How to make DIY Harley Quinn Confetti Jacket from scratch

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FandangoPanda 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi hi everyone it's the LES and welcome back to my channel my channel is all about cosplay I teach you tutorials on how to make the outfit how to do the makeup so you can become the character of your dreams today is the highly queen of birds-of-prey jacket this is the confetti jacket and I hope you guys enjoy this tutorial I did cover this in my previous video with Dina and I rewatched it it is so short so now you're gonna get it extra long video make sure to click that red button down below to subscribe to never miss out on any of my future videos if you have any questions leave a comment down below I promise I will get back to you and without further ado and making this video too much longer let's start the tutorial so here we have the jacket and the jacket without the sleeves this is what we're going to be talking about most of the time and then we'll go into the sleeves itself now if you want to be lazy and taking the easier route and just buy a jacket by all means I do recommend that so it is a little bit different than what you see here because she has it open so the designer of the jacket is actually Michelle Foresta and I've already started denoting what you'll need for the jacket supplies I'll be using clear plastic material or PVC you can get this at many different craft stores a long black zipper a belt buckle and some eyelets you'll need metal buttons and black ribbon for the trim or you can use bias tape either or and make sure you have black thread and a nice pair of sharp scissors so you get this going I do not recommend using hand sewing for this project only be using a sewing machine and then you'll need the stuff for the sleeves which is blue green holographic pink and caution tape and these say like ribbing pieces or door fringe so I already decided to make a mock-up of what it's going to look like so you're going to see it looks like a motorcycle jacket the front part is essentially three different pieces you have the different neck piece here which is the collar you have the front giant piece you have the side piece and that goes for both sides one side is going to be bigger than the other one side is actually going to go on top of the other with the zipper so make sure that they're both the same and that they can cross over and then you add this random little fake pocket you have two little straps that go at the top and then adult loops at the bottom you can sporadically place it but they're not very visual when you add the sleeves and then the back the back has its own little detail of one single seam and here halfway up and then it cuts into a two separate piece additional pieces you're going to see that there's this little pocket flap belt loops here and the belt and then you have this little epaulette shoulder thing so that's just a tiny little scrap piece of plastic that you can use for that this is a very advanced costume and it is not for the faint of heart so if you're ready let's go ahead and get into this tutorial and make sure your sewing machine is oiled up for my pattern I'm actually going to be making it from scratch so what I'm going to be doing is taking the measurements that I need I want this jack in it to be a pretty big so I will start off with the chest itself which is 41 inches I want to make sure that my paper this morning is 1 each's wide first so I created a paper by taping it surface area is flat I'm going to work the Frog and by working across I have perfect 42 for seam allowance and for extra cutting areas so now I'm going to go ahead and fold this in half yep now it's folded in half it's the perfect wits that I need look at that doesn't happen often next I'm going to find the length that I'm going to need from the top to bottom and the length is actually going to be 40 enough 19 inches so I'm going to go from the top piece to the bottom sheets and go for 20 inches for extra seam allowance of the shoulders and I'm going to mark this around so that way it is perfectly even I do not have a straight edge unfortunately so this will have to do I'm going to just continue marching until I get the correct length ie all right a decent length I'm gonna draw a line I'm going to use a book so there's one side and use the other side here is ox we're gonna cut it off at the bottom after we get this next part so this is going to become the jacket but the first we need to cut out the shoulders and sleep seems so yeah let's go ahead and just cut this in half so I'm going to cut you in half all right good thing about paper is you can always tape it back together okay if you mess up a paper so this is going to be my front piece I could piece I'm going to right now so this is now the front mark your patterns so you know exactly where it is and then this is going to be the back so the back I'm also going to fold now that the fact is folded I'm going to go ahead and make the line for the scene here this is going to be cut and then I'm going to draw draw kind of the shape that I want from one side I only really need to cut it on one side so now that that's right there that's like here we're going to slightly curved it just like the actual designers so here I like to draft a little bit it's kind of does this strange little curve like this that's too high we're gonna start a little lower make a little bit less of a giant curve this is how you get back together that you want this seems like a very giant jacket you are absolutely correct this doesn't exactly fit Carly clay in mind you so just snow back top times two and then this is back middle and then you can actually go like this unfold we're gonna call this the back bottom piece so you can see we need two of these two pieces now we need a scoop out the neckline so the neckline is very important the next we have is eight inches so we want to go for 10 so for that we want about five inch curves I'll let me have that curve that's the neck now we need the sweetness shoulder the shoulder seen here which is going to be 8 inches oh that's perfect so the eight inches and then we're just going to make a nice line you're gonna have nice big sleeves make sure you measure your sleeves appropriately so now we're going to make a sleep hole because this isn't so big we're going to just lightly go like this you want room for the sleep to move and that is going to become all right back pattern so I'm gonna cut this out on this side which way I want to keep the front where it is right now and then you can actually mark this as sweevil something kind of funny so if you want to go back to the front let's go ahead and do that so the front it's gonna have the exact same sleeve hole keep in mind this is just sketching it doesn't have to be as prettiest you want to make sure that these holes line up and that they're big enough for the entire theme of the sleeve so this is going to end just here that's fine but the jacket has a nice bell curve so what you want to do now it's not too big but you're like this make sure it's a nice straight theme for the side and it'll curve the way that you would like it label this as side front and you'll need two of these and then you can be like armhole cool right so now I'm here at the top you need also eight inches for your good neckline you can always scoop out more of your neck if necessary you don't have to do that so this is what it looks like now you're probably wondering about this lapel piece we'll get to that in a second let's go ahead and cut those pieces out now all right so this is front piece because we want the lapel to come out we wanted to fold over like this this is where the neckline is so instead what you want to do is drag it out just a bit more oops so it's five to six extra inches times two and then go ahead because it needs to be straight you can either a me okay so now we're gonna have this piece I'm going to go ahead and cut up its hop hold this root down so I can see it just a tiny bit better so you can see that this is now an exaggerated front opening so it looks like that this back piece it's not cut yet so when I fold it over it'll create the lapel that I want so both here so just about an inch more right there so now we have friends so what I want to do is make sure that when I go cross over this is still too long so I'm gonna cut off about about a little bit more so now when it comes over they look like this yes this is this is exactly how I want it so that was still about six inches this before watch now we're going to cut that you're probably wondering why does it look like this that's because the colored piece at the top brackets on here gets attached to the bottom like Michele doesn't look like much right now but it will look like something this trust me cool so now this is the front pieces cut out looks pretty nice so this includes the sweet hole I might might add a tiny bit more right here on the side only because it says it just has so much has so much not space and I feel like underneath your arm you should have at least a good amount of space in between I'm gonna go back and add about two inches so it actually gives a nice under arm curve when you have an arm it doesn't just have like a slight you're not equate so what you want to do is add a little bit because you should have a shoulder so it should look like this and then you could always test it out so first you make your pattern and then test it out cuz no one is a flat piece of paper so you need to add dimension I will go ahead and cut the rest so they have an extra back just in case so we're gonna just straight back top so this is still the same piece it's just the inverse so if you have a lot of pieces that you can't pull it over on your PVC go ahead and cut it out like this now that I have all of the basic pieces of the jacket I'm just gonna go back and add about a few inches just add tape alright I know it's a little dark but I will work on that so now I'm going to just take the piece of paper cool now that I have it where it wants a little too long but the other side needs to be reinforced so it's not flimsy so you guys probably think this is waste paper no I like to recycle my patterns no shame I'm wasting tape so takes can go right here you're probably wondering why I'm using packing tape because it's bigger and lasts a lot longer than scotch tape also be very like a dollar fifty Tiger Copenhagen so the cheapest cutting the tape so here we go that duct tape cost 20 so nope so now I am going to fold this over make sure it's nice and even looks like that now I'm just gonna cut it off and then I'm going to go hot see on this because I don't want it to be too small but I don't want it to be too big on the under sleeve now we're going to work on the sleeve pattern later and that's because we want to make sure that the clear best part is complete first so just in case if you guys aren't good at the other parts such as drafting so now that we already have this part I'm going to show you looks like this for the jacket front keep in mind not all of this now we need to make the little pocket piece here so anothers here this is way too big of a scrap so we're going to remove some of the scrap like this much yeah it's not a big pocket but because this is a slightly bigger jacket I wanted to emphasize on the shape so now we just need to fold it in half make sure it is we're working on the pocket piece now so we're floating a piece of paper in half and then making sure it's a nice sharp curve fit and now you have your pocket no this is really why I don't like that so what I'm gonna do so I want to see what this looks like I'm gonna cut off just so much no wait that wasn't a straight cut so now I'm going to cut yeah they're perfect so this goes here and then we'll have belt loops and everything else cool alright guys okay we'll get to the collar piece when we get to it because we don't know if the collar piece is recked right now so it'll trim over like this but add the zipper and then on the other side on the other side you'll add the zipper here and then it'll flip open still like this so it looks really good that's what we did with Tina's jacket let me know it with the comment down below how you guys are following this tutorial I know it's a little dark this is the material that I will be using for the jacket base you saw this exactly in Tina's video with me the collaboration of the first Harley Quinn video this is a very thin PVC it smells like I wish you could hear it it's pretty crunchy sounding and you can see it has no stretch this is pure plastic now this leaves I will again be using the same holographic fun mermaid print this is because I don't use that much and I think it would be really cool to have underneath for the sleeves so now what I'm going to do is put the pattern pieces on top of this and making sure that I have enough space for the entire vest I don't know if you can see this but there's actually a lot of creases in my pleather PVC this is totally not perfect I don't know if you could see this but there's actually a lot of creases in my PVC and it is not going to make for a great cut so what we're going to do is iron it you're probably thinking you can't iron it it's plastic you're a thousand percent correct but you can iron it let me show you what you want to do is have your plastic laid out in a space on your ironing board lay out your plastic on the ironing board and get a nice thick piece of fabric to go on top so I'm gonna try to use all of this don't go past the fabric by the way set your iron on the lowest setting possible and slowly work your way around now if that's not working for you make it a tiny bit higher but don't go past that you don't want to melt it through the fabric and it here get to the plot like base fabric button and go slowly over multiple times slowly heating up the plastic you're probably thinking wow that sounds really dangerous a thousand percent it is dangerous and to go ahead and open your windows just in case you smell any fumes or put a respirator on again this is because you are heating up plastic that is what PVC is so now you can see I don't have any wrinkles in my material so I'm going to just slowly work my way across making sure that all of it is nice and flat make sure that if there are any creases to get that out of the way first and make sure that your fabric piece is laid flat so then I'm gonna turn up my heat just a tiny bit more make sure to adjust your heat first do not use any steam and slowly work over it if you need to go a little bit hotter because your PVC is thick do not be afraid always do a test strip and then you can go from there now if you're thinking this video is going to be hella long you're absolutely correct because this is going to be a follow along with me tutorial and I'm going to show you step by step in every single process I'm going to upload another quick tutorial on it oh wait that's in the first video so you can go check it out in the first video link in the description or in the cards alright so I'm going to go ahead and iron all of this so it doesn't kill the battery on my camera and I will see you for the next step so now that I have this small scrap piece of PVC ironed out I'm going to go ahead and pin down this little puppet piece that goes on the front right or is it front left well it's on the front and you want to make sure that you don't pin it too many times because one pin makes two holes and the holes will disappear luckily I'm pinning it around the edges and then I'm going to use a black string to go around it twice and make sure to make use of all of your scrap materials so you don't waste any of it remember PVC does not break down because it's plus go ahead and pin it and then cut it out because it's not actually fabric you can use any type of scissors I'm probably going to use some different pair of scissors than my normal fabric scissors only because I don't want to use them that it's not fabric you know but it's a type of fabric so I'm going to keep my woven fabrics for these two big ones which are meant for actual fabric fabric not plastic after you cut out your pocket take the sewing machine make sure your sewing machine is loaded with black thread in the top and in the bottom I'm going to be using my presser foot as a guide so I draw around the perimeter a nice pocket shape the exact shape I'm going to remove the extra strings and that way it doesn't get stuck now I'm switching to a stitch that's further to the left and still using the presser foot as my guide and continuing around making it look like another denim stitch this is pretty easy and just go around really slowly and don't mess up because if you mess up you're gonna have punctured holes and then you have to seam rip and if you seam rip unexpectedly you could actually tear the entire plastic open that's why it's good to be testing it on this small pocket piece first before tackling the rest of the jacket there you can see I have the paces laid out on the PVC now that it's nice and ironed out it seems kind of weird to iron out you our PVC pieces but this is important so that you get enough I actually gained like another inch and a half because I ironed it if you get your PVC nice and straight you don't have to iron it but if there's a crease feel free to do it so I have my pieces laid out on on my plastic or PVC and here you can see I have my back bottom it says cut unfold but there is no fold anymore so I just opened the pattern up I have the back piece here and as a second back piece here I have one side piece because I can fit it then I have one side front you do not have to worry about width or grain on this because it is a solid piece of plastic and does not stretch any which way so let's go ahead pin it down or you can tape it if you want be careful with tape because the residue might stick and then you can from there cut it out I'm gonna pin it just because I know what I'm doing and now it's time to cut it out go ahead and take your time and make sure everything is pinned down and not coming up stop before you any further this is going to interject and it's not going to make a lot of sense because a lot of the footage that I shot does not have the corrected pattern piece so the pattern piece that I have here actually does not include the shoulder seam allowance so basically it just stays okay no it just stays right here it did not account for the top part of the shoulder where it wraps around so what I did do was take apart all the shoulder piece right here and now I'm just gonna add a small little piece this is going to be about two to three inches or 4 inches at this point because it needs that so I'm going to add that in on both sides and then trim away some of the excess so that way I can have more of the sleeves poked out and not hang so far off the shoulder if you have any questions about this part because I messed up in the order process let me know if it gets a little bit weird I'm sorry all right back to the normal part of the tutorial it might look really hard to see right now because it's all clear but go ahead and start painting your pieces together and then we're going to sew it pinning is very simple make sure that you can either use some clips or use your pins very sparingly because this kind of sticks together if you push a little bit hard it'll keep it in place now if you have a few places where you remember that you put your pins or you found the hole of it you can use that instead so I'm going to press really lightly and make sure that it's all together and like it's not coming undone this might not be all for all PVC materials but be careful with what you're working with and now I'm just going to slowly work it together and now I'm going to take it to the sewing machine so this is the side front on the right the left side no yeah the left side and I'm just going to go ahead and take it to my sewing machine hello boobs I'm gonna take it to my sewing machine and then I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to use a regular straight stitch and then sew with this at the pressive edge all right so I got that sewed down I used the basic stitch and I went back and forth making sure that it won't come undone and yes use black thread you can barely see it right here I'm gonna try to make it closer up so now what we want to do is take that seam and push it finger press on to the bigger side this way it's going to be nice and flat if you need to cut it go ahead there seems to be no problems with mine so I'm just going to lay it down on top of it and then I'm going to stitch across the middle of it to keep this seam reinforced this is super important because if you look at it there's a few different seems that they have so they're going to sew it down first and then we are going to top stitch it on the other side making sure that this little piece here is nice and smooth so there should be three stitches per area when you're adjoining the seams of the PVC all right here we go I'm going to go nice and slow make sure that it gets all on the side and it's nice and pressed [Music] stitch just a tiny bit here you can see so now I got a top stitch on this first scene that I made so it's all pressed down and then just sew on top here to make sure that it leaves nicely so I'm going to take get back into the sewing machine and carefully lay it where it needs to go I know this is going to like make sure you are ready to sew this and tada now oh I have the back two top pieces here and then I have the front finished completely over there and now I'm just going to assemble this seam right here before adding the little curved bottom piece it's going to be exactly the same as the front piece I'm going to go ahead and remove this piece here and it's gonna toss it to the side as I know longer need it's over on this side and slightly press it together no and now that it's pressed together taken to the sewing machine and I'm going to sew it together by the way the show that I'm watching is called souls at work oh my there is a long piece of string right here so we gonna slightly pull that out and I'm gonna cut it off now I'm just gonna push it to the it doesn't show which side it's actually pushed to so I'm just going to open this and I'm going to sew it down first and then just go over it so it just looks nice okay isn't that wonderful ladies and gentlemen it'll be so perfect this way this is the most perfect time to add the other one and make sure you clip off all of these extra threads right here so clip away clip away so I have the bottom hair sewn together I'm going to go ahead and pull it upwards and feel the seam here this way topstitch it so I'll have three stitches like here it'll be perfect but alright I got to be careful if you rip this fabric there's no going back it's not even a fabric is it [Music] looking pretty clean and I'll time to ll so it one more time here you can see the beautiful stitching and now the back is complete let's go ahead and attach the sides so now I have my front side I'm going to pin it where it belongs with my jacket piece so make sure you know which side is inside out it would be better if you could tell so this is the right side facing inward so we're going to go ahead and pin the right side facing inward and then pin it at the side first yeah so I'm going to pin it at this side now you're probably wondering why I did add this extra bit here and that's because our side jacket back you have this underarm area that needs to be covered for your sleeve hole so that's what we made by adding that remember all right so we're gonna put the press this together nicely make sure it's a nice even seam and then we're going to go take it and repeat the same process of sewing it together so it'll look like this because I can't take this to a serger so now it's combined together for a little I'm gonna go ahead and snip off this little excess this is a large amount of excess right here now I'm going to fold it towards the back I don't want it to go towards the front and then I'm going to sew it down again and continue from there so now that we got one of the little sides done which looks amazing can you see it yeah maybe not because it's clear it's just floating black thread anyways so here we have the top shoulder piece that I'm going in now I'm going to go ahead and blow a little a little let's pin it together and press really hard on the other parts and I'm going to repeat the same process so now I'm just gonna go ahead and pin it down kind of like this maybe not completely gotta get covered anyways because there's those little top Schiller epaulette kind of looking things palates I don't know what they're called but two of those go there so it'll cover it now there's two okay so there's three so I have to go back and do the exact same thing that I've been doing with every scene so let's go ahead and put it back into the sewing machine so I'm here with my ribbons I want to make sure that these are not going to curl when I unroll them so I'm going to open up my ribbons first on this part and so you can see when I have them come out they're curly and we don't want curly ribbons all of this is at your own discretion so if you want a very thick puffy sleeve use all of the ribbon if you don't want thick puffy sleeves use less ribbon it's up to you what I'm gonna do it's just keep wrapping until I'm happy okay this is the first part of it looking good and this sounds like tiny little knot here this way it all stays now that I got that continue but I think it's easier if you just try to get as much as possible in one go this ribbon doesn't really light you're probably wondering why because Hollow I just think her money's worth it is better if you get pretty ribbon because this one is like 200 meters that's a lot so I'm going to cut here and then I'm going to continue wrapping no do I need a key how long do you want to eat this you don't have to keep it that long honestly as long as it's nice and pots and stretches the fibers it'll be okay probably okay why did you start this because I'm almost at the sleeves sewing doesn't take that long this leads to that's what is the hardest part about this project it's not tangled I just don't know where about knots this big holes mess because I probably dropped why are the fibers so future Celeste decided to fast forward this footage you get the point I hope you need to stretch the little fibers and that way they will not curl when you stir them onto the sleep when you are done tie it off like playing a harp not really but it's fun now another way you can actually do this instead of wrapping it around the table is that you can actually get a box or something up a sort that's really sturdy and you can like this make up brush tip you can actually use this as your winding spot this is the link that I want to use for the link to the tassels you can always give your tassels a haircut but I want it to be kind of precise so it's easier so I'm going to go ahead and use this empty box and recycle it into my tassel maker what I'm going to do is take the tassel ends here put it through the hole and tie a knot first so tie a knot in the hole just like this obviously right don't need to have that much fringe but make sure it's nice and secure now I'm just going to wrap it there's a kink in the blue so this is a problem we don't want any kinks so I'm going to slowly unravel the blue so that we don't have a kink and that way we don't waste any of our material I'm going to start wrapping faster now you're probably wondering can I can I use like cardboard for example I would recommend cardboard but add multiple layers of cardboard because cardboard has a tendency to crease and give way because this is a box it's very structures so I don't put the worried about it so now I could probably just keep going with this method until I'm finished I wanted to show you both methods because this is a very quick way first at the table you have to cut multiple times and you might have it uneven cut so this is so much faster and just make sure that you are being safe and you can do it while watching TV you don't need to lose anything and you know gift wrapping a ribbon is very inexpensive so Tolu hmm so the bottom base in my jacket is uneven what am I going to do so it is the correct length I'm going to take a nice straight edge and go across and figure out what would be the best way for me to go so it looks like I can go like here and slowly move it to here and then it will become perfectly straight now you're probably wondering why don't I just fold over the head because it doesn't look like she has that got to do it on the other side though add your tape measure and now we're going to measure out the length of the collar that we're going to need from point to point basically if in the middle point here all the way to this point here now you're wondering why all the way down the front Center shouldn't we stop here at the shoulder no because we need to make the color flat thingy that I can't remember the name of all right so let's get to measuring slowly it's gonna work my way around be careful this difference I'm gonna take out one of my scrap pieces of paper so I need seven and a half on a curve so seven on a half you're probably thinking why a curve well your neck isn't a perfect line and if you don't curve it it'll be a big problem so this is about the piece that you'll need now I do we what oh that's not gonna work all right cool let's show you one more time it's up seven and a half on a curve now how big do we want our piece depends on so this piece right here the first caller floppy thing that I can't look help is about four inches so we should use something about three inches I'm gonna add a little seam allowance so I'm gonna do about three inches cuz it's not a thing and now it's going to go this draw it out and then do another three inches like this and mark it this might be easier if you didn't use a tape measure probably but for me this is what works and then when you have done it all the way around so like halfway this is kind of what it looks like and this will become your collar piece look at that that's like so good just keep going down seeing if it is three inches the entire way when you are happy time to cut out this pattern piece and then test fit you want to test fit this first before cutting out on your material let's go ahead and move away on our work surface area and kind of just like finger press it together see how you like it if you're unsure about your collar piece when you're working on it go ahead and make it out of tissue paper pin it down lightly and then make sure it lays the way that you want it to I was really scared because I cut out the color piece wrong and I don't have too much material left so now I drafted it with tissue paper you can see that they have new edges I actually reduced this front color a little bit so it's not so thick excuse me gonna burp and then I'm just going around and showing you what it looks like now and it's symmetrical so now that it's all one piece and it looks great I'm going to cut it out so with the collar I decided it's going to be easier if I outline it first and then attach it to the jacket so a line of first two times you don't want to do the inside neckline so leave that open and go on the outside perimeter I decided I just wanted to do this part really quickly you're going to take your pocket and put it on the right side make sure that is flipped upwards because we're going to fold it down afterwards and then sew at the button actually I don't have any button so I'm just going ahead and sew this down in and tuck it down you can pin it but I'm going to stick it really hard onto it and then take it to the sewing machine and do a nice single stitch line here and then lightly finger press it when I'm done so a little exposed it's double here without having a third stitch and that will be the end of the pocket until I get the buttons that will go here just wanted to show you what it looks like so I use some clear thread it's clear nylon polyester thread with some white string so I could see where the stitch is and then I'm going to fold it over and lightly press see how that instantly disappeared it's so nice in the middle you're going to go put a nice little silver button here you can use a snap you can use eyelets like we did I actually have one here and it's going to look like this for this one I'm actually gonna opt it to go get some some actual buttons so yeh so I decided before I add on the collar I'm going to do the little lapel parts here I have a piece of scrap so I'm going to lay it across I'm going to see how much I need obviously I don't need that much and about the width is my thumb so I'm going to take the scrap piece of PVC lay it down and then I'm going to cut out half of it so I'm going to fold it over first and then use some non fabric scissors because you don't want those to get dull and then cut it into a nice rectangle lay it nice and smooth so you don't have any air bubbles or pockets and then cut it out because I cut this on fold I'm going to cut that fold in half making two symmetrical pieces with these new rectangle pieces I folded it in half taking out my scissors and cutting off the tip like a ribbon but inverted so I create a triangle at the tip this is going to make this design for the lapel top cover shoulder piece thing I don't know what those are called but this is what it looks like now we're gonna take it to the sewing machine and give it two lines of stitching make sure you go slow once you read that Chevron point you don't want to mess up and you don't want to have too much so you don't want to go off the edge and you have to do this double so take it easy nice and slow and if you need to go ahead and do one stitch at a time with the hand crank you can see this is what it looks like it's perfect and very ready to attach it take your new pieces I think it looks better in the dark so you can actually see it and take your new pieces that you just finished sorry for the loud noises I'm embroidering and lay it on to the spot that you want mine was actually a little bit bigger than I expected I didn't cut away too much and now I'm gonna leave it there and then I'm going to pin at the edge and then I'm going to go ahead and add the collar so do that to the other side find it where you want it this one needs to go over it a bit more to the left and then pin and then add the collar next so with the collar I put wrong sides together and sewed it down and then I'm going to be basting stitching it on the right side that's because we want a collar to flip over and that way the raw edge is actually not going to be touching the neckline not like it really matters this is plastic but for future types cases like you can actually use a front facing this way the neckline won't be irritated but this is a plastic jacket so you don't need to have a front facing neckline piece to prevent any itchiness or seams once I am done doing the basting stitch attaching both the neckline to the jacket I'm going to go ahead and do the same two extra seams that go on top of the color guys we have a revelation her belt doesn't go to the back so it goes on the side I'm going to recycle the belt buckle from this toy cowboy belt I'm going to be basting the width of the belt off with a smaller width to do this I've marked off the PVC with highlighter this comes off with a little bit of water so it doesn't stain I'm going to cut out the PVC and strips so the two perimeter lines and then add the hardware I have my own eyelet punch with eyelets make sure to use the end part of the belt to get the perfect alignment for your holes make sure there's seven holes now go around the entire perimeter of your jacket now the color is added I cut a few little scraps for the belt loops you only need two two for the front the belt all it goes to the front and this is my belt obviously you saw make it in the last part so instead of having a little metal piece because I don't have any metal pieces at the moment I just went ahead and sewed it down it's not going to be too visible but that's what I did nothing else special and then here is the other side of the belt the other side of the belt is the exact same thing that I've been doing double stitching and then I added these eyelets in order to add eyelets I have this eyelet puncher it's really simple and make sure you go nice and slow practice on a few test scraps before you go so now we're gonna do the edge lining of the entire perimeter at the jacket before adding these pieces let's go so this is what the jacket looks like now and this is where we're at with all the plastic pieces we have the collar attached we have these parts pinned up here we're going to add more to it later we have this little flappy piece all of this is now complete now it's time for the detailing the detailing is going to be adding the belt piece and the belt loops you know one for each side so it will look like this I also went ahead and bought a nice silver zipper that we're going to be attaching to this top and we're going to be making sure that it is a separating zipper if you do not have a separating zipper you have messed up so make sure it comes apart and that it is black and silver finally make sure you have seven of these silver button things you can use rivets if you're more comfortable but make sure that they are silver not copper not gold last time we actually used googly eyes because it was a little bit cheaper of a method and painted them silver this is a little bit more time-consuming but I do emphasize on just getting the right buttons for a little bit more of the money you can usually get a pack for like I don't know maybe six dollars but this is this is kind of like better so you get all of them I had to buy these individually and it costed me like twelve dollars here in Denmark but I'm very happy with how these look so these are a lot more shiny they are metal and they are not plastic they don't make a noise like the googly eyes though the googly eyes are or hardly quit if you ask me so to each his own but I will be using these silver buttons if you have any questions about these leave a comment and down below and I'll be sure to answer them wait you could see me you could see me here see hi camera and to be adding these silver buttons one here two on each lapel and then one here at the top so you need a total of seven now in order for me to actually sew the button on I'm going to be using a hand needle I'm using black thread to match the rest of the outfit I'm going to not at first so through it and then come back again and repeat this process many times so I'm going to go in and through I want to make sure that this is nice and secure so it does not come off so though that I have it multiple times I'm going to go through it once just like this and then I'm going to wrap it a few times to keep it in place so one two three four five wait okay and when I mean wrap it you want to wrap the bottom part the very bottom so one two three four and five for good measure then go sew back it down into the stitches onto the other side pull through and then make a knot so that is one knot and I love doing two knots because double knotting is like double tapping and killing zombies when you are finished with that you take your baby scissors not your big scissors and you cut it off now you have a perfect button that is there isn't that exciting if you want you can actually tack it down but I'm going to leave that option open so I'm going to keep my zipper so go ahead and repeat this process for here here here and the bottom here on one side and then this part on the other side on the side that has this little pocket panel piece I'm going to attach it all the way to the edge just like the jacket and go all the way up it here and see I'm actually going over these lines over here that's okay you're not really visible in the pictures so now we're going to go and stitch the other side and make sure that it stays in place nothing pops up and everything is in the same spot so when you get to this top part you can clip off the edges and then burn it I would say be very careful I'm not gonna do that just yet I'm going to go ahead and add the second one and find this position four dots judging from this reference picture you kind of want it to go at an angle I guess no not really it looks like you want it to lay flat and then choose the spot and make sure it goes above the collar piece so it goes above here obviously a mine is still too large by seven inches so we have to find the right spot first by folding it over make sure it lays nicely and I'm checking it and like I was completely off with my measurements here I need to move this over just a tiny bit more and I'm gonna unfold this so I know where my collar is going to be now your jacket doesn't have to be functioning but if you wanted to function make sure it lays correctly where you want it to mine will lay here when properly folded over and it will go straight up so I'm going to take out this piece after I pin it down so I'm going to lightly pin and this one you want to make sure that it stays floppy open you don't want to secure it down like this one here this is the asymmetrical jacket so now that we have this where it's supposed to be then make sure it goes all the way in and then I'm gonna mark these off at the same point so I'm going to go gonna turn it upside down and make sure the same stopping point so it's even and I'm going to make a painting of this part right here then I'm going to bring it back down and release all of it so now now I'm going to take that pin and go like this you're gonna check it one more time just to be careful and look that pin stopped it where it needs to go that's perfect stops where it needs to be and now I'm just going to make sure I have this laid down correctly in this right spot which will end like this make sure everything's nice and straight before you continue and if you don't know where you want to place it you can always try it on me I'm using the photo image as a reference here we go gonna sew this down and then we're gonna start the next part you already saw me showing you how to sew this if you have any questions on it make sure to leave them in a comment down below so here I have the belt pinned a little bit higher I have it pinned to the center back seam not Center back but the middle seam at the back and then you can actually see I have the extra piece here I'm going to sell a little bit here and then here and then cut off the rest here I'm going to sew up right here at the ledge and support it with three stitches where the lines are so so at three times and then I'm going to cut off the excess that goes to the back I'm going to repeat the same for the other side of the belt and then we shall be moving on to the sleeves next step is the sleeve tassels I want to go ahead and do this first and I'm going to sew down the caution tape not cautions by caution caution tape and then I'm at the same time I'm going to be adding strips of the ribbon tassels to this holographic skirt which I'm very disappointed I thought this was going to be a lot longer but this is I Yuli the right length that you want for every sleeve so that way you just add it in layers and who doesn't love a good holographic this time I think I just bought one of these and look how big that is that is forever long so let's see how this goes so what I'm gonna do is measure out the exact length of this and then I'm going to cut it multiple times to the exact length with the caution tape and then slowly cut strips out of it because this caution tape is so sheer I think what I'm gonna do is double it and it gets a little bit more bulk display it isn't so sheer giant roll of tossing tape - I got this off of Amazon this I got in my local party store and I thought it was going to be one of the door hanger ones no I was wrong this costed me about four dollars and of course you remember these ayala but all these colors I got for a dollar and of course I'm still going to be using that same holographic fabric that I got last time so I'm going to make my base cut like this and make sure it's long enough I'm gonna take it and make sure it's nice and straight then I'm going to cut the line so this is now my pattern piece for how long this fringe is I'm going to repeat cutting out multiple of these probably until my hands bleed please don't make sure your hands bleed take a break when you need to but for the sake of this video and trying to make it as fast as possible I'm going to work so far this looks like a giant mess on my sewing desk you're absolutely correct as I started cutting out the little gift wrapping ribbon and I measured it out to be the same length as the holographic castle because that's what we're measuring off of and I'm going to go onto my spool leaf because this one's easier for me to manage right now and I'm going to go ahead and measure the exact same length of one of the pre-cut tassels that I already did drag it down and now I'm going to cut it at that spot I'm going to keep repeating this until I have a huge amount of gift wrapping ribbon and then I'm going to sew it on here now you're probably wondering why is this so big this is because I'm going to fold it over and then sew it so there's two in one versus just one each time I want to take advantage of one stitch per two versus just one so now when it comes to the actual caution tape probably have the art dark side out so fold it over of the dark side out make sure the edges line up nicely and now you're just going to cut some lines at the bottom and make sure that's very even so go ahead and cut you can go all the way up if you feel like but that's you and just repeat this would be so much easier if I had like one of those hair scissors I bet hello and now we have cut up the caution tape so that is one two three four cuts into the caution tape and then it's ready to be sewn down oh this one's flipped inside out so if you accidentally get it inside out it's alright go ahead and just put it back and make sure it is nice and flat and you are ready to begin sewing this bad boy down so I'm gonna line up I'm gonna grab a bunch of these little strip ease and then I'm going to fold it in half now that I have these in house and they're nice and sunny even at the bottom okay if they're not I'm going to press pin it down with the sewing foot so it lightly then I'm going to go ahead and put this part on top so then go ahead and go like this and then we're just going to go ahead and repeat this is what my trim all looks like right now with just the curling ribbon on it hi probably wondering why didn't I add the caution tape yet that's because I decided that I'm going to be sewing down this part first on top and then I'm going to be adding the caution tape on top of it when I did it from the backside I hardly got any of the holographic kind of streamers so we're going to be sewing it down this way so I didn't want to waste any of the caution tape on the back side so we're going to be putting it on the front side also a side note if you shake it really hard like a pom pom and any of the little tails come out save those so you can sew it back when you're adding this to your fabric sleeve so now it's time to make our fabric sleeve this is a base pattern from a t-shirt that I cut out what you want to do is go ahead and go around your sleeve measurement and figure out how big this is next we're going to be taking out a piece of fabric and then sketching out the rough shape because this is more of a jacket you don't want it more like a t-shirt so we're going to have to size inwards here like here and you'll see what I mean in a minute with this jacket you actually want to go up on the corner of your shoulders so we're going to have to extend part of it and then go all the way down underneath our arm this part is actually going to be a little bit tricky it's okay if you have a little bit extra of fabric but if it's too little then you have to go back and rework your pattern make sure to reference your original sleeve length that you want you want to go ahead and take off this remainder for it because you want the sleeve to go all the way down and have this be the end cuff so this is what it looks like it has this giant wool tongue now at the top that's for your shoulder piece I measured out correctly how much I'll need so I'm gonna pin it down first then I'm gonna figure out how much length I need the total length of the arm that I'm going to be doing is about 21 inches so like I said with the hustle part I'm going to subtract from it the fabric that I'm using today is actually the same fabric as last time and it is this black holographic I think this looks really cool underneath the fringe so I think this is really fun and flirty and kind of maybe something Harley Quinn wouldn't wear because this more Aquaman but you know everyone's a secret mermaid let's just be honest comment down below if you're a secret mermaid so that's what my sleeve pattern looks like it goes high up and then it goes down you might think this is actually a crop sleeve but that's incorrect we're actually going to be using the end and we're going to be using the tassels like this so we're actually going to be putting it down sewing it and making sure we have seam allowance and then slowly we're going to increase it each size so go ahead and cut out your pattern so I have the bottom edge here and I'm going to be sewing on top of this side and it's going to be facing out obviously the black side is going to be on the fill inside facing in so what I'm going to do is grab my not really cheap but my long strip of curtain foot on quote and I'm going to measure out like an inch from each side and then I'm going to cut it off I'm first going to go with this side being up because it looks better and you won't see so much of just this straight holograph fine remember if you have any loose parts you can serve that on in the middle later make sure you don't use your sewing scissors and now I'm going to mark about fear and you can eyeball this if you feel like it's better for you I'm going to separate the hair and then I'm going to snip it now I can move this back away and get my sewing machine but now I'm going to sit this very close to the edge making sure that it's at the bottom and then I'm going to go ahead and back stitch to secure it in place make sure you go ahead and grab one of your caution tape pieces now this is the time we are going to fold them cut it in a way that you can just cut it a few times and it's perfect if I can find my scissors for it okay they are okay so if these are going to be cut down the middle almost all the way to the top but not all the way so you can still get that seam in there and then I'm gonna cut it into thirds nice and tight it's okay if it's not symmetrical as long as you have it cut into strips so it will look like this to match our door hanger make sure you don't sew on top of any of these play it nice and flat grab this new piece of caution tape and now just go like this and sew it down make sure it's nice and aligned if I want to make sure that my caution tape starts to cover on top of each other so it's a nice uniform so repeat again with cutting this and then continue onward and this is what Row 1 looks like it looks pretty cool and that this is the face of the sleeve if you want you can go back on the other side and add caution tape to the bottom and it's up to you and now we just have to repeat this process above it just a little bit higher in between you could add more more strips if that's what you feel so I'm at a good halfway point see you can see I only have like a hand left and you know you can see how many stitches I have done which is actually three rows yay so I want to go over and show you exactly what I've done for each row you can see here every time I'm going forward I'm going to make a row of caution tape maybe add like some of the Fallen strings and then in between if I've done it correctly and spaced it correctly you can have a little bit of spacing so here I'm slightly messed up I can't go back with a seam ripper and open it and make sure it's straight but honestly I think it will be fine only because I'm gonna fill in more as I go forward and how much I feel like it should have and so it's not so bald if you want you can actually pin it down first then drag it all the way over that way you don't just freehand sew it and then you know it's nice and even this is what it looks like without the caution tape and then when you put the caution tape on top it'll look like this on the extra ends because I wanted to flow a little bit nicer I cut it off so if you have too much of a blocky film go ahead and cut some of the edge pieces so it will fall a little bit more naturally versus just sticking and not falling at all fools so I'm going to continue go working my way all the way top so when you get to the smaller pieces you want to cut smaller and smaller and smaller and then when we actually attach it to the jacket we're going to add pieces to it and cover it with a black ribbon so that way you can hide the seam yay so onward we go so if you're unlucky and you can't find the door curtains but you find like holographic trim and you get all the gift-wrapping curling ribbon and of course the caution tape but you just don't want to sew it straight onto your sleeve you can do the ribbon method of the first video so you can take any size ribbon that you want and then you just sew it a little bit and then you slowly place your pieces in between so and then you sew it very nicely until you get a big mess okay so to further explain it if you actually have no way to make it trim you use the ribbon you find the middle of the curling ribbon and then sew it into the middle you can do the same with caution tape that way it's folded over and then you have more I decided to put the caution tape in the middle and then put the ribbon on top when you're done with that you can fold it over and then it's nice and crisp like a nice trim okay so say that you went ahead and made your trim and it's so curly but you want it nice and flat like this so what do you do what you do is you set your iron on a decent heat kind of like like silk and then what you want to do is get a plots and then iron over it but not anyway no you want to slightly comb it out hold it in position and then put your cloth on top of it what we want to do let me fluff it out at the bottom this usually helps the bottom strands but what you want to do is make sure that it's not too hot and put it underneath and then brush it out make sure there's no knots if there's not it happens so be it and I'm going to slowly work my way back and forth not applying too much pressure but making sure that the heat is there so yes applying pressure make sure that it's nice and flat look at all these extra edges that are too long this is a good point to cut them up now if you're not careful you might end up with it actually melting to some of the pieces but you don't want that so now I'm going to just go the other way and kind of tear it down nice and flat ladies and gentlemen people about all genders and then I'm just gonna go over the parts one more time making shaving nice and flat and voila it is nice and flat Oh make sure that this isn't melting to itself if you need to go ahead and reduce some of the heat but that is how you make it not so curly now if it's already sewn down onto your fabric and your fabrics a little bit more plasticky you don't have to do this I think this is a good method if you haven't attached your oops if you haven't attached your fringe I just wanted to show the biggest difference of how straight societies versus this side which is very unruly so you can see the biggest difference what a little bit of time takes and will make your fringe lace so much better so now I almost forgot to show you guys line up the corner ice and the edges of your sleeve and sew down the seam I went ahead and pin mine and made sure that all of the little tassel fringe parts are not in there so I don't sew it and sacrifice any of it so then go ahead and sew down inch now that we have the sleeve nice and sewn we need to turn it inside out we need to just pin the armhole with the sleeve and now I'm just going to do the same thing that I always do which is match the top which is this part here and I'm going to pin it right sides facing together and then I'm just gonna slowly go around and till I am finished with this piece now I'm gonna take it to the sewing machine and do a very quick stitch all the way around the armhole make sure to take your time and not so any of the fringe into itself readjust if necessary and I even took out that little sewing compartment on my machines so it's easier for me to sew the sleeves together next I'm going to cover it with this black nice ribbon I should have just done it on black ribbon in the beginning but did I know I needed to do that no I don't think that's how we did it the first time so that's okay and I have just enough at this black ribbon to go around both the shoulder pieces so if I screw up it's game over so my ribbon is actually pretty wide I don't know what I'll need it for in the future but I'm just gonna cut this in half that way I have one for each side and I mean of the shoulders so one for the left and right side I'm gonna cut this little snip it off and then continue cutting it down the center so luckily it was already folded in half you can see the nice pressed seam and that I'm going to use my knife scissors on this because it's a ribbon it is a type of fabric now that I have it cut out I'm going to burn this edge at the side so it does not fray just like in other videos you've seen me burn things on purpose such as my lap it's Leslie cosplay if you haven't checked that out please do so be very smart when doing this do not burn yourself and of course just run it over very lightly you don't need a really like go super hard when you actually do not fray check this it'll come out it is not good so I'm just going to seal it off with the quick flame and this way please be careful when trying this or you don't even do it it doesn't fray anymore little cosplay sewing help tips now we're just going to take it to the sewing Sheen makes a really nice shiny side facing out if you want you could actually do the dark side to it it's up to you but I want the shiny side out and I'm just going to sew it kind of like a bias tape now this is where if you have any extra fallen pieces such as these that came off when sewing go ahead and stick them on in between now so I'm just gonna start at one side picking the point that I want to start and start covering up the rest of this hidden part and then I'm just going to go ahead and hand so by whip stitching it into place slowly going around the shoulder seam seems like it's a very large slaughter seam that is correct this jacket is not fur for me so I hope to show you guys who it is for later now I'm gonna take this to the sewing machine I changed my mind I'm so sorry so I'm gonna attempt it on the sewing machine if that goes bad then I have no choice but to hand sew it sew really quickly before I end this I added my own little name here because this is a commission that I'm making for a subscriber who you know it's commissioned so anyways I wanted to put my label in which is my handle name which is Celeste orchid my machine can do that but I decided to make it very nice and cute you can add in your own labels if you want to clothing just make sure it's in a very discreet location normally I would put it at the back of the collar but that would have taken away from the accuracy I didn't want to do that so I just put it inside the sleeve here it's very subtle very hidden it's just kind of like a little cool also I wanted to make a point just in case I forget and lose all of them it's that I actually ran out of curling ribbon again so I ran out of all three colors of curling ribbon I used up all of the holographic glitter I used up all of the clear plastic material that I had the PVC so like I had just like small scrappy pieces left kind of like this I might be able to turn this into a choker it's kind of a cool idea they look like like the extra zipper part I kind of pressed it together when I was like just sitting here so I might actually make this into like a bracelet so you know have some extra kind of ideas just sitting around here I have these and then of course I have tons of caution tape left I used so much caution tape in here but this one is particularly thin and see-through so that's why I wanted to double it up so yeah let me show you what this outfit look like so this is what the jacket looks like I hope you're really excited to see this finished project it took a little bit of time doing this by myself but I'm very happy with how it turned out some of the new techniques the zipper flaps it still has the belt also the belt has this little slighty part we didn't have that last time either and of course you can see the other side of the belt is here it's really nice but of course the main event is the fact that it has these gorgeous sleeves oops sorry so these gorgeous sleeves has so much more caution tape in it so because the sleeves have more caution tape it's more accurate and it's covering all of the bald spots so it's not super puffy of course you see the lapels again it looks really nice nice and clean I love how the sleeves came out I'm so and everything is just so nice so this is not made for me this is made for someone else if you use your own measurements make sure it will fit you sometimes you can see it's layered really nicely it hot you can tell it's not really curly I made sure to straighten out the bottom edges as well I'm just so pleased with its with how this turned out it looks so nice of course you could always go back in with a little bit of heat or something just be very careful with the caution tape caution tape is also plastic it's very fragile so yeah this is the brand new finished highly quinn jacket for birds of prey yeah oh wait you know what let me go ahead and put tie the belt thanks so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this really long tutorial and stay inspired be creative and I will see you in another video bye [Music]
Channel: Celeste Orchid
Views: 5,953
Rating: 4.9396229 out of 5
Keywords: Celeste orchid, birds of prey, birds of prey harley, birds of prey cosplay, bop cosplay, bop costume, birds of prey harley quinn cosplay, birds of prey harley jacket, confetti jacket, how to make confetti jacket, how to make caution tape jacket, harley quinn caution jacket, harley quinn, harley quinn diy, harley quinn how to make, how to make harley bop jacket, birds of prey jacket, harley quinn movie costume, harley quinn movie cosplay, diy confetti jacket, harley costume
Id: G0TAjQu9yLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 47sec (4607 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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