How to make Brioche Burger Buns BY HAND

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[Music] I've come to put a stop to the kitchenaid propaganda that you need a mixer to make brioche yo alright so there's not any actual KitchenAid propaganda but nine out of ten recipes you see for brioche will all say to use a mixer so today we're gonna make perfect brioche hamburger buns all by hand so brioche is an enriched dough with milk eggs and a whole lot of butter some brioche recipes like the Culinary Institute of America's use 60% butter compared to the flour but to me that starts to feel like a dessert Fred more than a burger bun so this recipe uses a slightly more conservative 38% butter which is going to give us a little bit firmer bun and it's easier to work that butter into the dough by hand also during the hand mixing and kneading process you'll know you're doing it right if you constantly doubt yourself throughout the process until that dough finally comes together and become supple it's also a bit of an arm workout now this isn't the easiest bread in the world to mix by hand but being rewarded with little pillows of bread for your burger to rest upon are well worth it in my opinion let's do this start by heating 90 grams of milk to around 100 degrees Fahrenheit then you're gonna crack in two eggs and add 15 grams of white sugar whisk that until the egg is beaten and well combined then you're going to pour in five grams of instant dry yeast and stir that until it is combined as well you're gonna set this aside and let the yeast activate for five to ten minutes until a light foam surfaces and little bubbles are visible on top meanwhile add 300 grams of all-purpose or bread flour to a bowl along with 6 grams of salt you're going to pour in the proofed yeast mixture and begin working the dough in the bowl with your hands until a cohesive mass form and no dry flour remains in the bowl the dough is gonna be pretty sticky and will feel quite tough at this point so what we're going to do is let it rest for 30 minutes before adding the butter and starting our kneading process letting it rest will allow the flour to further hydrate which is what helps cause gluten development with the dough rested turn it out onto a work surface and now it's time to at the butter a lot of butter cut a full stick of butter into pieces and lay them on top of the dough and start working it in with your hands this starts the arm workout portion of our recipe the butter needs to be completely worked into the dough and I do this by mashing it into the work surface with the heel of my hand really spread that dough thin and just mash everything together as best you can another invaluable tool for this process is a bench scraper which helps keep everything tidy and moving around at first you'll think this butter is never going to incorporate and the dough is ruined but you just need to keep working it and eventually it will come together [Music] it took me around ten minutes to get that butter completely incorporated and you can see how it's kind of a sticky dough that really sticks to itself now and this is when the dough is actually ready to be kneaded you can do this by kneading with the heel of your hand or you can do this slap and fold technique by throwing the dough on the work surface folding over it onto itself and then just repeating that motion continue this lap and fold process until the dough is completely smooth and no longer sticky this is probably gonna take another five to ten minutes and we're gonna check the doneness with a gluten window test now that the dough is smooth I'm gonna take a small piece of it and see if I can stretch it without tearing until it's slightly transparent you can see that this first test tore without getting really thin so I continued slapping and folding for another couple of minutes now when I check for a gluten window I was able to stretch it really thin and we can see that light shine through if you want to learn a little bit more about gluten development you can check out my guy to sandwich bread video with our gluten develop add the dough to a bowl and cover it with saran wrap we're gonna let this proof until it is doubled in size this typically takes about 60 to 90 minutes but it will depend on the temperature of the room it's in and the activity of your yeast while the dough is rising we're going to make our tinfoil ring molds you can make this without the molds but they definitely help give a little more height to our bun in the final product and this is a tip that I picked up from a chefsteps video if that is really quite genius grab a 12 inch by 6 inch piece of tinfoil and begin folding the foil into a thin strip about 3/4 of an inch high [Music] [Music] now you're gonna put this into a circle and staple the ends together if you take 12 inches and divide by the value of pi we have roughly a three and three and four inch diameter bun I also realized this is the first time how to use the value of pi since highschool in total you're gonna make six total ring molds for our buns and then we can get back to our risen dough with the brioche dough risen punch it down and turn it out onto the counter we're gonna portion the dough into six buns that are gonna be roughly 100 grams each this will give you a fairly hefty sized burger though you could scale up or down as you see fit once portion we're gonna set up our ring molds by laying down some parchment paper on a baking sheet adding the ring molds and then just gently spraying them with some cooking spray take a portion of dough and just pinch it into a ball you can place it on the counter and gently twist it to create a tighter dough ball if you want to and then you're just gonna place that dough ball in the middle of the ring mold and repeat this process for each bun once those are all done using the underside of a bowl gently press down until the bowl hits the top of the ring mold then we're gonna place an inverted baking sheet over top and let these buns proof until they're doubled in size it's probably gonna take another 60 to 90 minutes once the buns are well proofed the last thing to do is add the egg wash this is another signature item for brioche that makes a fairly big difference the egg wash gives it that nice brown and golden exterior and also allows you to top them with things like sesame seeds add one whole egg and 15 milliliters of water to a bowl and vigorously whisk that until it is well combined then you're going to gently brush that egg wash over top of each bun now for the most classic burger bun topping I'm just going to sprinkle over some white sesame seeds but you could do things like poppy seeds everything bagel seeds or just some flaky salt once the buns are top place them into a preheated 350 degrees fahrenheit oven and you're gonna bake these for around 20 minutes until they are golden brown I like to flip them halfway through just so it gets even browning on both sides and then you're going to stick a thermometer in the bun for a target temperature of 203 degrees Fahrenheit once they're out of the oven you can place them on a wire rack and let them cool for maybe 20 to 30 minutes before slicing in and enjoying you'll also know the buns are properly done if you can press on them and they spring back now here's me just absolutely ripping through it and we can see we have this gorgeous light and fluffy crumb and if we slice one open we've got these nice tight little bubbles of air I think it's time to make a quick smash burger take five ounces of ground beef and separate them into two 2.5 ounce balls season them with salt and pepper and I also added a little bit of smoked paprika too and roll them around so the seasoning coats the outside now get a cast-iron hotter than a jalapeno from Hell and place the ball down and immediately smash it with the back of your spatula repeat the same process with the other burger cook them for 45 to 60 seconds without touching them to let that crust develop then you're gonna flip the spatula upside down and scrape the burger to keep the crust intact once flipped place a piece of cheese on the second flip burger and place the other one on top now I'm just gonna lay the brioche buns down on the cast-iron to toast up a bit and then on our toasted brioche bun we're gonna spread down some special sauce from the fried chicken video I added a couple homemade pickles and finally our smash burger place a little more sauce on top of the other bun and that is a absolutely delicious hamburger so like I said it's not the easiest thing to do by hand but now be damned if it's not worth it the step-by-step recipe for these will be up on my website which will be linked down in the description below that's gonna wrap it up for this one hopefully y'all enjoyed I'll catch you in the next one these [Music]
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 191,396
Rating: 4.9506831 out of 5
Keywords: Cook with E, brioche burger buns, brioche by hand, brioche by hand recipe, sesame seed burger buns, how to make brioche buns, hamburger buns, how to make brioche, how to make buns, brioche, brioche buns, brioche buns by hand, homemade buns, brioche buns recipe, brioche bread recipe, bread from scratch, brioche bread, sesame seed buns, brioche recipe easy, perfect burger buns, burger bun recipe, milk buns, how to make burger buns
Id: 8RV-sKOqr3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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