How to Make Chicken Tikka Masala/Chicken Tikka Masala

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hey there this is Pollock and today we're going to do chicken tikka masala chicken tikka was in dearly named by the British to gummy small pieces of chicken so I'm going to show you the easy cheating way to make chicken to got home you probably cut off a few calories too um so what I'm going to use is boneless chicken breast we're going to use the chicken and marinate the chicken for about half an hour and then I'm going to show you a really easy way to get a lot of flavor from your oven even though the traditional dish is done in a tandoori oven which no one has claimed and so we're going to use our traditional ovens at home and really replicate the same recipe here so what I have is three boneless chicken breasts and I use plain yogurt you want to use plain whole yogurt because it's it coats the chicken better it's going to hold the spices a little bit better so you don't want to skimp on your fat here okay let's get a whole big thing of yogurt in here use a little salt so probably about a tablespoon of salt in the marinade and back to our handy dandy Indian spice kit we're going to do a little bit of tumeric so probably about a teaspoon of turmeric into the mix big tablespoon of cayenne pepper um and I'm putting a lot more pepper than I normally would is because the yogurt is going to take a lot of it away so we want to make sure that the chicken is really season another great spice that if you have it again it's optional is paprika paprika gives it that really red color so I'm going to put probably half a teaspoon of paprika in here do about a tablespoon of coriander powder and last but certainly not the least cumin powder a tablespoon about as well just give it a good rub down on the chicken we want to make sure that the ingredients blend well together and marinating you can marinate for overnight you can marinate for 30 minutes obviously the longer it marinates the better but I'm kind of patient so about a half an hour's all I have left in these so we're going to only marinate this for half an hour and I've got it all mixed up just like that and you'll know you'll know it's marinating or mixed properly I should say when all of the yogurt is that nice golden yellow color so using chicken or working with chicken you don't want to contaminate cross contaminate wash your hands wash your cutting board no one wants to get sick at dinnertime so this is it it's gonna go in the fridge don't leave it at room temperature but in the fridge for a half an hour until we're ready with it so let's get to the sauce so now we just marinated our chicken breasts there in the refrigerator I'm going to do about a half an hour marinade now for the second step of chicken tikka masala want to make the sauce the sauce is really really easy all you need is some canned tomato pureed think this is tomato sauce um just for a fresh flavor I'm going to add two fresh tomatoes you don't have to you can just use the canned sauce if you want of course the quintessential Indian ingredients ginger garlic fresh chiles are always a great addition if you have them and then we're going to saute some onions so for the first thing I want to do is get my ginger and garlic prep I'm going to do about two cloves of garlic we've got a lot of chicken so I have four friends coming today so normally if you were just doing this for yourself a better one big corker is plenty never gets old doing this one and then I just chopped it ginger fresh ginger looks like you know Gumby roots I had some left over from last night so just going to cut that off and what I do is just you know take a little piece off and you don't want to use the outside of it um nothing can't be you know kind of just take your knife trim it you can do it with the peeler as well just get yourself a pretty far piece of ginger and then what I like to do is just cut it in the strips again with the chopping motion Ginger's really fibrous as you can see it fights back so keep a really really tight grip on your knife and just cut through you don't want large pieces of ginger doesn't melt like garlic and your guests and you are going to be in for a big surprise so let's dice up an onion so I use banish onions and you can also use red onions if you don't have Spanish onions these are a little bit spicier and flavor and we're only going to need one onion so I do is get the skin off here really easy and you know when I'm cooking I'd like to cook next to the stove less utensils the less cleanup so as you're putting things you can dump right into the pot all right get this off so cutting an onion um you can see that there's ridges on here so you do is just kind of very gently with your knife hold the onion down make little Mark's this can help you get that very consistent onion you've done one side and then turn it watch your hand and cut across and you'll get these beautiful pieces of square now that I have is a pan and I want to use a pretty big pan because I have a lot of chicken going on medium heat and put about 2 tablespoons of oil I cook with vegetable oil because it has a higher smoking point if you cook with extra virgin olive oil it tends to burn and it becomes carcinogenic it's a little bitter so it's only meant for salads if you're trying to stay healthy maybe cut down the oil intake but you probably want to cook the canola or vegetable oil when you're making Indian food what I do to start the sauce first is put a little bit of cumin so I put about like half a tablespoon of cumin into the oil you know when the oil is ready and the cumin is ready when they start jumping around you'll smell it and you'll see the cumin seeds dancing around on the top so you want to wait for that otherwise it's well and it doesn't get that flavor into the oil and that's what you're really doing this for if you've seen your mom do it it's to get that flavor of those seeds into the oil so it's nice and hot go ahead and put our ginger-garlic paste this here try not to burn yourself you can also of course take a bowl put it in the bowl and then dump it in if you're scared of oil splattering which I can't bear it doesn't happen so all we're going to do is saute the onions for about five to seven minutes and right now they look really white because they're wrong what we want is a a translucent almost golden brown color on the onion and that's when you know they're done they become really sweet so that's going to be the base for the sauce okay so the onions have been cooking for ten minutes you know they're completely translucent a little bit like brown this is what you want it'll make it a really good and sweet sauce um I'm going to put along with the onions and fresh tomatoes along with the tomato sauce but the reason I'm using fresh tomatoes on the cam tomato sauce can be a little bit bland at times uh directly in the pot as you're cutting it um so I think adding just one or two fresh tomatoes gives it a nice flavor okay so I've got two tomatoes in the pan and just turn the heat up a little bit I've had the heat on medium to low but now the tomatoes need to cook down we can turn it up a little bit more um just as you're cooking be cognizant of the heat you want to go high to low high to low no one ever should cook on just one consistent temperature otherwise you're I there under cooking stuff or burning it really really quickly before I cook let's put about a teaspoon of salt and then what I also want to do to this is put in our canned tomato sauce so probably going to do about a cup and a half there's one cup and half a cup give it a stir just be careful if you're very nice clothes and you're trying to cook without an apron casualties happen those shirts don't come back the same hour um now to see them the sauce of course our favorite handy dandy spice kit with our five or six stink favorite staple spices we're going to do half a teaspoon of ground cumin again I'm pepper fan heavy-handed with the spice but you don't have to I put a tablespoon of cayenne pepper and about a teaspoon of coriander powder and let's get down a stir very good now well this is going so we're going to lower the heat one more time again now that you have liquid the tomatoes are starting to release their water it's going to start splattering all over the stove so if you don't want to be at home cleaning till midnight turn the heat down give it a little bit time and it will start cooking away and let's go get the chicken traditionally we would marinate these chickens and then maybe in a clay oven like the tandoori oven they cook it up really really high heat even on skewers but since we're doing it the lazy man's way out I've just done boneless skinless breasts they come out of the marinade try to keep some of that yogurt on but the extra stuff can just stay in the bowl and I have it on a cookie sheet again I don't want it clean at the end of my night so what I've done here is taken a baking sheet and put aluminum foil on there so that we can just take it throw it away and we're done with the cleanup I'm going to put this in the 375 degree oven for about 10 minutes and then we're going to broil the top so you'll see these beautiful crispy bits of the yogurt and that's what's going to give it that flavor that a traditional chicken tikka masala has so let's put it in the other so we've cooked our sauce and our chicken I left the chicken in there for about 15 minutes and then I broiled it so here's a little trick because I had three different baby chicken medium-sized chicken and a very large chicken so I know that they're probably not cooked evenly so what I'm going to do is this one is probably under and it's gonna cook in the sauce so I'm going to put that in first and the baby chicken over here is probably very well done and then medium and the only way to really look to see if the chicken is done is cut it open we're going to cut into little bite-sized pieces this one under the broiler for about five minutes I really recommend that you stay next to the broiler with the oven light staring at it it might look a little weird but at least you won't burn your food and so just run my knife across it's a little hot you could use tongs if you wanted but then my mother would say I was a really Indian so just gonna this chicken is perfect and one way that I learned in culinary school is just to touch your palm when you're cooking protein and when you really spread out your palm and you touch and it's really tough that means it's overdone when you touch it and it bounces back it's medium and then when it's really really soft that means it's undercooked so just a little trick and the more food you cook and the more chicken that you experiment with you're gonna be able to understand how perfectly to cook chicken and this is great because and so I'm hoping you can see the moisture coming out from the chicken it's perfectly tender and not overcooked so we'll put the big guy in first and the boiler you can see added like a really nice charred you know flavor and even though it doesn't look like much when you eat it that flavor does come through and it helps us build a really complex flavor into your chicken dish this is the medium it's a little bit done so I'm just going to refit this one because it's completely cooked and I know that it's cooked because it's white and not pink in the center again if you're if it's your first time cooking chicken you know use a meat thermometer and make sure that the chicken is not pink it's a better to overcook a little bit as you're learning rather than under cook and get sick so that's hot these days in the last piece I think I'm going to save that person egg for cooking and you see this one is completely it's dry almost because it was the thinnest part of the chicken it's still perfectly good because it's going to go in the sauce but if you were serving a whole chicken like this the size of the chicken does make a difference on how long you're going to cook so all of these go into our pan and let's just give it a stir and the one last thing I'm going to do I've kept the sauce for the chicken very lumpy I guess it's got a lot of texture in it if you wanted to make it really fancy for a date you could always puree it to get that restaurant type of feeling but since you're cooking at home like more the rustic feeling from the you know fresh tomatoes and the last thing that chicken tikka has is a little bit of cream I use heavy cream heavy whipping cream and you probably just want about 1/4 of a cup just to cut down some of the heat as well as give it that creamy texture to go along with the chicken and immediately that sauce which was really red is going to turn a very nice orange sure actually and and if you feel like you're liking a little bit more cream which I do sometimes add a little bit more cream and that's it since the chickens are already cooked we can just take it off the heat and we're going to garnish it with cilantro just chopped cilantro and again when you're using fresh herbs if you want to put them on after you taste your dish off the heat and cilantro gets really black and bitter so you want to put it in the dish after you or probably right before you want to serve it so really easy chicken tikka masala marinate baked and put it together with the sauce very simple and it's just as good as your restaurant take them aside less on me place
Channel: goodindiangirlvideos
Views: 1,178,017
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Keywords: chicken tikka masala recipe, chicken masala recipe, chicken curry recipe, butter chicken recipe, Chicken Tikka Masala (Dish), chicken masala recipes, good indian girl
Id: JI2i0m1r4Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2012
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