How to make BioDiesel at home.

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thank you for purchasing a processor from home biodiesel kids we welcome you to our instruction video that will assist you in the introduction of biodiesel it is our goal to help you in making the highest quality fuel with the utmost regard for safety as well please take the time to observe all safety information contained in your owner's manual and also notice in this video the proper use of safety clothing gloves goggles and masks the chemicals used in making biodiesel are dangerous and should be treated as such contained in your owner's manual are directions and cautions for safe handling of the chemicals used in making biodiesel once again take time to learn the safety procedures we again appreciate your purchase of a processor from home biodiesel kids and now we begin our instruction of the home biodiesel kit with mr. Jess golf we'll begin by adding the oil to the oil barrel we'll pour the oil into the barrel from the top you can pour or pump the oil in the barrel the barrel comes equipped with a strainer that's placed on top of it so that your oil as you're pouring or pumping at the end will be filtered down to 200 microns our next process will be to add the oil to the reactor we'll open valves one valve three and valve five will then turn on the pump and that will add the oil to the main reactor tank you will now perform at test on our oil that we're going to be using to do that we're going to add 10 milliliters of 91% isopropyl alcohol which you can find at most pharmacies we'll take a sample of our oil we'll use 1 milliliter of oil for our titration test make sure it's exactly one milliliter to that we'll add four drops of phenolphthalein solution this is provided with your titration kit to coloring indicator next we will add our live water solution this also comes with your titration kit will draw that into the syringe provided make sure you know exactly how much you're starting with because this is the amount that we will measure and that will determine our titration this is added while stirring the alcohol mixture and what you're looking for here is a change in color and you should add the titrant water until you get a change of color once you get that change in color stop and you would wait for that color to remain changed for at least fifteen to twenty seconds and then you would stop and determine the amount of titrant water that you used in your titration to convert that oil there you can see we have a nice color change will now determine how much titrant water was used we began with the level of six we now have four so that means that we used a titration of two two milliliters to convert this oil or to neutralize the acid in this oil so the number two is what we'll use in our base number formula to convert the oil into biodiesel okay now we're going to make a test batch and a test batch is is very very important in this process so to make a test batch here I have 200 milliliters of alcohol methanol I have 1 liter of oil that we titrate it and I have some potassium hydroxide when used our titration was a two so using 90% pure potassium hydroxide our base number is 7.5 I will add 2 to 7.5 which tells me I need nine point five grams of potassium hydroxide to convert one liter of oil so I'm going to weigh out nine point five grams of potassium hydroxide I'm going to add that to this one gallon container to that I'm going to add my 200 milliliters of methanol now we're going to shake this until the potassium hydroxide is completely dissolved in the methanol it's very important that it be completely dissolved in the methanol this will produce heat the chemical reaction taking place produces E okay now our potassium hydroxide is completely dissolved in our methanol and now I'm going to add our oil to this mixture okay now we've got our 1 liter of oil with our methoxide is it's now called our lie or our potassium whichever it may be and our methanol now we got to do is shake this I just changes color as part of the process we'll shake this for a minute now at this point after shaking it for a minute or so see it's changing colors again and now we we've done a thorough job of mixing and we'll just let this sit for an hour two hours and we'll take a look and see what happened okay our test batch has been sitting an hour or so and now we can clearly see we have separation we have our biodiesel on top and we have a dark layer on the bottom and that is called glycerin so we have made a successful test batch and now we can move on to making a complete batch of biodiesel okay we have our oil in a reaction tank we're going to turn on the timer and allow it to circulate for now and we're going to move on to the chemical phase of our process and add our ingredients we're now going to weigh out the potassium hydroxide that we need to convert this batch of oil into biodiesel our titration result gave us a total amount for 40 gallons of 1400 and 38 grams of potassium hydroxide so we're going to weigh that out in the scale that's provided with your processor and we want to be as accurate as possible and weighing out fourteen hundred and thirty-eight grams time to add our catalyst to the small tank on the processor we'll remove the lid on the small tank in our potassium hydroxide you now we'll replace the lid you okay well now add the methanol to the small tank the amount of methanol that we use is 20% so for a 40 gallon batch of oil will be adding 8 gallons of methanol to do this we're going to use the red hand pump and we'll just pump the the handle on the pump until we get 8 gallons of methanol in the small tank okay again for 40 gallons we want to pump in 8 gallons of methanol you can see we're approaching the 8 gallon mark we'll stop now and we'll begin to add our methoxide okay we're going to now add our methoxide we're going to open the B valve a methoxide to our oil will close the number two valve down halfway we'll open the see Val halfway and this creates a draw which will add the methoxide to the oil says the methoxide hits the oil you'll see a color change in the sight tube the vertical sight tube going up the side of the processor this is initiating the chemical reaction that's going to be taking place here you can see the methoxide traveling through the clear tube and being added to the oil once all of our methoxide is added to the oil will then do the reverse on the valves that we use to get it into the oil will be closing C and we'll open the number 2 valve fully when the last of the methoxide is added to the oil and at this point all of our methoxide has been added to our oil and we'll let this run one hour and will come back and have biodiesel at the end of our mixing cycle it's important to drain the lines into the one liter pitcher that's provided with your processor this will give you a good indication of what type of reaction you're getting because you can always see inside the tank or through the tank to see what you're getting so we always want to drain the lines into this pitcher and now you can see after our settling time that we've gotten a good reaction we've got biodiesel on top we can even tell the percentage amount of glycerin that we have based on this scale on the side of the pitcher you'll see we've got glycerin on bottom biodiesel on top okay after our settling stage where we're allowing our glycerin to settle out we're going to now drain off our glycerin and to do that we're going to open valves two three and seven and all other valves should be closed at this time okay we'll open valves two three and seven going to drain out the glycerin that's settle to the bottom we're continuing to drain out the glycerin and when we reach biodiesel we know we've removed all the glycerin this is something you can see through the clear line but you can even tell more by sound because there's a difference in the viscosity of the two liquids there you can see we hit biodiesel will drain out a little extra then we'll stop oK we've now successfully made biodiesel it's now time to wash our fuel to do that we're going to open valves two three and six all of their valves right now should be closed we're going to turn on the mixing pump as our biodiesel is circulating through the processor this method uses the dry wash method so we're going to divert the flow of our fuel into the dry wash system to do that what we're going to do is we're going to open valve six closed valve 5 you can now see the fuel entering the dry wash system and it will circulate through the dry wash system for 30 to 45 minutes for a 40 gallon batch until it's clarified and then you'll know your fuel is done you can see before washing the fuel is not clear it's somewhat cloudy after coming through the dry wash system it will become clearer and basically when your fuel is clear it's done
Channel: B100
Views: 151,931
Rating: 4.7325692 out of 5
Id: e0LATMQ2-mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2013
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