How to Make Clean Edges in Your Lawn

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case normally i do this in the springtime but since i did the renovation back here i need to clean up these edges really well so if you want to go from this to this hold on just a second and i'll show you how i do it okay so what you're going to want to use to do this is one of these edging shovels now this is a four and a half inch blade they come in different sizes four to five inches is perfect and what you do is when you push this down straight up and down this lip here if you can see that and see that lip there get that to your the top of your existing soil and you know you're about four and a half inches down and you just kind of loosen the soil up and push it away into the bed a little bit and then you come in behind with just a simple flat shovel and come back into that v at an angle it'll make more sense here in a minute you can also do the straightened up and down edge with a flat head shovel i just find the edging tool to be a bit easier you can pick those up at home depot lows whenever whatever they're about 20 25 bucks but they're pretty simple to use this doesn't take long but if you're kind of like me i want to get a nice straight line off this concrete all the way out there so let me show you uh how i'm going to do that okay so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to take this tent stake i want to pull a straight line this way here so i'm just going to take this tent stake and put it down on the ground right on the edge then i'm going to take this rope and tie it on here and then just pull a straight line out that way so see how that works just pulled a straight line and pulled it all the way out now i don't have quite enough rope to go all the way up but that's not a big deal we can work around that and then i'll show you how i do the curve around the corner [Music] [Music] okay so now that i've got that roughly cut in there now you want to take the flat shovel and you can do it with the round one also but take the flat shovel come in behind and cut at an angle down into that v let me show you [Music] do [Music] okay so my rope ran out here so all i did was pulled it up from way back there ran it down here pulled it tight so i'm going to pull this line out just a little bit more on the straight edge and then i want to pull a curve around here where i'll pull the rope again this way but then just kind of redefine this curve and clean up all this mess so it's pretty easy i'm just going to pull i'm going to pick a point where i'm going to stop here pick a point where i'm going to stop here and then i'll show you how to roughly get this curve [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we got that looking pretty sharp and i got this side worked out to the pavers here but i really want to redefine this curve here there's a number of ways you can do this you can use a hose you can just eyeball it you can spray paint it out what i like to do is put the tent stick in the corner where the nice edges and just kind of see i can do this with the camera in my hand grab my rope and pull kind of a nice curve around to this edge here and you can play with this till you get right about where you like it i don't want it to be quite too sharp that's all personal preference but i'm thinking i'm thinking maybe kind of like that so then carefully without moving your rope too much just take the uh the edging tool and go around this curve [Music] nice kind of sharp curve not square pretty freaking straight all right that looks pretty good so here's what you're trying to accomplish a nice clean straight edge here four five six inches deep and then come back behind and cut it at this v so that if when you use mulch it doesn't work its way out into the grass it comes down into here and gets caught it also keeps weeds and any type of spreading grass like kentucky bluegrass from working its way up into the flower bed so works really awesome for that plus i think it just looks a whole lot cleaner it's still got a few stragglers here let me show you how i clean that up okay so how i like to clean this up is take my string trimmer and turn it upside down and hold it and that keeps the string up and down and just run a straight line right along the edge keeps it clean that's how i maintain the edge throughout the year and then i only need to come out and do this actual edging maybe once or twice a year but clean this up real quick so that's how i do the live edging uh question for you though do you guys done it this way before you did a different way or maybe do something differently i know you can use rope or you can you can use a hose even as a guide for around like around the curves and there's all kinds of ways of doing this but if you do something different let me know or if you think i can do something better let me know leave a comment down below that's pretty much it thanks for watching we'll see in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Pacific Northwest Lawns
Views: 26,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deep green lawn, Pacific Northwest, lawn, lawn care, lawn stripes, grass, edges, edge mulch beds, mulch, flowers, plants, clean edges, lawn whisperer, lawn care nut, spring lawn care, fertilizer, pre emergent, crabgrass, weeds, humic acid, liquid aeration, sand leveling, level lawn, flat lawn, reel mow, golf course, toro, timemaster, stripe kit, big league, sprayer, spreader, tall fescue, kentucky bluegrass, trimmer, How to Make Clean Edges in Your Lawn, how to edge beds
Id: pW-HFtGs1Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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