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hey everyone and welcome back to black thorn prod I'm Noah now teaching the player how to well play your game is really important explaining the mechanics and introducing them to your worlds isn't easy and I say this from a design and technical point of view and so in this video we will dive headfirst into unity and learn some cool techniques to make fun interactive game tutorials so when starting out my Jean chrétien journey all of my games had a rule page in other words I would explain all my games mechanics and interactions with a brick of boring text and this unless your game is extremely simple is something to avoid at all costs not only will the huge majority of players never read through these lines and has a results fall the risk of never understanding your game it's also very boring and confusing a much better option is to teach the player the games rules via gameplay so of course the simpler the game the easier this is to do in a basic platformer game for example where all the player can do is move left to right and jump you as the designer need only weave into the environment some simple instructions telling the player which keys he needs to press to perform these classic moves another cool method to teach players your game is with pop ups so for example a bubble could appear stating you can move left and right with the arrow keys and then you could wait until the player actually hits those arrow keys before moving on to the next rule this way you're sure the player knows you can move left and right since you actually made him do it this is especially great if you actually force the player to put that knowledge into practice right after a super simple example of this is you teal clear how to jump and then force him to jump over some spikes or pits this is what I did with my 3d FPS the enemies within and my colorful little platformer bring your imagination to life and is what we will put into place today of course all games are different in some and so all game tutorials also have to be different but note that while I'll be showing you can be applied to almost anything you've made so here I have this very simple scene where my player can jump and move left and right his goal is to avoid these strange-looking spiky monsters let me now teach the player of these basic moves by first explaining him how to move left and right so then show him how to jump and lastly facing off with some epic obstacle challenge so I'll make a new empty game object called tutorial manager and then make a c-sharp script also called tutorial manager I'll drag and drop onto my empty game object and open it up I'll start by making a game object array called pop-ups in it I'll drag and drop all the game's key instructions such as move left and right with the arrow keys or jump with the up arrow and also make an int variable called pop-up index in my update function I'll check whether my pop-up index is equal to zero if it is that means the tutorial has just started and so in my case the first thing I want to teach the player is how to move left and right with the arrow keys so obviously I want my first pop-up instruction to be displayed in the game view this way the player knows what to do I'll do so by making a for loop notice that the syntax for this loop can be automatically generated by double pressing tab on your keyboards and song wants to loop through each and every element in my pop-ups Aranea and if I is equal to the popups index we are currently at I'll display the pop-up in my array with that index using set active true and hide all pop-ups that don't have that index because I don't want my scene getting caught up with instructions so in short in my pop-up index is equal to zero then the first pop-up in my array will be displayed and all the others hidden if it's equal to one then the second elements in my array will be displayed and the others hidden and so on no that would put dad's a place I'll head back to my if statements and we until the player hits the left and right arrow keys once he's done that awesome you understood how to move left and right as I'll move on to the next rule jumping by simply incrementing pop up index of 1 and so I'll make an else--if Statesman's checking whether indeed pop up index is equal to 1 in other words if the player is at the jumping phase of the tutorial if that's the case now I'll wait until he hits the up arrow which will reassure me that he's understood how to jump and then once again increments pop up index of 1 so if pop up index is equal to 2 now that the player has understood how to move and jump again facing a couple obstacles to put his newly acquired knowledge into practice I've actually already made a simple spawner script that instantiates these spiky obstacles and so I need to do is enable the object with the spawner script attached to it so when pop up index is equal to 2 with that said I'll make a public game object variable called spawner and activate it as soon as pop-up index is equal to 2 heading back into unity I'll lock the inspector so as to easily drag and drop my pop-ups into the array and I'll then drag and drop the spawner game object into empty slots and of course disable it since we don't immediately want obstacles spawning in game and by hitting play you'll see that as soon as I hit the left or right arrow keys the tutorial manager will move on to the next part of the process and then finally obstacles now you might want to wait a few seconds before spawning those obstacles in game just to leave the player some time to read instructions in which case all you need to do is make a float variable called wait time now set equal to 2 for example and then check right here whether wait time is less or equal to 0 if it is then we can activate the obstacle spawner if not we will slowly decrease that wait time value using minus equals time dot delta time and now 2 seconds will pass over obstacles spawning game you might also wants to lock what the player can do when the game starts in other words not allow the player to jump until he's first moved length or rights in a very simple game like this this isn't really necessary but in a more complex strategy game for example this can be very handy stopping the player from accidentally performing some complex action you might have no clue how to that handle so to put this into place I'll simply make a public variable of type player called player and in my start function outside the player is Doug force equal to zero this will stop him from jumping in the air and then when the time comes for him to learn how to jump Oh simply said jump force back to its normal value which in my case is eight and there we go that's more like how I cut out my games tutorials now again more recently I've been able to take it easy using interactive tutorials the reason being my games are pretty simple to understand and can be explained with a few basic images but if your creation features mechanics and interactions you feel need explaining you can definitely try using these techniques obviously don't abuse with pop-ups to the point of hand-holding forcing the player to perform some simple action with a pop-up every two seconds actions you've probably already understood a long time ago who feel very annoying a treating game to trills is how I said at the start of the video of really challenging that's why I would love to make more videos on the topic perhaps more from a design point of view in the meantime thanks so much for watching if you like this video and want to support me and my channel then hitting the like and subscribe buttons would be awesome if you want to be absolutely amazing you can also help me out via patreon a great platform that lets you pitch in a couple dollars and in so doing gets me continuing to make regular game dev content and so these are the top supporters that have already done so alright thanks again stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 63,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackthornprod, tutorial, how to, interactive, game tutorial, step by step, HOW TO MAKE AN INTERACTIVE GAME TUTORIAL IN UNITY !, unity, indie game dev, noa calice, btp, make, platformer, make a step by step tutorial for my game, how to make a great game tutorial, how to design a great game tutorial, design, game design, easy, beginner, simple, game dev, c#, C#, programming, coding, pop ups, rules, teach the game rules, teach the games mechanics, learn, how to teach the player the game
Id: a1RFxtuTVsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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