HOW TO MAKE CLOTTED CREAM - Devonshire or Cornish Cream

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Hi and a huge welcome to Steve's Kitchen look I've had a request from a viewer called Sharon or Shawit her channel and its what is clotted cream? and how do you make it well that's two questions really what is clotted cream well that's fascinating I grew up with clotted cream it's just phenomenal it comes from the west of England it's a delicious thick clotted cream as it says but unfortunately if you want to try you've either really got to get down to the West of England or make it yourself because they sell it in the supermarkets and I've had it all over the world from supermarkets it never tastes anything like real clotted cream so really if you want to enjoy clotted creams as it's meant to be you're got to make it yourself how was it made in the old days when you had the old ranges or Argas the big fires in the kitchens the wives would take the thickened cream and I've got a pint of it here a thickened cream and they would put it in a big flat dish in the warming tray of the oven and leave it overnight and overnight that would warm through and a big crust would set a clot across the top of the cream and that is clotted cream once that's cool down you pop that on to ice cream it's a cross between butter and and whipped cream it's just phenomenal in flavor so you pop that on your ice cream it's just heaven so now I'm going to show you a modern way how we can make clotted cream at home and if you haven't tried it before give this a go it's fantastic come over here let me show you how now I've got a nice pint of fresh cream here this is the thick cream you would use for whipping up to make fresh cream and I've also got another pint here in a glass dish the reason that I'm using the glass dish is so I can show you how the clotted cream makes and this dish here is my clotted cream dish this is the one I would normally use and I'm doing two pints you might as well make extra because if you're going to the trouble of making clotted cream once you've done it everybody's going to want some off you so you might as well make two pints at least and if only I have been asked to do this a few years ago when I used to live in my old farmhouse because we had a big range there now I'm going to have to use a domestic cooker which is fine works perfectly well so I taken one pint of this thick cream and I'm using two dishes you want dishes with the big surface area because that's where all the goodness happens the clotted cream on the top so you can see I've got about an inch deep there and I've got another tray here I'm going to put this other pint into there just pour it in and the reason I used the glass one as I say is so you can see what's going on but this one is the one I would normally use so now I've got these two trays here with my cream in and they have to go in to just a warm oven now we're looking about eighty degrees Celsius that's about 180 degrees fahrenheit and we want to pop these in the oven overnight now they'll be in for at least 10 hours maybe a little bit longer depending on your oven now another way you could do this is in a double boiler on the stove but you've got to keep in an eye on it all the time it takes absolutely ages so it's much simpler to put this in the oven get to bed wake up the next morning your clotted cream is ready now if you've got a fan assisted oven you might want to tweak that temperature down just a little bit it'll dry quicker in a fan oven but that is actually good so just tweak it down a little bit okay the following morning it was about 12 hours my clotted cream was in the oven for and we've got this beautiful golden buttery surface on top of the cream and on this clear one I can show you it's reduced down by about fifty percent well maybe forty percent down and the top surface here is this beautiful clotted cream we need to leave this for about 15-20 minutes let the pots cool down a little bit and I'm going to pop them in the fridge let them completely cool down and then we'll prepare the clotted cream well there it is there is my clotted cream out of the fridge and look at this guy's it's beautiful and thick and clotted and buttery its going to taste absolutely delicious I'm going to decant this off now into some little earthenware pots maybe some little Kilner jars like this and use a spoon and just sort of scrape this out gently you can see how thick that is exactly what the clotted cream should look like we want to keep all the clots of cream together now this won't last all that long once you've popped into your jars maybe two or three days so you want to get and use it up but we have got to worry about that because in Steve's Kitchen tomorrow I'm going to be taking this beautiful clotted cream look at that guys it's absolutely gorgeous I'm going to be taking this beautiful clotted cream and I'm going to be turning into a favorite of mine Devonshire clotted cream fudge Oh guys that is to die for stay tuned watch out on that video please give me the thumbs up down below and comments as well I love to hear from you and tune in for the clotted cream fudge it's going to be heavenly be good I'll see you in the next video so Sharon there's the clotted cream you ask me about I'm going to give this a try umm ahh that's buttery that is so delicious I'm going to have to make some scones as well I think anyway I'll leave a link up to my subscription above and a couple of links to some videos there you guys take care I will see you again in the next video Be good.
Channel: Steve Owens
Views: 557,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sreve Owens, Steve's Kitchen, #StevesKitchen, Clotted cream, Clotted cream recipe, recipes, scones, Devonshire cream, Cream tea, fresh cream, cream, Double cream, whipped cream recipe, thickened cream, high tea, Devon, Cornwall, English, England, clotted cream scones, how to make clotted cream, homemade clotted cream, cornish cream, make clotted cream, clotted cream slow cooker, thermomix, easy clotted cream, easy clotted cream recipe, how to make clotted cream recipe
Id: HPan8OUl9Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2013
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