How to Make Dolsot Bibimbap (Korean Rice Bowl) and the Best Korean Fried Chicken Wings

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[Music] today on America's Test Kitchen Julia and Bridget make a spectacular Korean rice ball Adam shows Bridget his pick for the best fighter Skinner and Dan makes Julia the ultimate Korean fried chicken wings it's all coming up right here on America's Test Kitchen last night I made bibimbap at home and Ian and I tore through the pot like a pair of hungry sharks cuz the stuff is just addictive there's that sweet and spicy sauce there's the fried egg there's the garlicky vegetables on top but the best part is that crunchy rice that sits on the outside of the pot and that sounds like comfort food nirvana I mean bibimbap is basically the mac and cheese of Korean food yeah except it's healthy and the coolest thing is that you don't need to own a traditional pot known as a dull saw in order to get that layer of crunchy rice you can just use a Dutch oven and make it family-style well it sounds like I'm going to want a whole dole saw to myself so how are we gonna get started well first up let's focus on making the rice and when you're choosing the rice you want to make sure you use a short grain white rice which is often labeled sushi rice because that cooks up to a nice sticky consistency and will give you that crust so we have two and a half cups of unrest or crane white rice we're gonna add it to a pot two and a half cups water we're gonna add three quarters of a teaspoon of salt and we're just gonna bring this to a boil over high heat and then once it's boiling we're gonna put the lid on turn the heat down to low and let it go for seven minutes now that will cook the rice through but I'll get it started sounds good all right so while the rice cooks let's go on to some of the other components that make this dish so amazing first this is Korean chili paste known as a gochujang you've probably been reaching over it for years at the supermarket because once you notice it you'll see it everywhere and once you have this stuff in your pantry you're gonna use it in everything a little dab'll do you all the time perfect all right so here's a quarter cup of it you can give it a smell oh yeah yeah it's equal parts spicy and sweet and to this we're gonna thin it out with a little water and this is three tablespoons of water we're gonna little bit of that toasted sesame oil really rounds out the flavor so this is two tablespoons toasted sesame oil last but not least a teaspoon of sugar it's easy as that you just whisk this all together and really you could put this sauce on anything I could drink this sauce fried eggs mmm sauce goes on Oh sandwiches you name it hot dogs hamburgers my left foot all right that's it we're gonna set this aside all right so that rice is set aside it is nice and cooking over low heat so now it's time to focus on the toppings which can be the most fun part of eating bibimbap and we're just gonna focus on three easy to find vegetables including carrots shitake mushrooms and spinach now to help give these vegetables some good flavor we're gonna make a little scallion garlic sauce start with a half a cup of water and to this we're gonna add three minced scallions three tablespoons of soy sauce three garlic cloves that are nicely minced last but not least a little more sugar with a tablespoon of sugar all right so let's set this aside now it's time to start cooking the vegetables and we're gonna cook them in batches so if they all maintain a perfect doneness I have a teaspoon of vegetable oil heating up in this stretch of it we're just looking for a good shimmer and this is over high heat I see some shimmer so we're gonna add our carrots and this is three shredded carrots we're gonna stir these around mmm and now we're gonna start to add some flavor and I'm gonna add a third of this garlic scallion mixture yeah oh yeah oh yeah tasting vegetables you've ever had we're just gonna cook this for a minute or two we're gonna let that liquid reduce out and those carrots of us can get tender I still smell so good doesn't it smell good all right leaving you in charge of the carrots mm-hmm now I'm gonna finish prepping the mushrooms now this is eight ounces of shitake mushrooms and I washed them to get rid of any dirt I'm just gonna cut off the stems because the stems are really quite woody they never soften as you cook so I'm gonna discard those I'm just gonna slice these mushrooms into quarter-inch thick slices how those carrots looking looking pretty dry I relinquish the spoon they look perfect so I'm gonna take them out of the pot put them back into their bowl it's good for the carrots now moving on to the mushrooms I'm gonna add another teaspoon of oil to the pot I'm gonna put it back over high heat just give that oil minute to heat up again we're looking for shimmering but that won't take too long because the pots already pretty hot that looks pretty good now we're gonna add our sliced mushrooms again we're gonna give them a quick stir to coat them with oil all right now we're gonna add another dose of this garlic scallion mixture mmm we're gonna cook these for about three to four minutes again till that liquid has been driven off and the mushrooms are tender so back in their bowl they go huge meaty smell that filled the kitchen in goes another teaspoon of oil back over high heat all right so that oil is nice and hot now we're adding 10 ounces of curly spinach now that's just the spinach you get in those cellophane bags it's already triple washed it's already stem all you have to do is give it a quick chop we're just gonna stir this around get it coated with oil and then last but not least the rest of our flavorful scallion garlic mixture now spinach cooks pretty quickly so this is only gonna take a minute or two mmm all right I'm warning you once you have one bite of this it's all over my eyes roll back into my head now we're gonna use this pot to make that really incredible rice crust but before I do that I'm gonna give it a quick wipe out with some damp paper towels get a nice clean surface and a little bit of junk left in there is okay all right there we go then we're gonna let this sit for just a second because the timing here gets a little tricky we're coming to the finish line yes and fried eggs or what covers this dish and making fried eggs is hard to do right but we figured out a way involves using the right size pan so we have a 10-inch nonstick pan here I put a little oil in the pan I'm gonna put 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil I'm gonna let this heat up over low heat for 5 minutes back to our Dutch oven I'm gonna add tablespoons of vegetable oil and to that I'm gonna add one tablespoon of toasted sesame oil gives that crust layer a really good flavor we're gonna put this back over high heat and now it is time to add the rice so this rice has been sitting off heat for 15 minutes I'm just gonna put all the rice in the pot yeah good sound mmm-hmm so I'm just gonna take this spatula and I'm gonna pack the rice down into a nice tight layer across the bottom of the pan and you you know that sound means it's gonna get nice and golden Oh serious crusty crispness on the bottom of that right mm-hmm all right so we're gonna let this cook for about two minutes no we're gonna come back and finish it up all right it's coming to the finish line yes so this is for the eggs and this pans been on low heat again for five minutes and it's time to add four large eggs mmm and we're just gonna put a lid on or am i cook this for two minutes until those yolks or running fried eggs should go on everything I agree so this has been sitting on high heat for two minutes now I'm gonna turn the heat to low and I'm gonna start to put the vegetables on top we're gonna start with some carrots next we're gonna add the mushrooms last but not least this spinach mm-hmm okay come on you've got admit this is gorgeous what's going on here in the pot all right so this can hang out on low that's gonna continue to make that gorgeous crust on the bottom all right these eggs are making some good noise aha perfectly cooked and now the fun part sliding them right on the top of the pot this dish besides being addictive it's fun to make we're just gonna drizzle it some of this spicy sauce I'm on I know now bibimbap in the Korean language translates to something bibim means to mix and bop means rice so right now we're gonna mix up the rice with these gorgeous toppings but I'm not gonna disturb that bottom crust layer I'm gonna leave that guy alone okay and when the yolks mix into that rice with the sauce I mean come on mm-hmm I always thought that bibimbap meant get it in Bridget's belly as fast this is serious comfort food all right I love sloppy meals like this well it looks so pretty and then you get to go mess it up it's like being a kid when you build a tower and knock it down but wait no longer my friend I'm gonna pile this high for you I can tell mm-hmm I could take it joy I know all right I'm gonna scrape down and get some of that good rice oh yeah may I put a little hot sauce on your bowl yes I would love a little bit of hot sauce last but not least some fresh pickles so it's great we have all those savory flavors from the bibimbap and then we have the tangy pickles and the fiery sauce mmm yeah I love the little hits of egg that I'm getting it almost every bite I ate this just last night and I'm happy to eat it again well as it turns out you don't need a dull saw or a stone pot to make incredible bibimbap at home make a spicy sweet sauce with gochujang a thick chili paste then saute shredded carrots mushrooms and spinach separately each with a little bit of that soy sauce garlic and scallion make sure and for the requisite rice crust first boil unrests short grain rice then press the cooked rice in a single air into that Dutch oven top the rice with sauteed vegetables and fried eggs and finally stir it all together to incorporate the rice press into the dish and there you have it from our Test Kitchen to your kitchen an extraordinary recipe for Korean rice bowl or dosa bibimbap thank you [Music] sundays mean making donuts in the lancaster kitchen and nothing skip says fried goodies out of the hot oil faster than a spider skimmer adam is here to tell us which one is best i want to talk about the donut good I'm coming to your house next Sunday alright that's a great example when you are scooping something like a donut out of hot oil that you're frying it in you don't really want to use one of these slotted spoons you want to use a spider skimmer because it's got an open basket the oil is gonna drain a lot faster a lot more efficiently a lot more safely we have a lineup here of six different spider skimmers they range in price from a low of twelve dollars for this one to a high of 41 dollars and sixty eight cents for this one that's a lot of spider skimmer now there were a couple of fine design features that made a difference to our testers in terms of the performance going into this I would have guessed that the diameter of the basket would have made a difference but it didn't really these were all pretty close to five inches I also would have guessed maybe that it was the type of wire this is the old style right here with a thin wire mesh this one is the new style with a slightly thicker wire it's smoother and it's concentric circles what made the difference for the testers was the depth of the basket they didn't want a basket that was too shallow say less than an inch because it didn't hold as much it wasn't quite as secure with like big pieces of fried chicken it took more passes to clear the pot they also didn't like one that was too deep say two inches deep just because it felt a little unwieldy especially when they were trying to empty it out so what was ideal for our testers was something right in between this one has a basket depth of 1.3 three inches and it was in that one to one-and-a-half inch range that people like the best so that's the basket we'll talk about the handle also most of these have handles that are right around 10 inches and that was a good length through our testers because it gives you plenty of distance from hot oil testers particularly like this one because it's got a rubberized grip it's a generously sized grip and you know your hands get a little slick with oil when you're pulling Donuts Anna hot Oh are you getting the picture so they liked this nice generously sized grippy grip here this was our winning spider skimmer this is the kuhn rikon spider skimmer in the small size it was nineteen dollars and sixty nine cents and it had everything that they liked you know it had a basket depth of 1.3 three inches so right in that sweet spot nice long handle nice generous grip the weight was about four ounces so it wasn't too heavy it had a nice nimble feel you can use this to scoop out my donut and I have to say that the basket size is about the same size as the donuts I make I'll plan that very carefully well there you go if you're gonna be making donuts at home then you should have two kuhn rikon spider skimmer small for 1969 I love chicken wings and that's because I grew up in Rochester New York which is just outside of Buffalo and I've eaten them my entire life and I know I'm pretty much a traditionalist Korean chicken wings have gotten my attention because they're super crisp and they have this really cool sweet but spicy sauce and these wings are fairly traditional Korean food right Dan that's right now Julie by the end of today your family and Rochester's gonna disown you because you were gonna fall completely in love with Korean chicken are the best so buffalo wings they stay crispy for what two minutes yeah an opportunity these things are so crispy you can even for breakfast the next thing out of the fridge still crispy there's no leftovers in my house no that's not last that long so in Korea the chickens are actually really small so they use a whole bird that's broken down into pieces here in the States chicken wings are the best approximation so the first thing we're going to talk about is the batter now unlike southern fried chicken where it's all about getting a really thick heavy coating that's crunchy we're looking for a super thin and shadowy crisp so to that and we're gonna use a pretty thin batter for this we're gonna start with a cup of all-purpose flour and we're gonna add three tablespoons of cornstarch we saw recipes that actually inverted this or use all cornstarch while gets crispy you don't get any browning because there's no real protein and cornstarch but there isn't flour so here we get nice browning next up we're gonna have water and this is a fair amount of water it's a cup and a half yeah that looks like a lot of water it does and it's gonna look like a very thin batter you're gonna feel like you did it wrong at first boy that really is it been better it almost looks like the consistency of heavy cream no it's a very thin one and that's on purpose cool so that is perfect there now let's go on to our wings we're gonna use three pounds sometimes you can buy them and they're nice and prepped for you I love it when that happens it's great and then you can choose like which ones you want I can you get more of the flats and where the drum adds but sometimes you get them like this and then it's good to know how to break them down so I'm just gonna split down the middle there's a little joint right there that if you hit it it's super easy if you don't it feels like it's gonna be impossible to get through so just take your time and you can find that is a good way to go I also like to take off this little tip you can fry it up these are actually pretty big ones so I feel like I would probably eat that but in general you want to take them off well there's no meat in there but it's just good skin rush it depends on how far you wanna go down right so right down the middle I'm getting lucky I'm hitting a lot of these that goes in there tip over there these are good for stock too if you fry a lot of wings or you have a back leftover from something else lots of collagen lots of flavor in there okay so we've got our wings we've got our batter nice to set up a little station as we move yeah look at that I've got two quarts of oil over here this is vegetable oil so it's good for frying we wanted at 350 degrees that's good we're a little bit over that's okay so we're gonna do is add half of our wings to the batter here we'll stir them around get them nice and coated okay so I'm going to do one wing at a time let it drip a little bit you don't want too much excess it just falls off kind of dirt is your oil up and then we're gonna pop it in here just give it a little time to set on the outside and then release I love that sound when the oil just starts to foam up it's the best well I also like the trick that you're holding it in the oil with tongs for a minute letting that coating is set before you let it go so that when it falls to the bottom the coating doesn't fall off exactly yep okay and the last one of this batch so you can see these wings are starting getting a little golden oh yeah this is definitely set but they're not done at this point this is perfect though this is the first fry and we want to get them out still that bad right that's pretty crisp so I'm gonna leave those aside I'm gonna bring my oil back up to 350 and I'm gonna get the rest of the wings going and just do the same again nice and gentle so we're gonna hold them in there just a second let that exterior set here's the interesting trivia fact did you know that chicken wings are white meat not dark meat they are yeah I always thought they were kind of like a combo yeah which doesn't make any sense well yes it's pretty interesting it's hard to think of them as white meat because they've got so much collagen and skin around them but we actually do some tests here in the kitchen and found that when you remove everything else and just look at the meat it's much more like breast meat because it's used in the same way that breast meat is really rapid bursts of flight but they're not using it like their legs to stand on and walk around that's right so we've got another seven minutes here and then we're gonna take them out let them rest again and then we'll do our final fry so we've got our second batch out here and that needs to rest for at least five minutes the other batch obviously has gone longer but it's just important that it has a lease five minutes to sit okay so and you can actually go about two hours at room temperatures fine if they really cool down you may just need to go a little longer in the oil for that final fry what has gotten sod right it's like the steam from inside the chicken wing really came through the crust and some day out of it exactly so we got to fix that problem right okay so I'm gonna put them back in I'm actually gonna put all of them in this time okay so we found that we could actually skimp on that last fry and do them all together because they're already pretty warm so they don't drop the oil too much and we're coming up to 375 degrees instead of 350 years it's an extra 25 degrees to kind of work with whoo that is a happy looking pot it looks good yeah I love it when the oiled is like that all happy and active so we're gonna let this go for another seven minutes I'm going to get really nice and golden-brown and that gives us time to work on our sauce here and this is a super complex sauce I love buffalo sauce I think it's like one of the American mother sauces right very important but this sauce is really incredible so it's sweet it's spicy it's got everything going on we're gonna start with a tablespoon of toasted sesame oil a lot of good flavor there then I have a teaspoon each of garlic this is minced garlic and ginger so these are aromatics it really helps if they see some heat with this oil yeah I was gonna say you're but you're putting them into the sauce Rock you know what I'm gonna use is this really cool new thing we call a science oven also knows I'm a microwave we're gonna go 40 to 60 seconds on this bloomed all right that's perfect so we're looking for it to be really aromatic but we don't want it to brown at that point okay so now we're gonna have the rest of our ingredients we've got a quarter cup of water 3 tablespoons of sugar we have 3 tablespoons of gochujang which is so important to this dish right it's great in binman Bop it's a fermented red pepper paste seek this stuff out because you're gonna use it on everything right mixing a mayonnaise it's the new it sauce so we've got a tablespoon of soy sauce as well so I'm just gonna whisk this together that's it that's it really really simple that is very simple okay that sauce looks perfect we've been seven minutes here let's take a look gonna be happy these look amazing oh yeah look at those so that's the beauty of the double fry right there yeah yeah I mean it really looks like fried chicken it doesn't just look like wings it has that golden brown of good fried chicken exactly we're gonna let these wings sit here for about two minutes and that's so that that hot crust which is a little flexible still is gonna set into place so we put it in the sauce that isn't SOG out time to put them in the sauce though a little bit hot so I'm gonna use my tongs oh you hear that oh I don't have much self-control left I'm using it all right now let's just dive headfirst into that bowl so we're just gonna give us a little toss here it's like tossing rocks in a bowl except they're spicy and you want them oh you can really hear that that's crazy and put them back on the tray here so they're not sitting in that moisture and kind of getting trapped there spread them out beautiful two minutes and then we kick it man I have to go be crispy or for it promise all right they're fine okay I can tell you're right there's no pretense here there's no tongs just oh we're just gonna go over there my manners just left yeah the sauce is getting all over it's gonna be messy mmm that's so good damn Dan James man it's so crispy hmm Dan you have outdone yourself this is by far one of my favorite all-time your recipes excellently at 92 so four killer Korean chicken wings make a loose batter made of flour cornstarch and water and after coating the wings with batter double fry them with a five minute rest in between for a sturdy super crisp coating that can withstand the test of time finally toss the wings with a classic sweet and spicy Korean sauce so there you have it from our Test Kitchen to your kitchen a brand new recipe for Korean fried chicken wings you can get this recipe all the recipes from this season along with our tastings testing and selected episodes on our website America's Test Kitchen calm thanks for watching America's Test Kitchen what you think we'll leave a comment and let us know which recipes you're excited to make or you can just say hello you can find links to today's recipes and reviews in the video description and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel see you later I'll see you
Channel: America's Test Kitchen
Views: 222,758
Rating: 4.9019651 out of 5
Keywords: americas test kitchen, cooking, cooking show, how to, public television, bibimbap, dolsot bibimbap, bibimbap sauce, korean fried chicken, bibimbap nurungji, best spider skimmer, korean chicken, how to make bonchon chicken, how to make kyochon chicken, yang nyum chicken, yang nyum tong dak, fried chicken, fried chicken wings, chicken wings, korean food
Id: Sqs3gsk3OFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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