How To Make A Pantry

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hello I'm gonna show you how to make a pantry fairly simple project you can use in your kitchen the first thing I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna use some 1 by twos I'm gonna cut four that are cut at 7 feet in 1 inch and I'm going to cut three at 46 and 3/8 and I'm gonna cut 6 at 21 and 7/8 and this will pretty much be your frame for your pantry you can also use two by twos if you like but I use one pot twos because they work pretty good for this project here next I'm gonna drill some pocket holes for inch-and-a-half screws and I'm gonna start by using this 7 feet one inch one it's gonna put those on the ground and take the 346 and 3/8 and lay them on the ground also get a competent level you can go ahead and screw those together next I'll take the 21 and 7/8 I'll take those bores and put one at each corner here and also two in the center the center so roughly be 42 and a half inches and go ahead and screw these all together and this will pretty much be the back and side of the pantry here and now I'm gonna go ahead and put those last two seven feet one inch and screw those together here and if you notice I went ahead and put four inch cut up 45 degree angles kind of braces there just give a little bit of extra string not necessarily but I wouldn't did just to kind of help it out a little bit there it's good once you get all all screwed together here you can set that up I'm gonna get that utility plywood cut 11 inches off to give me that 7 feet 1 inch square throw that on the back here and if your measurements are correct you shouldn't have to do any extra cutting it should just fit perfectly I'm using one-inch finishing nails here to secure that and after that I'm gonna go ahead and grab that ash I would and I actually had Lowe's cut that rip it right down the middle for me so I don't have to do any extra cutting over than 11 inches taken off and works perfectly and the measurements are correct you shouldn't up do any extra trimming or anything there next I'm gonna get some of those popular boards I'm cut to at seven feet one inch and two at forty three and three eights and this would be the two side trims and the to the top and bottom trim that you'll actually see and next I forget those cut I'm gonna go ahead and cut the shelves like the face part you can actually see they're for the shelves so those are gonna be 44 and 3/4 and I'm gonna make sure I set these back three and five-eighths that way when I put the shelves on the door will actually close properly so I'm gonna put some pocket screws in there and go ahead and put those together and I set these at 18 inches off the bottom and then 12 inches 12 inches and 18 inches these would be the height of the shelf it's really depend upon what high through and women personally alright now we're gonna start working on the doors here for the larger door I'm gonna start by cutting two of the sideboard at 52 and three-eighths and the top and bottom board would be 21 and a half and once I get those to cut you'll notice here I'm using the table saw to cut a quarter inch groove about a quarter inch deep into this board here and this allowed me to take that ash plywood the quarter inch plywood and it'll fit and I grew perfectly and kind of give it more of that panel look and once I got all those groups cut I will go ahead and cut that panel at 53 by 15 and not allowed to fit in there perfectly and here I'm gonna go ahead and put on some use some glue and some pocket screws to put those together there and then next I'm using for this smaller pin at the top door that panel will be thirteen and a half by 15 and the top and bottom border be twenty-one and a half and the two sideboards will be twelve and five-eighths alright once we get those doors done then we're gonna go ahead and start cutting the board for the shelves here we're gonna start by with the larger doors and cut six that are nineteen inch eight that are twenty seven and an eight inch and eight that are seventeen and a half and for the smaller doors on top you'll cut four that are 19 inch two that are seventeen and a half and four that are 16 and 3/4 and once we get all those cut we're gonna go ahead and start with a larger door and we want to take that 19 inch one that we cut and take one of those and put on top here and go and put some pocket screws in there and attach that to the board it'll take two other twenty seven and eight put those on the side and another 19 inch put that one in the middle take two more twenty seven and eight put them on the side and then put one more nineteen inch at the bottom and then take for all those seventeen and a half and put them in the middle there and this will be able to give you the shelves here on the back of the door now once you get to all those doors put together and go and put them on here the hardware is completely up to you I like to use the black on this it just kind of gives it more of a I guess antique just look to it but just make sure you use at least three hinges on the larger doors doing the top and that should be plenty enough to kind of hold those up and get the plenty of stability the last thing I have five two foot by four foot by three-quarter inch particle board that I'm gonna cut down to nineteen and a half by forty seven and a half for all five shells and I use pocket screws to kind of attach those to kind of give a nice clean flush finish there and now for the best part a satisfaction of a job well done if you noticed here I actually used 550 cord is with some screws that kind of keep some bracing up to keep stuff and falling off but here's the finished product and if you really liked my video on if you'd want to subscribe I'm gonna try to put some new how-to and do these self videos are fairly simple and very affordable I'm all about saving money and want to help people out the best I can thank you
Channel: Affordable Backyard Projects
Views: 177,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, How To, Pantry, affordable, build a pantry, building a pantry, can, can storage, can storage diy, can storage for deep pantry, can storage ideas, can storage organizer rack, can storage pantry ideas, door shelves, food, food pantry, food storage, food storages, kitchen, kitchen storage, pantry, pantry shelves, pantry storage, sheld, shelf, shelves, simple, simple project, storage
Id: PLhjr5T_sro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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