How To Make A Paracord Knife Wrap

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hi everybody its Laurie from ODB and today's tutorial is on a paracord knife handle wrap for this tutorial you will need a knife or whatever it is that you want to wrap on this this weed would work really good for knives flashlights or really any sort of thing that it's semi-round let you run a route you'll also need paracord and I have here 550 Moss paracord now for my weave this handle is only about four inches long and it has about a one inch diameter so I only need about ten feet I do have here a couple feet extra but you can adjust however much power cord you need accordingly then you'll also need a scissors and a lighter so the first thing that you'll want to do is get to the end of your paracord and make sure it's untangled I clearly didn't have mine sitting there very smart so the first thing that you'll want to do if you can have just a little bit extra here you will cut it off at the end so what you're going to want to do start at the top and do a cows hitch so kinda like that so you have so much extra I have which is more than enough so bring them both back through and then up through the loop this is what it looks like right here and just pull that tight okay and so that forms your very first cows pitch or a half hitch your one what it's called and if you're going to do is take your working end and you're going to go over the top and up through and don't worry about that first knot it will loosen up and it will tighten up in just a second once you get this next one done so you can tighten them up here again that's half of it and then the other half to finish out the cows hitch then if you go under and then through the loop you can keep pushing it up and tightening and that is the second count hitch there so let's do it again so go on top and up through put tight and you'll go under and through and that is the pattern the first loop will always go on top of the handle and then the second loop will always go under the handle and then you want to just keep pushing carefully the loops up so that's what we have so far so we'll do one more and then I'll skip ahead here I'm going to go on top under and up through and then under and down through the loop [Music] and that's all there is to it and keep pushing it after height as much of the handle as well so I'm going to skip ahead until the end there and I will show you guys how to finish it off okay so now you can see that we are at the end here I cannot fit another one on there but as you can tell I think this gives a really clean look for your knife or whatever it is that you're wrapping you can see here it kind of makes a cool little pattern on the side here which is going weaving in and out like that so then all we're going to do now is cut off both of these ends and then burn it and flatten it and I wish this weave it stays pretty well if you wanted to do something over it and you can it will make it you know a little more decorative of course but purposefully you don't need anything else because this will hold it just make that as flat and smooth and just kind of round it out over the loop of the paracord and it will not come through there this one is of course a little more tricky since its way up there by the handle but do what you can [Music] so there you have it a paracord and nice handle wrap thank you so much for watching this video today see you next week [Music] [Music]
Channel: ODB
Views: 76,367
Rating: 4.8316221 out of 5
Keywords: odb, outdoobunker, knife wrap, paracord, parachute cord, survival, outdoors, diy
Id: o3xNI3o7oHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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