How to make a Stylized Smoke Poof in Unity VFX Graph

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hi everyone edit here i just made this stylized smoke poof effect in vfx graph for my game bun and i figured it would be a perfect graph for a beginner tutorial okay step one go ahead and make a new vfx graph i'm going to rename mine to smoke poof to start we're going to go to system empty particle system to get a basic template of a graph since the particles are going to be sphere meshes and we want them to be lit i'll replace the output particle quad block with one called output particle lit mesh i'll swap the default mesh out for a sphere and connect the update particle block back to this one also make sure to tick world space if you want your particle positions to be independent of the game object they're parented to since we want an instantaneous burst of particles i'll add single burst to this bond section and crank the particle count up to 32. to initialize the particle we need to add a few things to the initialized block first i'm going to add set lifetime random and let's just say the particles will live between 0.5 seconds and 2 seconds next to have the poof spawn in the right location add set position random make sure both vector 3s are set to local that's what the little l stands for and then set it up as follows this just spawns the particles roughly within a certain area of the parented object so if i spawn a poof on a pot particles will all roughly be in the pot when you destroy it now to add some motion to our dust i'll add some turbulence set the noise type to purlin because i think it looks more natural and i'll adjust the drag up to two so the dust rides in the turbulence for the base color map you can put in any texture you want i put in a 1x1 white pixel texture so the dust particles are all a nice cartoony wipe now to add some more life and variation i'm going to add a set size over lifetime so the particles spawn in and out smoothly i adjusted my curve to reach a value of 1 after 0.2 seconds after playing it but you can do whatever you want finally i added multiply size random and set the parameters between one and two so every particle is a slightly different size but they always still scale with the set size over life node now to go ahead and pop back into scene view you can see here that if i drag the smoke poof into the scene and hit compile a nice simple stylized dust cloud appears you can spend as much time as you want tweaking these variables and adding more or less proofs and making them more or less turbulent anything you can imagine anyway i hope this little tutorial was helpful i hope you guys learned something about vfx graph and i'll talk to you again soon
Channel: edit
Views: 27,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sodiK1DzcwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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