How To Make A Spiral Christmas Tree

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what is going on YouTube today I want to talk to you about building these Christmas trees my name's Andy this is Cedar River Woodworking and welcome to the [Music] shop so let's talk about these massive Christmas trees now I'm 7t tall and these things make me look 5'9 510 you know with a good pair of shoes but uh yeah they're really really fun to build I love the spiral effect that these things have on them now we will be releasing a video at the exact same time featuring these stars as well so let me know if you saw this video first or that video first down in the comment section below down in the dubly what we're going to be using on this are a few different tools I have a circular saw a miter saw and uh a drill and driver along with with a brad nailer so uh yeah let's jump down to the saws and I will show you exactly how we made these trees so we are here at our favorite DIY tool the miter saw so what we are going to do is we are going to cut up our construction grid Lumber and uh we have a 2x4 here and we will be using four 6t fence pickets these are cedar fence pickets um you could use the pressure treated ones also if you wanted to so what I'm going to do is uh measure out here on our 2x4 to 64 in now I do have that uh pre-marked here and we are going to cut that at a 90° angle then uh set that off to the side this is going to be our main trunk for this tree all righty with our first fence picket here I'm going to cut the end off of this I just like having a uh smooth end on the end of these boards just makes me feel better so with that uh really rough end right there cut off we are uh going to measure out here to 36 in and make the first cut now I can uh cut down this board to our next width but I'm actually just going to leave them the way that they are because we're going to have some more Cuts in the future that's going to shape our tree how we want them with the second fence picket I'm going to give it the same treatment of cutting the rough end off of here then we will measure the first part to 25 in cut that out the next piece is going to be 19 in the next one at 14 in and the very last one at 8 in you're just going to have a small piece left over you could cut a little star out of this if you wanted to but if you haven't seen the other Star video that we have made go check that one out after you check out this video so here is all of our cut pieces this is going to give us our pallet look on our tree now we are going to go over to the bench and we're going to assemble the pallet look for this tree all right so over here at the bench you can see I have it uh covered up with a nice piece of Styrofoam because under here I have a nice tabletop for a dining room table I uh kind of a medicine I have not uh cleared off my bench in a little bit but uh that table will be out soon so watch for a post on that so here we are with our tree pieces now we are going to make it look like a palette so what I'm going to do to start off with is I'm going to measure 10 in up this is going to establish the little bit of a trunk that we are going to have and I'm going to take the 36 in piece that I have to start off with here and I'm going to put it just above that Mark so this is 36 in so I want to Center that so half of 36 is about 18 just centering it on the board here and I will take a square to make sure sure that this board is nice and square so just eyeballing it I was not and I'm going to take my brad nailer which I have some 1-in brad nails in here now I do really like the electric ones they're a little bit heavier than the pneumatic if you don't have these this perfectly fine I'll leave links in the description below to show you where we can get these now these are pretty solid with just the brad nails in them but if you wanted to glue this first first and then Brad nail it that's perfectly okay too but I am just going to put probably about six brad nails into this [Music] piece all right and uh to get our proper spacing I'm going to take a scrap piece of 2x4 and just butt it up against the top of that and just like the other 36 in piece I will will be centering this and uh probably about right there and again six bread nails and I'm going to continue that process with the rest of these so we'll start here and we will just go largest to smallest and that will give us this pallet look that we are looking for so we're at 25 in here so we're about 12 and 1/2 and uh we'll nail that in place as [Applause] well 19 in and about 9 and 1 half there and nail it in now if you guys are liking these Christmas tree builds please let me know in the comment section below so I can uh try and think of some more designs for that and uh give you some different variation on what we see on this channel here we are second to last piece at 14 in so we are going to put seven at Center and nail it in place and again if you like these Christmas tree builds I've done quite a few of them uh please check out the rest that are on the channel I'll have some Linked In the video description this is 8 in we'll Center it at four and if you like what we do here please consider subscribing it really helps us out all righty so here is our pallet now uh you can just kind of leave it like this if you wanted to um but we're going to give it a little bit more treatment we're going to make this thing look like it spirals so let's go back over to mighta and I will show you the cuts that we need to do to get those cross pieces so now that we have the pallet established for our tree let's go ahead and make it look like it's uh twirling around and I'll show you what we need to do for the cuts for those so just like our other fence pickets I'm going to cut the rough end off of these and then make our measurements [Applause] the first cut that we are going to do is 34 in then our second cut is going to be 29 in [Music] [Applause] again we're going to have a little scrap piece left over you can keep this you can do whatever you would like with it you could make a pretty cool star out of this so this is going to be our last fence picket and it's going to finish out the rest of our cuts same treatment as all the rest of them cut the rough end off and our first cut out of this is going to be 24 in the next one is going to to be at 19 [Music] in and finally we are going to have a 16-in piece this will also leave you with a small piece of scrap left over all righty here we are with our pieces and uh I will show you how we assemble this so we are just going to take our longest piece and line it up here so that this bottom corner and this top Corner are touching The Very extreme edges of these boards now you can see there's a bunch of hang over here and a bunch of hang over here that is perfectly okay I will show you exactly what we're going to do to take care of that then again we're going to use 1in brad nails and our bread nailer and uh put some Nails in [Music] this that's probably way more Nails than you need but uh I just like to be extra cautious so we are going to continue that Trend all the way up this tree now I didn't call out the length on those last ones so uh this bottom piece is going to be your 34 in the next one is going to be 29 in this one is 24 in so we will uh do that same treatment here this one's actually a little bit longer than what we need it to be which is perfect now you're probably looking at this and saying Andy this doesn't look like the tree at the beginning of the video I'll show you we uh have a couple more cuts to make on this and it will be just how we want it to be like the beginning of this video all right I'll line it up here this piece is going to be 19 in and the very last one that we're putting down is 16 in and going to get that lined up the best that we can here I can show you how we make this tree have that nice little taper to it my secret weapon a giant straight edge uh you don't need a 10ft straight edge for this but it does help just a little bit so we are going to line these up here so that just the corners of these are just kind of in line here so that uh we can get this cut just right so this is where our line is going to be but because we have a circular saw we aren't going to be able to put this straight edge directly on there it's going to have to be offset a little bit so like for my circular saw itself it's a a 4in offset I'm sorry it is a 5-in offset to the outside of here so I'm going to have to push this straight edge in 5 in to accommodate for the width of that if you do have a track saw which I do I'll cut the other side with that off camera but uh I want to show you guys exactly what you can do without any of those fancy tools so uh make sure you have your offset for your saw here and and let me clamp this down now we do have some spare 2x material underneath of here to help support everything all right once we have this clamped into place I'm going to go ahead and cut off this angle and that is going to give us our nice taper to our tree now when you are cutting this I'm going to pull the battery out so uh you know it's being safe trigger check and it does not turn now when you're doing this you want to make sure that your blade isn't sticking out too far now uh if it's sticking out really far you can cut into your tabletop or whatever you're on this is why I have that pink phone down here just in case it goes too far but also when you're cutting this do not put your hand underneath of it you don't need to catch any of these pieces we don't need to lose any fingers today so battery back in it and let's bake our cut let's get a base on this thing so that this thing can stand up right and uh then we can mount a star all right here at the business end of the tree I have these base pieces cut now I did just cut these to 12 in in length and I put a little 45° bevel on there to give it a little bit more character so if you're doing the math and you got a 10t long 2x4 you can make all these cuts out of 1 2x4 otherwise you're going to have to use some scrap to make these feet so uh how we will assemble these I'm going to have the bevel facing the top of the tree and I am just going to screw this on to the bottom here now that we have one in there we can pivot this so that it is parallel with the base of this and put in our other two screws what I'm using using for screws are some 2 and 1/2 in deck screws number nine deck screws if uh you want to know the specifics of that these are coated so they could be outside um now I have some zinc brad nails in this so I'm not worried about those as well and it's also Cedar so most of this is outdoor rated except for the 2x4 but I don't think it's going to see too many elements that it's going to break down on you so we're going to flip this over and put the opposite foot on here remember they go opposite directions and bevel facing the top of the tree and that is how we make these trees now if you made it this far let me know down in the comment section if you like the painted tree or our plain tree better that'll let me know that you made it this far into the video and if you have any questions please ask at that point in time so uh yeah I I really really like this this build I love the way that these trees look but uh that's it for now if you have any other questions please let us know please consider subscribing to the channel and uh if you haven't seen the star videos yet I will have those in the end cards as well anyways for now my name has been Andy this has been Cedar River Woodworking and we will see you in the next video
Channel: Cedar River Woodworking
Views: 59,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tree, Christmas, cedar, river, woodworking, spiral, diy, how, to, make, decor, decoration, Star, Wood, Working, DIY, wooden, Cedar, River, Woodworking, tools, hot, texas, weekend, christmas
Id: LBaPyKmbwFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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