How to make car Enter and Exit system like GTA in Unity with ANIMATION!!!!!_WITHOUT WRITING ANY CODE

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[Music] and now we run this escorpion from how to do and in this video we will be learning how to make our enter and exit animations so that it looks something like this so when we get inside the car the players have lady animation and then we can control the car just like that alright and we can also get out of the car using the animation so there we go that is cool looks cool and yeah let's see how to do it bam and bam it's satisfying yeah so let's see how to do it so if I get out of the car and I get out of the sea and play the scene which we were working in the previous video so this was the scene which we were working in the previous video so we actually changed the standard assets car into this Lamborghini car so if you haven't seen the previous videos then go ahead and make sure you see them the link to that is in the description box below and this I guess is the 7th part on how to make GTA in unity 4 and right and this was what we made in the previous video so yeah that's continued so in order to get inside and outside the car what first thing you need to do is you need to have a card which have which has a separate door so like I have these separate doors over here and also this portion is also has dissembler dough so the both the doors are separate so if you want download this standard assets car or if you want if you want download this Lamborghini or if you want to learn how to change this general assets car into the into normal car you should see my previous video which is the how to make GTA in unity for Android part 6 and in that I told you how to download this one this car and how to you know change the standard assets car into this car so then what you need to do is you need to select the door as well as this side mirror and I will do it for one alright but you can do it for the second one too so what you have to do is you have to take the both of them and drag them out all right where your standards car is all right in my case this is the standard assets car in this is the Lamborghini okay so I can go ahead and delete my standard assets car except the wheels this was what I you know this is general and the wheels of this general cost and assets car still over here so I American delete the wheels because these are standard assets car but I'm gonna take the take the door and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and make a make an empty object inside the car and I'm gonna call this one adore move it alright and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the door pivot and bring it over here somewhere so that this will be the pivot around which the door will rotate so I want the door to rotate from here from this portion alright and it'll bring it inside and there we go now what we can do is we can take the door and drag it inside the door pivot and then I'm gonna close it and then if we come in here and select the pivot from here you can see we can rotate it from here like that but of course you can see the the inside of the car door is not shown in my case because you know the the you know the back it's called back culling or I don't know back face culling something like that so the model is not perfect for this one but what we can do is we can come and download the standard double-sided import settings or shader this is the shader which I downloaded and the link to that is also in the description box below so standard double-sided shader and what you have to do it you have to make a new material and of course it will gives you some weird you know error it gives you an error but it does not stops the game so it's good so you have to go ahead and make material and you have to say door or whatever it's gift can be anything I'm gonna say door match it can be anything and then I'm gonna go ahead and drag and drop this material to the door which I'm not able to from this side so I have to come in here and this side there we go but still there is nothing so we have to change this channel too in my case it's failed to compile because it's there's some kind of error in here and there's the standard double sided so when we click that you can see the the other portion is also shown so it's cool right and then we can also change the you know material to match this car so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to match it guess that is it so I have already done this so I'm gonna drag and drop the one so there we go alright so you have to just download this general double-sided import settings and then the link to that is also in the description box below so that is cool okay with that done what we can do is we can make the animation for the door alright so the door will close and then the door will open alright that's only what we need to do and but before we make the animation let me just go ahead and set it to zero for now so that the door is closed there we go but before we do anything we want our character to have some kind of a door closing and or entering car entering and car exiting animation and we can we do not have to make it you know because it will take a lot of time making it so we have to download it and from where we have we're gonna download it it's the mix mode calm alright and mixed mode calm and I have told you how to you know download the animations so all of these animations are from mix mode calm and I have told you that in the previous videos so what you have to do is you have to come in here and say car just that alright just car and there you can see the top two are entering and exiting the car so exit the car and come take some time but yeah falsehood so the car there are only three animations ok so then he he is sitting in the car he opened the door and gets out of the car and then he closes the door alright this is the one animation and the other one is entering the car which looks something like this come on okay so there we go he opens the door gets inside and close to the door and starts to drive alright and there also is the driving idle so he is driving the car and just that but we don't want that all right we just want to download these two animations you have to just click both of them and say download and download unity FBX for unity and then download that but I have already done that so I'm not gonna do it again so I have already done that and when you downloaded you have to just drag and drop it inside unity and there we have the two of them alright and there we have the two of them but for the for all the animations what we have done is we went to rig and set it to humanoid but we don't want that too far we don't want that to be with this one all right both of them and you will know why it is in a second so we just want it like a dummy you know and you will know what it means so we have just come in here and do nothing all right just nothing you just have to import it make sure both of them are generic and that is that and what we do but what we then can I do is we are going to drag and drop the the animation alright the car entering so we have to just drag and drop like that and then we are going to take this one and drag and drop it inside our player so it's in my player settings setup and inside the plate alright you just drag and drop it inside there and then we're gonna reset the transform so that the dummy or the animation just snaps to the actual player so that it is like that alright so it looks cool okay so we can do some kind of effect over here but no of course we're not gonna do that okay so now what we can do is we can drag it out if we just wanted to make sure the position and the size of the player is the same as the animation and we're gonna call this animation dummy dummy enter so this is just a dummy that will enter the car alright so I'm gonna select the dummy and the layer set up and bring it somewhere over here so that it will be easier for us to enter the car alright and and then what we want is we want to match the animation alright so let me just go ahead and tell you what I want so I'm gonna go to the dummy and I want to make a new animator controller for this one so I have already made that so I'm not gonna do that again but what what you have to do is you have to say create right click create and create an animator controller and then you will have this one and you have to double click it and drag and drop your car enter animation inside of it and then you will see this one all right just just like that and you have to just do it once and then what you have to do is you have to go to your dummy enter and drag and drop the dummy enter animator controller over here so that when we play the game you will see that one of one of the if it this is the dummy and he's doing the animation and he's sitting into nothingness look at him doof the cars over here man you have to get inside of there okay so what we have to do is we have to position it so that it is sitting inside the door and you can see the pivot is over here so actually dummy is over here but he is doing the animation and he looks like it's over here however the actual position of the dummy is over here right yeah it's a bit confusing but that is the truth that is that live trust so we have position it so that he is sitting inside the car just like that and also her also from here and bring it down a bit there we go so he is sitting inside the car and he looks cool he's also holding the steering wheel it's kind of frustrating you and then what we have to do is we have to copy the component and we had to get out of the gameplay and we have to paste the component values so that the dummy is positioned something like if this and then now we play and you will see the dummy he enters the car BAM he sits on it and there we go he's ready alright so what we are doing actually is what we are not making this actual player do the animation we are actually using a dummy which is gonna do the animation for our character because it's really really hard I have done that I have tried to do that like at the are actual player is gonna do the animation like this one but it's really hard you can see positioning it all and it's raw or it's all really difficult so I came up with this you know hack or this simple very simple method so this this is the easiest event method and it's really really easy and that's that so now what we just want is we want to disable the dummy and when we play the game what we want is we want is we want is we want to come in here and whenever we are gonna press this we're gonna press the enter car we're not gonna snap inside the what we want is we want our dummy to be enabled and then he's gonna play the animation he's gonna get inside and then we are gonna be able to play the game however the dummy is still to do that the dummy is still sitting over there look at him and he's grown in size of course we want to make him the child of the Skycar so drag and drop inside the car and there we go now whenever the car will move the dummy will also move all right cool and now we can come into our trigger and I'm gonna make it a little smaller from here and it'll smaller from here and little over here so that it positions right where our door is all right okay and then what we can do is we can come to our trigger and go to FSM and this all was what we made in the previous videos if you have if you haven't seen that go ahead click link in the description box below this is the easiest way you know you don't have to write any code this is the simplest way to make the car system or at anything I we have made all of this without writing a single line of code and that is that it's really really easy so if you want to learn this go ahead and click link in the description box below playmaker is really really cool I love it so we have to tweak some changes to changing in here the first thing what we want is when we enter the car what we want is we want to make a new state over here and we want is we want to enable and disable something so activate game object so we can activate the dummy all right enter dummy and at the same time we are going to disabled so deactivate the actual player all the whole layer setup all right and the player setup consists of the player and the camera so we're gonna disable that so when the camera is disabled we also want to enable the multi-purpose camera which is the camera for the cars to drag and drop it in here and enable that all right so this is enabled and this disabled so this is enabled and this is disabled all right okay and then what we want is we are gonna wait for some time so we're gonna see how long is the animation is so we're gonna select the car enter and we are gonna play through it and it takes about five seconds all right so we have to wait for five seconds or less so let me just go ahead and save wait wait for let's say three seconds all right let's wait for three seconds and then we're gonna finished or enter the car or less I finished it doesn't matter house actually we'll just have to transition so finished and so what's actually happening is when we press the car enter button we're gonna come in here we're gonna disable the character our actual player and enable the dummy and also enable the multi-purpose camera which is the car camera and then we are gonna wait for three seconds to complete for our dummy to complete the animation and then we are done there we're gonna set parent or we can do that in the previous one also so we're gonna copy the selected action paste it in here based action and that is that so we're gonna set the player the parent set the parent of the player to be the car so that when the car moves forward or backwards the player will also move forwards and backwards alright so that our you know player can travel while the Rileys disabled okay so this is what what we discussed in the previous videos I'm not gonna go in-depth and when we come in here you're gonna say deactivate joystick and activate the multi-purpose camera so we have already done that so we can delete that one activate car tilt controls and then the activity player we have already done that so do that and then also what we want is when we are all right let's play and see what where are we right now let's play and see where are we right now so there we go we can walk around and when we get inside the car there we go there's our dummy playing some kind of an animation and then we can move around okay so that looks cool however look at that what the heck I didn't I set it up didn't I let me just play and see what's happening from this view tube didn't I just set it up so that the dummy can play the animation right so why is he down there he shouldn't be down there right I don't know what the heck so I'm gonna take the dummy and bring it little up [Music] I just set it up why it's like this bring it to the back and there we go alright so now he's holding that and let's just copy the component based component values and now if you play it should work and I double click the head okay emerald so okay so now if I get inside the car from here so there we go he's doing the animation we can see that it's cool and of course it's working okay so now if we come in here and move the carpet and I also think we should change the camera view back up and there we go he's sitting inside the car but as you can see if I click this now deep there is gonna just snap out and the dummy is you can see where's the car the dummy is still sitting inside the car alright and that's not what we want so we had to change that a bit but it's it's still working you know it's cool it's cool so edit and let me just come do the flare there we go okay alright so what we want is we want what we want is we want to activate and deactivate both of them at the same time so copy component and when when we are playing the animation we don't want our character or a player to you know move our character or the or the car right when we are playing the animation so we want to deactivate both of them and when we complete the animation we're going to copy this component when we complete the animation we 10 are gonna want our car tilt controls to be enabled and yeah so let me just go and explain it I think I didn't explain it quite well so what I did is I activated I deactivated the joystick canvas which is the which is this one so that from this we can control our character so we can anticipate because we don't want our player to control our you know our character when he's doing the animation and then also we want to deactivate the car tilt controls because we don't want our player to you know JME move the car while the player character is doing the animation and then we when when the dummy has done the animation then we are gonna enable the car tilt controls all right I think I explained it quite well I think so then when we are gonna press the exit button again let me just come back to the car so when we come when we press the exit button again then we're gonna go ahead and enable and disable some things so let's see what we have to do first and okay let me just go ahead and make a state and then we can go ahead and of course we have to some kind of we have to do some kind of an animation right because we just don't want our characters to snap out like that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the same thing for the exit animation alright so here we have so what you have to do is you have to drag it over here just like that and you can also drag it drop it inside the car enter dummy and then reset the transform and then bring it out and there we go so the size and position is quite well and I'm gonna set it up from here where the car dummy should be we can set it up from here and I think that is cool yeah okay and we can I'm really sorry and the event is really blowing really fast outside so the door smashed we can call it exit to me exit domain okay so the exit I mean the me enter are both over here okay and now of course we want some kind of an animated controller for this too so we're gonna go ahead and make a new animator controller the same thing so I have already made that and you have to just drag it and drop the dummy enter oh is it over here and there you can you can see it alright and then we are gonna play and see if the animation is doing well and he's not doing the animation because I have not said the animator controller drag and drop it in here and there we can see he plays the animation and comes out and it looks cool it looks cool so yeah and then of course we have to disable that and we are gonna enable that when we play the when we press the exit button alright so when we press the exit button we cannot come in here and we are going to let me just go ahead and select all of these alright copy these and paste them in here so that it will be easier for us to you know not again and again and again say the same thing so we had to drag and so we have to activate our exit dummy right so we gonna drag and drop the exit I mean here close that and what we are going to disable there we want to disable our enter them so that there we go enter them you will be deactivated and exit the me will be activated and then we're gonna also deactivate the car tilt controls where are they car tilt controls there we go so we're gonna deactivate the car tilt controls and let me just go and drag it drop in here then we're gonna see how long the animation is and then we're gonna set that set any set parent of the player to be none so their dip lair is you know free and deactivate activate game object I think we should not activate it for now because we want our character to play the you know full animation and we're gonna see how long the animation is so it's also five let's just say fourth 4.5 seconds 4 1 5 second or let's say 4 that will are I don't know 4.5 seconds 5 seconds I'm really sorry but I don't know what to do so go and when the five seconds I'll complete we're gonna finished and come in here and then we don't want that because we already have done that over here and then we're gonna enable the joystick that's good and we have disabled the Karma the purpose camera so yeah we have to also do that ok so both of them are good activate we already have done that we have deactivated the contrail controls we don't want to that end we have to do that for two and then next frame and then we're gonna come in here and I think it looks good and it should work it should work so play the game and see if it's working or not working or not okay there we go so the body tummies are deactivated to be called we can see any one of them and then when we play became there we go he and he plays the animation and there we go we can get inside we can move the car around and and when we stop the car and get out of the car get out okay get out so he's not doing the animation oh I'm really sorry I'm really sorry I have a drag and drop this animation over here I didn't send anybody controller sorry okay play the game a game and get inside the car to the animation looks good of course we have to also do the air car and car door animation and we're gonna do that in second and when you come over here and stop and so there we go he does that animation and there we go but the who the hell are you at hey he looks like it's what the heck yeah okay alright so there are some problems we have to fix that okay and when when we enable the character which is over here we also have to be activate the exit tunnel so we have deactivated that you said to me so that will do that will take care of the shorter UI over here but there's a little problem that we have to solve and that is when we get inside the car and play the game and I think I should also set the camera a little bit so that we can see the animations but if I play if I move the car and get out of the car you can see you cannot come out like that right I mean look at that okay what happened let me just go ahead and make this little bigger so that we can drive the car a bit longer because I really hate it when I can't drive so let me just go ahead and play again and get inside the car he gets in okay that's good and then when we move the car and when decal or when the car is moving then we get out of the car you cannot just get out of the car like that car is still moving you know look what the heck come on with that oh okay so there's some problem with the parenting system oh hey okay so this one is wrong this Oh what the heck okay so we can we don't want our there to be none right now all right so we have to do that sorry I'm really sorry for that but we want our wait a second what we did over here said variant car all right so we don't want our dependent of the player not to be none it should be car for now because we haven't enabled the player yet so we have to do that and then we come in here we want to set it none when we are when the player is activated so when the player is activated we also have to set the parent of the player none all right okay oh okay so now it should work so if I did that play the game I'm really tired okay so let's accept it you set it like this so that we can see and I'm gonna disable the is nose there we go okay so when we get inside the car we are gonna play the animation and then we're gonna move forward and while the car is moving we cannot get out of the car like like he's doing right now right it's it's impossible right and we don't want him to be enabled why is he in able didn't I disable him what the heck why is it happening with me okay it was my fault I accidentally dragged in the car entered the me instead of the exit dummy so we have to try and wrap the exit them in here okay okay so now if you play the game and get into the car so he does that animation that is cool and when we play when we move the car and while the car is moving when we get out of the car it cannot alright I if you move the car let the car roll and then when we get out of the car he cannot get out of the car like that right so what we have to do is okay everything is now okay just this one so what we want is we want to stop our car right so when we press this button we want to stop our car and then we want to play that animation so how we can do that [Music] so we want to get inside the car and see how we can do that okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and say [Music] and we're gonna play the animation over here right so we're gonna say set velocity set velocity and we're gonna set the velocity off the car you can drag it off the car in here and set the velocity to zero zero and zero alright so that the car stops alright I'm gonna set the world and every frame I don't know but yeah let's check it out so we when we press the car exit button the car is issuing the car should stop and let's see if it does or not okay or should I do first is I should make some kind of a markers so that we can see our car is actually moving because now we cannot tell the car is moving or not so I'm gonna go ahead and make some kind of cubes in here so that we can we can distinguish between what is happening like the car is actually moving I'm gonna bring these over here so that we can see them moving with which we can tell the car that okay and I think that is good okay so when we get inside the car just like that it is animation and then we can the car sorry there we go and God is moving and stop the car there we go cool that is cool that is cool that's good okay so it's working and the only thing now what we have to do is we have to do the animation of the car and that's that right so the car door animation is remaining and that is really easy that is not that difficult so we have to come inside the car I have to do that first alright so go to the car pivot and go to animation alright if you don't see this animation window go to window and animation which is somewhere over here animation animation animation there we go animation alright and then what we have to do is we have to just say ok or let's just go to the car first alright select the car and say create and I'm gonna say power door open animation full and then what we're gonna do is we are going to make animation of course but we have to make the animation coordinating to the or you know it should be relative to the animation of the player and how we gonna do that we're gonna select the car enter animation and then we're gonna note the time in which time what the player is doing alright let's see so we gonna scrub through the animation so he grabs the handle of the car on one second and then he's gonna open the car till I don't know two seconds so from one to two seconds the car doors gonna open and then it's gonna remain open until until 3.5 seconds and then it's gonna close the door at at 4.2 seconds or 4 seconds 4 1 2 seconds so yeah alright so from 1 seconds from 1 seconds the car doors gonna start and two seconds it's kind of open and then from 3.5 seconds it's gonna start to close and at 4.2 seconds gonna close okay that shouldn't be that difficult so let's just go ahead and say record and select the door pivot and let's just move it a little bit and then set it back to zero so that the car door is still over there but we have a quick key frame and we're gonna scrub through one second and from one second we also have to do that and set it back to zero so that from zero to one seconds nothing is actually happening alright and then we're gonna hold ctrl to hold alt and you can use your mouse wheel to you know scrub through or make it smaller or bigger so I'm gonna come in here so from one to two seconds we are gonna open the car door alright so we can just go ahead and say open just like that this much will be good I think I don't know but let's just make it like that so as you can see from zero to one seconds nothing is happening and then from one to two seconds the car doors gonna open and then it's gonna remain open till 3.5 seconds right so 3:30 so you can unless move it a little bit and then okay what you can actually do is you can just click this one alright that is the simplest way so that there will be an extra key frame without any animation right so from two to three point five seconds nothing is actually happening the car door is open and then from from here we have to say somewhere over here I guess over here we're gonna close the door so we're gonna set it to zero there we go all right so the car doors gonna open and then it's kind of closed and I think it will match all right so let's just go ahead and exit the record mode and then we have to select our car and there is already in animator controller over here and when we select the car animation the door open is already set to the default States so to check that out what we want is we want to enable our where's it our dummy where is it where's the dummy car enter done all right so enable that so that both the animations will be parallel so that we can see what's happening over here oops let me just come out of the game view you okay so there we go he opens the door and then he also closes the door yeah so it matches and of course the animation is set to loop so we have to select the car door animation and raise it and exit the loop all right make sure you do that and the EM the animation is pretty much you know working its magic and now we have to do the same thing but oops no not for the dummy so this is the animation for the dummy you know he is entering the car he's doing all of these animations so we had to make all of this but we are not gonna make this because we're gonna find it in the mixer at home so now you see how how it's difficult right okay so you're gonna select the exit animation or first we're gonna select the car and go to animation and we have to say create new clip and then we're gonna say door [Music] door exit okay and then are we gonna go ahead and bring it over here so that we have a bigger time line and then we're gonna go ahead and see the we can I said we're gonna do the same thing right so he opens the door from one second to do I don't know 1.5 seconds I guess so 1 to 1.5 seconds and then he steps out so 1 to 1.5 seconds it's gonna open and then it's gonna remain open till till 3 3.5 seconds to four seconds 4.2 seconds so one 1.5 3.5 3.5 and then 4.2 - it's okay come in here go to the animation and come to the scene view select the door pivot where is it where is it okay here we go and then we gonna go ahead and go to record mode and it's gonna remain closed right so we can you can move it a little bit and come back to zero so that there's a free frame of here and what was it 1.5 seconds right no.11 seconds so it's gonna start to open so we're gonna move it a little bit and and then 1.5 seconds so which means over here it's gonna open there we go so let's just open it till here and then it's gonna remain open till a 3.5 seconds so 3:30 and just click this one so that makes the you know the key frame and then to 4.2 seconds which means somewhere over here and set it back to zero cool cool cool cool and then we're gonna come back to the car animator controller and let's make it fall straight for nouns too so that we can check out if it's working and we're gonna enable the car exit dummy okay and we're gonna check if the animations matches or not if the animation matches or not so he opens the door he comes out and he closes the door that is really cool and of course we have to also exit the loop so go ahead and do that okay so we're gonna come back and and make a default state make the open door default state and the one thing what you have to do is you have to go ahead and come to your door pivot and make a new animation and this is a lot of animation we have to sell set it idle and in this in this animation nothing is actually happening the car door will be just just closed all right so move through one second or anything and then you're gonna move it and set it back to zero so in this animation nothing is actually happening it's just idle so it's car idle it's cool and we're gonna come back to the animator and make the idle the default state all right all right okay and then we're gonna make a new pool over here and you're gonna say enter so when the enter is true it's gonna go ahead and so when the enter is true it's gonna come in here and make sure the health exit time is off and then it's gonna come back alright so what is actually happening is let me just go ahead and double click that so no model is available for preview just drag and drop a model in preview area and drag and drop the car model in here so there we go all right so now if you plating oops so drag and drop the whole car in here I guess okay it was the idle sorry okay so if we select this one and the drag and drop the car in here if I can no you can't okay heck okay yes just leave it so what is happening is the car is actually in the idle state and when the car enter is true the car doors gonna open and then it's kind of closed and then when closes it's gonna come back to idle so it's still gonna be closed alright and then I'm gonna make a transition from here and so when the car enter is false enter is false it's gonna come in here and come back there so that is a handi we need to do so you don't have to understand it's it's not it's not that difficult you know the car doors are closed and when the car enter is true it's gonna come in here with this and your transition car enter is true it's gonna come in here and the door is gonna open for some time and then it's gonna close and then it closes the animation stops and when the animation stops it's gonna come back over here and then the door is closed and the idle animation is playing alright and then when the car enter is false this is gonna happen the idol is gonna go to the the from the the doors gonna open and then it's gonna close and then you know it's gonna be closed forever I think it will work I it should work so let's just let's just go to trigger and say edit stand-in here we have to just add some bull values and that should not be difficult it's thing it should be over here so in the in the state when the player presses the car enter button we are gonna set the bull animator pool where is it anyway taboo animator there we go so set animator pool specify the game of the against the car has in the car has the you know the animator and then we gonna see what is the animated rule so make sure the spellings are the same okay and then we're gonna set it to true all right and when we set it to true this animation will be play and also the kardama will also print play the animation all right and then we're gonna copy this component and when we press the exit button we are going to set it to false yeah that's it is that it is that it lets see oh okay oh hey who are you hey okay I forgot I think I forgot yeah that okay it was my mistake I accidentally forgot to disable that [Music] what the heck let's just come out and see what's happening oh how can I do that the car enter is false right now okay so we I think we have to make a new book it was so silly let's just go ahead and say exit new bull exit and over here we have to save and exit is true and when exit is true okay and I think it should work right now and we have to come in here we have to say instead of enter we have to say exit when exit is true and of course we also have to copy this component paste it in the start and make sure both of the enter and exit are false when the game starts I think that will work let me see what I did in that one [Music] okay so now he's not doing animation that is good okay all right I like I I know what's happening so now the car enters true we have to make it false come on so when it comes over here we have to make it false okay sounds logical yeah and then we have to come in here and we also have to make it false over here make it false all right now it should work now I know it should work I'm really sorry for that but now it should work okay get inside the car lay the animations cool and then when we move the cars not doing the animation and when we stop the car he's gonna get out of the car okay huh and is working cool and of course we can do it as many times as you want okay there was little difficulty okay so it's working cool and yeah that is that I guess hope you guys enjoyed my video if you did then subscribe to my channel which is how to do and if you want to learn if you want to learn all of this how to make simple games in unity without writing a simple a single line of code make it simple don't do it you know don't ya don't make it hard for yourself you know it's really difficult when you make games using scripts and people think that it's really difficult but however you can use playmaker instead of instead of writing scripts you can use playmaker and that is really really easy you know so yeah that is that hope you guys enjoyed my video if you have any questions leave the comments below I will try to answer it if you have any requests then you can also tell me in the comments below and I will try to you know fulfill those requests and I guess that's that if you want to support me the link to that isn't also in the description box below you can send me some money through PayPal and I already appreciate that and yeah that's that hope you guys enjoy it and I will see you in my next video till then peace out
Channel: How To Do
Views: 45,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car enter and exit, Animations, GTA, Unity, Simple
Id: 6oiv1rpLRrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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