How To Make A WordPress Website For Lead Gen In Under An Hour

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yo what is up guys Paul James here welcome back to the channel today today we are going to be building out this website right here from scratch using WordPress we're gonna be using we're gonna be using nothing but free themes and free plugins no paid themes no paid plugins everything free on this tutorial other than hosting of course you will need hosting in your own web server but I'll show you how to get that setup too don't worry anyways if you've been following along with our free lead gen series by now you should have decided on an Asian location you should have picked out a keywords and all of that stuff now it's time to build things out if you missed those previous videos I will leave them in the description for you to watch after this video is over and by the way if you want to follow along with our free lead gen mini course all you have to do is subscribe take the doll notification icon and then I will update you every time I post a new video for this free course that I'm putting together but before we get into it can I ask a huge favor of you please smash that like button for me right now and drop a comment and let me know how you're enjoying the series so far alright let's hop on the computer and let's build out this website alright guys so let's just go ahead and jump into this now I am starting off this tutorial with WordPress already installed if you've never designed a website before stick around this is gonna be really really easy I'm gonna try and make it as least technical as I can I don't know if that made much sense but I think you get the point we're gonna try and make it so that if you can type out an email you'll be able to build out this website we're using a free software called WordPress that will come installed with every hosting provider you're gonna need a domain name and a hosting plan if you don't have one a domain name is like your thing like mine is called Cedarburg roofing pros com I already pick that up prior to this video they're not very expensive like less than $10 a year then you're gonna need a hosting plan this is what allows someone to come and visit your website think of it like someone who has a server in their in their building you're basically renting spot of one of those servers so that you can give your website your domain name Cedarburg roofing pros or whatever yours is to anyone you want and they can go on their computer and view it you need a hosting plan for that okay so we don't use or when I say we're using WordPress we're using the free version of WordPress which comes with our hosting plan when we buy a hosting plan it comes with it hosting plans they vary anywhere from three dollars and 95 cents if you pay like the whole year up front they'll usually give you a really solid deal like that or I could go anywhere up to ten dollars a month but still it's relatively cheap and affordable that's why I love this business model because the barrier to entry to get into this stuff is incredibly low I don't know any other business where you can start up for that little amount of money I'm gonna leave a link in the description of this video to my hosting and domain tutorials so if you already have hosting and a domain name or you know how to do that stuff you can you could just follow along with me right now if you don't have that stuff you're gonna want to check out that link in the description to get hosting and domain name setup I use Bluehost and that's how I'll show you how to set it up in that tutorial okay but we're gonna skip right to setting up the website so that we keep this video interesting and so that it's not boring so here is what I have installed right now WordPress and this is where you'll be after you follow that tutorial in the description below that tutorials free to follow by the way as well okay so here's what we're gonna do I've set up WordPress this is what the backend of WordPress looks any changes we make on the back end will be reflected on the front end this is what everyone else sees right okay so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna need to install some things we're gonna need to install a theme so a theme basically changes the look of your website you can see different themes have different looks to them as I'm hovering over them WordPress has a lot of themes available because I'm trying to keep this series free I normally use a paid theme but because I'm trying to keep this tutorial series free and and keep the cost as low as possible for you guys we're gonna use a free free themes in this video so I'm gonna go to add theme and I'm gonna search for a theme called Astra and they have a free version of Astro right here and we're gonna install that theme once it's installed we're gonna go ahead we're gonna activate it okay now we're going to go ahead and we're going to start installing some plugins so I'm gonna come under plugins I'm gonna come to add new and you guys can just follow along with this video step by step okay if you get overwhelmed pause it and rewind out what I just did and follow along with me seriously this will help you get set up okay so we're gonna search for a plug-in called element or element or is a it's a block builder it's a page builder it allows you to build out websites without being a programmer and it's kind of like drawing on a sheet of paper and it's really cool I'll show you how it works so install this one called element or page builder and then activate that plugin we're gonna need a contact form anyone who knows me knows I usually use my own software for this but we're going to use a free plugin to do this in this tutorial to keep everything as cheap as possible we're gonna come to plugins we're gonna click add new there's a lot of things that my paid one does that this doesn't do but we won't even get into that in this video I just want to get you up and running for now and once you land a client I encourage you to come back and pick up my my paid software programs which will definitely help you take things to the next level but for now we're gonna use contact form 7 we're going to keep it super basic okay so type in contact form 7 I want you to install this plugin and activate it ok next we're going to install a plug-in that's going to allow us to style contact form 7 so let's go back to add new plug-in again and we're going to search for this one called HT mega absolute alright it's this one right here HT mega absolute add-ons for element or page builder go ahead and install that plug-in ok one thing I didn't mention when it comes to domain names and you can see my domain name is Cedarburg roofing pros because we decided in our last video when we did keyword research and niche research and selection by the way I'll leave links to those videos in the in the description below so you could go watch the entire freely gen series the mini course we're putting together I picked a generic name Cedarburg roofing pros comm because now I can sell my leads to any Roofing Contractor I can sell it to Bob's roofing I can sell it to Harry's roofing I can sell it to John's roofing you get the point you want to keep things super generic ok so we're gonna go ahead now now that we have our generic name picked out and by the way I don't always put the city name in here I did in this particular scenario but sometimes I'll do like reliable roofing pros or affordable or best roofing pros okay but in this scenario I just did the the city name just because it made sense to do it alright so let's get started shall we we're gonna need to create our homepage which is our main page this is the page that people come to when they see our site and we need this page to be rock-solid to actually convert the lead okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna come to all pages and we're going to click add new alright and we'll go ahead and give this page a name I'll just call it home and we're gonna click Edit with Elementor so this is what that element or plug-in does it allows us to you as a page builder which is kind of just like drawing okay so I want you to think of everything we do on our site in different blocks okay so there's blocks and then there's like different like columns that we can add so this section here is a block and just kind of like you would draw this on a piece of paper you can do the same thing with Elementor so what we're going to do is we're going to click this little plus sign here and we're gonna select what we want so what I want to do with this page is on the left side I want to have some text and then on the right side I want to have a contact form for them to for us to collect their information if that makes sense because this is a lead generation website so if I want to have text on the left in a contact form on the right I'm gonna need two columns for this particular section right so I'm gonna select the one that says to Kyle and you can see here Elementor put a block up here with two columns and at any time if I just click on the block I can select that section and you can see on the left here now it's gone and it's selected that section I'm gonna do a couple of things here what I'm gonna do is I'm going to I'm gonna change the content width of this box to be well I'm just gonna change it to be a thousand oops there we go a thousand okay and what that does is it just leaves some nice space on each side of the block some nice white space which I think is gonna help make the website look a little bit better is why I did that the other thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to make the the height of this a little bit taller because right now it's like really tiny so I'm gonna put a minimum height of I don't know let's just do their student even an even 600 for now alright and that's all I'm gonna do with it for now now I want to go ahead and I want to start actually inserting things in here so remember I said I wanted on the left to be some text and on the right I want to be a contact form so let's start with the text I'm gonna click this plus button I'm gonna drop in a heading here and that's how easy Elementor is it's literally you go in and you just start dropping things in where you want them that's why I really like Elementor so let's just change this text to say for a free quote and we'll we'll do some other things with it later maybe I'll just Center it for now but we'll change the colors and all that stuff later now if I ever want to go back to see what other things I can put in I click these little squares up here so if I click that now I can see all the different things that I can add into my website okay so I'm gonna add in another heading underneath it I'm gonna call this one call now this is gonna be my call now called action this is the main thing we really want people to do we want them to pick up the phone and call us so that we can forward that call off to a roofing contractor all right we're gonna go back up here click the blocks again we're going to insert another heading and again we'll style this stuff later for now we're just putting placeholders and we're gonna put a placeholder phone number here for now and actually I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead let me save this as a draft you can save your changes anytime you want by coming down here to this green and hitting save draft all right what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually go buy a phone number right away for this just so that we don't have to go back and change it all right I'm gonna use my dial I've got a dial Hawk demo account set up by the way I'll have a link in the description to dial hawk don't go to the main website of dial hawk and buy it over there because it's gonna be really expensive over there I'm gonna do my best to put some promotions together and you can click the link in the video description below to check out what dial Hawks current promotions are and I'm gonna do my best to get something that is cost-effective for you to get going alright so once you get inside a dial hawk we're going to need to go to campaigns we're gonna create a new campaign we're gonna call it Cedarburg roofing because that's our site and I'm gonna say that I'm probably gonna end up charging my roofing client $50.00 per call I'm gonna save that and then I'm gonna come over to phone numbers and I'm gonna buy a new phone number for this so I'm gonna search by area code and Cedarburg is a 262 area code I'm gonna hit search and I can see there's plenty of phone numbers here with a 262 area code it doesn't really matter which one you go with just you don't pick one that you think will look good I think this one looks pretty good because it's got five on to zero I just think that kind of stands out so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna buy this it's only $1 to buy this phone number alright and that's going to import it inside of my dial Hawk account so let me click Edit on this for the friendly name I'll just say Cedarburg roofing pros comm just so I know what the website is and I'm going to turn on email notification so that I know whenever someone calls or leaves a voicemail I'm not going to put any call forwarding and because I don't have a client yet that I want to work with but we'll get to that in a future video so we'll leave this blank but what I am going to do is I'm going to turn on the voicemail feature so that if we do get any calls in the meantime it will be sent to voicemail and I'm gonna say thank you for calling Cedarburg roofing pros please leave a message and we will return your call okay save done our tracking phone number is set up we are ready to take in leads from this website let's go ahead and pop that tracking phone number in there I don't want all of that styling though so I'm gonna actually do delete this is just so all that styling doesn't go in there and I'm gonna just type in the phone number okay it's two six two four three five 51:20 okay cool let's Center that all right we're gonna click these four squares again and I'm gonna put a just do this text editor right below this here and this is gonna be you know just like some text maybe we'll just say we are if you live in Cedarburg Wisconsin and are looking for a roofing contractor to help you with your roof repair or installation look no further we are a professional roofing company and can provide you with anything your home might need all right cool good enough so there we are I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna save this draft and I'm gonna hit this little gear icon here or actually I'm not gonna hit the gear icon what am I looking for yeah I think it's a gear icon I don't know why it's not opening oh here it is it's up here I'm gonna hit this little hamburger menu up here on the upper left and I'm gonna exit to dashboard and what we're gonna do now is we're gonna create our form okay so that that page is good it saved but we need to create our form so we're gonna come under contact here and go to contact forms and contact form seven already put in a form in there for us but we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna change things up a little bit so let's click Edit on that form this is why I don't like contact form seven and why I use a paid one but again I'm trying to keep this free so you'll just have to bear with contact form seven and some of the things that it's missing and I will just have to let's have to go with it all right so I don't need any labels in my contact form like labels are basically it's gonna show what each field is I don't really need labels because I'm gonna put default text in each form field so that it um you know it says what it is let me show you an example so this is an example Legion site and you can see if I were to have labels above each field it would actually say what the label is but since we already say what it is inside of the field we don't need any labels so we're gonna start by deleting labels because we just don't need them okay there we go let's just bring this up a little and may fix the formatting a little bit here so the first thing we're gonna do is this submit button we're gonna make this say get your free quote since it's a roofing company that just makes sense to say get your free quote what we're gonna do is we're going to say your name that's a that's a good field just to say your name you see if I click text and I call this name and for default field I put your name like this okay so that's how the that's how it would look this is how we want it to look just like that okay now if we put a star after the text name like this that's going to tell it that it's a required field okay so what I'm going to do next is I'm gonna change email to say email and we're gonna put a placeholder field here that says your email all right and that's also that's also required we're gonna do eat these other two and instead we're gonna copy this text name field and like I told you this is really confusing so please pause the video and just copy what I'm doing here because like I said I really don't like this contact form 7 but in the sake of keeping this a free tutorial as much as possible we have to use it okay so I'm gonna put phone here for this field and I'm gonna say your phone because we want to collect phone and then maybe we'll just do like one more field that says we'll just say type for the field and I'll just say repair or install question mark so we want to know whether they're looking for a new roof or if they're looking for a repair alright so that's it we're gonna go ahead we're gonna save this now you'll want to go to your mail settings as well and you'll want to configure this stuff so who you want to send the leads to for now you can just put your email there who it's coming from maybe it's gonna be your email there too as well the subject line so for the subject line see where our form fields we can say I don't know why it's only showing one maybe because I have to save the changes let's save it once and see if that's why okay I don't really know why it's showing that the different form fields here but I'll show you how to put it in basically you just copy them from right here so like the text is name that's the name of that form field the text is phone that's the name of that form field this text is tight that's the name of that form field so I could say for the subject here Cedarburg roofing name needs quote and I believe that that should work in reply to this isn't working because it's not the right email field so if I replace it with the right email field that should work yeah that resolved that error so let's save that and then this is gonna be the the message body right here so for the message body will just say lead info or something like that and then we're gonna put each field so we have name email phone type and then we're just gonna copy each field surname it's the email field again just pause the video and copy this stuff because it's really confusing if you follow on exactly what I'm doing you'll be able to copy this all and maybe it'll start to make sense I hope okay so that's it this is going to trigger an email to send to me from my website with this subject line Cedarburg roofing pros name whatever name is filled in the form needs quote and then it's gonna provide me with the info that they filled out inside of the quote form let's go ahead and save that okay I'm gonna copy this shortcode right here this contact form seven shortcode and I'm gonna save that because we're going to need that let's go into pages and let's pop that in there so let's go to home page and click Edit with Elementor that was a page we were just working on and we're going to I'm going to add that in there it's actually not the way that we want I think we want the short code or the HTML widget short code okay so we got the short code in there go ahead and apply those changes looks like I might have messed something up so we'll figure out what I messed up and fix it I'm gonna go up to the hamburger menu and I'm gonna go exit to dashboard all right I see what I did wrong I put the a strict here on the actual name of the type of field it is and the asterisk actually needs to go on the type of field that is so not the name but the field type so trial and error okay so see what I did there I just moved the a strict over to where it says text rather than where the name of the field was so if I save those changes that should fix that error we'll check it out all right so also I noticed my HT maica add-on is not showing here I think maybe I forgot to activate it and that would be the reason why I wasn't seeing it in the editor all right is activated so let's see where is it at okay I see what happened the HTML add ons requires PHP version 7.0 or greater so if you see this error just contact your web host and ask them to upgrade you to PHP version 7.0 I'm gonna pause the video and go do that right now alright cool I fixed that it took like two seconds and now we've got our HT mega add-on in there so now when we go into element or we should see things that way we're supposed to so let me go back to pages and let me go to edit with Elementor and I'm gonna leave editing on this minimal so that you guys can actually see the different things in different errors that I encounter as I encounter them just so that you guys can see that nothing ever goes perfect and you can kind of see the mistakes I make and how I resolve them okay so now with that added we should be able to see a contact form down here under HTML I think it should show the contact form pretty sure there it is contact form seven so now we can drag this over there without having to do anything and we need to select the contact form so we only have one so it should be pretty easy and for the style I'm gonna do style two for this one and right now it's a little hard to see because we stuff to change the background so we'll we'll edit the background and we'll we'll come back to styling this so let's go ahead and edit the background so what we need to do is we need to click this up here so that we can open up this settings and if we go to style I want to add in a background and we'll do a normal background and I'm gonna put in a car we're gonna do a classic and I'm gonna put in an image here okay so let's go ahead and do that alright so in order to make this look really niche specific I mean sure you could go ahead and you could slap like a background color on there but I normally like to use some sort of picture of an industry related to this as the background so pixabay is a free stock image site where you can find stuff it's hit or miss though like sometimes you'll find stuff that looks good and sometimes you know like this looks pretty good for a roofing contractor um let's put it on there and see what it looks like I mean it's really trial and error sometimes stuff doesn't look quite right and sometimes it does I normally try and download the 1920 images but that's gonna download it we're gonna come here we're gonna hit choose image we're going to drag the image in and we're going to insert media just like that and that's gonna insert it in and then if you want to change what it looks like I normally do attachment fixed which is going to make it so when you scroll it stays put which I think looks really slick I like the way that looks again it's just preference all this stuff for the size you can change that to like cover that'll kind of put it more into view as well but yeah I think that looks good like I mean I think you like just with that little bit amount of stuff that we've done like it's looking pretty awesome right alright so let's click click this square icon up here let's do a little bit of adjusting on this form now now that we've gone ahead and tweaked that a little bit so what we're gonna do is we're going to come into I believe its style and if we come down to input here we can mess around with this stuff a little bit just a tweak it I think it might be even text area but one of these things we can actually move them around so that they're a little bit closer together it's not that one well okay so that changes how big it is which is useful to know I think we need to change the margin is what it is on the input style so if we click style and input I think it's this one yeah that's it so if we put a 1 here that's going to move them a little bit closer together and then we can play with all of this stuff if we want the text to look different the buttons so I'm not really sure yet of what I want the color scheme of the website to be I guess we should start playing around with that and we'll kind of decide on that a little bit more as we jump into it here so what's a let's add in our other sections and we'll come back to that so I'm going to add in another section down here and on this section I want to display maybe like three columns and show the hours I don't know maybe like a thing to call again and then maybe just something talking about customer service so Elementor has this little folder icon which they have like pre done templates and blocks so a template would be like a full-blown website I don't usually like to do this because they don't really have anything we're looking for for specific to lis gen but I do use this block section quite a bit and you can go through here and you can kind of find a block that fits what you're looking for let's look through here and see if we can find a nice-looking three column box just see what we can find here um I mean there's a lot to choose from as you can see well I'm looking this looks good right here it has little icons in it so I'm going to insert that and I need to create a free account so let me go ahead and do that alright so I log into my account and it popped that in there let's change the header to say need a roofing contractor in Cedarburg all of this stuff that you're putting in here by the way like these different things this is gonna be totally relative to whatever keywords that you did right depending on like what kind of keywords you did let's change the heading to an h3 oops h4 I wanted to go a little bit smaller that's not actually changing I think I need a style at somewhere else so we'll leave it in h2 we can deal with this right here there we go okay good now we're gonna go and we're going to make this ours let's just say from most contractors they offer some sort of emergency service we'll just say 24-hour emergency service and maybe we'll put their hours below we don't really know what that is yet but we'll just put hit a.m. to 5 p.m. and we can always come and change this depending on who we're selling the leads to for this part we'll maybe put call and we'll put our tracking phone number again let's copy that we don't want styling to change though so just type it 2 6 2 4 3 5 51 20 I'll say need a quote and then for this one we'll just say ready and I'll just say something like maybe you can come up with something better I'm just gonna say we're standing by help it's just a call away or something like that all right let's change these icons up we can do that right here go to the icon library and just type in help so this is like a helping hand that looks good let's change this one to uh let's just phone icon here and then let's change this one to a clock maybe yeah that looks good boom that quickly I mean you guys can see now just like how quickly you can actually dial this stuff in alright let's insert another column another section and again we'll come back through we'll adjust all these colors let's save our changes though save as draft that's always good practice alright let's save our changes and let's add in another section we'll do a blank one this time and I want to do like an image on one side with like text on the other side this is going to be like our main SEO section where we can really put in a lot of content and put in a lot of our keywords and stuff like that and again you're using the keywords from your dock from your spreadsheet that we did in the last video all right so I'm gonna drag this over a little bit maybe something like that we're gonna need to find another picture to put in there so let's go back to pixabay I want to type in contractor if we can just find like a picture of someone with like a hammer or something just something that makes them look real professional it was taking a while to load I'll pause this until it loads all right so that loaded I'm just gonna grab this picture of a construction worker with a hammer because I feel like that will translate fine over to roofing we'll do a small one for this one we don't really need a huge image and we're gonna go ahead we're going to click the plus sign here and we're gonna drop in an image and then we'll choose our image up here click upload I want to pop that in there we're going to do something for this one though for the alt text I want you to put your main keyword here something like that for the title you could do the same thing do a different keyword alright and we'll insert that media there it is let's do a heading here followed by another text editor right underneath it and we'll say professional roofers roofer in Cedarburg Wisconsin and let's just uh let's wing this here again you're gonna want to put some good SEO content here this should be having your keywords in it and you know stuff like that so I'm gonna say if you're looking for a roofing company in Cedarburg Wisconsin you can count on I'm doing I'm gonna pause the video and write this up so you guys don't have to watch me go through this and I'll show you what I did all right so here's what I got if you're looking for a roofing company in Cedarburg Wisconsin that you can count on notice the keywords right look no further our friendly roofers and roof repair professionals are highly trained at resolving many residential roofing problems from leaky roofs tear offs and more you can feel confident that with just one phone call your residential or commercial roofing problems will be eliminated and our friendly staff will be happy to guide you and provide you with a 100% free quote now notice that I did a good job with putting key words in there but what I didn't do is I didn't make it sound like a robot wrote them like it still sounds good I'm just gonna come in here and modify some colors of this maybe mess with the typography I like to use this font called poppins play with the height of this a little bit looks pretty good let's make this one this text color here black as well okay good save that just to make sure our changes I say I mean this is coming together pretty nice right everything's looking pretty good one thing I think I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna add a different background color to this section so let me select this section and let me go to style and we'll do classic and for color I'm gonna do like a really really light gray like not even that big of a difference save that and you can preview your changes by the way anytime by clicking preview changes you can see what it's gonna look like in the browser but it's a really really coming together nicely alright so that's good now if you wanted you could do something else like you could drag in another section that had social media icons which is good because you're gonna want to go and create social media profiles for this brand that you're creating because that's going to be backlinks you're gonna link them back to your website when you create the profiles so we could do that I'll show you how to do that let's go to add will do one column and then we'll find the social media icons and here I know they're in here somewhere I think you can just type - there it is social icons so there are those are all you have to do is come in here and say where you want to link it to once you have them available you just type in your Facebook page link in your Twitter linking or YouTube and you can add in more so just go in and choose all they've got all of them in here so if you're not sure what social media sites to create that'll also give you an idea of which ones you want to create there's different styles here if you want to choose to a square style or a circle you can do that too um let's go with the square and let's add in a headline in this block as well above it that says something like connect with us Center that okay um we'll leave that the way it is let's save that draft let's refresh our preview just to see what it looks like yeah I mean that looks pretty good maybe we could make the Cabal chrome color the same as that I think I will do that actually so this is something cool you can do if you want you can right-click on any section you create and click copy and then you can come down to the section you want to copy and click paste style and what that'll do is it'll just paste the style so like that just paste in just the background color for me so if i refresh now this is gonna look like one section now so I think that looks really good like we've gone we've created a really really nice looking looking designed site we just need to play around with these Styles a little bit more now so let's go and do that all right so let's come up to the top here and let's mess with this stuff so get a free quote let's go to the styling of this let's change the text color I'll do oops he'll do a red for that just so it really stands out change the typography here use that poppins font that I like to use make the text really large so that people really know what this is I'm gonna come back to this here and I'm gonna do it I think we can do a background overlay I just want to see what this will look like where we choose a color like black there that looks really nice so you can choose the opacity of how dark you want that to be but I like that because it makes everything really pop so I'm gonna do that on the background so the way I did that was I clicked on my section came to style and I clicked background overlay and I chose a black color and I just made the opacity and turn it up a little bit okay let's do this call now button will do this white yeah that looks really good with that background opacity now we really got things dialed in nicely for the font family will go with Poppins again bump that size up quite as large as the other one but still pretty large and I'm gonna do something else here under advanced I'm gonna unlink these these margins here and I'm gonna bring the top margin down to like to like negative 10 actually let's leave the margin and let's instead do that with the padding I think oh no it is a margin I think there might be another way to do that let's see under here there may be another way to do that as well don't lie Inayat yeah that kind of does it too but I think I think we'll do it with the margin you can see all this stuff is just trial and error well that's good it looks fine so we'll leave it and then this one let's go ahead and edit this one we'll do white again pop into the font I want this one to be really big yeah that's good let me show you something else I like to do on this as well if we come over to content we're gonna make this a link then the link is gonna be tell with a semicolon and we're gonna do the phone number two six two four three five five on two zero and what that's gonna do is whenever someone clicks on that it'll automatically if they're on a mobile device it'll automatically dial the phone so that'll boost your conversions up a lot all right let's edit this one style do white again and my typography here Center that there we go that's looking pretty good we could add in another like headline that said like the keyword again but I think it's pretty clear what this site is all about let's edit this button and play around with this over here so let's click the contact form and under style we're gonna go down to button and typography actually like well let's just let's just go with it again just go with poppins again choose a size so it's like really big really clear call to action now see text color let's do write again just like our big call-to-action button up there yeah that looks good alright save as draft so we are pretty much done I think there's these little icon colors these hover colors maybe we want to change those red just so that they match so there's a normal color and there's a hover color so we want to change the hover color to red like that if there was anything else I think that was it just looking there's a border on that one that was turning it green so I'll fix that too all right now to make this easy we'll just click copy and then we're gonna paste the style on both of these ones so whenever something is the same you can easily do that oh let's fix this let's copy this and then paste this style here what do you want that centered though there we go done all right guys so we've just gone and we've built out a official website for Legion here we've set up our tracking phone number again if you don't have tracking be sure to check out the specials that we're gonna be putting together for that at any given time we will have different specials going on and I will leave them in that link go and get this setup this is a not hard to do it just takes a little bit of patience a little bit of time and you can get your own Legion site up and running fairly quickly and you can build out separate pages like this so I recommend let me show you how to set up a menu quickly I'm gonna publish this page and I'm gonna exit to the dashboard so right now we have no menu but what we could do is we could go and we could create more pages right we'll create another page called like roof repair and then we'll have a whole page built around roof repair with content on it and all of that stuff and then what we want to do is we want to add those into our menu we go to appearance we go to menus and we're gonna create a menu we'll just say top menu create it and then we add in the pages we want I don't only have this two pages the home page in the sample page but we add in the pages we want in our menu and we save it and then we come up to manage locations and primary menu that's gonna be the top we'll just select that menu we created and save the changes all right so now if we refresh this preview you could see it changed the menu we also need to set this as a home page okay so let's come to settings let's come to reading we're gonna select the home page and select the home page we just created so now what that's gonna do is whenever someone visits Cedarburg roofing pros comm it's gonna direct them straight to the home page like that okay really cool really simple to do right trying to think if there's anything else that I need to cover comment below if there's anything that doesn't make sense or if this was helpful to you if you'd like to see more tutorials like this I hope that this was really helpful guys because Legion is not hard to get going this is something that anyone can do I believe anyone can do this this isn't hard and you know just like that we've built out a really nice-looking website alright guys so there you have it that is how you build it all out remember again I have links to how to set up hosting if you don't have hosting setup and I have a second link with special promotions going on on Dyle hawk if you need a chalking phone number thank you so much for watching this video I hope that it was helpful for you I know it was a long one but we covered so much be sure to subscribe and take the bail notification icon and comment below what you thought of it don't forget to smash that like button till next time guys I will see you in another video I am Paul James peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: iampauljames
Views: 40,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a wordpress website, How To Make A WordPress Website For Lead Gen In Under An Hour, how to make a wordpress website 2020, how to make a wordpress website with elementor, wordpress, wordpress website, wordpress website tutorial, build an elementor website from scratch in an hour, how to create a responsive wordpress website from scratch, how to make a wordpress website 2020 for beginners, how to make a website simple & easy, website, iampauljames, paul james, beginners
Id: 0rmlMwlyouU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.