How to make a Sourdough Starter from Scratch |FOOL PROOF RECIPE

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hey y'all I'm Joe with Whispering Willow farm and today I'm going to share with you how to make a sourdough starter from scratch so we do offer a sourdough starter Otis and our Whispering Willow shop if you would like to check that out I'll leave the link down below but I did want to share with you guys just how easy it is to make your own sourdough starter if you have a jar some flour and some water you have everything that you need so to create a sourdough starter from scratch it's going to take you around seven days versus if you were to reactivate a sourdough starter like Otis you'll have an active starter in about three days so if you do not want to spend the money on buying a dehydrated starter more than likely you have everything in your house to make your own so I'm going to show you what you need first off you're going to need a quart mason jar which I have here you are going to need some filtered water we just use our Berkey filtration system then you're going to need a cup of flour and we are going to be using a whole wheat floured I do recommend using a whole wheat or a rye flour when you're getting your starter activated and then you can continue maintaining it with a bread flour so first you're going to take your quart mason jar you're going to add one cup of that whole wheat flour I've added [Applause] uh here so one thing that's important to remember if you're starting your sourdough journey is you're always going to be working in equal parts of flour and water so we have one cup of flour here we're going to add one cup of filtered water and now I have my sourdough spatula which we have made is just really great when you're working with sourdough a lot and now we're gonna mix this together really well so your goal here is to make sure that that flour is nice and Incorporated with the water if it's too dry you can add more water if it's too wet you can add more flour that'll be pretty dependent on the flour that you're choosing to use so now I'm just going through and scraping down the sides here as you can see foreign step of creating our own sourdough starter so I'm just going to place this lid on here but not secure it you could easily put a damp kitchen towel you could put a plate or a bowl over this Saran Wrap really anything you have but if you are using the lid that came with it just make sure that you're not securing it down you want it to just be laid on top of here so now we're going to let this sit for 24 hours I'll hop back on here tomorrow and we will start day two process once I have discarded half I'm going to add one cup of filtered water and one cup of whole wheat flour now we're going to take this and mix it all together really really well important to make sure you get that day one mixture all incorporated as well and that you have no dry flour foreign just scrape down the sides of your vessel put the lid back on it and now we will set this on the counter for another 24 hours all right you guys we are on day three of feeding our sourdough starter we are going to go ahead and discard by half and go ahead and refeed one cup of flour and one cup of filtered water you're gonna repeat this same process so discard half refeed equal parts for day three four and five foreign thank you all right you guys we are on day five of creating starting our own sourdough starter at this point we have spent the last several days discarding our Starter by half and adding that one cup of flour one cup of water moving into day six we are going to still discard by half but we are going to refeed every 12 hours instead of every 24 hours but I wanted to share with you guys you know the first few days we started seeing a few active bubbles by day two three we started seeing a few active bubbles here we are on day five and we have got so many bubbles that the top of my lid is starting to come off so you guys can see here we're getting super super active so you might want to put a plate underneath your starter at this point but just to give you guys a good look she's active Okay I mean she is 1 000 active and so I'm gonna go ahead and discard because otherwise we're just gonna be overflowing and then I'll do that again uh over the next two days so just wanted to share with you guys what your starter should be looking like at this point if it's not looking like this just keep discarding what I did though was I put a timer on my phone for 24 hours from the time I started it and I started it at a time that I knew I would have some free time so I started it around lunch knowing that lunch next day I'd be pausing in the kitchen anyways so set yourself up for Success first of all but second of all if it's overflowing like this or you're like man I don't have enough time you can be off a little bit there was one day that I didn't start I didn't get to feed it until like three hours after I was supposed to and you can see here it's still active it's still working um and so it is really hard to you know kill a sourdough starter once you get it started because they are just super robust this is where though if you were working with maybe an all-purpose flour it wouldn't have been so robust by this because you know that whole wheat flour just has so much for this to eat and feed off of that there's some you know flexibility that happens there so I do recommend starting it with like a rye or a whole wheat or something like that but let's get busy discarding and uh refeeding check that out all right we are on day six of making our sourdough starter this is where we're feeding every 12 hours and you guys can see it is very active it went ahead and popped the top off and started coming down so I'm gonna do one more feed and at that 12 hour mark we will be ready to bake bread with this all right you guys we are on day seven of our sourdough starter and holy cow this thing is just oozing and goozing with amazing active cultures you guys can see it is totally protruding from the top here making quite a mess but y'all that's an active starter if I have ever seen I'm gonna try and zoom in so you guys can see all these air bubbles um and just give you guys some quick tips so if you're a starter if you're following this method and it's not doubling every single time that you're adding that flour and water that's when you know you have a problem if you're not seeing all of those air bubbles that's when you know that there's a problem maybe try to stick it in a warmer spot make sure that you're using a rye or a whole wheat flour that is going to yield you some success but by day seven there should be enough live and living bacteria in here to bake bread so what you would do is you would take this you'd add it to your recipe I actually have a free ebook down below to make Focaccia and a daily loaf so you guys can immediately start using this once you're done you can refeed it 50 grams of bread flour 50 grams of water and store it in your fridge and you should be good to go so if you want to know how to make a sourdough starter is literally flour and water and a little bit of time but in a week's time you can have this active fantastic sourdough starter ready for your family but thank you all for hanging out with me I hope this was helpful I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Whispering Willow Farm
Views: 355,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whispering willow farm, whispering willow farm sourdough, sourdough, sourdough starter, how to make sourdough starter, how to make a sourdough starter, easy sourdough starter, step by step sourdough starter, fool proof recipe, sourdough starter recipe, sourdough starter feeding, sourdough starter maintenance, sourdough starter from scratch, starter from scratch, how to make a sourdough starter from scratch, sourdough starter feeding guide, from scratch sourdough
Id: SeZw_jGl2Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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