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hello guys and welcome to zubik fishing if you guys are subscribed to this channel you would have seen two videos that are up early last week with some big fishing it seriously this big fish and if you're not yet subscribed please do so so you will not miss out on future videos so why I'm not doing this video author those videos lost big a lot of questions on what tries to use and how do I make my dress so I thought would be very well fit if I do a Taco Tuesday for you guys and in today's video I'm gonna show you the exact rice that what I use to catch big fish and successfully land them so let's get right down to the video so firstly you'll need a serious book this victory is it is the 14 I'd be KK in line this one isn't brand new and just to get all four might rise from fishing this weekend so it is the second and out but so basic number of folks tonight is I used the stats 12 must at 12 hours I use because other recently I've been using because quite a lot and I really love them that big black rod are caught in most weeks video again passing that video yet it is done the link will be down in the description that wasn't on 12 IBK can inline and I pulled the dusties really want the network held up perfectly so I really loved it so Luke selection is very critical well then also the wire that I use is either jdb carbon coated wire or the Fishman cord cutters 150-pound hundred and seventy five pound or the transplant but from today's video is gonna use them it is a 50 pound for the station purposes but if you fish for those big fish I'll recommend for using nothing under 250 pound 175 pound be my favorite it ties knots racket it doesn't kink up and it's more and strongly not there and not any big fish but you know yeah I'm just gonna use 1955 it's only going to be some one or two tips that I'm gonna show you guys on the schools that I use and limited slide so to start this first you start off with bracket oh you get different Dwyers you get bleeding water and get nylon coated and then you get carbon coated I don't really mind the color or anything but I just prefer complicated because the way it how it ties knots so you're gonna start off just measuring this is gonna be your bottom section about and then top section just get more out I like it really long ties and I'm going to explain to you guys why I use a long thread and what things to use I don't mean any of my classes but this time I know exactly what I need and how long it should be but I'm just gonna give you guys roughly a rough indication on the lengths that I use so it's basically this is a jewel on but basically to full Orleans or the whole length of my arms that are open and all the extra phone tag ins and all that stuff but idea is to get the trace as long as possible that you can handle with your costs the longer your drop is the longer the price could be so we start off with the normal smell not on the circle hook push it from the inside the side where the oak is in so once you have it on the inside just put that down attacking down with your thumb and then I start turning it nice and tight from the top to the bottom that's about six or seven times eight times water that's not necessary for quite a lot and then you take your top-end Asian almost now not appreciate three there you go I know some guys like to put whether not an Internet and all sorts of stuff that it doesn't an anti but I don't do all that stuff is really not necessary just simple cell knows three and yeah you got Lucas all so rough you want your your your bottom section of your tries rather roughly well eighty centimeters that will be the bottom section of your trace what is sorry I'm going to add a stopper here there's two different ways of doing adding a stopper I'm gonna show you the way that I use the most important part of our way applies a stopper and the reason for full metal is that the top section of your trance should be longer than the bottom section when we actual tries because what happens is if your trash is in the water and then that's going to your main line and there is just software if your bite is washing around like this it shouldn't go over the top section of your trace because if let's say no motor your trace is like Agnon and it's very close so the short comes and wants to eat your by and this section is over the top section of your or your bite is either the top section of your trance it's not gonna bite you off of this top section is longer than the bottom section but if it is shortened it's going to be on then the Backson will be very close to your leader there's a very big chance it's kind about your leader off so it's not a lot of guys think that the fish or the shock item up all the while g2a is leader is no that's not the case that was because the top section of this trench was shorted and the bottom section and you know the bottom section of the trust watch over your swivel on to your leader in a short County each opportunity bit on to your leader individual so that's the reason that's very important why you need places stopper at right at the right distance from New York also righteousness from the top swaddle oh there is different ways of using a limited slight ratio so I'm not going to make that stop it yet because I'm just going to be in steps that are usually mic my trust so the one the one method is you can put a small bead swivel and another bead like that so this is where you can attach a single line that's going to slide on your on the top section of your fullmetal it's gonna slide all the way to the stopper like I said it's all gonna add the stopper but it's gonna slide all the way but what I what I found that this is once this population on this it pick tiles you dress quite a lot and then you have to change the top section and stuff like that sorry not really a big fan of it but if I don't have anything else this is what I use so I'm gonna give you two tips today did you overcome this and help you tries lost longer my third solution is a tea so oh it's just a football shape beat with a swivel inside and this is my favorite favorite method of using but you don't always get them you always find them is different types of tissue ovals that you can buy because there's no direct pressure from the swivel on TV onto your wire it doesn't pick toilet so there's a lot of bigger area to cover cover does not pick talent otherwise other method that I use when I don't have any resources I make my own tea so then I show you guys I use it I make it by using a cotton bud so you're just gonna snip it off so once you cut it off you take a little swim and you push it through like that just move it a little bit in take a lighter just burning a little bit just slowly okay there we go just so you can just so it makes it edge so this fool doesn't slip off but it's all the guys don't really touch you need to find the right size as well and then let's cut it off and do the exact same thing on the other side today they are the own homemade cheese will take you less than a minute to make the thing I usually just make a couple and meeting in the back and use them as an eat them so then what you can do is once again just add the bead yeah add that the loti swallow why do you add still why stall at the beach with this cotton bud is now if you use this quite a lot the cotton bud is quite soft and that you tend to tear and you know bright or whatever but that's only after a couple of tries then you still have the beet day as a knot protection or stopper so that's our official but I acted so hot so I'm gonna just come up this water yeah I got slide on T swivel you know not just a stopper yet it's gonna slide all the way through the mattress and this is like an arm length to just over my shoulder get yourself in a habit of no using your own body as measurements the way you want to just leave a little extra and then guys very very important is using the right swivels I use nothing else than Japan power source guys these things are amazingly strong and you have to have a very strong school because you have to have really strong smoogle they actually remember that this will touch all the pressure it's the main connection from your leader to your tires so this swivel needs to be of absolutely the best quality that you can find and the Japan bowels that's just that that thing is amazingly strong so there's a couple of knots that you can Tahlia you can do a figure eight and different ways but I'm gonna show you the knot that I use and why I use that knot I really love that not it's not easiest to make but once you have it it is it's not difficult to make but it's a bit uncomfortable to make so but once you master taught to like this not your eggs like at all so firstly you put your you all in and you hold it you have to have a nice firm grip on this hold it between your thumb and your index finger and engine is just turn around the swivel you'll see two turns and this is where you need to keep it you need to keep a firm grip there just pull this one up a damn and then very important let me get closer very important you'll see there is your trice going through and there's a swab all there's the gap it needs to go in between that swivel and you're trying out just put a three also you need to check this there's a little loop here sometimes the twisting it goes over there but very important you need to pull it very tight what I usually do I just pull it into position I take my sinker like this I'll get into my solo not at all clip there now hold it I take my pliers and I just pull it okay so you can see there okay so once I have that I just give it a roll okay then just right and then again I use much singer again here okay and then I just thought turning the tagging around my tries and once I have that one at you ever have it in place then I can just use my hands just carry on chaining them resin you need to make sure that this waffle is big enough to make this knot and that your wire is the right thickness for your swallow just trim the tagging off bias on a great set of side cutters well and there is the knot I like this not as you can see it stays straight to swallow see that's all stay straight one on one so hold it like this so that prevent so that prevents you tries to tangle with your your leader and yeah it's just just keeps everything straight no tangles with your leader so that's why I like this not when you try them they swivel moves like that and you try scan you know just easier to trust especially if there's a bit of currents in the water I just love this not strong as hell and then what's good for me so this is all I might them you know I packed them in my bag I just leave there's TCO whole onion and I don't take any stock again the reason why once I get to the water I know what I want to do do I want my trash chute you all wanted longer then I add my stopper doctor why isn't adding a stalker some guys put it to the sleeve onion and a sleeve work in and then you just squash squash that sure could cramp way you want that stopper to be I don't like that clamp really you don't know squash it tight enough isn't not tight enough when you squash it did you damage your wire and attends to rust but when it's in your tackle bag on that trim so what I use is a piece of burner to as a stockman just like a 30 centimeter radius three passenger long enough to might eat rice janki's chieftain cheese and banana stopper is not going to do its work it's going to slip and it's going to be frustrating so our eyes I use point nine earth so zero point nine millimeters of mana and you can use point higher maybe one more but I found that pond owner does the job perfectly so this is what is so let me show you guys what I did so we know what the distance is that we want our Stoker it's going to be close to 80 see me just sixty to eighty centimeters just take my minor and it's basically like a figure eight or a Rosetta you can you can easily see to miss that as well but I just used like a figure I just inning around my index finger about five or six times around my eyes and around my finger all at once I just push it through and then we want to open it up you see that everything is opened up and then I pull both ends just not tight yet just so it starts to form okay you can see that it's formula and obviously like all not all not you waited take the everything's in place did you have the right distance yeah it seems okay doesn't move it a bit down and then make a little loop on one side it's a little loop in this one side and then another loop on the other side okay there we have it but my church will you look at it again and then we just take hands and we pull away from each other you can see that not a headset you can see that not coming together nicely okay so there's stopper edit so there is a stop at added piece of minor as a stopper traveled really nice yeah done this okay so there is a stopper in it you know when your stopper is tight enough as when you can see there's a little kink in the wire then you know the stopper is tight enough and it's not going to move if you're not gonna do just tight enough it's gonna slip and it's gonna be very frustrating so make sure that the stopper is touch enough so just a complete mattress gonna show u guys completed ten piece tomorrow Oh point seven oh I don't like to go a really thinner fish on the beach is not necessary to go to one seven I when I taught that to you oh I just using normal blood not it's not necessary for the bass not in the world yeah because if that think it does break off not in the world you actually want to do break off especially when you're stuck so there's a normal blood knot and in measure by a single price remember there's going to be a dangle on you and you need to go longer than your dangle it's my sinker for the guys that's not familiar with a Dingle dangle I did a video on how to make your annual dangles also protect him in the description so I got a verdict so Gavin have a look at the video descriptions they will be linked to how to make your own jingle dangles and then use them they also they work magic so that is Martin price see it's longer if you're dank I was gonna link it but if you're dangled just underneath underneath you look yeah you're gonna clip your sinker and onto your dangle and you go throw it like that perfect sorry guys like I said this is how it should be see how long a top section is that's more than me to value one point two stopper a bottom section about 60 centimeters I'm gonna stop it right yeah so that's the idea behind this guy's you think it's gonna be the in the water the bytes gonna wash around its washing over your the top section of the price so can not bite you or because it's biting onto wire if this top section let's say it's shorter than the bottom section what's happening this is gonna wash over that's going to be a leader it's going to bite a little we're going to lose the fish or not even had a chance to learn the fish because it put you off so guys that's it for me I hope you guys enjoyed this Taco Tuesday I will try and make some more for you guys in the future it's just difficult to get a time to edit the things to make them and to fish and to do whatever my daily life but I will try and make some more if you guys have any suggestions on what I should do I already have it suggesting that I'm gonna do next week on Taco Tuesday I would like a tip for you guys on to make your own legal dangle on it for edible fishing so you know you go to that one not to miss any videos please subscribe to my channel are all appreciated just
Channel: Zoo Look Fishing
Views: 16,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a shark trace, how to make your own shark trace, how to make a trace for shark fishing, how to make a steel trace, how to make a wire trace, how to make a fmj, how to make a full metal jacket, trace for fishing, fishing trace, fishing tips and tricks, how to make your own traces, how to catch sharks, land based shark fishing trace, land based sharking, tackle tuesday, zlf, zoo look fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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