How to make Biltong

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today my name is Ben Kruger welcome to my kitchen I would like to demonstrate to you today how one makes Botox first thing you need is a very sharp knife second thing you need is a nice piece of meat this is the eye of silverside start by slicing the meat in the thickness that you want some people prefer thicker and some people prefer thinner cuts just remember that if the thickness of your meat varies and then your bottom is not going to be dry at the same time try and keep them the same thickness even slices all the way along your piece of meat now when you hang your meat up to dry you're going to lose about 50% of the meat weight due to drying out and losing moisture all my meat has now been sliced and I've put the first layer of slices into this handy container you can use a glass bowl plastic whatever you have to hand now the next step is to sprinkle it with brown vinegar and you do that making sure that you've got it evenly covered with the brown when you go and once your first layer has been covered it's time to turn it around so I've turned it over another sprinkle of brown vinegar all over the pork that looks nice now next step all tongues seasoning the quarter cup like this is about enough for one kilogram of meat it's about 45 grams if you are one of those people who like to weigh stuff get a scale 45 grams of Bhutan spice 2 kilogram of meat I just use a quarter cup into the hand and make sure that you cover all the slices evenly because once again if you don't the meat is not going to cure in the same way on both sides once you've sprinkled it turn it over here we go my baby make sure that it's flat so that you get your spices into all the little nooks and crannies and then continue on with your spicing there we go it's nice and even and now you do the next layer once you've packed all your layers you're built on to be should stay in the container for about 24 hours and you can turn them every once in a while making sure that both sides of the meter properly covered with vinegar and biltong spice once that is done it's time to hang it up the really nice South African party snack is the chili bite but how do you make it simple it's very similar to built on just a lot smaller yeah it's a difference between join along ruin Francoise her heart continue slicing until all your meat has been sliced to the right thickness and remember if you don't slice them to the same thickness they're not going to dry evenly and you're going to end up with some dry pieces of chili bite and some wet pieces of chili bite and it is my contention that chili bites always taste a lot better when they are dry I've now sliced all the pieces from my chili bike and it's time to season them just as with the biltong you start by sprinkling it on both sides with brown vinegar and then be scared to put on an avenue ger because not only does this preserve the meat it also helps with the taste right next step chili bite seasoning and this product by Crown National really use my favorite gives a wonderful flavor to the meat and don't be shy just get it in there it's a little bit like suntan lotion you don't want to miss any spots because then you don't tan evenly right once it's covered on the one side you turn it over and do the other side put it into your hand and put it over the meat but a word of caution don't rub your eyes before you wash your hands right now that's done we let it stand for 24 hours turning it every once in a while and then it's time to hang it up right the bull tongue and the trilobites have been curing for 24 hours now it's time to hang it up now if you don't have a bull tongue dryer where would you hang your bolt on there's to be a cool place there has to be ventilation and you should be able to keep the flies children dogs and cats away from it my grandmother used to hang the bolt on under the bed I'm not too sure that I'm going to do that with my Jack Russell however if you have a decent place to hang your bolt on the next thing you need is a hook now these little plastic hooks work very well you put it through the meat find the spot where it's not a lot of sinew there you go and your piece of biltong is ready to be hung but now with the chilly bites you have a bit of a problem because that just looks silly man so what do I do I'm clever I use a paper clip there you go and you do that for your Tilly bites go and hang them up and within a very very short time you'll be able to enjoy botan and chili bites and what's more you've got bragging rights because you made it yourself you
Channel: Crown National
Views: 252,030
Rating: 4.3964286 out of 5
Keywords: Biltong, cured meat, dried meat, meat snack, coriander, dry wors
Id: 6W899ZmXKv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2013
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