How to Make Classic Homemade Pasta 4 ways

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look you don't need to be an expert to make pasta by hand all you need is flour eggs and a slight addiction the cars [Music] making pasta by hand is one of the most fun and most rewarding cooking experiences of all time in my honest opinion plus you probably already have the ingredients at home pasta to me is such a great symbol for what Italian food really is all of the classic Italian recipes are so incredibly simple yet all the flavors work so harmoniously and perfectly and more importantly it's about the freshness and the quality of the ingredients over the amount of ingredients that's what I love about Italian food beauty and simplicity oh and I almost forgot in case you didn't already see with your eyes I'm in a new kitchen welcome to the new humble abode let's make some mother pasta now first thing I'm gonna show you is what I like to call an all-purpose pasta dough this pasta dough can be made into many many shapes ravioli garganelli fettuccine you name it and I'm gonna show you four different shapes with four different sauces first things first is we're gonna make that all-purpose pasta dough and that starts with three cups or 480 grams of double zero type flour now if you can't find that then you can totally use an all-purpose flour if you prefer I just prefer double zero now the first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna dump that flour out onto a flat surface into sort of like a mound shape sprinkle on a half a teaspoon or two grams of fine sea salt using your hand shape like a claw make a well into that mound of flour large enough to hold around five eggs then crack five large whole eggs into the well of that flour drizzle in a teaspoon or 5 grams of extra virgin olive oil using a fork start gently whisking the eggs until they come together cohesively now once the eggs have come together you're gonna keep whisking but as you're whisking slowly flicking a little bit of flour on the sides being careful not to make a hole or a dent in a while otherwise all your eggs will run out so just be careful and as you do that you'll notice that it slowly becomes a paste and then it starts to clump together and then it starts to become a dough and once it becomes a dough then you're gonna start using your hands so you can take the fork out and then start mixing it and sort of squeezing it together with your hands once it's completely sort of combined then you're gonna begin kneading it and you're gonna knead this dough anywhere from five to ten minutes until it is beautifully silky smooth now if for some reason your dough is a little too dry you can add a tablespoon of water at a time until it comes together now look how silky smooth that dough is once your dough is nice and kneaded you're gonna go ahead and wrap it in plastic wrap make sure that it's airtight you do not want this to dry out and let it sit out at room temperature for at least an hour or overnight in the fridge and that's it that is your all-purpose pasta dough now the first shape that we're gonna make is going to be fettuccine aka tagliatelle it's really regional I mean there's not much of a difference some people say that one is thinner than the other but it really just depends on the region that you get it from to start this pasta as with any pasta you're gonna lightly dust your dough with flour and then divide it into four equal pieces then you're gonna roll that dough out until it's about a quarter of an inch oval obviously you're gonna need a pasta roller here if you don't have one then I'll put a link in the description if you want to go get one now pass it through your pasta roller on the widest setting then fold it like a letter and pass it through the roller once more without folding it again begin passing the dough working down each thinness setting one setting at a time ideally no more than once per setting until you reach the thinnest or second finish setting that you can on your pasta roller obviously dusting with flour as needed so you know your dough doesn't stick because that would really suck now this part is much easier than it looks just handle the dough gently and let it drape over your hands rather than holding it with your fingertips now this rolling technique is gonna apply to all of the following pasta shapes that I'm gonna show you now to make the fettuccine / tagliatelle you're gonna cut that long sheet of dough into segments in the desired length of your noodle that equated to four equally sized segments of dough sheets for me now there's two ways to make the noodles for the fettuccine / tagliatelle you can either use a machines attachment but if you don't have the attachment for the machine you can simply take a sheet and roll it up lengthwise until you sort of get a tube think of it as a savory pasta version of a fruit roll-up then using a sharp knife sort of saw a way to cut 1/2 inch segments of that tube those will be your individual noodles now that's how you do with a knife just make sure that you don't press the knife down otherwise you're just gonna pinch the dough together you want these to be noodles so make sure that you're slicing it if you need to saw it it saw it up but saw it at width tolkien and boom noodles without the tagliatelle attachment look at that once you enrolled these noodles make sure to toss them with a generous amount of flour to make sure that they don't stick together now the attachment part is pretty straightforward just make sure that your pasta sheet is very generously dusted with flour otherwise it will stick in the attachment and just run it through the fettuccine attachment and boom you got fettuccine comes out the other end just like that and as mentioned before make sure to toss generously with flour now to make the sauce for the tagliatelle / fettuccine we're gonna make it pork ragu all you need to do is finely diced one stalk of celery two carrots and one medium-sized yellow onion then you're gonna take a one and a half pound boneless pull the put boneless pork shoulder and cut it into 1-inch chunks heat up a large heavy bottom pot over medium-high heat with two tablespoons of olive oil season your pork with salt and pepper and sear on both sides for two to three minutes on each side to get them nicely caramelized and make sure to sear them in one even layer no overcrowding the pan otherwise you're just not gonna get that nice sear now I say that when I rot eclis have this pan a little overcrowded so try to do this in batches unlike I did that was kind of in a rush once they're done transfer all the meat into a medium-sized bowl now there should be some remaining oil in the bottom if you need to add a little more you can turn the heat to medium heat and add all of your finely diced vegetables begin to turn translucent then to that pan you're gonna add 3 tablespoons or 55 grams of tomato paste give it a stir and saute until the tomato paste begins to caramelize a little bit deglaze with a half a cup or 120 milliliters of red wine bring it to a boil and let it boil for about 20 to 25 seconds then add 2 cups our 480 milliliters of chicken stock give it a quick stir season it lightly with salt bring it up to a boil reduced to a simmer and then add your meat back to the pan along with this juices cover it with a tight-fitting lid place it in the oven at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour or until the meat is super tender and that's it that's the sauce next up is spaghetti we'll be doing this with a carbonara sauce so I'll show you the sauce towards the end of this video but you're basically gonna do the exact same thing as the fettuccine you're gonna roll it out into a thin sheet cut it into segments of the desired noodle length and this one unfortunately as far as I know is best done through a spaghetti attachment if you don't have one you could do it with a knife but I gave it a shot and it really looks way better with an attachment so you know it's our now pasta number three is garganelli know it sounds weird but basically it's kind of like penne but with ridges now using the exact same shading technique as before take one of your four segments of sheeted pasta dough and cut them into two inch by two inch squares now using a new keyboard or some sort of object with ridges you know places square diagonally on the surface of that object or in this case a gnocchi board and using a chopstick sort of as you're forming shell you're gonna roll that square of pasta dough around the entire chopstick working from one point to the other point until it sticks on the other end make sure you're using enough pressure that it's actually sticking and giving the garganelli its ridges and you're gonna repeat that process with all your little squares of pasta dough it seems like a lot but you'll get a lot faster as you move along and it'll go by pretty quickly now for the garganelli pasta sauce this one is much easier than the last one so you're gonna start with one 28-ounce can of peeled san marzano tomatoes go ahead and put those through a mesh strainer and just let them drain for a little bit to get that excess juice out we only want the whole tomatoes in there add those tomatoes to a food processor and puree until smooth saute four ounces of pancetta with one tablespoon of olive oil and just kind of saute that until the pancetta just begins to brown a little bit and has rendered the majority of its own fat once that's done add one red onion that's been small diced to that pan and saute that until they begin to soften and turn translucent then add your pureed tomatoes season with salt and pepper to taste bring it up to a simmer and simmer it for about eight to ten minutes or until those flavors meld together and that's it that's your sauce for garganelli pancetta red onion tomato sauce oh and do make sure to stir it on occasion while that's simmering otherwise it will burn on the bottom and you'll be very sad now on to our last pasta which is tortellini same exact pasta sheet is before but instead of dividing it into four segments are gonna leave it as one single sheet and using a two and three-quarter inch biscuit cutter you're going to cut little circles out of that pasta just like if it was a cookie basically you can use cookie cutters you can use a biscuit cutter whatever you can find to make a little circle now once you have all of your said little circles you're gonna take little pea-sized amount so you don't wanna put too much you want to over stuff these tortellini you may have to practice and get it right you're gonna take little piece or teaspoons sized dollops of this ricotta mixture which I'll put down below in the description it's literally just like ricotta parmesan chopped parsley mix together in a bowl so the ingredients for that will be in the description once you have that done you're gonna gently pick up one of the circles of your dough with your filling in it and you're gonna carefully fold it over kind of like basically like a taco and pinch and crimp the edges shut with your fingers once you have your tortellini taco you're gonna take the edges with the two points on them bring them together and then pinch those together so you're basically folding the taco the other way in half again and pinching the two edges together and then you have a tortellini just repeat that process with all each of the individual circles and then you've got tortellinis dude so the sauce for the tortellinis is the easiest of all four sauces so you're gonna start with one packed cup of fresh basil leaves a quarter cup of walnuts or pine nuts I actually didn't have any pine nuts on hand so you know walnuts with a choice two cloves of fresh peeled garlic place that all in a food processor and blend until that begins to form a paste add a half cup of freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano blend once more to fully paste if I and then while blending slowly stream in half a cup of extra virgin olive oil then season with salt to taste and that's it you've got your pesto ready to go now for the assembly of the pastas and the sauces so for the fettuccine / tagliatelle whichever you want to call it whenever you make it depending on how much you make you're gonna add you're gonna want that sauce to be hot when you add the pasta to it obvious so I'm heating up a little bit of that pork ragu here for a single serving portion of pasta I've got a pot of boiling water behind me and you're basically just gonna want to boil these noodles from literally 30 seconds to one or two minutes fresh pasta cooks very very quickly make sure that you're tasting it intermittently to decide how done you want it to be so now that my ragu sauce is nice and hot I'm gonna go ahead and add my Tagget le which has been cooked obviously to the pot and toss it thoroughly to coat evenly with the sauce be sure to check the salt levels there and adjust seasoning if necessary and just plate it up dude serve that with some freshly grated parmigiano Reggiano and you're good to go now for the garganelli you're gonna heat up that red onion and pancetta tomato sauce and get that nice and hot put in your cooked pasta a little bit of the pasta water add a little knob of butter and then just stir and toss to combine to get that butter to emulsify season it with salt to taste and boom garganelli red onion and pancetta tomato sauce done the tortellini are pretty straightforward literally just toss them with as much pesto or as little pesto as you want season with salt to taste that's it now as for the spaghetti carbonara I will have a link to my carbonara recipe and you can literally just use this spaghetti in that recipe I just to be honest I just didn't want to explain it again I'm just gonna be completely honest with you guys I just didn't want to explain it again I got one two three four types of pasta I'm sorry and that is it guys pasta homemade four kinds of sauces four shapes of pasta so if you enjoyed it or you learn something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next week and I obviously forgot to record this portion [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,418,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasta, homemade pasta, pasta from scratch, pasta sauces, fettuccine, tagliatelle, tortellini, pasta dough, fresh pasta, making pasta dough, handmade pasta, egg pasta, joshua weissman, youtube cooking show, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, how to make pasta, how to make homemade pasta, dough, pasta recipes, recipe, cooking, food, pasta sauce recipe, dinner, dinner recipe, pasta dishes, how to make pasta from scratch, homemade fettuccine, homemade tortellini, homemade, tagilatelle
Id: K6Sf-2cKE0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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