How to make Cider From Apples - Simple & Rewarding

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hi guys welcome back to the getter braid Channel my name is Trevor and I'm going to talk you through how to make some Cider at home [Music] okay there's five simple steps to me consider step one we're going to wash the apples step two chop up the apples step three Blitz up the elbows and step four we're gonna put the apples in the press to press the apple juice out step five transfer the juice into the fermenter pitcher yeast then we're going to let it ferment for about two weeks I find the Katie of apples here and the first step what we're going to do is wash them okay I've got my bucket of water here just fresh water from the top grab yourself your apples and just dip them in just you could maybe pour them in and make it a bit quicker but uh we will just throw a few in we'll give them a good rinse wee-wash rim of the halves it's just make sure you get all this the stuff from the centers and the tops just as long as you're you get all the pieces of dirt off see any problems just give them a good rub with your thumbs [Music] but they're pretty good Apples because they've been harm packed rather than windfalls so they've been up on the tree when I've picked them off rather than being on the ground [Music] so once you've washed your apples you take your apples take them out you can either you can cut them in quarters because these are quite Big Apples I'll probably cut them into six pieces rather than four to make it easier that for us to Blitz up so just chop them anyway really uh look great for any wee bar bits if you see some bits that you don't like just take them out doesn't really matter about the seeds the seeds are fine in the apples you can put them through no problem these elbows are looking pretty good so they're quite puff apples I actually like to let apples ripen a bit before after they're picked so they're they're a bit softer to cut up and Pulp you're probably wondering where you get your apples from maybe lucky to have an apple tree at home or do what I do and go to the local Orchard and pick your own novels uh the best hand to pick apples would be say September to October time the the orchard that I go to mostly grew um Bromley apples which are great big apples and then if they also grow little crab apples the brownie apples are quite sour and then little crab apples are much sweeter and it brings a nice balance between the two when you add them together you can also go to your local shop and buy some sweet apples like gals and or any other sweet apples really and then you can make another make a blend of them all together once you chop up your apples put them into your your Blitzen bucket then chop up some more to fill the bucket about halfway before we start blessing them once you've got your bucket half filled we're now going to Blitz them you can get this pocket with the pulp and blade and the lid I had to get it brood uh once you you put your lid and attach a drill to it will take a couple of minutes to pull okay so now we're going to transfer the pulp into the Press you can buy these presses and get her a brood we've got six liters 12 liters and 18 liters this one is a 12 liter personally if you're doing a whole lot of bubbles I would recommend getting an 18 liter if you're doing just a minimum amount of apples I'd say maybe a six liter and if you're doing in between I would say a 12 liter we're making a five liter botch of cider so the 12 liter press will be more than enough for that so we're going to transfer it at night as you can see you can either use a spoon or you can just wipe it down with your home which makes it much easier a good day with putting the press a little hair so the juice can run into the jug or maybe get a smaller choke we're going to Blitz on other batch of this to then we will press the first battery site [Music] so what you do is get in your bag pull it up and it falls down around the bar best thing to do is not to fill it up too much or it'll get stuck in the the screw bit and you get your two halves that come with the Press like that the fit round the middle of the bar give it a wee jiggle around to make it we have a distance blocks that we sell here get our brood also you normally I like to use four so you put four on I'll do it this way today I like to put them like this so you have more distance to press normally you put them on their save but if you do it like this it gives you more you don't have to screw down so far makes it a bit easier to press you put foreign you want to just make sure you've got them nice and tight so they don't they don't fold in on you put your bar in and just keep twisting it down until all the juice is pressed out of the apples that we have crushed so you can take it out and bring it around so you don't have to keep going around but that's sort of a bit quicker when we do it this way I mean that's my everyday fish and I'm trying to get some workable yeah the family have told me plant the attention I did a liter and a half already can take a bit of time just waiting as you can see when me putting the the distance blocks the vertical way down and this is the benefit of it you don't have to be away down in the The Press and you don't have to use a whole lot of distance blocks it makes things a little easier and you don't have to screw down as much um you can keep going down for a while if you if you've got the tan but if you've got a whole lot of apples the the crush sometimes it's better just to press them get it out go again but um if you if you're leaking lever for 15 minutes it'll let you it'll go it'll go loose and it'll let you do it again for another few spins once you have finished the juice has stopped and your press has pressed as far as you can get it uh we're going to remove all the components again remove out the pulp kick if you're lucky enough to live in a farm or you you know a local farmer you can give your pulp to the farmers the chickens will eat it or toes pigs anything like that or you can either put it in a compost heap give yourself some nice soil for next year we'll we'll need to repeat the process so we can fill at least two of these jugs and put in the damage on [Music] [Music] once that process is complete we'll have our jugs filled and we're going to transfer into fermenter first we'll pour a weed glass okay so this is the fresh apple juice that remembers lovely fresh and crisp let's have a weight here or it's Tangy also if you don't want to go through this whole process you can also go to your local supermarket and buy apple juice from concentrated that has to be from concentrated just add the juice to a fermenter add yeast and you've got apple juice as well I personally like to do it with the fresh apples because I get the gets me and the kids a day picking the fresh apples from the orchard I get a day with the kids and my wife uh chopping apples and pressing them and to be honest you can't get any better results than fresh apple juice from your apples let's get this into the fermenter everything's being sanitized washed as you can see we better sanitator there and we'll just pour that into our bucket carefully get your joke and fill up the ferment the fermenter damage on ferment their bucket it depends on how much you press take your time not to spell early so we'll leave a wee bit and the Joker there's a little bit of sediment at the bottom uh it wouldn't harm to put it in but I'm just going to leave that out hopefully it'll clear quicker jug number two uh same again easily pour it in going down that's plenty in the damage on as you want to leave a bit of Headroom for what it needs during fermentation okay now we're going to add yeast to our apple juice uh just a heads up there's actually yeast in apple skins so this if you were to put the damage on bong and the herlock on there it'll just ferment itself it will take a bit of time but you do cause a hover risk off it spoiling because that yeast hasn't ran quick enough and we do have a selection of different yeast uh every potato that I normally do I would use an mo2 Cedar yeast which is must have like a clearing uh adjective in there as well because every Saturday I've made has it's made it beautifully clear I've also made a Setter from Nottingham Yeast it left it like apple juice and it stopped fermenting at about 1010. I did I bottled it and left it in the shed for like a year and it was one of the best Setters that I've ever tasted it was so clear bubbly crisp okay today we're going to be trying a new yeast ay4 from our friends a b East we're just going to give it a son of taste you won't need the whole 11.5 grams in here you probably just used half a packet maybe half a pack of a wee bit too much as well but um half a pack it'll be ground for the day so we'll give it a wee spray down we're gonna turn open and we'll just give it a wheat pour in probably like half a packet and that should do it fine I was just only five liters of juice just gonna sanitize our bong and our bubbler pop that in take a we'll spray some uh sanitized water it's just into the bubbler just until it's halfway from both once the yeast starts activating it'll create CO2 and appreciate the airlock okay that's pretty much us done um we need to leave this night to 18 to 24 degrees we we now have a little bit left over we're going to go and take a hydrometer reading to tell us how much sugar is in the juice and then after two weeks time once it stops bubbling and stops fermenting we'll take another hydrometer reading to let us know what percentage of alcohol is in the Seder there's you can also use Compton tablets to kill off anyway bacteria or the yeast that's on the apples but you'll you have to wait 24 hours after adding the Compton tablet to pitch the yeast because if you add it too quick it'll kill the yeastage yard personally I don't use them um I've never had I've been doing today for two years now and I've never had any issues that's how easy it is to make Cedar at home if you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touched hobbyburn [Music]
Channel: Get Er Brewed - Brewing Beer
Views: 109,383
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Keywords: #geterbrewed, #homebrewspecialists, irishmicrobrewery, Cider making, 5 steps to making cider, how to make cider, Can you make cider at home, Where do they make cider, When to make cider uk, What do you need for cider making, Can you make homemade cider, Is making cider easy, Making cider process, How to start making cider, Which apples for cider making, homebrew cider tips, How to make strong cider at home, Cider making guide, cider making instructions, Cider making at home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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