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hi I'm crafty Patti and I'm here today to show you another great video and another way to reduce those plastic bags and clean rap yes we're making beeswax wraps beeswax is food safe and has natural antibacterial properties so it won't go rancid if you have leftovers and don't want to put them in another container again this is the answer you just put some wraps on your bowls and your solids ready to go back into the fridge they can also be used to back up sandwiches and you can make cute little bags like this but when you fold them they're good for fruits and vegetables and I've got some cheese wrapped up here they're great for pinning for gifts you can use them for anything that's not within liquidy or not meat because you can't wash them in hot water because it's max so you need to wash in cold water with a bit of soap and that's how you clean them and then you just get dry if you want to have something that you can store your need in or something very liquidy then you should go to your silicone bags like this this you can use for meat and for liquid items if you want to know where to get these this is one of the videos they did recently on a review and I'll make the link in the description box below and you can find out where to buy these I'm going to show you four different ways on how to make these wraps there's tons of information in this video I know it's all alongside but I'm going to give you four different ways underneath them and I've got tons of probably your questions with your answers and that I will leave in the description box below because there's so much information I could give you this video could go on for hours so I'm trying not to make it in that one so keep watching we're going to show you how to make these and show you be really happy with the recipe but I'm also going to include for you so let's start making some great beeswax wraps you so the first thing you're going to want to do is pre wash all your fabric I'm using 100% cotton you can use some of these cotton you can use muslin anything that is a really thin fabric you can also use bed sheets and you can use men's shooting whatever you can find in a hundred percent cotton so it will absorb the wax the other thing I've noticed on some of the sites and I've viewed as people are saying well once I've got my food wrapped how can I tell what's in it because you're not be able to see through it well how about if I use a green fabric and color code and I'll make sure that this is going to be for my avocados so I'm choosing a green fabric for my avocados so you can find lots of different things in your kitchen to make circles with pizza pounds or carrying lids or smaller goals whatever you can find and I'm just using a template marking pencil and I'm just going to mark around just to give me some guidelines it doesn't have to be a solid line and then I'm going to use my pinking shears to cut that out and now that I've got my guide here I can come in a novel cut just to the inside of that and then you don't have that line showing so cut out all your pieces and then you'd be ready for your waxing and you can cut circles you can cut rectangles but again think ahead what are you going to use them for or who are you going to get into and what do you want to wrap do you want to wrap cheese do you want to wrap a sandwich and make sure that what you're cutting is going to be useful for what you want to wrap well here's another idea for you so you're thinking well what if we forgot it's an avocado in there just because it's green and maybe could be a cucumber how about we write on a piece of fabric with the fabric ballpoint pen which is non-toxic and you can write we don't hear what you're going to put in so this one is a little longer I'm going to use this to wrap my cheese so I'm going to be using these pens are by Larabee they're fabric ball and brush pins and they come in a package of six colors I'm going to be using the red and so it has come in find some fun places to write the word cheese or whatever word you're writing to what you want to put in this beeswax wrap I'm going to write cheese all over this one and just as with the design we have these box it's one pound and I got this from Michael's with my 50% off coupon so that was a good deal I ordered a little oil and the pine resin from Amazon and I chose to go with one that has an eyedropper because of it'll be easy for this application and this is what the pine resin looks like it comes in chunks or you can buy it in powder form because I wanted to empower form for the ironing method I went out and I took some pieces of the pie I just put them inside a paper bag and then I just handed it with my kitchen mallet and it didn't take long before I had a nice powder form this way this will mount so much faster and more evilly with these wax business cards that it might work in the surface I have about a craft table I've just got my mat underneath just for a little bit more protection to my table I've added an old towel and I don't care about if it gets backs on it I just fold that in half but then put on one piece of parchment for baking paper but taped it down with some tape so it stays in place so it's not sliding all over when you trying to iron and then I've added my top piece of parchment paper that will go on top and also tape if you're going to be doing a fair amount of these beeswax crap so I'm sure you will because it's gift time coming up and it's a great gift just go to the second-hand store and pick yourself up the grater you can try to wash these with hot water a lot of soap I wouldn't advise doing that and you sink because it could plug up your dream so just buy one and use it for wax and you'll be good to go we'll put the grater right over top so we don't have to pick it up again and our ratio is going to be to beeswax to one of the pine resin okay so I would say that we got about two teaspoons say maybe two and a half so just spit that out evenly now we're going to come in with because we're doing in 2 to 1 ratio 1 teaspoon of pine resin and I'll just shake this over so it's evenly distributed and we're going to come in with a few drops of the oil let's let that drop loosely around probably about a cool equipment maybe about a quarter teaspoon now we can have another layer of parchment and we're going to come in with the iron and [Applause] mount it into the material fabric now as you iron you don't see where it's dark use a little bit that just nicely melted just pushing it off to the sides and it's not necessary to do the back side because this will slip right through to the other side but this is where you want to be quick a [Applause] lot and pull it off and it's soaked right through beautifully and it doesn't take long for this to dry out and then you can just place it on a drying rack and then do some more and you can hang them to dry out a clothesline which this was actually already dry but I'm just placing here on my clothing laundry rack just for now when makes more and this rad was about an eighth inch circumference in this little one I'm going to do now is also about an eighth inch square so I'm going to use the same amount where we're going to have about 2 teaspoons of created peace wax and one teaspoon of cayenne isn't and as you might have seen and we talked about earlier in the video was adding some lettering so I thought this was a good little size for a line so I've added the fabric pen to this one and now I will know when I have my line wrapped up that inside I have definitely got a line and again try to just evenly put that throughout and some people ask can you use soy wax it doesn't work as well as the beeswax for one these wax is antibacterial so it's very food safe and soil wax has a very low melting point so it won't work as well as the beeswax again iron it till it's all about food [Applause] and is this going through to my iron you know it's not because the parchment is preventing that it will always stay on the other side of the parchment think what will not go through and I'm just pushing the wax onto the edges so I can see it underneath the parchment paper [Applause] see that business for it to go that's not quite done so I'm just gonna push it over as soon as you're finished already bring that parchment up further way and peel it off right away and give it a little wave and then put it on your drawing back and do some more for method number two I'm going to give up this grungy old cookie sheet and give it to my craft room but if you want to reduce your tray then I suggest you just cover all of it with a very large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil that way you'll protect your pan and it won't get ruined all right as you can see it's pretty grotty well I don't care so I have again graded oximetry one cup of more than one cup of beeswax and then I'm going to be adding and again because my ratio is always two to one so I'm just going to put in about half a cup of the pine resin so I'm just gonna mix this up together and pine resin it's by all means not toxic it's about natural stories coming from trees so you don't have to worry about handling it or you know it's fact if anything for vape is anything like that it's it's not bad for you in fact some people probably aim to make sure you don't come in I wouldn't want to make drinking from it but I'm sure some people do it's like just dispersed out a little bit more and I'm going to come in with two tablespoons of the oil so I don't probably need my dropper at this time because we're using a little bit more so I'll just come right in with my little spoon here it's one and I'll just this first set try to do it evenly throughout the pan just to help it out and one more now we're going to put this into a 300-degree oven and wait for that to melt so we're going to pop that into the 300 degree oven I'll set my timer for about two minutes and I'm just going to check on it and then we'll take it out when it's totally melted two minutes are up and we'll see what that looks like and there's our melted wax and now we're going to come in with our piece of cloth or fabric just put it right in there this is where it might get a bit messy but on the corners here and it's a little bit warm but it's not so warm that you can't handle it I'm just dripping off the rest of it so I can get it over to my other piece of fabric so what I've done is I've come over and I bleed this waxed one over another one because this really sucks up a lot of wax so there's this piece I'm also going to put another piece on top and then I'm going to use my iron and I'm going to iron through all those layers and the excess wax will pick up on the other two pieces of fabric you can already see coming through that's so much wax there is a lot number one and you really don't need not much worse so method to it disperses the wax and the pine ISM in a bowl of oil and makes this look really well but I just find that you get real excess of wax that you don't need and the only way to make usable that wax is to iron like I'm doing so it goes through the other layers and now this won't have a full saturation but look how much wax there is on that one we're just going to take this off just place it back for now this is the one that we put into our tray and this has got plenty of wax on it so I'm going to leave out and just like that it's got a nice saturation now I'm going to leave this one down and I'm going to just go in and read up the edges on this one because the only part that isn't saturated is along the edges and we've almost made three from one application so just go back over and dip it into the wax so because I've been talking and demonstrating this is solidified so I'm just going to pop it in the oven again to get that melted probably just for a minute you know I'm just going to come in and dip up these edges that didn't get saturated [Music] well let the boss drip off and then I'm going to put it back on to that other one again and give it an iron to take out the excess now again I've still got that first piece we put down there and it's not quite shot tweeted so we're going to use this one to add more wax to it bring that sheet over again and iron it again we're going to let all that excess blacks soak through to the one below and that's the thing see saturated down now this one it's pretty much sub treated there's only a few areas left just a little bit on the edge here so we'll dip that again and art again or while you've got it here if you've got a little bit of leftover wax you can just sync it up in fact there's a little bit of wax in the edge here I'm going to put it right over that inch and iron and see if I can soak that up you know to cover that one inch let's see if that will work pushing it over and we've now got a complete wax third piece so a good way to do three-in-one but for this method I'm finding it it's a little bit messy that got wax everywhere that first map that I was still pretty clean and number three is to use a double boiler and this time I'm using wax that I actually got from rate from a bee farm so I'm going to put instead of having to chop it all up I'm gonna just pop it right in there and I'm just going to take it out when I've got enough wax melted and we'll just take up the rest and then I'll add my pine resin in the chocolate oil and of course this pot here I picked up again at the second-hand store and so I'll be using this just for my wax melting I will be using it for anything else but that's the way to go I don't have to worry about cleanup or anything or wax getting into your special pots so I've got about a cup of wax melted in there I just want to get this chunk up just like I still handle it and get it out of there about some parchment paper over to the side and I've got about a cup of melted wax of the natural beeswax I've turned this down to a three now and I'm going to just approximate about half a cup here so I know how much I've got in here I'm going to just dump it out to about here I'm just gonna stir this until that pine resin has all melted and you can see that the prying rather emptiness check stop stirring is kind of got little globs on the bottom so you've got to keep stirring until all of that has melted so that didn't take long at all for that to melt down because we did use the powder and there's only a few little bigger pieces and the powder that I didn't of course pound down to a fine powder and so now we're ready to add our two tablespoons of oil and stir that in so it just got the water simmering below now just so it stays melted and now you're going to be needing tongs because this is definitely very hot so you're just going to dip it in and then grab hold and pull it out and let it drip in the pan and then we'll just use our baking sheet from before and let it drip over here just pull it out give it a bit of a way begin this method as well you'll get nice saturation but again I find out there's going to be too much wax so we're going to use the same method as we did before and we're going to place it in between two others sheets so I've already got winding down here that I have not last year this is all I just pulled out of the pot you can see it's got quite a bit of wax on it I'm going to come in with the third one and we're going to wax it like a sandwich and we'll iron it again this will bring that laxative that little one and it will start to set straight going on the bottom of the one on the top [Applause] and then pull off the middle one and there's your middle one Macie wax with not too much but just enough that's what you want and actually a see right here there's actually quite a bit of molasses accumulated on the edge here so I'm just going to put that back in and I know I want to do some we're already great in that area right there and I'll just put it right here so it absorbs right in that area of the father there's no wax I'm just going to smooth that area out and let's see how that looks like now just an inspection and it looks much better now you've got an even amount of wax everywhere so that one's finished ready to be tried on the rack and this one here they'll either use on the top look I'll saturate that already is it's almost ready to go so this is only going to need a little bit of a dipping and then we'll bring it and put it on top of this one again so back to the stove I'm just going to dip it into the edges here I don't need a lot of wax on this and because the middle one is the middle part of this one is already pretty much ready to go so I don't need a lot on it yeah quick dip will not that to pop again and over to my tray final drippings and I'll take it back over for the irony and you can see how it's uneven because I read it here this was already waxed so we're just going to come in and I think this time they're going to leave this one out because I just want to even this out a bit more and I just want to see it even wetness all the way through I'm just going to inspect it and see how many how it looks at this time you've got it well saturated but we've got too much over here again so I buy to put on this one that hasn't been waxed yet and we're just going to let this bit of the wax come off onto this piece here by just pushing it off you and it's a little bit heavy on the side right here as well let's move it down and now we have another one and that's the process you decide which one works for you the last two methods for me are a little bit Messier but you get a really good saturation in an even distribution of the pine resin the wax and the hobo well so that's the benefit of dipping and using the oven method and as far as folding them if you take it and fold it and just add that little bit of heat you can see already that it's making a great seal and when you open it up there is absolutely no cracking of the wax that's because we have the pine resin if you make these just with these back you're gonna get the cracks so to make them properly follow my instructions and you'll be very happy with the results talking about well I mean yes we're using it for our raps but I've got waxed alone my hands so that's not going to come off with soap and water because of course watery felts rocks right so I'm just going to put some on my hands here will rub that in and of course a hole the oil is meant for this so even though we're using it for these laptops it's great for your skin too so rub that in take a paper towel and go bucs and come off your hands okay so I go to bed we'll wake up in the morning and as you know craft to Patty my mind never shuts down because I've gotten so many craft ideas on my head so now I've bought another way to apply the wax and make great these boxing wraps it was how we did the double boiler method well I was going to the stove dropping in the fabric carrying it back to my ironing section and it just seemed like a lot of steps so ivory melted my wax I've got a little bit laughs and I want to use up I'm going to just tip this so it's secure the handles are sitting at each other and now I'm going to use a cheap brush that I got from the dollar store is a craftsman and I'm just going to brush on the wax I'm right here easy enough to access I'm not let me take step all over the place and come back and the beauty of this is that the water below the double border is going to keep this less warm for me whereas when you worked with the tray method going in the oven as soon as it came out of the oven and of sitting on top of a stove it wasn't going to stay melted so you have to keep putting it back in the oven so let's see how we do with this method now you can see that I've got a piece of material here that's bigger than my parchment paper so once you've got half of it waxed we can just fold over the other half and now let's work this wax aside and this is a great way to use up the rest of that wax in the pot I have a lot of questions and answers for you in the description box below so you might be thinking well how do I wash these that's simple it is wax so we're not going to use hot water are we going to use cold water so you can just take them to your sink and add a little bit of you know a mild dish soap and you can either use your hands to wash them or you can use a cloth to wash them off and then you just let them air dry easy peasy you might be thinking well how long do these beeswax wraps last well of course depending on how much you use them probably you get a good year out of them and do we throw them out no we don't throw them out what we do is if the wax starts cracking or the looking on me older side we come back and we do exactly the same process we just take her beeswax we relax it iron it and you're good to go again so you don't have to throw them out alright so we've got two slides wax top doesn't matter if it's sitting that's okay I'll just tip that up for safety reasons and we'll come in and we're going to iron this again that's all these that's the parchment paper and again with the hot iron you and you can grab a corner here open it up now we cut both sides waxed yeah and this all means getting the moon wave so what do you think this method is less messy it's more convenient and the fact that we've already got our wax arisen and the whole oil all pre-measured in the pot you're ready to go you get even coverage you get exactly what you need so I don't know I think this is going to be my favorite method of all and if you find that you've actually put too much wax on your sheet then you know what to do come in you had a fresh one and you just iron again to soak up some of the extra wax and this is the only thing you have to be really careful doing is you don't want a lot of wax and you don't want but enough wax and this is what will make the perfect beeswax wrap and it's really you're gonna have to go trial and error and you'll get a feel for it and as soon as it dries you'll know you'll think okay well maybe this one could have used this a little bit more wax or this one's too much and you'll get the hang of it so there you go number four four different ways I like this one the best so I end up using every last drop of the beeswax mixture I ended up making 30 wraps pad it up all my expenses calculated how much I've used of each product and I came up with a figure that each one is costing me 75 cents so real saving if you're gonna make your own remember that cute little what I need just for my line so the first thing you're going to want to do is you want to activate your beeswax what I mean by that is you're going to actually crunch it up this will get the stickiness going and that's what you want to activate it to get it to speak to each other so don't worry about it not looking pretty because now it's going to work really well so you can feel it I don't know if you can hear that here's your stickiness because we scrunched it up so for my line I'm just going to bring it up on all sides do a little twist and there it is ready for the bridge and I know it's a line because you ruined on it and here's the game when I made for my avocado again I'm going to activate it now it'll be ready for using and goes my avocado here's another way to fold it bring them up fold it like you're folding your present and I'm going to come in do a little wrap and you can do a little twist just like a little present major avocado ready for the fridge and again this is the one I wrote cheese the lower so I know when I wrap this one up I'll most my cheese so again I'm going to activate it and here's my cheese that scroll this way we're gonna fold again like a little present and there's many ways you can fold these whatever suits your fancy but I thought can even bring it up over the top if you wanted just do it this way and bring this one up as well and it'll stick to itself there's the cheese so this one is a 13 inch square we're going to fold it in half and bring our corner over about a third of the way I'm going to bring this corner over the other third and now this is going to just pop inside the other half of absurd and now we've made a little pocket right there so here's a little pocket so we can pop in our sandwich and then just fold down a little top and your sandwich will stay nice and fresh for your kiddies to open up so there you go there's another darling little idea on how to use them they're also great for using for wrapping up anything you want in a bowl so again I've activated this and it's just a matter of bringing it around using your hands for warmth and also the beeswax route they cling to each other so if you're folding over this is what's going to make a a real good seal about your goal it will stick to the bowl but it's better if you overlap it and get it to stick to itself and next up and there you have a nice cover we go back to over salad or whatever you're thinking you can pop that into the fridge no more cling wrap and a beautiful cover for your bowl and you might be thinking well how am I gonna store these well one cute way is to just you've got I've got four wraps here I'm just going to roll them up into a little roll basic piece of parchment piece around them just to protection from dust and I've saved my old waxed paper box about but when you just pop them in there and instead of using cling wrap you're using these wax wraps or you can just take them and fold them up and half fold them up and half again and just pop them like that in your drawer with your wax paper and if you want to give some for a gift you could fold the link so and I'll just do a little bit of a roll in a cone shape tie a little ribbon on them and give them as a gift [Music]
Channel: Crafty Patti
Views: 468,487
Rating: 4.8966694 out of 5
Keywords: How to, Make beeswax wraps, tutorial, scrap fabric, how to use scraps of fabric, pine resin, beeswax, candles, beeswax cotton food wraps, reusable beeswax wraps, beeswax food wraps, beeswax wrap folding, reduce waste, biodegradable, how to make an alternative to plastic wrap using beeswax & cotton, wrapigami, diy, eco friendly wraps, how to make beeswax food wraps, best gifts, christmas gift ideas, bday gift ideas, hostess gift ideas, best christmas gift ideas
Id: 6_bsxrqAF-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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