How to Make and Can Corned Beef at Home: Step by Step

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today we're going to do a recipe from one of you we're talking in the comments with a woman named Lisa and she talked about home curing and home canning corned beef and I thought you know what that sounds like something I need to do right I would love that with my hash browns in the morning I would love that with some sauerkraut on a sandwich and so that's what we're going to do today so welcome to go and preserve I'm Carter I'm Thriller here today let's get started I'm excited about this one this is a two-step process and we're going to do step one today and then it'll be five to seven days for me but for you it'll be just after this today we're going to make the Brine and get the meat in the brine so between the conversations with Lisa and all the videos she sent me I have put together sort of my my method of how I'm going to do this okay so I have about 10 cloves of garlic and I have about a quart of water this is two quarts of water I'm gonna put in about half of this [Music] all right and I'm going to put in let me see I'm going to get up the directions I have here okay half a cup of kosher salt let's see if I have half a cup of kosher salt and they have to add some canning salt okay so I have a half a cup of kosher salt going in and then a half a cup of brown sugar I don't keep brown sugar in the house but I do keep regular sugar and molasses which is all that brown sugar is so I'm going to do a half a cup of regular sugar and then I'm gonna do a little glob of molasses there we go maybe a little over a teaspoon and then this is the spice blend that Lisa suggested sauerbroughton I'm not even gonna try it's by Adora I'll put a link to it down below smells wonderful it smells really really good so I'm going to use about half of this package this is 1.75 ounces most of the recipes I saw often use about an ounce so we'll go with that left me just a little bit left and then this ingredient here is brand new to me I had to do some investigating on it so this is sodium chloride which is just plain salt so it's 93.75 sodium chloride which is just table salt then it is 6.5 I don't know the balance of that whatever that is 6.75 sodium nitrite which is usually something I try to stay away from in the store I see it in the back of a package you know it's hard because I like bacon I like ham I like you know whatever so and it has as fdmc number three red here which is another thing I tend to stay away from however there are reasons for all of this so we need the nitrite that's the nitrite that's going to keep this safe kill the botulism so that to me is I'm just going to accept I'm just going to accept that I eat it in ham so you know I'm gonna eat it in my own corned beef um the salt is just fine the red coloring which actually makes this pink this is called pink salt or cured salt it's not the same as Pig Himalayan salt it is curing salt and they dye it pink so that nobody makes a mistake and uses this in place of regular salt so we use one teaspoon according to this package one teaspoon per five pounds of meat and that's what I have today so five pounds of stew beef so I'm going to use one teaspoon of this and get it open it's not quite as Pink as I thought it was going to be can you see in there anyway one teaspoon okay one teaspoon and she goes now we're gonna put this on the stove and let the sugar and salt dissolve and then we're going to bring that off the heat and let it come down to room temperature by adding this other four cups of water I'm going to turn that into some ice water so we can bring this down to room temperature faster because what we want to do is make sure that this does not start cooking the beef we want the beef to go in raw to stay raw so we don't want this to be any warmer than room temperature even lower would be better and then we're going to stick it in the refrigerator and when you're doing a corned beef if you're doing a big brisket it may be seven to ten days in the refrigerator the smaller piece of meats pieces of meat that you use so you did a I don't know a half an eye round or something like that I'm using these beef stew meat chunks from Costco so a smaller piece of meat may only take five to seven days I'm going to do five days on these because these are really small bits of meat I do have the same weight as anything else but they're smaller pieces of meat so I'm going to do five days and then we're going to can them and we're going to can them as though we were just raw packing meat because that's what we're doing so I'm excited about this so let's get started I'm going to get this on the stove and we'll be back when we put all this together all right so while that heats up on the stove I want it to come to a boil so that everything will dissolve in it but I want to talk to you about a couple of other things I found in my research number one don't panic over all the salt and the sugar and everything else because we do rinse the meat thoroughly when it comes out of the brine so we rinse off all that excess salt sugar whatever so don't don't worry about that second thing I want to talk to you about is the canning of cured meats this is one of those things that is not approved not because it has been proven to be unsafe okay let's make that really clear not because it has been proven to be unsafe but because it hasn't been tested so if something hasn't been tested you can't say well you can't do that or at least I don't say that you know little common sub somebody is all safe practices even the people who are you know buy the book canning police canned corned beef so you know I don't know I'm canning corned beef is it Rubble canning I'm not I'm not sure I guess it is if you only got about the USDA but but I'm doing it lots of people have done it and there are plenty of YouTube videos on doing it even even doing the packaged pre-cured corned beef with all the extra things that at the vulture dextrot and dextrose and all right so let's also talk about the different types of meat you can use and this I got my education from Lisa on this one because I didn't know I thought you always had to use brisket I don't know why I thought that but you know when you see a pre-packaged corned beef it's always a brisket right so I thought well that was what you could do sometimes that can get expensive depending on the quality of the meat so she said well I'll use whatever you have and I thought well okay so I'm going to use stevieve because it is super easy for canning I'm not cutting anything up once it's cured I'm I'm just I'm just plopping these in the jar the same way I do when I can them for regular canned beef so to me this makes an imminent amount of sense and it only needs to cure for it says five to seven days I'm gonna do five because they are really small so if it speeds up the process and saves me a step and makes it easier this is what I'm going to use but I have seen videos on people using tri-tip I have seen eye around I've seen rump roast so you can use any kind of meat that you want all right we're off the stove now we're going to cool down I'm going to pour in four cups of ice water so all together for five pounds of meat I have half a gallon of water one teaspoon of the pink curing salt half a cup of brown sugar half a cup of kosher salt and about an ounce of pickling spice so while this cools down this smells so good it's pickling spice just smells amazing you don't have to use this one though you can use any pickling spice you have I'll read you what's in this one this is pepper mustard seeds onion pimento coriander juniper berries Ginger paprika cardamom carrots bay leaves cloves lovage dill weed parsnip leek celery parsley Tomatoes sunflower seeds anyway it smells delicious Lisa hadn't mentioned that I may want to add a cinnamon stick as well and I think actually I'm going to do that that just that flavor just seems to be absolutely great with the smell outside I'm gonna grab one of those while this is cooling down okay so just a small cinnamon stick that in here as I mentioned we want this to come to room temperature or below before I put the meat in there and I'm going to use this same pot to cure the meat in because I can weight it down just like you did with a fermentation project you want to weight it down so that the meat stays below the liquid and this plate I think this is I don't know we're going to find out maybe it doesn't all right let's test this okay we're 70 degrees so I'm going to go ahead and put this in I went to Costco to get this meat I went for several several things and this was the only thing on my list that they had out of everything else I don't know what's going on in the world but anyway I'm going to be putting more and more meat on my shelf I think just to be safe seen this done in plastic bags Lisa says that she uses a gallon glass jar seen it done in just glass Pyrex containers which is what I started about trying to use and couldn't find a way to make sure it stayed submerged the whole time that's it so as I understand that from all the research I did the most important measurement you need is how much to rein salt per pound of meat so it could be a little over a little under on the water as long as you can keep everything submerged a little over a little under on the kosher salt the seasoning package oh and the other thing I wanted to mention is that you don't normally see me use real sugar I am using real sugar in this one because it is part of the curing process normally I would use eyeless but not this time you can use regular sugar as well you don't have to use brown sugar if you're just gonna fit the question is will this fit with the plate on top everything is submerged right now so if it doesn't fit with a plate on top I'll just keep an eye on it but here we go I'm going to do it this way there's no air under there I'm gonna get the plate out now and do it upside down maybe I'll do it together there we go all right now we're talking [Music] it doesn't look terribly pretty so I have this stuff foil up here so let's get this off okay now Lisa says that she stirs hers every day whenever thank you okay this is ready to go in the refrigerator for five to seven days I think I'm gonna go with five because the pieces are so small so I'll be back with you as soon as this is ready to jar up all right the Moment of Truth For The Corned Beef It has been Corning in the refrigerator for six days so let's see how it is all right let's see how this looks I'm gonna bring you down here so you can get a better look at it and then we're going to rinse it very thoroughly before we start canning all right so this is the brining liquid that has seeped on top of the dish here I have stirred this a couple of times over the last six days so can't really tip it because there's too much liquid in there I'm going to dump this into the colander I have in the sink here and then we're going to rinse it really well [Music] foreign see all the leftover pickling spice all right let's get this wrenched I'm going to use cold water because I don't want to start cooking the meat yet [Music] there's my cinnamon stick [Music] s all right I have not been able to do a complete rinse on what's on the bottom say I'm going to start getting some of this in the canning jars and then we'll take care of rinsing the bottom once I get there all right so six days later I'm not sure exactly how much in weight I had but I'm sure it was probably five something pounds so I'm going to do a couple of these and the small half pipes my tongs just broke let me try again okay new tongs pack it in just like we do with raw beef because it is still raw maybe it's your word but it is still raw it's not been cooked so I'm going to do some Pine jars and some half pint jars because David will just love to have want to be a sandwich corned beef and eggs or something probably more often and I'll do it as one of his favorite things in the world so he is so looking forward to this I'll do a couple of smaller jars all right I'm down to the part that wasn't able to rinse thoroughly so I'm going to rinse this off and finish filling up my jars and we'll be back in a minute okay so I ended up with six pints and three half pints I don't think they're all going to fit in my electric canner so I'll use the All-American so I wanted to make sure I was clear because I don't think I was at all that I'm rinsing these off yes because I want the big peppercorns and all the big crunchy stuff where David could break a tooth I want that off there and I want to pick through it later but primarily we're rinsing this off to get rid of the excess pink salt so it's not something you want to have more that is necessary so I'm rinsing that off it has done what it needed to do to the meat and now it can now it can go away all right I'm gonna get these rims cleaned up I don't think I really have anything on them except maybe water but we'll see maybe I'll find some spices or something or which one something on the rims it is always worth a little bit of pink always worth wiping your rims really well [Applause] so I have pack phase two one inch headspace going to pressure pan them for 75 minutes foreign they smell really good it smells like corned beef here tomorrow I'm gonna do a taste test on these and I know David wants to be part of that because he is so excited about this he can't stand it so I'm looking forward to it now see not much all right let me get the lids on rings on I'll get everybody in the bathtub okay I hit the ball ready to go under the counter I'm gonna pop them in for 75 minutes and for my elevation it'd be 10 pounds of pressure if I use the All-American so make sure you check your elevation and if I use the electric canner you don't have to worry about the elevation it it kind of figures out how to get the temperature up where it needs to be anyway so I think I'm gonna have to go with the All-American on these which is fine I love my old America but I got stuff to do today so I was hoping to use the electric Canter but I'm gonna have to pay a little more attention all right I'll get these started and we'll come back when they're ready and I turn them into something wonderful all right so it's the next day and The Corned Beef is ready so we're going to give it a shot tonight I hope you can see that it definitely does look pink compared to my regular beef so we're excited about this David is looking forward to a Reuben so that's what we're gonna have I'm going to show you the bread we're using because it's kind of not normal this is just some keto bread that we're using so feel free to use regular bread I wouldn't blame you a bit anyway on to our thing here we're going to use our homemade mustard I unfortunately don't have any fermented sauerkraut right now but David did run and buy some at Kroger today so we're going to use that here's our corned beef Swan it you can see it it is definitely pink let me pour out some of the juice oh yeah [Music] okay it certainly smells wonderful in here there's corned beef and we're going to turn this into a sandwich today to have a Reuben but it would certainly be excellent with some hash brown potatoes as well you've been with me very long you know I love my corned beef hash I'm excited about that all right let's see if we can turn this crazy keto bread into sandwiches and then we're going to see if I can remember how to use the George Foreman I know you'll probably laugh at me but it's been a long time since I've used it so let's see what we can do I'm going to take some mustard good grainy mustard we don't use cheese but some cheese on this would certainly be wonderful or I think sometimes they put like a thousand island dressing on a ribbon sandwich as well would be really good think about it all right George over here is ready you see this probably not I probably blocked you this smells so good I hope that Lisa will chime in on this she is the one who walked me through how she does it warning it at home herself you just can some as corned beef hash with potatoes I think it's ready all right that's now sauerkraut pile it up some sauerkraut David has been looking forward to this taste test for two days I didn't even tell them it was in the fridge when it was Corning because he would never have made it six days okay foreign wish me luck with George here I feel like I need to move the butter around somehow here we go I had some butter melting in here actually butter flavored coconut oil put that down for a minute hope of the best while I get the other one ready I have it on 350. is to use this thing all the time it almost with it I made waffles with it I just don't have any countertop space here so it's been kind of tucked away and I've forgotten how to use it on this one foreign beef what do you think tastes just like corned beef so mine went for six days I used the little beef cubes now that you get for beef stew meat well that was good I could have gone another day I think but it was pretty darn good [Music] Sarah crowd on this one David is hovering waiting for his dinner to be ready all right let's see how this one's doing wow shockingly good not the nature sandwich haha it's my best can you see my mess not the neatest sandwich to make either maybe you want to taste the last little bite absolutely some sauerkraut with it [Music] your sandwich is going to be ready in a minute you know I can't wait that's a big peppercorn cracker tooth on it I missed my quarter there you're not on camera you're not in camera I'm happy though it's good right yeah I'm gonna pull your sandwich off first oh yeah that works it's good babe say Thank you Lisa Thank you Lisa who's Lisa Lisa's the one who gave me her recipe for Corning the beef oh really yeah well thank you Lisa it does look good come on first so I assume it's done I feel like we need some pickles and some chips to do with this throw some pickles off the mail to your side and some cheese I know you want cheese all right let's cut this so you can see it's gonna be a keto bread issue I think yeah breaking up a bit yeah crusty Rye would be much better there you go looks good smells good all right come in come in Spring is there mustard on it sweetie there is mustard on it but you're gonna have to duck down or something for you hmm that's good that moisture is really good what's the mustard I made I know that's great I need about five of these that's all the bread I have prepared one and I just went through all the meat thumbs up on that can I have more mustard I have some on the side almost ever put on the side too if you want it what's up we're sauerkraut on the side too if you want it yeah this is what I want and wait for this for a while everybody this is really good suggest you try it all right Davis was a hit this one uh yeah just pick one there it is thanks okay here is number two coming out see if I can cut this one a little bit better that's where it is not as Cooperative as regular bread let's see just let most of it fall out look it's so great all right I hope you're all gonna go make some corned beef now and thank you Lisa very much this is a huge hit by
Channel: Grow and Preserve
Views: 9,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canning corned beef, corned beef, home canning, pressure canning, corned beef recipe, pressure canning corned beef, corned beef in a can, food storage, canned corn beef recipe, home canning corned beef, how to use canned corned beef, canning corned beef raw pack, best canned corned beef recipe, 52 weeks of canning, food preserving, food in jars, stocking the pantry, home canning meat, how to make corned beef, easy canned corned beef recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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