How to make a Spider-Man and Venom Combination Sculpture Part 2

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Apply Sculpey Softener for better adhesion. Make gums with epoxy putty. The teeth are also made of epoxy putty. Fill in the gaps with epoxy putty and model with Sculpey on it. Apply Sculpey Softener to soften the surface. Bake in the oven and then grind with sandpaper. It was baked in the oven and hardened. Lastly, sanding. Before painting, apply a primer to ensure that the color is well applied. Now mark with the marking tape and color with the compressor airbrush. The areas that are difficult to marking are directly brushed. For the painting product, Mr. Hobby and Tamiya products were used. Thank you so much for watching till the end. Subscriptions and likes are the biggest force that keeps me making videos.
Channel: leehogap
Views: 1,678,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9zk5C6eM-rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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