How to Make a Wooden Pencil Name Plaque

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all right welcome everyone today we are going to be making uh name plaques for teachers to hang on their desks or in their uh classrooms um first thing we're gonna do we're gonna start off with a 1x4 in this example first thing we're doing is going to find the center point of that and we're going to cut two 45 degree angles to give it that pencil point and then once we have those the next step we are going to take is we're going to take this pencil and we're going to throw it on the router now we route uh both sides of the pencil um so we'll route one side and we'll flip it over and route it to give it that nice rounded edge and then we like to sand everything down we prefer using 100 grit sandpaper as seams to give it the best um chance for the stain to soak in then just blow it off with some compressed air for the staining we're going to need a we use foam brushes to apply the stain and we use a staining rag to remove the excess now you can apply with the staining rag and remove it that's fine in this example we are using golden oak as our initial layer of stain and we do do this in layers just because we found that that works out best for us so get all that excess off and then we'll go ahead and we'll go inside and we'll get ready for the next step which is going to be taping off uh the different parts of this uh plaque now we try to mimic the exact piece of you know the exact pencil so that comes down to the the shaped part down to the graphite as well as the the silver and eraser part of the pencil now this here we like to measure our eraser uh length as um yeah two and a half three inches um you can do it however long you want again it's going to depend on how long you make the pencil you want to try to make it proportional and and this one that we cut out the length that we cut out two and a half three inches seems to be uh the most proportional for that um so once we have that off we'll wrap that the whole way around because we do paint the entire thing front back and sides and once we have that done then we will start to work on kind of layering out that shaved pencil part and that's the part of the reason why we do multiple layers of stain because the center portion is going to be a different color stain the if you ever look at a pencil the tip of the pencil you have the graphite and then you have a lighter material wood the unpainted part of the wood i guess you could say so we use a cricut to cut out a zigzag design this is our special design nothing fancy but we tape that off at a certain part of the pencil something that gives it the most appropriate portion um so we'll wrap that whole way around and we'll make sure it's applied very tight because we don't want any stain to seep through then once we have that all down for that part then we'll also tape off the tip of the pencil that we will paint black the point of doing all these at this step of the of the project is to allow us to stain and also paint different parts of the pencil at the same time it just allows it allows it to go a little bit quicker process um so we'll get that taped off and then we'll make sure that uh everything's covered so we don't get any accidental stain in the portion of the pencil that would actually be lighter or what you could consider the shave portion of a pencil now what we'll do is we'll go ahead and stain the center section you can use whatever you want you can you can actually paint it if you really wanted to uh we would prefer first stain we we uh we like doing a lot of stuff is stain as much as we can now if you notice i'm not staining the whole way up to the paint up to the tape the reason being is you know tape and the vinyl if you're not careful you get too much stain around that area it could bleed underneath it and we don't want any of that so we try to leave a little bit of space and we kind of brush the stain in now once we have that done we can go inside and since we taped off the graphite portion and eraser portion we can go ahead and start painting those parts of the name plaque now we use acrylic paint so this is an acrylic pink and acrylic black paint that we use we'll put on multiple layers of each so now that we have this one layer done we'll go ahead and let that dry and then we'll come back we'll put our second layer of pink on make sure it's evenly coated all around sometimes you have to gob a lot of the paint on there to get it to go through and to kind of cover up that uh you know the golden oak stain in in this part of it um and again for the black to make sure it's sticking out nice and shiny then um just to be sure um the black it only needed two coats in this instance so we can go ahead and take the tape off a while um preferably if if it coats properly you want to try to get the paint off before it's dried the whole way um try to get it off while it's a little wet still that way it doesn't um you know if if it is stuck to the tape it doesn't rip the paint off and also you can take your design off so now you can see you can see the shape of the pencil taking place now it actually looks like a pencil from the pointed position and then we can take the tape off the pink as well now we have to let that pink dry a little bit to make sure that we can apply tape so now what we're going to do is you can see the difference of the stain from the espresso from the golden oak into the pink so we're going to tape off that section for us it's approximately an inch or so a little bit more maybe a little bit less just depends on the length of the pencil but we'll tape off around that and that is going to be where we paint um the silver portion now we like to mod podge this before we do so this helps from bleeding um underneath the tape with the paint so we'll put the mod podge on just to make sure it has a good seal there and also helps to for this the silver to show better over the stain because it is a actual metallic silver acrylic paint so we'll put that on put a first coat then we'll let that dry a little bit and we'll come back put a second coat on let that dry a little bit and come back and put another another coat on you may have to put more than three coats it depends on if you're using the metallic silver like we use it's very light it's very almost water like so it does take more coats than some of the other acrylic paints that you may have to use but we typically found that you know at least three to four coats work best for this um and you want to make sure when you're painting any of these surfaces that uh you know your strokes are uh going one way that way you don't have you know when it dries it doesn't show you know streaks going up and streaks going sideways now that that's done we can go ahead and take tape off and finish letting it dry and let's see here once that is done and it is dried we like to um if it's a for a female teacher we like to add flowers onto the design if it's male we like using twine the females we use twine and flowers too so that's it that's all we do after this we use a cricut to cut out the name with vinyl and that's it thanks everyone for watching if you want to purchase one of these pencils you can go to our website thank you
Channel: Ivy & Willow Co.
Views: 2,786
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Id: MVjUR8t8s2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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