How to make AI NPC MetaHumans in Unreal Engine

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with all the hype around generative AI like chat gbt many game divs and creatives are wondering how they can integrate it into realistic and lifelike NPCs in video games or other immersive experiences at inworld we create generative characters you can talk to voice to Voice without all the prompt hacking microservice coordination and latency our characters can easily be used in video games entertainment the metaverse brand experiences or for just a bit of fun today I'm going to walk you through how you can easily integrate the tech that is everyone excited into a meta human in Unreal Engine in just a few minutes first for requirements you'll need to use Unreal Engine 5.1.0 or Unreal Engine 5.0.3 to do this next you'll need to download the in-world SDK for unreal you can find that on our docs page here I've already downloaded it to my desktop here go ahead and open it when you open it you'll see more plugins but I've removed all of them that are not necessary for this project for this project you'll just need the core plugin right here in World AI The in-world Meta human plugin and the in-world OVR lip sync plugin which allows metahumans to move their mouth in line with their speech once you have these you can open your Epic Launcher then click on the games tab for this project I'll use their first person template then add a project name here once that's ready you'll have this folder on your desktop and it will look like this the next thing you'll do is install the SDK you can create a plugins folder and drag these directly to the plugins folder for your project once that's done you can open up the project file by right clicking and clicking generate Studio project files once that's done you can open up the project you can see here that our example project now has the plugins everything is now installed we want to then add a meta human to this project for this the documentation from unreal is really helpful you can read through it on their website I'll walk you through the steps they list but you can check their site if you have any questions I'm going to go to their meta human Creator and launch it now that it's launched you can see that they have a lot of preset characters but you can make changes to them or customize your character from scratch as well we're going to choose a pre-configured character to make it simple from there we're going to add him to our project to do that we're going to go to our project again and set up a character first we'll set up the first person player as the in-world player which will be whomever is playing the game and talking to the in-world character we add next we're going to add in our meta human we'll click this icon here and go to the quicksole bridge I'm going to click on the metahumans tab and then click on my metahumans then I can click on Hudson please note that it can take a while to generate as they are very large assets then I'm going to click on ADD a bunch of pop-ups will appear and just click enable missing then you'll need to restart the program so go ahead and do that when it comes back up you can close the bridge app and navigate to your Unreal Engine project as you can see there is now a meta humans folder here when you click on that folder you'll see a bunch of assets related to Hudson click on the blueprint here and that will cause this window to pop up with Hudson in it now we could add him to the scene but he won't do much he'll just stand around and you won't be able to talk to him so let's go ahead and similar to what we did for our player we can set him up as an in-world character right click and go to in-world actions then click on in World metahuman you can also choose in-world character but then Hudson won't have access to mid-human specific functionalities once you click on that you can open Hudson's blueprint again and you'll see that he's now being animated next we also need to hook Hudson up to our brain to make sure he's powered by nworld you want to now go to our in-world studio to do this I won't get into the character creation process in this video but we have other videos that I'll link at the end of this video that will take you through how to create a character essentially by just describing your character and sliding your few buttons you can create an entire character personality within in world I've gone ahead and created a character to use for Hudson I've made Hudson a bar owner who is a kind and trusting person who everyone confides and who knows everything that's going on he could be used in a Sims like game or a mystery game we now need to hook him up to his in-world brain hover over the picture of your character and click more then click on the character id for Integrations button that copies the ID to your clipboard after that you go back to the meta human blueprint and look for the in-world character component section for the brain name you then just paste the ID right there now Hudson is hooked up to that brain we can now add him to our scene what you'll want to do next is go to our tools and then click on edit utility widgets and click on edit in World widget we want to hook our project up to our in-world workspace before we can chat with them we need to go back to the in-world studio and click on Integrations to copy the access token and click to generate an API key then we want to paste our access token into this form in unreal to authenticate it I'm going to choose the workspace that I want and choose the right API then that's it so hooked up we can now talk to our character hello I'm back welcome back player I'm glad to see you here again it feels like it's been a while since you've been here what can I get for you today anything new in your life that you want to talk about there you go you've now integrated your character with a messy human I hope this video has helped provide a basic overview of how to integrate a Mythic human in unreal within Wells Tech I hope you have fun playing around with it if you're looking for additional resource for creating characters with published numerous characters of the week blogs that include details about character creation we also have an active community that you can find on our website that would be happy to answer any additional questions
Channel: Inworld AI
Views: 24,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, gamedev, gamedevelopment, games, indiegames, artificialintelligence, generativeart, aicharacters, chatbot, chatbotdevelopment, unrealengine, metahumans, unrealmetahumans, oculus, metaverse, avatar, virtualreality, madeinunreal, virtualcharacter, madeinunity, gpt3, naturallanguageprocessing, chatgpt, globalgamejam, npcsarebecomingsmart, npcs, AINPC, NPCAI, chatGPT
Id: 860LKfs8EUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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