How to Make a Zippo Style Lighter

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you know gary sometimes i come here look out the window think about all the technological marvels going on out there in the world today dna sequencing ionic propulsions artificial intelligence blockchain technologies and such and then as me in 2022 banging bits of metal with a hammer right biomap channel today we are making no gas in it we're making a new case for zippo lighter i've got this zippo insert proper zippo insert but the case is just a cheap one just i needed one to use this so i bought a cheap one from market in spain i believe uh it was all brightly plated so i um filed off all the plate in and burnt it tested out some chassis coating on the side there so yeah basically it's just a messed up old thing quite bad quality it's got wobbly hinge and stuff so i want to start using this lighter again but i want it to look nice so i thought it'd be fun to actually try and make a case for it so this video might even double as a guide for people looking to make a box because that's essentially what we're doing just a box it's the way i see it as the box cutting that cutting it off and then putting a hinge on it yeah simple as that so we will get into it as soon as i said thank you to these new patrons um we've got patrick alexie hunt mark adams and andy cates thank you very much guys uh really appreciate you becoming patrons as always thank you to all the patrons uh patreon ship if you don't know it's like a kind of a membership monthly membership but there's no contract you can just come and go you can do a custom pledge whatever you want but it just enables people to help out creators of uh usually artists or designers kind of people if they're putting information out content out which helps you learn and gain the skill which they have um you can just as a mark of gratitude just send them a little bit money so that's all patreon ship is yeah link in the description if you want to help me out yourself and uh yeah you get a shout out on the channel next video after you join and uh you get access to all the new youtube videos two weeks before they go live on youtube and you get access to all the full instructional guides so i make jewelry making instructional guides like good one hour between one hour and two hours usually very in-depth showing everything great detail explanations i'll talk about what i'm doing why i'm doing it alternative ways of doing it where while i'm doing it yeah just a lot of information i put into these videos and show everything clearly what i'm doing so i just want to share what i've learned over the years and enable other people to do the same right cool let's get into this zippo video all right starting this video slightly disheartened yeah because check it out i've already done it i've already made this video months ago uh i got to this stage i had this like quite thick sheet of copper um i got to this stage and it got to like closing it up and then trying to solder it and i was trying to try and i couldn't get it hot enough even with easy solder trying it with this sort of butane torch um i managed to just just about tack it shut after like trying for like 10 minutes to solder and i thought i can't i can't continue like this so i put this down for like months um i wanted to try again so i've got a thinner sheet of silver kind of inspired by having that solder paste i had recently tried it out i thought i wouldn't find a use for it for me but it melted so quickly i thought with thinner silver and then that solder paste i reckon i can continue with it so i'm going to start again basically so this is literally it i just found it i didn't know i still had it but look you can see the solder on there it took ages and that's all i managed to do is get a little bit of solder to float right on the corner and not even strong pathetic so yeah flattened out and this is great so i can show you the shape and i designed it like this on purpose because i think i mentioned earlier i want to start with this shape first so then i can still get inside it if i need to if you cut it out in a way where you're folding up a deep box with a bottom you can't really get in there easily with tools so going through the job in my mind of thinking ahead i thought this was like the most sensible way to actually create the box so that's kind of handy i guess i've done this in the past and show you what we're aiming for so yeah cutting out of this sheet just 13 mil on the sides and then from that line i measured 36.6 i might as well call it 36.5 i mean i'm talking about these super accurate measurements you've actually got cut it by hand so you might the inaccuracies mean a bit as well another measurements i've got here if you're making one as well your zippo light might have like different amounts of wear and stuff might just be slightly different made slightly differently different factory or something so i should probably not be too concerned with these actual measurements but i for myself want to know what works just checking out i said 36.5 yeah so i've got that one that one that one just just about scraping by with enough space there um so yeah cool okay so i marked it out these are the measurements 36.4 uh 13.1 everything else uh so just so you understand the shape you've got one two three four these four sides will fold up like that and then you've got that folds that way that folds that way there's your box um yeah these measurements are important because that's the fitment but the actual height i went for 55 mil didn't bother writing that down because that was just what i decided how tall i wanted but the height if you're actually making something for a zippo um you just need a minimum 52 or something uh just make sure it fits in there and then bear in mind a new flint's push this screw down a little bit so you need space for that um yeah so to make sure we're gonna have height 55 mil was plenty all right so you just simply cut out all the shapes yeah last time i did this i was getting a bit confused with my lines i drew so this time i've made it really clear with a marker pen that's what i need to cut out what i need to so pretty straightforward for this stage usual kind of methods apply just cut don't cut on your line just cut slightly on the long side and then leave it to your file to get it nice and flat and right on the line [Laughter] okay so you cut this out we need to put a groove down all these lines because we want a like a guide for our file to go in so we can file nicely um it's a bit difficult with your saw blade to actually get it on that line straight across and also when you put weight on your saw blade it kind of bends so takes away your ability to cut across a large distance a flat flat surface so what i did is i used these grinding discs which i sell i sell them in my online shop link in the description so yeah this is spinning grinding down that edge you just move it along and uh yeah it's not perfect but we're gonna create a decent ish straight line so the file can sit in and the file will make it perfect we want this nice v shape in there so it folds up into a box and yeah there's nice flat surfaces touching each other which will hopefully solder nicely [Music] so i'm watching myself cut over these lines badly i started to feel silly about being fussy over tenths of a mill scored the line scroll the line perfectly and then just make a mess of it when you cut it out so when you're going down with a tool you should come off and then hit that edge because that's going to be veed off yeah i can show you on this one look because that end piece should end up looking like that that's half of that v section that chamfers that off so now you just simply get a square section needle file and then go over all your lines again all that grinding was to be able to do this nicely in position [Laughter] and your file should be taking that edge off in fact i might even just you may as well go around all of these get it out of the way you'll need a file okay do that basically all the way around we've got to do that so now that's out of the way it gives my needle file a bit of space to um hit that end a bit more and just go out and i would file like three quarters of the way through you can even turn your needle file a little bit rock it backwards and forwards to make sure it really opens up enough for these sides to fold up like a right angle it's quite bad news if you didn't find it enough you're trying to fold it up uh you end up trying to bend the metal trying to push it into a nice right angle so you're better off filing more away than not enough definitely and again this is going to be the inside of the box so don't worry too much about being super neat at the same time you should you should always try and work kind of well [Laughter] so now you just simply get a square section needle file and then go over all your lines again all that grinding was to be able to do this nicely in position [Laughter] and your file should be taking that edge off in fact i might even just you may as well go around all of these get it out of the way you'll need or file okay do that basically all the way around we've got to do that so now that's out of the way it gives my needle file a bit of space to hit that end a bit more and just go out and i would file like three quarters of the way through you can even turn your needle file a little bit rock it backwards and forwards to make sure it really opens up enough for these sides to fold up like a right angle it's quite bad news if you didn't find it enough you're trying to fold it up uh you end up trying to bend the metal trying to push it into a nice right angle so you're better off filing more away than not enough definitely so i've got these all filed out now around the outside getting all these edges right you scored these lines yet be careful not to start flexing it about you want to keep everything flat and straight i would follow these kind of pretty sharp really without going too far all right so this is ready to go scored out having a close look around the outside um say it again you're better off filing too much like too much of an angle so there's no metal getting in the way stopping you folding things right up make sure it's nice flat as well we haven't done it all kind of rounded um yeah i've got this is a new bit of sheet so i've got to take this plastic off and then i will anneal it and then fold it up fold it up and then end up with that be at the same stage so i've just annealed it still hot looks like that because i've fluxed it in all the grooves before kneeling it so it's ready just to fold up it should be good for soldering feeling nervous because it needs to fold up here and end up like a really nice square shape and the dimensions have to be just so well that slides in and out with a bit of resistance not too much not too little it's a shame i can't use this one but you know what that silver solder paste melted at such low temperature i'm gonna have another go soldering this up with that paste it might might work but this one works really well so it'd be nice if i get the same but we don't know let's try it out and we need to fold it up here without marking the metal and flexing it about and stuff so i'm gonna use my vise for that so those end bits the smaller bits they stay flat because then also enables us to do this stage ah let me uh that's what i did last time will come back to me now using my draw plate to push it down just doing a better time do that i can't remember what i did last time to fold this up nicely but we need it to stay folded up i don't want to have to be pushing down on it with any pressure as i heat it up so uh i remember last time mucking about with the vice and that i can't remember exactly what i did but this time i'm just going to hold it in my in between two draw plates squeeze that shut and then use my third one to push that shaft but basically just using flat surfaces so i'm bending the sheets around just whatever works let's figure it out as you go along just anything that works to get it closed up nice and flat closing up looking at it it's not perfect it's perhaps i just bent this one down a little bit too much i'll try to straighten that out but holding it in there it's a bit grippy this is going to be good i think it's going to work well yeah i need to bend this one out a little bit anyway so i'm just looking over it and seeing what i've done and seeing how to improve it but cool i want but like i said before i want it to actually shut up cat i want it to actually stay closed so i can just easily just put it down and solder it right so my highly poisonous solder paste back in action wasn't expecting him to find it a use for it so quickly no flux this is the next stage i'm worried about because uh if i can't even get this hot enough to solder i've wasted my time again making another video i'm reasonably confident about it i still don't really know how best to use this stuff i'm still a bit scared of it though for how poisonous it is right let's just warm this up hopefully that solves it [Applause] [Applause] right that's soldered badly i'm gonna soak it in the acid and have a close look at it but it was melting and going in there slides in there really well actually feels nice quite good resistance so that working really well that sort of pace was good so i like solar paste but a u-turn on that was useful for me today but my ends melted quite well but that center section needs to be melting so i'm gonna and then looking inside it as well it could do with a bit more flooding through so i'm gonna what you just saw i'm gonna do that again with a little bit more paste just to fill up fill that up properly [Applause] i can actually use two torches then to get the heat up um i don't like solder paste again look at that what a mess everywhere it goes is just it's horrible stuff but i got it soldered so that's going to go in the acid for a good 10 minutes all right so just filed it not a great join but it's stuck in that position so it's good enough um yeah so that slots in there fits nicely i'm thinking how to proceed because this is as far as i've ever got doing this job i'm thinking i may as well just close the ends up and then i'm gonna cut it in half cut the lid off and then solder them up because it's gonna just for the sake of being able to heat it up and get the solder to flow easier it's gonna be obviously easier if they're in smaller pieces so yeah i'm just going to fold these flat then cut it then do some more soldering so i'm hoping i can just do this on my bench without pushing anything out of shape it'd be a shame to squash it down and put a dip in it but to be honest this was one mil i think this was one mil sheet looks about one mil um yeah one mil feels really solid and strong really heavy you could definitely get away with going thinner than one meal [Music] oh [Applause] 34 mill i suppose i just should start trying to work carefully again doing this this could be quite a a long slow process trying to cut this carefully along this line i don't want to want to keep it parallel obviously i don't want to shorten it any more than i have to [Laughter] when you're cutting around a corner you've got to look in two places you've got to look where you're cutting and then you've got to see where the the other end of the saw blade well that's doing as well so you don't want to end up tilting it just so you can literally be following that line perfectly but the back of it is like cutting cutting into the edge you'll be well careful i kind of help myself by rocking it backwards and forwards and it keeps that bottom edge moving up and down where it's meant to just hanging on with the last bit there he goes every time i do a job like that like do a lot of filing or cutting it's always nice to put it on your metal block and test it it's not bad i haven't filed it or nothing that's still all scratchy from the saw saw blade so that's quite accurate happy with that uh i just need to get this to sit down properly and then i'll solder it up and then do the same this one so we've got the lid section that's do quite a lot of hammering to get that down so i just want to emphasize the point again when you're filing those chamfered edges definitely worth your while filing off too much rather than too little because um there was a spot where it's touching i had to hammer it quite a lot to get it to sit down it's quite hard work piling over flat surfaces gotta be a bit careful as well i can't just push as hard as i want against my pegs i don't want to end up bending it although this is actually very strong but same time i don't want to kink it even slightly also yeah i want to say this is just a zippo lighter case for myself to use it's not something to sell i'm not really teaching anyone how to do it i'm just showing you what i'm doing to create it um so i'm not going to finish it nicely i'm just going to leave it all scratched up i actually kind of like the finish of it being all filed um i might not even paper it so yeah don't expect to to finish off nicely beautifully polished thing with diamonds all over it that's not what this video is about there you go that's what i'm leaving it like just all filed up i mean i may when it's finished and it's like clicking together hopefully it closes nice and tight uh i may go over it with a rough sandpaper just to make it not so file file marquee but basically i'm happy to use it like that um yeah having this all it's not gonna be polished or nothing but anyway i just wanted to work nicely so next step we are doing the hinge i haven't really thought about how i'm gonna do that yet but we need to do the hinge and then inside there there's that little piece that's what hooks onto that right so i'm gonna do the hinge yeah i've got this little bit of tube i'm gonna use what i'm gonna do is sellotape these together and then phrase out a little scoop on the side so that sits in there and then i can solder it to that side on that side and then when it's together it's nice and tight and then it's all nice and secure so but first to be able to cut that scoop in a good position i want these stained together so i'm just going to celebrate them if you're doing this you may as well cut right into it as far as you can just as it breaks through put it on there and then that way you've got the maximum amount of surface soldered onto the top and bottom and then also sticks out the least amount as well [Music] so uh starting to feel old it's just everything every time i do something i've done for a while it just feels like such a long time since i last did it and it's because it is it's literally like tens of years i can't remember the last time i did a hinge so it feels like now i'm having to figure it out for the first time so anyway what i'm doing is uh three part hinge i've got the two outer ones will be soldered to one side and then the middle one will go to the other side so i've got them i pulled down this bit of wire which will be the rivet sorry didn't focus so pull this down they are it just slots in there that's going to hold it in position i'm hoping to be able to just balance it on there like that i could just hold it in that position and solder that on yeah that's one side done and then i've got a cut another bit of tube that will fit just inside that and then uh and then solder that on that's pulled through a little bit i need to add a bit more but now i trust that strong i'm gonna do the other side while it's fluxed and then uh so getting the acid and then i'm trying to put a bit more solder on and uh i would just like to confirm something that adding marker pen to metal does not stop solder flooding on it look at that there's a little bit of solder on the bottom so this is now soldered in uh you can sometimes get lucky and give it a twist can't force it too much don't want to break or move my hinges at all sometimes it's just a tiny amount like when you're soldering two links together the one after it kind of touches a little bit solder uh you can get lucky and you can just break them loose i think that's solded in properly yeah that's what you get for listening to uh comments on youtube [Laughter] so i'm gonna have to i mean i'll show you this i don't care i'm not like there's no ego flex i'm talking about how good i am at making hinges and boxes and stuff i'll make a mistake something goes wrong to show you about it it's just funny um so i've got i'll cut carefully cut through the middle i think the other side i can pull out no problem and i'll have to drill it out so there's an extra little feature for you on the video that i was hoping it wouldn't have to do uh but yeah marker pen not reliable don't do it so i just did that second solder i wanted to show you what i was trying to achieve i wanted to see solid solder like flooded right across there and there no gaps flooded both sides that side that side so that's as strong as it can be now i can't keep adding solder it's just going to build up so that's soldered on really well soldered on a bit too well because the rivet's now in there so i've got to drill out this rivet make a new rivet uh i think one side will get away with but one side i'm going to be drilling through and uh hopefully get it working correctly it's not a huge deal not in this moment uh sometimes we solder two links together on a fancy chain that's a nightmare it's a big problem um but on this it's not a big job really i've just got carefully cut down the middle pull one end out drill out the other one probably stick a cylinder phrase in there or something get it nice and neat and uh and then put a new get a new rivet for it so that's what i'm doing next all right i might i might do a separate video on this because it might help someone out in the future if they make a mistake like this they might run to the internet for advice on how to do it so i've cut out that middle section sure enough one pulled out easy one is soldered in i've uh cut it off uh not right up to the hinge i've put on just a little bit sticking out i am now gonna use a ball phrase to dip in the end right in the middle on my motorbike yeah i was taking out the alternator and one of the bolts stripped i've got it right here just uh it was turned in it didn't feel right and i was like it was weird and uh just another crank more and then it just came off i was like oh no it's really hidden sort of in the bike past the frame as well it's really difficult to get to so i'm going to be doing a similar job to this on my motorbike i'm literally going to take this down i brought it in because i wanted to practice uh drilling into it see if my tools actually cut into that did no problem so i'm gonna be taking this drill downstairs and my bike parked up and um i'm gonna put a dip in the middle and then i've gotta get a left-handed thread drill so you spin it what would normally be backwards and it drills into that what's remaining in my bike and uh it grips in if you're lucky they grip in and then they actually just unscrew it as you're drilling if not more awkward but that's what i've got to try anyway can you hear how that sounds it's different to what i usually have it's because i'm using this new oil i've discovered it's not even for jewelry i'm using this on my drill and it literally feels smoother it sounds smoother you need less of it drills stay sharper longer brilliant stuff i'm gonna start selling it on my online shop really good for for this work but it's not meant for it's not even nothing to do with this trade it's quite quite good [Music] had to uh drill it paul phrased it i think it's a slice that wants to come out there is hey all right okay that wasn't too bad i was probably spent 10 minutes doing that anyway right let's continue with this center bit so i've cut this bit of tube that's going to sit in between them just checking the sides are nice and straight and actually fits in there that does what i'm doing is hoping i can put that in there like that and then same last time i can't get it to sit in there but basically i'll put that in in position and uh hopefully be able to remove those side ones and then that one stays remaining in its position there and that's where it's going to stay until it's soldered there uh so i've got that soldered on that's soldered on just uh tidying up the solder joins with the rubber wheel put them together for the first time doesn't close up that nice and looking at it it's just a little lump of soda on the inside of one so when you're making a hinge you it's got to be really clean and clear where everything needs to sit otherwise things won't line up properly but it's not bad i'll just uh i'll just i mean literally just sharpen a screwdriver and just scratch it out but you know if you've got any kind of graver set engravers they're good for that kind of thing just scratching away metal but yeah there you go sort of looking like a lighter now and even it doesn't line up that well i can still put this metal through so i'm not going to force it open yet if things are not lining up nicely but yeah it works and then very little sideways wobble so my hinge is actually doing its job quite well obviously it's nice if it's just really solid and strong doesn't no side flex at all and with a bit of resistance when it's open and closing i keep working on it and not filming i should have showed you that but basically i took a bit of uh took a bit of metal away so that fitted down a bit closer but partly out of lack of patience i ended up just putting that on top got this hammer put that on top and i just banged it down that improved the fitment of it but it did increase the wobble so compared to that one this one's really bad i mean not difficult to beat a very cheap lighter case but yeah this one's really wobbly um so yeah when you're working on something with a hinge you gotta sort of check that make sure it feels nice it's not like just going really tight there and then you're forcing it open so the metal is not being all stretched about this one actually works quite nicely very little wobble unfortunately the wobble increases the more closed it gets so let's just do checks and then obviously i want to make sure actually it's going to work with this inside so that slides in it's nice and tight in there oh the sound of quality uh but it won't pull that back again because i need this little bar in there that's what that job that's what that does that's that's job so i've gotta put a little bar in there and then this is oh that sounds so nice uh this is gonna be finished apart from uh tidying up the surface so can you see that little l shape there that was me marking that distance and then marking the height i've cut this down this should go in there there you go just sits on it so i'm gonna get that soldered in and then done sort of so i'm just going to touch hopefully i can make this work i'm just going to touch a bit of solder on top there and there get it hot let it flood down it just it's just got solder in a little bit i'm not worried about being all super strong all around us just gotta hold its position yeah dude this is gonna this is gonna be a quality item loads of flux in there this is soldered on with extra easy so hopefully not any problems with that that fell off that would be very annoying because that's one of the most difficult things to do on this job is get that hinge all correct see that that's quality mate oh it's so nice it feels great are you hearing hearing this oh that's so good um so what i'm going to do now is paper up and i'm worried this video is going on too long so i'm gonna i won't bore you showing me doing all the paper in but basically i've got buff sticks got my paper disc um just going over it i made this new buff stick this is like really coarse sandpaper [Laughter] if you've made one of these in silver and you're planning on polishing it nicely good luck get rid of all the fire scale you're gonna have to do a lot of paper and polishing to get rid of it i'll just do the hinge a mini whizzer available in my online shop [Applause] link's in the description [Music] okay riveting there's a bit of an art to this and unfortunately for you and for me i'm not very good at it so i can't really give you good advice um it's one of those jobs where i worked in london like i did a kind of bad-ish job i get the job done but never looks that nice other people do it quicker and looks perfect uh so it's something i did a little bit badly and then just every time there was riveting to be done or something i just gave it to someone else to do so a bit like setting jobs riveting is not something i ever really practiced but what i do is i'll tap it on the flat side try and get a bit of a mushroom out and then i will use that if i have to uh good advice is to rather than try and whack it a few times and get it to spread out tap it loads of times spend five minutes ten minutes just going da da dead really form the metal slowly but there's a bit of an art to not start with too much which is what i tend to always do and ideally you want to end up with a nice little perfect sort of burnished dome over over the end of the hinge do a bit one side bit of the other i've done it again i think it's a bit long maybe i'll do a video specifically on this partly for myself as well so i can practice it bit that one bit this one if you're not careful they can lose their roundness as well on the end you want it to look nice and round they can go a bit egg shape if i can rotate it might help me out a bit not something you should rush and then not ideal world that kind of mushroom bit kind of just puts a bit of pressure on the ends so you don't want it rattling about you want it squeezing just gently but the hinge still has to work still has to open without being all tight not putting stress on your solder joints or the or the metal if it grips a little bit it feels feels kind of classy the way it just opens up nice and smooth a little bit resistance that's what i'm aiming for so i was just doing the editing i didn't really end the video nicely i wanted to explain a few extra things so yeah here's my lighter when you fold up the box the join you can choose to have the hinge where the join is and it's at the back here so i think it's kind of preferable to having it at the background on the front just in case you have any marks so it shows up where you can see it's the join probably better idea to have it at the back rather than the front uh when it's flat you know zippo lighters yeah they have writing at the bottom i mean you can if you do hand engraving you can do it at this stage but if not you can buy these letter stamping kits i've got some that's why i'm sort of thinking i wish i used them now uh well that's flat you could stamp your own name or whatever you want in the bottom uh before you fold it up so it's kind of fun just to have your own identification on there uh yes what else i'm gonna say yes when you uh if you are finishing yours nicely getting it all polished uh definitely do most of the work pretty much all the work before you rivet them together because it just be easier and you'll do a better job around the hinge and stuff if you've got them separate first get them polished then join them up rivet it and then all it'll need is a very light polish to get it perfect again so definitely worth doing it that way excuse me um i'm about to finish mine a bit neater uh i filled up with fuel and then the fuel on my fingers left a sort of chalky white sort of finish on the metal and that reminded me this is silver it's a lighter yeah it's going to be in and out of people's hands it's going to be greasy it's going to get stained and tarnished uh my one doesn't matter too much this is like a workshop tool yeah i'm just going to be throwing it about on the workbench anyways i'm not too worried about mine but if you're making one to sell commission you've got to finish it nicely and uh almost definitely worth getting it plated somehow white gold plated or silver plated whatever you got to do just to protect it from getting tarnished is going to be in people's hands some people's hands are greasy some people got really acidic kind of acid uh sweat so they mark metal um an example is when you work with different jewellers people's needle files stay in different colors um some people like go brown some people are dark gray some people are hardly changed might go a bit grayish more than usual i know it's just acidity in your sweat um what else yes this is an old school thing yeah it really speaks to me i love puffer smoke like the fuel just the mechanical things like an invention it just works it's nice it's an event it's got soul it's got character it's not perfect like a new modern light is gonna be far more fuel efficient it's gonna do a better job it's gonna be more wind resistant this is still better it's got soul uh an example of where i think people are spiritually missing this kind of thing in their lives smartphones yeah i mean this is an iphone 5 even this is an old-fashioned one look at the size of it and the design actually it's a nice thing to hold and use a picture with these take a picture with your smartphone it goes to makes a noise it's fake it doesn't need to make a noise at all and it does it because it's a fake version of what cameras used to be like this is an old pentax p30 says like 20 25 years old um yeah you take a photo with it check this out there's a winder spring-loaded winder i was actually doing something in the real world there winding the film on preparing it for the next photo i'll take a photo of my um rolling mills here i'll show the patrons it but i've got to take a moment yeah to like be calm and relax line up the composition get the light in right get the focus right take a picture and i made a noise i felt a vibration actually something happened in the real world there and uh i can't see it now i've got to be patient to to see that i've got to finish the film then rewind it take it out uh actually go out into real world take it to the shop get it developed speak to real people it's a nice bit more lifestyle using old cameras i think they're making a bit of a comeback lately but they're nice i recommend getting getting into it and uh that's not free either i've got to spend money to look at that photo so i appreciate you more i took my time more compare that to instagram just taking pictures and uh doesn't cost you anything just people just pollute the internet with all their crap um i mean even the photos on instagram yeah all those filters they're all fake versions of what these old school cameras used to do like really so it's all just soulless crap with modern technology that's why this kind of stuff speaks to me you know like i'm just old-fashioned like i've got an old-fashioned job it's ingrained into me so just actually producing things by hand with hand tools it really suits my character so the zippo lighters really speak to me in that way i really enjoy them i enjoy using them i appreciate the the feel uh but yeah that's it so i hope this video was useful to you i recommend you have a go at making them not too difficult but as always a lot of my stuff in the video not necessarily very difficult but you've got to work carefully carefully and accurately and do a good job just take your time at every stage get it right and then the next stage is much easier so yeah just work in a way where you're not constantly correcting problems you just made try and just get every stage correct and then you'll have an easier time and then hopefully arrive at the finished product with a good result yeah thanks for watching like and subscribe and all that and see you on the next one bye
Channel: Diamond Mounter
Views: 19,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamond mounter, cbilton jewellery, cbilton, jeweller, make jewellery, handmade, how to make jewellery, zippo, zippo lighter, how to make a zippo, silver zippo, sterling silver lighter, bobby white, custom zippo, diamond mounter clips
Id: Pcl_SXXu0iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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