How to make a Rustic wooden American flag shaped like the USA . Projects that sell. Unique and easy

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hi today we're going to build a wooden rustic american flag cut into the shape of the united states this is one of my best-selling flags and today we're going to show you how to build it step by step so now we're going to set up our saw so we can cut our boards and we want to set it up for 35 and a half inches so i have my stop set up and i've used my tape measure 35 and a half inches so every time i put a board up to that stop it's going to be 35 and a half inches we're gonna take these one by twos they're six feet long so we should get two out of each of them i'm gonna cut two boards at a time push it up to the stop hold it tight there's two and we need 13 of them so now i've got a nice smooth edge here we'll put this on down here hold it again that's four okay so now we've cut our boards we need 13 of them and now we're going to take our torch and we're going to burn the wood and it's going to make the grain turn dark we're going to burn the face of it and i like to burn the edges also that way when you put the board together if there's a little gap or anything in it you won't see the white wood on the inside now we're going to burn and texture okay so now we're going to take this small torch i use matte gas because it gets a little hotter i like that you can pick this up at any of your neighborhood ace hardware stores it works really great lasts a long time [Applause] so to burn the face we're just going to move along slowly and you'll see it look at the edge [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay so now we've burnt all of our wood and now i've made a little jig on my table i've got a one by here and one by here and i have them set at a 90 degree angle so when i put my boards in here i just push them up tight and it gets them all even and when i clamp it it'll pull it down to it so now we're going to lay out our union which is the blue background for the stars and we know it's seven stripes and it's gonna be 14 and a half inches in so we're going to measure in on our seventh pipe 14 and a half inches and on the top measure it 14 and a half inches all right so now we know this is going to be our union make sure they're all up even this is gonna be our straight edge line up our marks so this is going to be our union so now we're ready to stain so what we're going to do is we're going to take these blades and we're going to lay it on the line like so and just tap it in so we can stain this blue and then this red and that's going to keep our stain from bleeding into each other it's a very simple easy way to do it okay now we put our utility knife blades on the line and this is what's going to keep our stain from bleeding into each other so now we're going to do the blue for our union just take a little bit of stain here i always stain the edges and get right up to that blade and drag it back i always do the sides now if the wood comes apart you won't see the blonde wood behind it you'll just see the blue it doesn't take a lot this is a water-based stain this is called denim blue make sure we get all the blade we don't have to do the edges because we're going to be routing this out and the edges will be gone if we were just making a standard flag then i would stain the ends of it okay so now we've done our union now we're going to do our red stripes so every other stripe is going to be red so i've kind of laid them out so i know which one's not the stain so we're going to go right up to our blade and there's no need to wipe this off because once it dries it's done it it stains really well make sure we do our edges this is called crimson red you can put two coats on if you like if you like it darker or not so okay now we have them all stained now we're just going to take our blades out and you see it's a nice straight line no bleed through i've tried tape and a few other techniques but this seems to work best and now we'll let this dry for a little while then we'll glue it together okay so while we're waiting on our stain to dry i'm gonna go ahead and get the stars painted i buy these wooden one-inch stars off amazon they're really inexpensive and you can buy them by the thousand or a hundred whichever one you prefer i'm just gonna lay them out i'm gonna use my ace hardware gloss white paint and i'm going to paint them i start out painting the sides each angle try to get the size of the star and then we'll come across the top it takes about three coats just put it on light all right i'll let that dry and we'll come back with another coat on it okay now that our stain has dried we're going to glue it up and clamp it and then as soon as that glue dries we'll be able to take it and route it and cut it in the shape of the united states so we're just going to put some glue down the side dance snug it up so once i get a little bit of pressure on it now i'm going to tap it down i'm going to make sure our union is straight a little pressure too much pressure that will blow up all right so as we clamp it you'll see some of the glue start to ooze out so we'll just take a damp rag you don't have to get it all because this glue dries clear but i like to wipe it off just in case so now we're going to try to get our boards a little even you can just tap them down all right sometimes they want to blow up on the end so i'll just take another clamp right here just lay it on the end hold it down just a little bit of weight i also want to know we put wax paper underneath underneath our flag so it won't glue itself to the table because it's got to sit for a couple hours i usually let it sit overnight okay now we've let it sit the glue is dry we unclamped it now we're ready to put our stencil on here and trace out the united states and then we'll take our router and cut it out [Music] okay so now i have it just halfway on my table and i have it clamped down you have to keep it nice and sturdy or you're rattling your router will jump around it could break the bit i'm going to use a quarter inch router a router bit and we're just going to walk around and follow this black line all the way around when i get here i'll stop and move it and clamp it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so now we've got it all trimmed out and you can still see a little bit of the ink around the edges which is fine i'm gonna take a piece of sandpaper and we're just gonna soften up the edge a little bit it'll take that ink right off and get rid of this rough on the bottom too so i've gone back and sanded the edges and it's okay if you still see a little bit of the black marker because we're gonna go back and burn these edges but in order to give it a good three dimensional look i'm gonna go back and paint these edges or the red red red i'll paint on these lines i'll just do it by this brush and once i get the red done i'm going to do the union on this side and then we're going to go back and burn it so i'm going to do that now okay so we've gone and used a little brush and i filled in where every stripe is i did the blue on the side of the union it gives it that real thick dimensional look makes it look like they wrap around so now i'm going to take the torch and we're going to burn these edges and give it that real rustic burnt look on the sides so i've got them burnt all the edges it really gives it a real rustic look and now i'm going to clear it i'm using the one coat polyurethane water-based clear just don't put it on too thick one coat does it i'm going to do the edges first and then i cut on the top all right now we've let our clear dry overnight so now it's time to lay out our stars i have this simple stencil that i bought off amazon i think it came in a pack of three with this size a few smaller sizes for like twelve dollars now we just pretty much line it up on our union it's already made the right size we'll tape it down then we take a magic marker and we're just going to mark where the tips of the stars go where the tips go past the flag we'll just mark the bottom of the star so we know where to put it then on the rest of them we just mark the very tips this star here isn't enough to be on the flag so we won't bother with it okay i know it might be a little hard to see but uh at the right angle you can see the little black tips wherever the star is going to go so we're going to take some uh clear gorilla glue and we just put a little bit of glue on the star and we'll just manually put it on there by hand and it just it's pretty easy to do put a little bit on the star line it up on the spot and you can use the line in the board as a gauge to keep it level makes it real simple so we just put some glue on these all you gotta do is look for the spot on the star and this stuff dries clear so if a little bit oozes out the side it doesn't really matter and once this dries we're going to come back and cut the tips off these stars that are sticking out so i'll go down the line and just keep adding the stars okay now that we let the glue dry you see all our stars are on our union we still have a few stars that stick out a little bit past the flag so i'm just hit grinder and just gently grind off that edge gently [Music] so i'll just grind off just the tip of it and then i'm going to take a little white paint and just touch up the tips all right so now i've ground off the tips of the little stars here so you see it's just a plain woods i just take a little bit of white paint i'm just going to touch the end of the star a little bit just to make it white and this one over here there's a little bit on that hand that'll take off and so here we have our finished product i think it turned out great i hope you enjoyed this video if you did please hit the subscribe and like button and follow us for more projects
Channel: Dad Builds it !
Views: 49,451
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Keywords: Wooden flags, DIY wooden flag, How to make a wooden flag, Dad Builds It, USA flag, best selling wooden flag, wooden flag shaped like the United States, How to: Wooden American Flag, wood project, wood projects that sell, in depth how to flag, easy wood projects, unique flag, make it yourself, DIY project, low cost flag, Wood working ideas, unique and interesting
Id: nP4XM-Bbr4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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