I add this because I'm closer to it they're going to disappear and the more I back out the more they appear and that's what I'm looking for with this okay uh next I'm going to convert this to a texture parameter I'm just call it texture so after saving this I'm just going to make a material instance and add the other texture in here because I don't need to do two materials that does exactly the same thing so I'm just going to do create material instance and just change this here into this one and I think you can see it more with this than the other one oh yeah that's of the effect that I'm looking for okay so now that I don't need this I am going to go to the particle system and create an Niagra system uh an empty one and call this uh n sore modes so I'm just going to actually add it in the world just so I can also see it all right so for this one I'm going to the material modes and do a burst let's say five see if it's in here yep okay I'm just going to increase the size so I can actually see it uh uniform as you can see it's right here so now as you can see the closer I get to it the more it fads okay all right so now a couple of things I want this to be basically playing forever so I'm going to uncheck this box and this is going to live basically forever uh go to sell infinite go once and then infinite that way no matter how many times this like resets it wouldn't matter it will just always be the same so couple of things you can leave it this way and you can just add it to your world that's fine uh personally I just like to add a couple of things to it just to give it that more of a depth and complexity so let's see uh for the burst I'm going to do actually five is fine and I'm going to add a shape location so now you have more oh not sure it worked I think did actually that's fine I'm just going to do this r Sprite random so now every time or whenever it spawns it spawns randomly so you don't have to worry about that yep as you can see like there is this bit of depth in there so that's what I'm looking for okay next I am going to add a little bit of um curl noise fix issue Oh wrong place need to put it on the particle update okay I don't want it to basically go infinitely because this is a infinitely uh a particle with infinite life so I don't want it to just go off into the distance so I'm going to add a drag and set it to like maybe two I think that looks all right but yeah this is how you set up the first uh kind of effect and for the other one uh let me see also if you wanted to change anything for with the um uh if you wanted to change the alpha or anything you you can set it up here or you can set it up in a color um and uh here we can set up a color and just change it over here it's up to you uh usually at this point is just an artistic choice so yeah uh let me delete this one so I'm just going to uncheck this add an emitter and Another Empty one I'm just going to do another malt and for this one let's see also burst see 20 and for the system it's also going to be a infinite so you set it to once and infinite then here you just uncheck this one and it will live infinitely uh let's see next I'm going to do the same with the other one and add a uh shape to break up the actual um shape of it uh add a uh random rotation and add a random uh no not a random sorry a unifor oh yeah sorry yeah yeah yeah random uniform so that way you would have uh different sizes and that's what I want want for example uh for this one let's do 2x 5 okay that's not bad and also I'm going to add a little bit of curl noise to this I'm just going to increase the size because I can't see them anymore okay also for this one I'm going to add a drag set it up to three okay I'm going to add a bit more to this because I kind of want it to be a large surface area Okay uh let see okay all right I think it should be fin this way so I'm just going to put it back to that same size also the difference between this one and the other one and why I set up set it up the way I did for example this has 20 particles spawning this has only five and I can even put it back to like two or one and it still looks more full than these particles and that's why I would do something like this for example so if I turn this back on and I go back a little bit oh right I killed the alpha on them see this effect looks more full and it has the movement it has everything that it needs the other effect unfortunately looks just it looks nice don't get me wrong but if you wanted something as uh with more complexity and depth for like an indoor scene or like a cinematic cut or whatever it is this would work better if you wanted something that is like simple it's in the game you're just going to pass it once and that's it it's not going to be on camera or everything you just set it up set it like for example to 50 and you should be fine and good to go as long as it doesn't affect performance that's the one rule
Channel: Mad VFX
Views: 7,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5 Dust Motes, game fx, niagara, niagara effect, niagara tutorial, realtime, realtimevfx, rtvfx, ue4 niagara vfx, ue5, ue5 niagara, ue5niagara, unreal engine 4 vfx, unreal engine 5, unreal engine niagara tutorial, unreal engine tutorial, unreal engine vfx tutorial, fx, unreal engine, unreal 5 dust particles, unreal engine 5 dust particles, unreal engine 5 dust
Id: sifiCzi_hxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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