How to Make a STUNNING Tree - The Easy Way

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today we're making this tree it's a nice tree if i do say so myself you can use this kind of tree in dioramas war gaming dnd home decor or whatever else you want oh yeah let's get started we're going to start with some 22 gauge floral wire split it into five uneven bundles and then bend it at 90 degrees 2-3 inches from the bottom like so grab one wire and wrap it a couple times up the long end grab a different wire and wrap it a couple times down the short end wrap two of the bundles a few inches up heck yeah combine all the bundles and wrap them together with one of the low wires you'll notice i curve two of the bundles to create a hollow knot in the trunk keep wrapping up the trunk until you're ready for your first branch should look something like this split off a thick group of wires for a low hanging branch at this point you can keep working up the trunk splitting branches where you see fit [Music] [Applause] now you can start to split those branches into smaller ones once you get down to four wires you can just twist them instead of wrapping [Music] these wires can get unruly after a while so you can just bend them out of the way while you work keep wrapping twisting and splitting until you get down to only single wires at the end of each branch should look something like this don't worry it gets better i have a place in my heart for crooked trees so i bet this of mine you do not have to do this i also had to pry the knot open again because it closed during all this bending don't forget about the roots now we're going to clip all the ends to about half an inch or so [Applause] [Music] and that's the armature done get your hot glue out it's time to make the bark at this stage we just want glue on the wire don't worry about texture yet i recommend starting at the ends and working your way towards the trunk it's just easier to hold that way a toothpick is helpful for pushing the glue around in tight spaces once you're happy with coverage go around and pick off all those annoying hot glue spiderwebs and now you should have a super gluey treat you can use the hot end of the glue gun to start adding bark texture by following the grain of the tree [Music] larger drips can be smooshed down with the flat part of the nozzle you can do the whole tree this way or you can get a little more control by using a heat adjustable wood burner on the lowest setting i find the angled chisel tip gives me the best results then it's as simple as following the direction of the curves until you're happy with the texture [Music] now it's time for zipper trees also known as seafoam trees or ezekiel or talaxis aristada if you're a biologist take out a few bunches like so and then break off sections at the base you should end up with something that looks a bit like this cyanoacrylate with a can of accelerant is definitely necessary for good adhesion here just stick the bundles to the ends of your branches or a little further back with a larger piece [Music] the pieces usually have a fluffy side and a flat side make sure you put the fluffy side up or away from the tree as it looks more natural that way it takes a while but keep adding them until you have a tree that looks well like a tree [Music] once you're done spray with 50 ice purple alcohol and then some thin pva glue to seal everything in for painting and for the love of god rinse your sink or you will regret it it's finally starting to look like a tree yay next we're gonna prime it in black spooky it's time to airbrush oh yeah i just thinned down some cheap acrylic paint here to get a brownish gray color but if you don't have an airbrush you can just buy a cheap can of brown or gray spray paint and get the same results now it's time to dry brush i'm sure you've heard of this technique by now but all you need to do is dab some paint on a fluffy brush wipe it onto a paper towel until there's barely anything left and then lightly flick it over the surface to catch all the raised areas then we do a wash coat by thinning down some black and brown acrylic paint and then slopping it over everything liberally now you can actually see all the texture you added earlier if you want a spooky tree you can stop here otherwise it's time to flock i chose a pink cherry blossom color for this tree but you can use any color you like spray some more thinned pva on all the branches over the sink and then you're just gonna sprinkle the flock over all the ends i'm using super leaves here but there are usually lots of brands to choose from at your local hobby store i put three layers on allowing about 10 minutes to dry between coats you can use a stiff bristled brush and some tweezers to get the flocking off the trunk and larger branches that is a nice treat right there if you're using this tree for terrain you can either make a base or leave it as is but because mine is a birthday present for a friend and meant to be decor i quickly modeled and printed a simple pot for it [Music] i painted the pot in a dark teal to complement the paint i made the substrate using some moss from a local trail that i dried in silica and that's that if you found this video helpful it would be awesome if you gave me a thumbs up to help me in the algorithm and if you want to see more tutorials and builds then be sure to subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Geordie Crafts
Views: 896,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sakura, tree, diorama, wargaming, war gaming, terrain, terrain building, cherry blossoms, cherry blossom, cherry tree, sakura tree, decor, bonsai tree, bonsai, wire tree, gifts, scale model, hobby, miniature, 3d printing, craft, diy, how to make, tutorial, how to make wire tree, how to make a tree, how to make a sakura tree
Id: FTP9vudu2oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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