How to make a RC Hot Wheels FREE STL FILE DOWNLOAD

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so i thought i'd do something a little different uh you guys have been asking for a more in-depth and detailed video okay so now of course first of all we need to drill out the rivets here and i usually use drill bit uh 8 inch size because i'm not using the post anymore and i'm not using the chassis anymore i usually just drill out the rivets and discard the base unless unless there's like a lip here and just like in this case there's this front lip and this this back bumper here or this front bumper and this back bumper then i'll use a dremel to cut those pieces off okay now we can put these aside the interior and the chassis the windows as well now we can focus on cleaning things up we need to remove the posts here and of course remove these uh raised area here and remove some materials here in the front so we can have a clearance for the wheels and if you want you can do the same for the rear fenders remove as much materials as you want so you can make room for your wheels now to cut down the post i usually use a cutting disc like this but now i've transitioned over to using uh one of these cutting tools for uh a dremel and it's made specifically to cut metal or carving and such and so it's it's actually a lot better and faster if i just use one of these to take down the post now i found out that when cutting the posts down or grinding them down and just working on any other areas as far as cutting or grinding the metal heats up really fast and so if you want to preserve the paint what i would suggest is cut down the post wait a few minutes let it cool and then work on some other areas if you don't wait for the body to cool your paint will start to smear or it will start to come off but in this case i won't be using this original pink that came with the color i'm going to be stripping it so i'm not too worried about if the paint is peeling or smearing off so all right now that that's done we can leave the body on the side so we can strip the paint in a bit so let's do the chassis now since this is just a plastic chassis it's really easy to remove the wheels along with the axles you basically don't even need any tools so this point what i need to do is cut off the front bumper so i'll use the dremel with the cutting wheel to cut up the front bumper and cut off the rear bumper so if we see how it sits it sits like that so what i can do is say hey that's what i need to preserve so i'll just cut i'll cut the rear bumper like i'll cut it right here and for the front bumper i i can cut it right here i no longer need this piece so i can just throw this away and what i usually do is i'll come back in here and clean up as much as possible before i use the stripping gel to cover the car i usually like to use a sanding block and just do a quick sand on it just so then you can rough it up and the stripping gel can get in deeper into the paint this is the kind of stripper that i use bought these from home depot and i think it's not the greatest but it does the job after you kind of dole up the the car basically taking off the clear coat then it it does an okay job stripping the paint so i'll just pour a little bit on it and then use a i'll use one of these cheap nylon bristles paint brush from the dollar tree or whatever and i'll just brush it all over the car of course this will be way better if i had it like in a container a container that actually fits the whole car but this would do for now on this plastic on this paper plate all right so after 15 minutes or so it looks like it's ready to be brushed off and i usually just use this the same nylon bristle brush to brush off the paint now it's up to you if you want to do the inside of the car or not so since we have some stubborn area that that doesn't want to come off just by using this paint brush you could always use a brash brass bristle brush and just go around it and try to get the stubborn areas off now don't press too hard on it because you would leave somewhat of a a deeper scratch so i usually just like to lightly brush over it i usually like to strip the paint off of the inside of the car as well so right now i will pour some more stripping gel on it and just let it sit for another 15 minutes okay after the paint's been all stripped off and give it a little wash i usually go in with like 800 grit sandpaper it's just to sand off the whole body of it so the paint will prep it for paint now this is not the best method i've seen another customizer they use some other uh some tools to sand the car so you can get into every trucks and cranny but for me i'll i usually like to sand by hand and i'll try to do my best to get every cracks in corner all right now that i'm done sanding it's not the best looking but hopefully i can shoot a primer over it and let it cure before i shoot paint over it now the manufacturer of the primer states that it has to be over 12 hours to cure in order for you to do another paint coat over it so this one's gonna have to sit over 12 hours before i can touch it all right it's been more than 12 hours and now i will spray a paint over this primer so all right now it's another 12 hours to wait for the paint to cure all right now that the paint is somewhat dry it's still very soft but you just have to handle it with care so what i usually do now is i'll take a caliper and i'll just measure the width of this to see where we're at and it looks like it's 96 measure the bottom and measure the top and looks like it's 96 so we go to our cad model we can change that to 96 and i normally measure this as well and it looks like it's about point eight no i bought these acrylic pen off of a amazon just so i could detail the headlights till lights and trims and so forth and these ones are actually really good they have this extra fine tip no i'm not good with painting at all so i usually like to take a slow so it comes out pretty good and the paint dries pretty fast so i'll just let it sit here for about 15-20 minutes applying decal is totally optional and it's up to you but since my kid wanted me to put vegeta on i'll put what you don't for him this is the full assembly of the cab model i just wanted to show you guys that these are basically the parts that i will be using these are my printed 3d parts the chassis this is the front steering member along with the top the rear motor holder and these are the steering knuckles it might be a little hard to see but there's some rough edges here because of the support and i will need to sand those down using the file applying decal is totally optional and it's up to you but since my kid wanted me to put vegeta on i'll put what you don't for him [Music] on the steering knuckle this hole here needs to be tapped for m1 screw and this hole here needs to be opened up there's this very tiny hole here needs to be opened up for so there will be enough clearance for m1 rod here on this cross member here we have to drill and tap this uh center hole here for an m1 screw now it's time to assemble the front assembly of the steering two knuckles going here and then i will have to put the uh top portion of the cross member on and you just want to verify if it could rotate without any resistance and this the right side is really loose the left side there's a little bit of resistance but hopefully after uh rotating it a few times it's gonna become loose now we can put the front wheels on and i find it sometimes it's helpful to put just a tiny dot of super glue right on the threads so the screw doesn't come undone now we can glue on the front and rear bumper just a little bit of super glue now what i usually like to do is i usually like to put the chassis in this is how i try to figure out where the front wheels will be so if i temporarily just put it here and i i move it around i basically know i won't have any type of interference or it won't run into anything so once i do a test fit and it works then we can super glue it on all right so that seems like it's clearing and there's no interference in between the wheels it's just a drop of super glue so i'll just leave it like so for it to care for this window piece since it's a single piece like this usually what you would like to do is eliminate as much pieces or parts as you can and so what i usually like to do is i'll just trim this uh using one of these and one of these flat cutters and i'll just basically trim all around the window to leave just a little bit of material so i can glue the windows in since this piece is plastic it's fairly easy to cut this way we want to leave as much room as possible here and over here so there won't be any any interference now these will be the components that i will be using the dual shaft motor we have our rotating servo our battery our receiver uh the charging port and the on and off switch now this is the front lights and these are the rear lights these are white light and these are red the lights are optional you can use the lights if you want the mounting tabs for the servo will need to be clipped off now time to make the connecting rod for the two steering knuckles i'm going to be using this brass rod it is very easy to bend and what i normally like to do is just bend one side stick some pliers bend one side make it 90 degrees so what i usually like to do now is mark where i need to bend we can put it in and basically test fit this if it's not that straight we can manipulate or bin and fix the uh cross holder here but this seems somewhat okay as long as the wheels are not too crooked then i'm good all right now with this brass rod we are still working on the steering and i'm basically going to bend this one just like how i have it in the cat model something like that so this part here just want to make sure that the another brass raw can go in there and this portion here will be into will go into the rotating circle so when the rotating servo goes either rotates left or right it will steer the um it will turn the wheels so this is the end result you want something like this so it could be super glued onto this front crossbar making it a line here with the screw on top so instead of showing you all the wrong ways of soldering um i will leave a wiring diagram here so you can use now we could put the charging port and the on and off switch and there the pocket here so once we get it in i usually like to put some hot glue just around it so it can hold everything in place right now i have the servo charging port and the on and off switch in place now all that's left is to draw two small holes here in the back for the these pins here [Music] okay now that the lights are in place and everything is basically where i needed we can test fit with the the chassis onto the body to see if the wheels are aligned and in the correct spot usually if the front wheels or if the rear wheels are not in the correct uh place you could move through the back wheels back and forth to your desire until it fits so right there looks pretty good hopefully when i go to stare the car doesn't interfere with the the sides here because normally the biggest issue is you don't have any clearance here and up here and it will hit the the corners here but here it looks like it's okay i might need to uh take some materials off of this this plastic bumper but right now i'm keeping it as is and we can do a test run to see how well it runs now we can put a battery in to see if the receiver will get any power and not only that we could turn on the transmitter and see if we could uh work the controls to see how it runs usually what i would look for is to see if i could see the light on the receiver and it looks like it i can see it blinking right in there so that means that the receiver is on it's just neat to see if it will bind to the uh and it looked like it binded i do have i do have control so the lights do work and this is the finished product [Music] so when your battery needs charging all you have to do is plug in this pigtail here into any charging station and plug the other end into your charging port on your car and now it will charge a battery for you without you needing to take the battery out you
Channel: Slick Diecast
Views: 12,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RC Hot Wheels, Hot Wheels RC, DIY hot wheels RC car, How to turn Hot Wheels into a rc car, 3d printed rc car parts, micro rc car, rc car conversion, DIY micro rc cars, hot wheels custom, 3D printed micro rc car, 1/64 diecast rc car, how to make rc hot wheels, diy rc, mini rc car, mini rc drift car build, mini rc car hot wheels, hot wheels rc drift car, micro rc drift car, micro scale rc car, build your own hot wheels rc car, How to make RC Hot Wheels Step by Step Build
Id: 9Gtk4Pn1m5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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