How to Make a Ring with Crushed Opal and Garnet Fragments | QC:10

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hey everyone welcome to november's subscription box we have a new face can you go ahead and introduce yourself yeah thanks patrick i'm danny i'm the head ring glowstone ring maker over at patrick adair designs and i'm just gonna be helping out with the subscription box this month yes so danny is an expert closer ring maker this point not can put out more available besides just the monthly subscription boxes so let us know some feedback down in the comments below um without further ado let's just get back to what we normally do which is the subscription box and let's go ahead and unbox it see what we've got all right so first step we're going to be crushing up some of our crimson red opal we just want to make sure it's in some pretty small pieces it's going to be acting as kind of a guide for when we add a whole lot more opal later on next we're going to be mixing our color pigment with our glow powder so we're going to be using just that clear uncolored red glow powder and we're going to be mixing in our rusty red color pigment with this one we just wanted it to be a little bit more of a metallicy red and then i'm actually going to add a little bit of the crimson red pigment as well here in a second next we're going to be prepping our ring mandrel i like to just do a little bit of electrical tape just to make sure that we don't crack the ceramic blank when we put it on there next we're going to use a little bit of our super thin adhesive and just fill in that blank with powder and we're going to then put in some of those opals that we crushed up and they're going to act as kind of a guide for later on when we add a whole lot more stuff so as you can see i'm just kind of making sure that they're not necessarily evenly spaced but kind of spread out next we're going to prep our garnet we're just going to crush it up and once again some smaller pieces we want a whole lot more of the crimson red opal than the garnet so it's going to be mostly a nice crimson red opal spread throughout and then every once in a while you're going to get hints of that garnet which is just going to help add a nice depth to our ring all right so here i'm using our medium ca adhesive and i'm just putting it over a little section of the ring and then filling it in with as much of that opal as i can pack in there next we do a little bit of our super thin just to fill in any cracks and we're going to spray that with some accelerator just to make sure it cures up really nicely all right now i'm going to take our dremel and just take the whole thing back down until it's even with the ring blank i just use water just to make sure that i'm not overheating the ca adhesive so that it doesn't gum up and doesn't discolor in in any places all right now that we've finished up with the dremel i'm going to dry the ring off and i'm going to take a razor blade and i'm actually going to go through and cut out any of these air bubbles that you can see that form in the ring and then we're going to go ahead and fill those in with some more super thin adhesive we're just being really careful as we do it just to make sure that each air bubble gets filled all the way up that way we don't have any remaining air bubbles all right once we do that i'm gonna add a little bit more just to make sure we get everything covered and hit it with a little bit more accelerator then we're gonna go ahead and use our dremel once again to just take the ring back down even with the blank and then we're going to go ahead and start our sanding process starting off at a 220 grit sandpaper and working our way up to 1200 as someone that makes a lot of these glowstone rings i'm just making sure to use a lot of water just to really prevent any heat buildup and it helps protect my fingers from blisters and then it also helps keep your ring nice and clean and gives it a really even finish because you're making sure to wash off any of the fine particles that you're sanding that way they don't get caught between the sandpaper and the ring causing any weird divots or scratches later on all right now we're going to go ahead and use our astrotech all-in-one polish this is our step 2 polish but it's a really good all-in-one polish so we're just going to make sure to cover up the whole ring with that and just do a nice quick polish on it to give it a nice shine all right and as you can see it turned out really nicely we got a ton of that opal in there and then every once in a while you see those nice little deep sections with the garnet it just has a nice little contrast between the opal and then that cream that rusty crimson red background we wanted it to mostly be opal so we made sure to just jam pack it and have a nice little background there so i'm happy with how this turned out i think it looks really nice
Channel: Patrick Adair Designs
Views: 51,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sDIB5tiCHBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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