How to make Coo Coo and Stew Fish

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guys it's exactly 12 35 let's see a special good afternoon to everyone and have some back them out in the kitchen Lulu in collaboration with Mr Salah and I go and do some stew fish outside the weather is overcast it's a bit windy Lance is somewhere outside there stretching his legs meditating all right I can hear him no talking to Auntie Angie all right and I am about to cut up some fish so stay tuned guys according to my boy all those Bushman and let's get on with it so I found this brick outside I wasn't able to put yourself sharpening soon as yet so let me give this light color Edge time to cook up all right so get the steel off this big fin bottom fin let's slice this fish has been soaking in a little vinegar all right it didn't have any lines right and I've just given it a second rinse remember door off of the fish you know why bash it up thank you and we're ready to season buy something all right so we have your onions and this will come in handy throughout the rest of my cooking so mommy is pre-prepping for hakuku and she has 10 Oak rolls here Lulu upfront foreign nice a lot of people able to cut these things on a board with a Chinese Chopper but I don't know if it's been left-handed I use my fingers and I chip and I think I do a pretty new job at chipping some pigmentos all right so guys we are just prepping in the meanwhile all right mommies will need some pigment tools so will I so I break along some pimentos here she has already broken down the ocals and walking fervently all those carrots yeah this one just like that too yeah yeah you left front Buddha you're hand walking like that okay right how many pigments does he want yeah about three or four yeah let me get your four one extra for the point nice thank you thank you all right mentors and really carrots and end with your foods all right 10 of course one carrot four pimentos all right so in with some Himalayan salt come on tortillas and continue to saute vegetables have been sorted and now she's gonna add the water smelling good yes that brightness okra carrot cook it's gonna get slimy and that's what we're going to hold the cuckoo together right okay don't put it's a forgetful you're not gonna get too cool like a Dublin right right nice nice nice look in there okay now the next process is I'm going to add the coconut milk so we have one cup of water here and yeah melting the coconut milk powder and you use one whole pack right one whole pack one whole pack right and guys remember room temperature water okay so let me just add pop it up okay so now you see that everything is pulling together we're gonna add this coconut powder and you get it to boil bye really really good yeah two ways you can do cuckoo in the beginning I would just when the water starts boiling you will add your ProMaster to the pot and you'll be stirring with your hand going crazy because the idea is you don't want any lumps but our daughter Libra told us that in Venezuela which is the home for Masa make it anything with corn as well as we love but what they actually do is you melt the Tomato first in a basin so what you're going to do is you're going to add your water to the basin foreign you'll be able to taste your salt so you're gonna add your salt to the water to here and then put too much I'll give you and now what we're going to do now is actually melt this now this is going to be two cups of ProMaster here [Music] is that how much you're gonna prepare or more than two cups um I I do more than two cup based on how much water you have in there [Music] so you just will get this going so when time to receive the ProMaster it will be boiling temperature enough to start cooking it right right okay so now you mark your your salt here in the water and you're going to be actually working in okay ProMaster melting it as you go along you see so when that cuckoo come out it is very soft and succulent right I think we will do a little more because you never know my Pune might be in the pot so we're gonna add some more water okay wow look at how much I'll come up today boy so we'll go with probably and I guess this is that two cup two cups yeah so we went to go with another cup okay so basically you're adding moisture to the to be called me here you're rehydrated it so that this will prevent the lumping up when you throw it into the hot water that's right all right sure when we pour it in fact it says um all right so guys this is a boy now we're here all right and in the meanwhile she's finishing move that in right hydrate let me call meal all right so when it goes into there we're not going to run into any lumps now what I will do just to be on the very safe side I'll take out some of this water some of this liquid here add it in case if it needs more right right I know what we're going to do now is actually be pouring this in and still in vigorously but of course everything is already melted so that you don't need a worry about it lumping up against you all right so guys I can see already that it's coming in yeah it's coming in really nice if you want caught up in dry um you will your hand will be going at 200 miles an hour right right and you will still get some lunch and cookies right I will just add this so you add that back there oh yeah we said another mixture yeah all right so guys the instruction is to keep tuning all right and I would not be editing this footage so that Ollie will be getting it live all right there's a little liquid to the top it's a very heavy mixture indeed you might miss something um like when you do in parasad she's preparing at this to receive the cuckoo right so if you are a one-man team make sure and have that dish ready all right so this is the preparation for the dish so I'm just greasing this dish so the cuckoo is not gonna stick so when you have to serve it you know it's just gonna leave the dish guys make sure and have your towels handy or your mittens to handle the pot because we will be needing it soon all right so we have it close by and mommy you better think over here because I don't know what you're looking for in this I have never made this no I see it meat already but I have never made this so you better put it on a lower fire on a low heat all right and I'm going to bring my dish close enough so I don't have to to lift the butter all right so what you're looking for at this point I'm looking for it leaving the ends of before and the departure yeah okay okay is ready yes when you're stir in you'll see it leaving it hot and some might be even sticking because it's already coming in the bottom of the pot too starts drying as you will see ready to come but as I say you don't want to take it out too soon because you want to be able to cut your cuckoo and slices so we will leave it a little longer now the wonderful thing about cocoa is you have this for lunch you may not use oil so your dress put it in the fridge and this afternoon just slice the cuckoo you put a little frying pan on the fire put a little bottom and you put your cuckoo slices in you flip it on the other side and you just grate some cheese and you can have that for your dinner breakfast I think so guys who has which way we wanted we are translated from the pot into the greased dish smells amazing how weird to dive into this mean people so one layer has been added and now she's about to spread some butter make sure neaten it up it will neaten it up and it will definitely enhance our teeth right so Midway into your bite you're going to be hitting some nice buttered flavor yeah smelly butter right and this is margarina okay and it is recommended that we use real butter all right yeah so definitely we will be getting some kerrygold water people yeah right and we have added the butter and now for the top layer so sandwich between those two layers is a little film of butter let's get this fish season up quickly all right all right this is two small carrots so we're looking at about six spoons of our crying seasoning all right seasoning this is the flavor of food Mentos inside with some onions and I like to add my little seasoning I wish it was the Creole Brown seasoning salt to taste black pepper and no we just smoothing it off on the top using butter Ginger [Music] Ginger Ginger is creating fish foreign it smells good if it smells good at this point it is going to finish good guys what is happening with the Sith is that it is Media pots yes you put the fried things yeah you don't have something to make this bottle look Chinese food okay right fish looked yummy so guys the efficiency is not we have some onions we have some pimentos we have a green seasons and smoothie really good and I could tell it's already starting to pull together so it will slice really nice yes good job mommy boss man and I hope it'll taste good it will taste good I see what went into it is good great for sure all right so people let me let this fish so just for another 10 minutes I'm going and stew this fish some tomatoes to break down we've got nothing meanwhile so tomatoes have been washed or closed washed and de-stemmed let's break these Goods down [Music] break down the oak rolls knife is nice on shop so guys make sure you have everything ready for this all right we have the grand seasoning some tomato ketchup we have our okras we have pimentos onions Tomatoes oil salt make sure everything is Within Reach and over here we have flour and some bread crumbs Potter season up nicely let's go some oil dedicated we not fry any fish before we put it into these two right so I learned something from umen and what we're going to do is add some flour to this here and that's going to create a nice thick piece for us let's go Ted add some flour and I guess along here I am going to try something I'm adding a little breadcrumbs and and many onions as you desire I think that's enough all these pigmentos [Music] right in with the tomatoes [Music] and I have my hot water in the background hot enough so don't forget try to have your water heated and in with all these old crows [Music] salt black pepper so it was not fully heated so we add to the sides so I want to set up big big shout out to my girl Khalifa all right hanifa and no will and truly seasoning inside of here right so pick up the hanifa oh gosh guys my girl so we growing people all right with two spoons are that green seasoning and ketchup is the base of our sauce all right I expected some guests so we need enough sauce squishy dance squeezy squeezy squeezy squeezy smells amazing guys um hot water you're putting it enough for one time to receive the amount of fish and once again leave until it comes to our boy guys look at this sauce this is the time to adjust your salt black pepper if you want to add in a piece of golden ring all up to you if you want some more gravy add your water are just back in Salt and let's get some fish slices inside of there doing good to a nice pot a fish stew give this just a gentle stir nothing much nothing much it is the simmer for about five minutes and we will be good simmer so guys remember you could add whatever you want to yours too sweet peppers corns hey once you think it'll pair well with the fish you're good to go and just give a gentle turn try to get between the fish slices right you're just making sure that we don't have any sticking at the bottom all we want to make sure is that this fish is well cooked and that it has Lego some flavor into this nice rich Caribbean sauce wow smells amazing guys you wish you you could squeeze some lime juice in there or just cut up some lime and if people wish they could add it to the meal all right I don't have any soup generally a piece of fish cooked in this method such as boiling right will only take about 10 minutes this sauce is excellent it has enough salt black pepper seasonings and I have sufficient sauce for the amount of people that have to eat so it's time take the stove off just let that reduce when you remaining heat from the element and it's time to soup here is our cuckoo here is our stew fish I finish this meal exactly at 250 and it's time to eat money Daddy come and eat thank you goodness this is awesome no I dress up to come and eat this meal all right because that's right I have wanted to wear this shirt for the longest while so I decided that since you guys have you know being intelligent and producing something that's fantastic tasty honorable as this I decided to look as follow as I can well you do I do you do I want to thank you for this man yes man Mrs booties please present yourself thank you Sarah apology for you as a gentleman thank you you're gonna sit down cake no stick the cuckoo okay so here we go okay fellas [Music] [Music] see that hmm look at that smooth yes [Music] it's really sumptious [Music] and Lance likes it till right that's more than enough guys and some gravy um yummy thank you Mama guys look at this pleat of food fancy cleaning up for the presentation of course yes yes this is my plate you know yes well done buddy yes my dear friend you know you trying to add so much to the channels yes I appreciate it yeah welcome back yes you're welcome I deserve it and I will leave that beautiful presentation um both of you all right I would not be eating us yet I am expecting that I guess true so mommy and daddy will be doing the tea starts today all right and we're gonna have some fun flip camera let me see you play the movie you're looking boss all right yeah your compliment my cuckoo with your stew fishless so glad to be complimenting on this side yes so the meal is going to be blessed and they're going to dive into it all right there's some mattocks pepper sauce there and we have a piece alignment so everyone they could squeeze some lime on top of it that's all right yes I did flip camera yes you want some lime I don't think you'll need it but if you want it let me know no but if you put so many fish no okay so it is the texture the smoothness right hmm smooth like butter nice and fresh delicious the gravy I love plenty gravy but we have a whole potted yeah yes so so this is why we're talking about nice thank you Luis thank you just pick my used to make it a great man of course she was a great cook you look special yes yes one I feel some way in some fanciful intern or something I have to call it nowadays well enjoy the meal um [Music] yes man thank you benefits of Heaven good Cooks in a house you know [Music] you know people told their children [Music] from very early to cook like you were here people over 710 and they're cooking since they're nine and ten years old right you know I think there was wisdom in that because there are a lot of yummy young people now in their 20s who will tell you they cannot cook [Music] and it's not their fault hmm it's just the change of life 360 degree turn around the way of life because young people know they eat out a lot and that is something 40 years ago sure or 30 years ago children go to the mall I remember being done Saturday and as you finish cooking a doctor you're going to the mall would you like me to make some for you no no I'm good you are okay [Music] yeah that is great thank you very much it was more smoking to go to the mall and buy more food we've got food so young people not so much Uncle food at home but I would say beanie Peter Cook is a wonderful asset we gradual regardless of how qualified you are and how what what a professional will be being able to cook is something that is an addition to family life somebody said um I was watching Simon's cup of tea where she met with Sandy backyard's kitchen from Guyana okay and she was seeing something which is true that food brings families together yes yes Tommy all right and pick up the sun this cup of tea big up to is it Roti Box Shop yes [Music] you can play [Music] no but the people have hosting the event okay yes some treaties that have already shot in the states yes so they hosted the event okay okay yes [Music] I'm also doing the great example the foreigners you know of course when we went came in and we went to sing beauty shop what you're a lovely clientele and that's true is there great shop in Cayman yeah called um did you um find out what area they're from no I wasn't able to see anybody who would have you know write something with hold on let me check this up here inside continue engaging right because I rooted them isn't it go there look check out this is it this cookbook is really very smooth and I must admit that is the first time I've added coconut milk powder can you cook cuckoo and it's definitely as enhance the flavor do you agree with that well to tell you great this is really great so I want to set a big big shout out to Curry Roti box all right they recently hosted an event for Sandy and Tommy we talking about Sunny's Backyard Kitchen all right so big shout out to Sandy big shout out to Tommy all right and you know I really enjoyed um she made us such a beautiful speech you know she said that she was feeling nervous at first but as she walked through the kitchen she began to feel so comfortable she fell in love all right so pick up the sunny big up to Tommy and once again big up to Sunday's cup of tea big up to Mike all right and yes we just loving what you guys doing over there all right so pick up all yourself can you help me a little more gravy please yeah man sure thank you [Music] quite like gravy is looks cooler from here thank you I left the resourcing yesterday I guess yeah we'll Cruise and tomato sticking it nicely like that delicious [Music] are quick enough because my boy Michael my pastor yes but you all can help or listen as much as all they want yes yes [Music] like oh I'll do it so people we're gonna get the mark wins from Daddy here all right let me see how good he is laughs oh my God Perfecto yeah [Music] um that's what we talk about see what it is yes treated dissect the flavors yes awesome what do you really like about it I love everything about it but I love the smoothness of the cuckoo the gravy is excellent I like this sauciness it's the sauce is sassy yes [Music] yes [Music] um excellent excellent excellent life can get better than this life can't get better than this yes all right so people this is the end of our last segment we hope that you really really enjoyed it we hope that you learned something all right I am not evil as yet to be able to put in the description you know ingredients I kind of think I am overwhelmed all right so people hope all enjoy it yes thank you thank you all right so this is the batis family saying goodbye until tomorrow please God all right nice we got fresh on fish in the morning [Music]
Channel: Mr. Sana trini for life
Views: 18,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Js43rX6fF-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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