How to make a simple corporate video from start to finish | Adobe Premiere CS6

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okay so we're gonna make a video for ITA or anybody that we need to make a video for so the first thing the very first thing you're going to do is you're gonna want to create a folder usually I do the folders and like a specific video folder but for the sake of the demonstration we will go ahead and make a folder so you basically need an area to put all the files that are coming off the memory card so for most videos we have drone photos and video we have photos from the event that would go into the photos catalog and then we'd have video files that would come in off the different cameras so for this video you can see here that I created a main folder called ba ba 9 that's the video we're working on and then in that folder I made three folders drone photos and video so this is where we're gonna work out of any audio that we download anything related to the project all goes into this master folder so if you have to close Premiere for any reason and reopen it it needs to look for these files as a reference the audio we do not have loaded into here yet so what we will do now is get the audio okay so we have our audio folder opened up here I put the memory card in the computer it shows the memory card here and the portable storage I open that up open up the stereo folder open up folder one if we're using the zoom mic and I know that files 1 through 6 are going to be our audio files so what I'll do is I'll make another folder inside of our project folder called audio and then what I'm going to do is drag those audio files into the actual disc drive on the project folder and make sure you close the USB folder so you're not working off of a USB that'll screw everything up and you go to render so now you have your audio drone photos and video so now we're ready to get started so here's the important process of starting up premiere so first we're going to go ahead and launch Premiere cs6 let it load up and then we have now a list of recent projects so if you want to open up a recent project you can do that here we're gonna focus on his new project here we're gonna give the project a name so this one we're gonna call Bob on nine don't worry about any of this other stuff we know that our renderer is gonna be the mercury playback engine GPU accelerated because we're using a GPU card so always make sure that this is selected and this is not selected so make sure your GPU with CUDA is selected and this will be selected by default here for the location this is where we're gonna actually tell premiere to save the video files so you're always gonna make sure that this is pointing to your scratch disk or your SSD disk so if I hit browse I know that my project is going to be saved in the 250 gig SSD scratch disk you never want to have your project on the same disk drive that your project files are on that's speeds that slows down the render time so you hit OK it already exists as I started this 10 times and never finished it this area you used to have to pay attention to a lot you basically you're setting up your frame rates and your codecs and all that kind of stuff here this we don't really pay attention to too much so usually I'll just leave it on whatever it selects as default and then for the sequence name leave this sequence 1 hit ok it's gonna make you a big square and that's not this is this is definitely not 16 by 9 or 1080p or anything like that so what you're gonna do now is have your folder open where all your files are go into video and since we're gonna be using what the camera recorded out which is 1080p at 30 frames per second all I'm gonna simply do is with this project pane tab opened up on this side this will be opened up by default I'm gonna simply go ahead and drag a file a video file onto the actual project pane and we'll load it up in here the very next step is to drag this video file from here onto the timeline and it's going to give you this prompt it's gonna say it doesn't match sequence settings which is fine we want to change the sequence settings so make sure this is checked to always ask and change the sequence settings and now it will automatically set up your sequence which is basically just your video frame so now I'm gonna scrub through and see exactly what you're gonna look like so from this point we actually have the foundation or the groundwork laid for making a video so now the fun part comes in and loading the video clips I always load my video clips and as I need them instead of dumping them all in there because maybe some of this footage is garbage I'd like to kind of preview it first it keeps the actual save file size down so once you have all this set up I'll just do a ctrl s or save so it saves the project so in case anything happens I can always real aunch it and everything is already set up okay so before you get too deep into making your video what I always like to do since a lot of these videos have the same theme where there's usually a small introduction or a small set a small montage of clips and then the presenter actually speaking what I like to do is kind of plan out how I want to do that stage in advance and I also like to make sure I make a music selection so to grab the music that you actually want to use you're going to jump over to youtube since these are all uploaded to youtube we want to make sure that the audio files that we're using aren't copy written you're going to go to youtube you're going to make sure you're signed in you're gonna hit creator studio then from creator studio you're gonna hit create and then from here is where you're gonna find your free music and then this is where I'll come in and actually find a song that is appropriate for the video that I'm doing so I'll pause it here find the audio file and then we'll pick it back up okay so I saved you some time of going through all the audio files we found a 1 we found a 1 we found a video that we like it's called believer it's 4 minutes and 6 seconds long this is another important thing to pay attention to you kind of have an idea of how long you're gonna make your video because some of these clips well they may sound cool doing 9 seconds or maybe even 57 seconds that might be not being enough time then you're gonna deal with having this kind of stitch audio together which never really works out in these corporate videos the way you want it to so we're gonna run with this audio track believer and silent partner does a lot of good audio on YouTube so once you have one selected you're going to use the download link here and we'll go ahead and prompt your download go ahead and I always save everything in my desktop so I know what the latest and greatest stuff is that I've been working on so I'm gonna take before we go any farther make sure you open up your project file called baa baa 9 and make sure you drag your song into audio big important step because if you just start working off of your desktop as this project grows and grows and grows you'll notice you have a lot of files on your desktop what I've done in the past is I work off the desktop and then for some reason I have to close the project maybe a file that's deleted here or there maybe a logo gets deleted and then all of a sudden you have missing holes in your project when it tries to reference all those files so remember the way premiere works is that it works off of referencing the original locations of these files when you drag them into premiere so very important thing so now that we have verified that believer is actually in the folder and we play it we know it's working we can go ahead and delete this off the desktop to keep the desktop clean so let's go back into our project here let's get the audio track believer into the project pane here it is here this is basically telling you that's an audio file and you can I usually take my audio file now and I'll drag it into audio 3 the reason why I bring in an audio 3 is that if we say we had some voiceover work from a presenter or we had some zoom recording audio from their you know their voice microphone we want to drag that into audio - if you do this and you overwrite now I just ruined all the audio off of a file so be very careful with where you you place actual elements on your timeline so always remember your music track is gonna definitely go into audio 3 ok before we go any further now that we have an understanding of how you're gonna kind of layout your timeline a very important thing to remember that what premiere does is remember initially we dragged the video file onto the timeline and we let it determine our sequence settings now that's a shortcut that's not probably the most professional way to do it but it does save a lot of time and you're trying to get these videos done when we did that we not only dragged the video file on there by dragging it here we also drag the audio file so if you look closely at how this looks in the project pane you'll see a video and an audio so when we drag that here you'll notice if i zoom in by dragging this back there's an audio file associated so let's go ahead and bring it to the back and you'll hear all the background noise of us running the camera definitely not something we want so technically our finished product would sound like this with all that background noise now what we want in the video so to do that is go ahead now that set this up delete your first video file and you're gonna double click on the actual video file that you're going to be working with so when you double click it puts it into the source pane from the source pane you have the option to choose if you want to drag the video file or if you want to drag the audio file so in this case we want to drag just the video file into the project timeline now if we roll back and I turn off the audio you'll not hear any audio which is exactly what we want so now if we put it all together the result that we're looking for so here's your foundation on starting to build so what we want to do is we want this video to open up with some maybe this walking shop once we get the camera stable and then maybe bleeding it into a drone shot and it may be back to the event maybe back to a pan of the people maybe back to a drone and then into the presenter speaking so to do that what I like to do so it doesn't make me so crazy so I'll turn off my audio file you saw me doing that before there's a toggle with a microphone you go ahead and turn that off so when you're scrubbing through your timeline by using this right here you scrub left and you scrub right it'll go ahead and not play that audio if I leave this on it becomes very annoying so let's look at this clip here and see when we actually get the footage right and it's a looks like about right here so I'm gonna kind of just eyeball where it's out on the timeline here and just kind of play it right about there it looks pretty smooth so let's roll it back a little bit I'm gonna drag I'm gonna by default it's got this mean you bring your mouse over to the edge of the clip it'll go ahead and bring this red icon up don't use this one use this one you're going to drag it to the left and it'll automatically magnetically stop on this line I'm gonna take this file and drag it back to the front of the video and now this all kind of goes by what looks best and listening so I'm going to preview it and usually I like to keep my opening Clips between two to three and a half seconds long maybe a little bit longer it kind of depends so let's go ahead and play it I think right there where that piano comes in we're going to stop it so I'll just drag this video clip back and there's our first clip now let's go back into our project folder and look at our some of our drone footage that we have and I think a good opening shot would probably be this one where we fly the drone out of the building so something like this maybe so let's go ahead and use this clip I'm going to close it I'm going to drag this into the project pane it's gonna be here I'm going to double click it and now I'm gonna drag and now here's another thing I'm going to drag this into the timeline about about right here I'm gonna keep it away from my current project the reason why I don't see it up here is because this timeline scrubber is not on the video file would have to be over here so drag it over here and you'll notice this is way blown up and you're gonna go wait where's all the actual really cool video footage it looks way too blown out of proportion and that's because this was shot in 4k and our sequence setting is at 1080p so really all that means is that this frame is 1920 wide that's tiny 1080p 1920 by 1080 so nineteen hundred and twenty pixels wide the 4k video that we shot is around 3200 pixels wide so while it fits in the frame nicely you're not getting the full effect so this is really useful shooting in 4k is really useful for for advanced cropping and keeping the high-definition aspect so to fix this we double click on the actual video file you'll notice now it'll all come into frame and I just simply drag it down until I see these white bounding boxes that's the actual outside of our video so I let go and now I'll go ahead and drag this down and really all you're doing is repositioning this in the frame so you're telling premier what you want in that shot and in this case we want all of the shot so we want to make sure we don't have any black space so like you know this wouldn't be good we don't want to see the white line we want to kind of see it there and hidden on all sides so we don't have any banding or any black box showing so then I simply click out of it into the gray area and now we have the entire shot in the frame so now we can go ahead and actually do our video file okay so I have an idea of the shot that I'm trying to get here and I'm gonna start the shot here where obviously the conference happened in this room here so we want to get the fly out because the first shot shows us walking down this rail and the second shot is gonna show this flying away so I have my timeline marker exactly where I want that shot to start so I simply go over here and I'm gonna drag this back to the timeline marker and then I'm gonna take the video file by clicking it highlighting it and dragging it until it magnetically stops against the first video file there creates a black line I let the mouse go and now I can preview how this is gonna look and keep in mind even though I have a lot of RAM running on this computer 4k video in a live timeline will always kind of get sketchy after a minute so you kind of have to understand when you're working with Annie the drone stuff it will slow down on playback so you can only really watch a little bit at a time but let's kind of see how this has gotta come out so that's kind of cool so what I want to do is kind of time my clips with the audio so this shot is actually the drone shots actually going to consist of a couple of different splices so to splice this properly what we want to do is use our ears so we're going to listen to the audio on playback so let's go right there so right here in the footage and you'll look over on this side you can visually see the audio right there so we're gonna cut by using the cut razor tool this is actually going to pretend like it's splicing film we're gonna cut and as long as you're close enough to this red line on the timeline it'll go ahead and cut it exactly where you want it when you cut it it actually creates a splice in the video footage for you to move and drag so now I'm gonna take the remaining bit of footage and drag it over here so what I want to do is go have the opening shot of the Braille have a drone shot have a shot of the people inside back to drone back to building and then maybe a longer shot of the drone and then it's a presenter so we're only two seconds in 24 milliseconds into the video and I've made this introduction video almost 10 minutes long so let's go ahead and get that shot so the next clip we want to include in the video is going to be just a shot of the actual gathering the the attendees of the meeting so I dragged the clip that I want in here and I'm going to go ahead and look at this clip double click on it and drag that footage in to the timeline and let's actually take a look at the actual footage what we want the initial footage is actually pretty good cuz what I'm looking for is some movement I mean obviously everybody's sitting down but I'm looking for obviously the presenter is actually has some movement on the shot so and all your shots you really want to try to make sure that they're moving anything this tripod it should always still be rolling up a positive zoom or running some sort of a pan so the video doesn't ever stop its momentum so let's go ahead and drag this clip as our next clip and let's play it from the top and figure out our next breakpoint so about right there and I can visually see that the audio spikes here so let's go ahead and cut this we can delete the rest and let's bring the drone back into action here actually you know what I decided something differently since the duration on the third clip has a longer sustain on the piano I'd really rather show more of my drone and less of the people so this is a teaser so what we're gonna do is actually the way to do this quickly is we know our breakpoints already so let's drag our video file here it'll stop let's extend the footage to here let's go ahead and then swap the actual people with the drone and drag this back and then drag it back down so now let's test it so now we have a better shot so the next thing I want to show ok the next clip we want to do is showing the presenter so let's go ahead and drag the presenter into the video frame and let's go ahead and drag him and remember the premiere timeline is always wonky so if I just drop this here it's going to cut off all this on the drone footage so try to keep it above I always try to use the video 3 and 2 frames to work on so let's go ahead and okay so let's see this again from the top here we go we're gonna stop here here's our next breakpoint let's go ahead and cut this video here delete the tail cuz we're not going to need it right now and whenever you delete off of here it's never doing anything to the source so I could always read rag the original source out and not have any loss of footage but if you're color grading and you go ahead and delete off and yury drag something back onto the timeline remember that new footage will not be graded the same way I see you will have to recolor great so I'll get into that in another video so let's go ahead and okay so let's zoom in a little bit we have a little bit of a discrepancy in the audio so let's see bring it to here and let's now do maybe a since we got a testimonial from somebody let's go ahead and drag a close-up of somebody actually speaking but not play their audio so let's use Larry here for an example let's drag Larry onto the timeline and let's go ahead and and this is how you zoom by the way so I dragged this right sidebar and I drag it out to zoom out I drag it in to zoom in and this is really good for looking at your milliseconds on your timeline so right now in this clip Larry's getting ready to talk so he's not really being himself so let him switch into his presenter mode where he's smiling and looking happy there we go so this clip right here is what we actually want to use in the video so let's go ahead and zoom out I'm gonna drag this to the left let's drag him up to here till we have that snap lock let's drag some of this footage back it's not gonna use that much let's turn this back on and see how this is gonna work right there says baa-baa 9 which is perfect you can almost see what he's saying so now let's take this drag this down into our primary area and then we're gonna end off this shot with a very wide pan from the drum should be really cool so something about here so let's go ahead and trim this back let's bring this forward let's see exactly how much of this footage we want to actually use so about right here is where we'll go ahead and fade into the actual presenter speaking but before all that I do want to touch on a little bit of color grading if you look at the file on the Left which is shot with a Canon 5d Mark 3 with a 24-105 lens and you look at the shot on the right this is shot on a inspire 1 pro with an x5 camera which is a very good camera but you'll notice it doesn't really match the same color profile and that's because it hasn't been color graded at all what I like to do with my drone stuff there's two different things you can do with with when you're trying to produce videos and at a at a rapid pace what you could do is you can use the auto corrector so if we go into video effects this is our remember here's where we were working on our project this is our effects pane so let's go ahead and look at effects then on effects you'll have video effects and there's a lot of effects in this folder so if we look at adjust and we look at auto color and auto contrast let's look at what auto color will do you'll notice that everything kind of gets a little bit more definition when we do that so before after we do auto color and we do auto contrast usually this is pretty good but what I will do is I'll use something called curves and if you're familiar with curves and Photoshop it's it's really the exact same thing so if we go into color correction and then we go into RGB curves which is red green blue curves and we drag this on to B and basically all I'm doing is just dragging the effect on to the actual video we go to effect controls and here are our curves so what I like to mess with on the drone stuff is the master curve so these are your deeper tones these are your highlights so if we take about right here and drag them down to get some of the glare out and we go into our mid-range and drag our mid-range up just a tiny bit to create an S and you can kind of dip your highs down dip your highs up right about there is the look we want so you're basically creating an S curve with your color and you're just basically messing around with the color band but that's something that looks really really cool now keep in mind we did it to this piece of footage but we didn't do it to this visa footage back here so you're gonna have a little bit of a continuity issue so that's easily corrected because we already know kind of how we're gonna do our curves will drop curves back on here we will tweak the mids and the highs just create a little bit of a nest band and that should be good for this video so let's roll it back from about here figure out where we're gonna stop in and get the presenter to speed I have a better idea with this after looking at it I want the drone footage to come in when the drums head right here right here so I'm gonna drag our drone footage forward we had very talking let's do something a little bit different because not everybody may know what he's saying so let's go ahead and delete Larry's piece off of here let's go ahead and drag Larry in here with his audio so you'll notice when I'm dragging him in here I just dragged him into video 3i over right audio 3 so keep him on audio to video and audio to let's find the spot where Larry saying Baba no no Larry Beecham here at Baba 9 I love that so let's go R&B chillin here at Baba 9 I like that so let's see what this looks like all right I'm gonna go ahead and do something here I'm gonna drop the volume back on this audio file for just a second so the audio the video file is gonna start with negative audio when it gets to here when it gets to here in the timeline I'm gonna dot it and I'm gonna say when it gets to this keyframe let's pick up the audio just say a negative 10 decibel let's try this put these in front of the actual video so something like that where we can actually hear him so that's kind of a test let's do everything back to the way it was do you like that all right so I don't think the clip of him talking is actually gonna work for the video and this is all part of doing a video you'll think something will work sometimes it doesn't so let's actually because I feel like it's gonna take away from the actual introduction that's about to happen here so let's do a shot of the building that we got here the actual name of the building City Hall let's drag that in here and let's play it until the clip gets stable shot this on our own and so we're kind of right there is where we want to be so let's bring that back and let's make this the long clip so people can really get an idea of where we were let's roll this back and see how it looks and we had an error which let's go ahead and back it up here let's look at another clip maybe panner shot there that guy looks a little scared let's see what we can use let's try this drone shot here to replace it this might be neat because it's going to go into the drone footage no no my partner doesn't like that let's try another one okay we found a good one here we're gonna use the same walking clip but this time since the drone shot is gonna actually show the actual building let's go ahead and use what we're closer to the curved windows so let's get it to about here so if you think about here is good I like that yeah right there so let's go ahead and bring that in instead and this is all what video editing is it's very time-consuming if you're actually paying attention to what you're doing but the end results really good that works I like this okay so now we have our little intro and it's a fifteen second little bumper to give the audience a little bit of a taste of how our what we're setting the scene is really all we're doing so now let's actually get the presenter speaking and I'm gonna drag that file into the project pane and for this file since we want his audio and his video we're gonna go ahead and just drag the entire clip into sequence right here so now it's a matter of getting him right when he starts talking right about right here so let's go ahead and drag that back let's drag this forward and let's see what this looks like hey everyone my name is Kevin Overstreet I'm the founder and director of the become a better agent conference or as we call it bah bah ok Madera Beach so you'll notice that the audio is too loud and he's not loud enough so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create an audio drop so in order for this to not sound really obvious that his audio is piping in what we're gonna do is take the timeline zoom in a little bit take your timeline dragging a couple octaves back to about here I like this right here click on your audio file click on your effect controls panel don't touch anything we already started the audio at a negative 10 decibel we want to go ahead and add a time stamp on the keyframe so hit this button here and now we're gonna say from this moment in time until we get to this moment in time which is when he starts talking go from 10 decibel hit the keyframe button again drop this down to negative 17 decibels on this audio file negative 17 will work now this is the result we'll get hey everyone my name is Kevin Overstreet I'm the founder and director of the become a better agent conference or as we call it Baba we're here today at Madera beach at the City Hall Center and we just had had the best Baba event ever it was baba nine and we had a completely packed house standing room only at one point until we run in some more chairs and it was great thank you so much if you were here thank you so much to the presenters our presenters keep getting better every time and let me tell you about Baba ten number one it's ten so our tenth event is going to be our biggest event we have committed to having 200 realtors in the room at the Kerala Country Club and that's going to be on Thursday July 14th at 9:00 a.m. until about 1:00 p.m. followed by for anyone who's interested in the agent who wants to play golf that's going to be handled by guaranteed great home loans so please come join us it's going to be a fantastic event it's gonna be tough to top this one but we're gonna do it see you there let's stop it here and let's go yeah this guy can talk love Kevin alright so right here can you stop all your video files you want to try especially if they know what they're doing like Kevin does he always definitely stops on a smile always make sure you stop on a smile don't ever bring it to where they do this because if anybody sees this it totally takes the emotion out of what you just saw so here is where you want to stop it so we're going to go ahead and just simply trim it back by dragging it to the left and bingo that's what we have so now we have a really cool introduction we have a really cool opener and the other rule of thumb that you want to pay attention to in terms of creating videos and movies for YouTube and websites and everything else is your shot duration so you don't want to have too much time showing say the presenter speaking without b-roll and b-roll is just simply keeping the audio keeping the video where it is but maybe playing some other footage over the top of when he's speaking so what I like to do is when he mentions a place that he's actually going to be having another event at I'll show some footage if I've already gotten it of that actual location when he mentions the venue that he's currently at I'll try to show some this is especially comes especially if you have a drone is I'll do the aerial shots of when he actually shows the actual when he speaks about the actual event but we really kind of did a lot of those on the intro so also when he talks about a lot of people will go ahead and show a lot of shots of people so right now I guess I'm gonna split this video up into two parts maybe or maybe just make this really long but this is when you're gonna start to incorporate your b-roll okay so for the first bit of b-roll we're gonna listen to what he says here hey everyone my name is Kevin Overstreet I'm the founder and director of the become a better agent conference or as we call it Baba we're here today at Madeira Beach he just said Madera Beach okay so let's grab the footage here where he says Madeira Beach and let's find out the exact spot so we know where where did we call it Baba we're here today at Madera beat Madera Beach so let's go ahead and grab our Madeira Beach sign before the ronin drops out let's get a foul right here see how this looks each of the City Hall Center and and we just had and we just had the best I think we're here today at Madera be to the City Hall Center and we just had the best Baba event ever it so is to make that not so harsh where it shows the b-roll especially if you're gonna have some short b-roll I'm gonna go back into the effects pane I'm gonna go into video transitions I'm gonna click on video transitions I'm going to click on the arrow that drop down dissolved I'm gonna go ahead and drag cross dissolve onto the front side of the b-roll I'm a drag cross dissolve onto the back side it's gonna fill it up pretty good if you look here you'll see where it's got the cross dissolve effect here and here okay this is how it's gonna look Irby to the City Hall Center and we just had the best Baba event ever do so it fades out a little too quick for my liking let's change the fade in this is how you change your durations of how long it's dissolving so let's look into the city Center and we just had the best Baba event ever best Baba event ever so Baba is definitely a meeting of people so let's look at some let's use that right there where we actually bring their own in a pan up so let's go back into here drag this piece of footage onto the timeline double-click it bring it back in and bring this right here then resign the vessel right here where the camera rises sometimes this new that's what we want to use let's go ahead and drag that back over here drag it underneath so it dissolves over the top of that clip and let's figure out what kind of stop it listen today Madera Beach at the City Hall Center and we just had the best Baba event ever it was baba nine and we had it completely packed back how Stanford packed house so let's stop it there let's fade it back in the Kevin so we can see him talking again we don't wanna take up too much of this with your all do a longer cross dissolve here and we had a completely packed house standing room only at one point until we run in some more chairs and it was great thank you so much if you were here thank you so much to the presenters our presenters keep getting better every time and let me tell you about Baba tanner number one it's ten so our tenth event is going to be our biggest event we have committed to having 200 realtors in the room at the Kerala Country Club Carrollwood Country Club was the next thing he says so I don't have any footage of the curl with Country Club but what I do have our golfers so let's go ahead and drop a clip or two of some shots being hit on the Golf Course and that will bring the feeling of golf Country Club it'll tie it all together okay what's cool is I actually have the same client that I'm working with in this video and footage from previous videos so here's a really cool clip that we got at a golf course and unless you're really familiar with the greens this could almost be faked for Carrollwood Country Club shot so right here we're kind of I do like a roll pan maybe not that fast but something like this would work so let's go ahead and use this clip so let's go back to our Baba video I'm gonna go ahead and copy this clip ctrl C and then ctrl V so this clip is actually in our new project folder and let's get a shot of a golfer let's look here we have Ryan here who did a couple of pretty good shots let's just get a swing shot if I can find one here this is when he was talking let's get some swinging here this is actually pretty cool this plugin that's cool but you wouldn't really know we're at a golf course this is all part of it my figuring out I might not be the best bunker what Clips you want to use them together that's pretty cool good form I like that clip let's copy that and paste that don't overthink it so we're good there so let's open up a project again go back to our clothes our other projects video and let's open up our source videos let's go to project paint always remember always make sure your project paint is open when you're dragging and dropping area to be doing it twice I'm gonna take these two video clips here by holding ctrl and clicking on them dragging those two into the project timeline let's go ahead and listen again we're gonna drop the first clip we have committed having two hundred Realtors in the room and the charaluta caralho Country Club so right here we're going to show some golf aerial shots so let's go ahead and drop that in about there let's see what this is gonna look like here Country Club and that's going to be on Thursday - like that movement in the camera bring it back to here July 14th at 98 love that that's a good enough time let's drag this oops drag this back it's then show the golfer swinging oh all right there let's drag that back you'll get faster over time I'll try to go as fast as I'm going even though I'm making this a really long video me on Thursday July 14th at 9:00 a.m. until about 1 p.m. followed by love it right there so right there we'll trim it back let's go into effects cross dissolve let's put a cross dissolve on the back of that clip and let's put a cross dissolve on the front of this clip coming in and don't over abuse cross dissolve it's done a lot and amateur video making so usually just try to keep it on your b-roll July 14th at 9:00 a.m. until about 1 p.m. followed by for anyone who's interested any agent who wants to play golf that's gonna be handled by a guaranteed rate home loan so guaranteed rate home loans so right there is probably we're gonna we're gonna drop a guaranteed rate home loans logo or some variant of which so we'll get to that later please come join this it's gonna be a fantastic event it's gonna be tough to top this one but we're gonna do it see you there awesome so now we've broken up this video clip a few different times so it's not so focused on him the entire time so there's always the visual energy ok so what we're gonna look at really quick is let's look at our board so already our timeline is getting filled up with different pieces so you'll notice as I was working I'm dragging videos up onto different layers and that's really just to keep them out of this area here we don't want to drag anything and overwrite it so now that we kind of have a foundation laid and we have our b-roll let's go ahead and organize this a little bit so I'll take this clip and make sure you keep your mouse straight drag it straight down this clip drag it straight down and then this clip right here we're going to drag straight down now we have everything organized on the timeline so we have main videos video 1 b-roll is video 2 anything that we're gonna work on it's gonna come up here in video 3 and 4 I also want to go over an important point say for example you dragged this say we have this cleaned up and we know exactly how our video wants to work say you drag this now onto video one to keep things clean it'll still play the exact same day as before era Beach at the City Hall Center and we just had the best Bava event ever but you'll notice that it's blacking out and you have to you have to reach you have to change out your your effects that are at the tails also this is a very bad way of doing things because say now you want to come back and edit and I drag this back up to video 2 I've now lost that footage so now I'd have to either extend this footage back if I can but it won't let me so it causes a whole host of problems by incorporating everything into one video timeline so keep that in mind you always want to work in layers another way to think about it is what's visible on screen is the highest layer in the timeline so while we still have video 1 playing back here the entire time we're getting as audio but it's going to show these two b-roll clips instead of the initial video clip because these are higher in the time wall another very important bit of work you want to do on your video are things called on-screen titles so I like to make all my titles and after-effects and there's a couple of really great preset up templates for you to do it on I'll give you a link in the description of where I get mine but this this is very burden you can actually go ahead and add titles through premiere so when he says hi I'm Kevin Overstreet I'll actually go into my area where I keep some of my title work and I will open up my titles project this will open up After Effects cs6 and if you're not familiar with After Effects you can take a couple of tutorials on it it's not work well we're using it for anyways you don't really need to know that much about it well it does help not a hundred percent necessary so this looks familiar there are similar to premier but this basically is going to show his actual name when it comes up so usually title one will handle it something like this just to kind of be a subtle title that comes in so what I'll do is I'll click on title one you can look at all of these these are categorized by title and I'll also a timeline so look for your it's down here and then you can kind of just test it out by scrolling it and see if this is a title you want to use or not these are a little bit more professional than just adding a little bit of text on the screen I'm premier so we can kind of go through some of these and you can kind of get an idea like you know if I do maybe Kevin Overstreet with that that might look cool let's go ahead and do that so that to customize this you want to see where it says title 4 there's a folder underneath that this says text open up text and then it'll have text 1 and text 2 so as long as you stay within the boundaries of the black box that the Creator has given you you're okay and this will be a very fast process if you decide to go out of the bounding box you want to make the bounding box bigger you have to make a lot more adjustments and while it is possible your to our project will turn into an eight-hour project really quickly so let's go ahead and double click on the text all I did was double click on it I'm gonna hit caps lock since this text is in caps I'm gonna type in Kevin and you'll notice now that I've done that it oh yeah and also you got to always release caps lock in order so you can see what's going on and after effects since I've done that let's look back at this clip down you'll notice now that's all out of whack Kevin needs to be over here so to do that I'll open up text 1 again and it selected I'll drag it to the left I'll get it just right looking for equal space up here equal space down here and a really thin line here just so I'm not cutting off the text now if we look at it it'll actually line up nicely so let's go ahead and get rid of purchase and put his last name here caps and you'll notice that it's a little big so no matter where I position it it's too big so that's okay in video work it's acceptable to drop down the font size a little bit by using this font slider so I did was double click so everything was highlighted and then just use my mouse to drag the font left or right just like that so let's get it to about here let's use the Move tool let's up here or the selection tool and this drag it to where it fits make it a little bit bigger say about there and that looks pretty good pretty spot-on so let's go back to and also here is where all your your open elements are so let's go back to title four and now we can see it looks really cool the last thing we want to modify is the color of the line so Baba their logo traditionally has a lot of teals turquoises and blues in it so let's find a nice teal color the way to do this is you click on more options which is right here when title 4 is opened click on more options you click on options once don't double click it and you get the f3 key when you hit the f3 key it opens up the effects controls options tab you'll notice that can toggle it here by simply hitting the f3 key here's where you change your color of the actual line so click on the yellow color that you see let's drag this to say a turquoise something like that looks pretty cool hit OK and now it's changed it from here you may be rushed and just starting to render you don't render the more options layer you render the title for layer the title layer always render your title layer don't render your text one two or more options later so to render you simply go to composition your gonna go to add to render queue and it's gonna pop open your render queue now here's all my previous render scroll to the very bottom you'll see you render number 63 on title for this is our latest one it's highlighted with the lighter gray you're gonna change the output module from lossless you're gonna change lossless you're gonna change the video output change the channels to RGB plus alpha this is red green blue the red green blue color with alpha transparency very important we didn't change this it would keep the black box and it would be a completely useless file so once you've changed just this line leave everything else the same hit ok then go output to change this where it says title for dot avi you're gonna change this to what it actually is saying so I'm the type in Kevin title normally you want to save this to your project folder so I'm gonna just save it to my desktop for now for demonstration purposes let's hit the render button it's right here depending on how fast your processor is will depend on how fast this will actually render okay completed and it saved it to my desktop here it is beautiful and now while you see a black background here let's go ahead and first remember our our project folder let's go ahead and drag this title into our project folder so everything's all together that may take a second these titles tend to be pretty big they might have rendered a little too much but that's okay we'll fix that here it is now here let's go ahead and drag this into premiere oh this is what I meant by not having the project tab open yet give me one second okay let's try this again drag it into here and right here is where his title is so now let's listen to where he says I'm Kevin Overstreet hey everyone my name is Kevin over screen right there so my name is let's back it up a couple frames let's drop in Kevin title and we know that this is way too long and I drag this back a little bit come on my name is Kevin Overstreet I'm the founder and director of the become a better agent there we go it's kind of cool it's right in front of his face though so to move this I double click on it double click you'll see these bounding boxes come up now I can drag it I think it's a little too large so I'm gonna go ahead and drag one of the top corners and just bring it down at an angle all right there let's make that come in about right here on his suit hey everyone my name is Kevin Overstreet so let's bring it back again hey everyone my name is Kevin Overstreet I'm the founder and director of the become a better agent conference order to become Anna cut off too soon so let's extend it out a little bit more these have built-in transitions in them all right there's good let's play it back hey everyone my name is Kevin Overstreet I'm the founder and director of the become a better agent conference or as we call it Baba we're here today at Madera beach at the City Hall Center and we just had the best Baba event ever it was Baba I don't like that transition either let's see what happened here problem let's go ahead and drag when we fix this as we drag this up and drag this over so this is over the top of my plan much better okay so we have our title there let's listen to when he actually has other important things to say and we'll add titles to those okay so now let me show you how to drop in a logo he mentions guaranteed rate home loans here or anyone who's interested in the agent who wants to play golf that's gonna be handled by guaranteed rate home loans so right there so what we want to do is just subtly drop in the guaranteed rate home loans logo we definitely have permission to do so I'm gonna drop it in this white area here this is where obviously the exposure settings were tweaked on the camera to make sure that he was lit then background kind of blows out a little bit but that works in our advantage for this video so I went ahead and found the guaranteed rate logo I saved it to my desktop I'm gonna go ahead and drop it into my video folder here let's drag the guaranteed rate logo into premiere into our project pane now let's drag the logo from the project pane into the video file and I'm gonna extend it out a little bit here it is let's double click it let's resize it and let's drag it where we want right about there it looks good let's add some effects to it I'm gonna go ahead and again use dissolve I really like dissolve on these videos for b-roll I said in the beginning let's change our dissolve duration on the logo to about here and here and then we'll adjust our time that it comes in at the time goes out to play golf that's gonna be handled by right here it says guaranteed rates let's drag it here a guaranteed rate home loans so please come join us it's gonna be a fantastic event it's gonna be tough to top this one the we're to do see you there awesome so that's pretty much in a nutshell how you're gonna do your video the next thing you want to pay attention to is your outro so at this event we were able to actually get the attendees to do a little wave to the drone so let's show on the outro a few shots of the let's see I got some really good footage of flying we got takeoff shots got some waterside shots all these are really cool if we use this shot they may not necessarily actually that might work pretty cool let's go ahead and use this I like this flyover shot let's drag this here into the project pane always make sure your project pane is loaded close out our titles folder we don't need that write down let's drag this shot of the drone there and we got a shot of them weaving so here's all the whole group this is where we're gonna go ahead and actually close it out right there so that's beautiful so let's drop this into the project pane so let's do we want to do Bob offer so do we want to do the fly away first let's go ahead and do Baba first so the footage you can remember what I said about 4k we got a double double click your 4k drag it and resize it so it fits they're right before they do it I'm the word I do see you there let's go ahead and actually make that the last thing they see so let's find our fly out footage just here I'm going to drag this way up here because it's very long and let's go to the midpoint of where we think we're flying over Thursday July resize it okay to the back fly out over Madeira Beach and now we can go into where they shan't problem with this shot is goofed I should have had a mic setup where I actually got them to say baa baa so that'll be a mistake that I'll admit to and I will go ahead and make sure I get that on the next one but what we can do since we always started our music out at negative 10 raise the volume of the music for the outro so let's go ahead and drag our timeline back to here a little bit before he's done speaking click on the believer mp3 file go to effects controls touch on the level right here so you key frame it here so it maintains negative 17 decibels decibels from when he starts talking to when he's finished talking drag your timeline now to right here right before the drone footage comes in so right here dot it again and go to 0 this will be louder than anybody's used to hearing which will hide some of the fact that we can't get the Baba audio so let's see how this works out stick event it's gonna be tough to top this one but we're gonna do it see you there a little bit of a sketchiness obviously with the RAM perfect so we can use that and end the video and let's add another couple titles in here and I'll pause this for the sake of trying to keep this under an hour okay I'm making just a visit Baba event calm title here and this is all just kind of kind of eyeball this is gonna be a centered title caps Baba event calm let's go ahead and resize it a little bit and After Effects is a little bit of a pain in the ass when it comes to that caps thing but you'll get used to it after a while if you're working in caps a lot and this is kind of what we want here visit Bob event calm that comes in at the end let's go ahead and get into our color and you want to try to keep your colors consistent so usually copy down the hex value that reads out right here and keep using that for this video doesn't really have a lot of titles so it's okay and let's go ahead and render never don't render more options I almost did it type hit title five first change this to RGB plus alpha okay say this as website that's what it's talking about and hit render and for the sake of keeping the video file short I will watch this and hit the stop button on the rendering when I'm really certain that it's done playing so let's go ahead and drag this now into our video file here and let's get this into our timeline for the last bit of this video my computer will cooperate with me remember I'm working off of a Western Digital green hard drive which isn't the best keep your footage on I really should have dropped all this onto an SSD first but live and learn so if we put a cross-dissolve on the back of this drone shot and we have website command all right as that's fading out we're gonna have the music fade out in our audio track goes all the way out to here so we want to do is bring our audio track back to here then we're gonna use an effect called audio transitions crossfade exponential fade bring exponential feed onto the audio track and watch what it does bingo so in a nutshell that's how you create a video so what I'll do is I'm gonna show you now how to render the video and you'll be able to actually view the finished product but first remember I talked about color grading I really do want to color grade some of this drone footage so let's do that again video effects color correction let's go into the RGB curves let's drop them on to this file here it's kind of play around with these a little bit kind of bring out some of the characteristics in it and this is on what you think looks good for the video you can color grade these videos million different ways and I'll do a video on just how I color grade everything we have a lot of time if you don't have a lot of time different grading styles different auto color grades all this kind of works for these videos here so let's play out the red curves a little bit you can kind of do that but if you get too crazy it gets a little too too nutty there so try to keep your colors all this you know your color bands all the same looks pretty good cool so now let's go ahead and render it so when you render you go to file export media you go down here where it says source range you change source range to entire sequence you go up to format you go to h.264 which is the codec you want to use preset it's gonna basically default back to in 1080p 29.97 which is fine don't mess with that output name this is gonna be the name of the video so let's call this Baba 9 video save then we're gonna look at some of this other stuff here frame rate is 29.97 that's what we shot it at on the camera and that's what we're gonna keep it at let's check maximum render quality let's check at maximum render depth let's change our target bitrate to eat 8 seems to produce a pretty good quality and it jumps the file size by about double but it's worth it leave key frame distance alone now take a look at the output is going to be 1920 wide by 1080 high which is a 1080p video 8 megabytes per second 160 kilobyte per second with 48 kilohertz stereo perfect export and again depending on how fast your computer is is how long it will take to render so I will pause this for the sake of rendering time okay we're coming in to the end of the rendering here once it's done you'll see this screen dismiss off of the page and you're back to your project so simply just go ahead and file save project and close it out you don't need it anymore let's go ahead and close everything out and this is where it actually saved the video right here on our desktop where we saw it so let's go ahead and play it and see what it looks like hey everyone my name is Kevin Overstreet I'm the founder and director of the become a better agent conference or as we call it Baba we're here today at Madera beach at the City Hall Center and we just had the best Baba event ever it was baba nine and we had a completely packed house standing room only at one point until we brought in some more chairs and it was great thank you so much if you were here thank you so much to the presenters our presenters keep getting better every time and let me tell you about about ten number one it's ten so our tenth event is going to be our biggest event we have committed to having 200 realtors in the room at the Carrollwood Country Club and that's going to be on Thursday July 14th at 9:00 a.m. until about 1 p.m. followed by for anyone who's interested in the agent who wants to play golf that's going to be handled on a guaranteed rate home runs so please come join us it's going to be a fantastic event it's gonna be tough to copy this one but we're gonna do it see you there so that's it that's the final video so next thing to do is just simply upload this to YouTube title it accordingly put your description and your links if you're using somebody else's music make sure you do not monetize your video and if you do use somebody else's music make sure you definitely credit them back in the description and give them a little link love so my name is Brian I hope this video helped anybody that has no idea how to make a video and they have programs and footage and that's it so if you have any questions by all means please ask me I do apologize that this video is now almost a minute an hour in 6 minutes but again if you don't see the whole process and there's no way in hell you're actually gonna learn how to do anything and you don't have to search to find little pieces here and there so again major apologies on my long-winded videos but I do like to be thorough so thanks again for watching and until next time see you later
Channel: Archi FX Studios
Views: 40,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aow to make a movie, how tt, edit a video, editing, adobe premiere, cs6, making a movie, final cut, pro editing, color grade, drone
Id: 9H-Ep41MUa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 32sec (3992 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2016
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