How to Make an AIMBOT C++ Pt 1/6 TUTORIAL

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fine and that's pretty much how namebot works so things that you need for this tutorial are cheat engine 6.3 is what i'll be using you can use either of 6.1 that's what i used before for it works fine 6.2 whatever but 6.2 i didn't really like so i skipped that one um visual studio or any of the c plus plus compiler so i'll be using visual studio 2012 for the first time i'm not actually very experienced with it i only just downloaded it last night so hopefully that won't screw me up um but if you use 2008 or 2010 should be fine or hopefully any other cbs plus compiler but then that's up to you um you need to enable the console for css um you need to have a bit of programming knowledge but it's not really essential as long as you can copy my code exactly and i'll have to credit two people for this as i have been creating them all throughout exceeding dubstep as usual and nuptic and uptick especially because i took some of his code for this tutorial so that's pretty much it so as you can see last time in action and we're gonna get to beautiful stuff so that was pretty straightforward you see how quickly they died um but of course they can be improved and that's what we'll work on later on so those are the requirements and then we're gonna just get on with the tutorial so beautiful stuff so here we go so first thing you want to do is run cheat engine is that the 6.3 version good so i'm just going to run counter strike again counts track again i'm going to go create server now you want to go here make sure the settings are just like here so i'm going to change that down to weight just so it's not too many when you test it later on uh bots join team we're going to choose counter terrorists as usual so we have unlimited game time uh and just start the game so if you follow the trigger button bunny hop this will be very straightforward if not just copy my settings press ok make sure you join counter terrorist forces now if you have both people on this team the game will run forever and that's what we need just to give us time to test our stuff we then move on to finding our basic information so this i will skip some steps as i said because we've covered this before so if you're wondering why certain things happen the way they happen if you go back to the previous tutorials that will make a lot more sense so go on to cheat engine 6.3 and attach half-life 2 which is kind of strike basically and we want to find our to find player base okay so if we go into here in order to find our player base we found out on the bunny hop tutorial that in in relation to our player base health is 90 bytes away from or in front of as an offset to the player base so health is player base plus 90 so the address player base points to plus 90. we also found that the team variable is plus 98 so what team is our players uh related to so player uh team one equals spectators team two equals terrorists and team three because equals counter terrorist which is what we'll be looking for all right so first thing you want to do is search for your health so as you can see a hundred we're gonna search for a hundred now uh one thing that we're gonna do is turn sp cheats one and go hurt me six so this is all stuff you should be familiar with if you follow the last tutorials and then we search for 94 next scan oh we've got only serious results now usually it's the penultimate one so that one there but we'll find out just to make sure if you go brass memory region yes it is so if we go like i said to you the uh our in relation to our health it's eight bites in front of it so our health is here and then we go one two three four five six seven eight and this tells us that this address is our player base related address so if we tried another one here as you can see there's no number three there and if you try all the other ones you'll find out it's exactly exactly the same thing so we go into here right click find out uh point scan for this address i mean a number of threads scanning i'm only going to do one because i'm doing quite a lot of things at once and just do max level one so scan for it just going to choose anything here save it anywhere you like it doesn't matter and let it do its thing just let it scan let it do its thing and as you can see here we have five results um as we as i told you the 90 offset is what our player health is so means that 88 can't be it so it could be any of these now if you did the other tutorial you'll find out that um these last two have nothing to do with it so we skipped these so let's not add these because it's something we've already discovered later on earlier on and we know that they have nothing to do with what we need so we've got the first address here double click it and add it to so copy that the address that's in there now this was a bit buggy because this is my second try recording this and it was a bit buggy last time getting the results that i need here so for some reason uh cheat engine gave me a little bit of a bug hopefully it will be okay though um or i will cry because i have been recording this for a little while so we have this result we've added that um ac client plus um 5 3 fb 04 and what we found out on the earlier tutorials was that this is our player base um and the second address here we're also going to double-click that and copy that address and the reason why we don't copy the 90s because we want the player base by itself we don't want the health address as although that's something we'll access later on we want to know if if that's the base address so paste that as well and we've got our player base let's go player and just go uh entity and that's where everyone is stored including our own information so right click show us hex just so we can get an idea so click here right click browse memory region and hopefully this won't screw up i'm not going to be happy click um did i press ctrl d uh yeah so click um dissect data structure and structures define your structure our name structure yes and just okay everything and if [ __ ] sake it's [ __ ] up again [ __ ] all right i'm just going to check that out again i really don't know why this happens because it should just give me my address there um so what we're looking for right now is that 90 bytes we should be getting our our health so we're just going to go brass memory region again uh press ctrl d for dissect data structure if you go here it's very strange because it should be giving us a 94 health value but for some reason i keep making this mistake which makes no sense so um i've got that pointer there which is fine seems fine so 2e basically we should be going to this address here which for some reason yeah for some reason it's it's just uh the the white sheet engine does this automatically it's giving me trouble um [ __ ] tits that's not good so 2p that's fine so 2ed0 or should it be this address i always confuse this every time so let's try that address for a second otherwise i have to figure out what i did wrong there which i'm pretty sure i didn't do anything wrong
Channel: Guided Hacking
Views: 333,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aimbot tutorial, counter strike, C++ aimbot, how to, csgo aimbot, how to make an aimbot, C++ aimbot tutorial, external aimbot, internal aimbot, how to hack, game cheat, how to hack csgo, c++ game hacking, counter strike global offensive, how to start into game hacking, how to make aimbot, how to aimbot, css aimbot, how to make aimbot for any game
Id: RpnFoSIlw8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2013
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