How to make a Oyster & Shrimp Po' Boy | Recipe

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(blues music) ♫ Gonna smoke me a flat of brisket ♫ Got my barbecue shoes on ♫ - [Voiceover] Welcome to, today we're making up some oyster and shrimp po'boys or what they call half-and-halfs and it's easy to do. Alright you're gonna need some shrimp for this recipe. These are 16/20, they're shelled and deveined. And here we have some them Louisiana oysters. Oh yeah man, they're lookin' good. And you're also gonna need some granulated garlic. We got some creole seasoning and lemon pepper and we're going to be adding it to about a couple cups of corn flour. And here we're heatin' up some corn oil for fryin' alright. Now here's the creole seasoning, it's a blend of spices. It's got a salt, red pepper, paprika, onion, garlic, chili powder in there. And you'd want to try to get it, if you can't get it locally, get it online. Now here I'm adding some lemon pepper, oh yeah alright. Now there's no exact amount ingredients but this is pretty darn close. And here I'm adding some granulated garlic. And you season your corn flour the way you like but this here really works good for this recipe alright. Now we'll give it a good mix, mm man, now. Let's dredge these oysters alright and you want to take some time with it. There's plenty of nectar or juices on the oysters so you don't have to pre-dip it alright. You just lay it in the corn flour like that. And then you wanna coat it with all this corn flour and them seasonings, oh yeah this is the way to do it. You want to take your time alright. Just like that. Get a nice coating on there, and shake off the excess flour. Oh yeah. And all we gotta do now is fry it and only takes a couple minutes alright. Now we're gonna lay these oysters in a single layer in this fry basket here alright. If you don't do it, you'll have a big mess on your hands. So just take the time and lay'em in a single layer. Just like that, oh man. If you've never had a oyster, shrimp po'boy before, you definitely got to check this out. This is some good eatin' at the pit. Now the temperature of the corn oil is about 350 degrees fahrenheit. We're gonna drop those, oh, oysters right into that oil. (oil sizzling) Shake it around a little bit, keep the oysters separated. And it's only gonna take two or three minutes. Don't overcook your oysters! That's one thing that a lot of people do in a lot of restaurants is they overcook the oysters. Two or three minutes until it gets nice and golden brown. (oil crackling) Alright, these oysters been cooked. Here we're just gonna put'em in a drip basket, what you have and let'em sit, 'cause we're gonna be makin' up some shrimp. Now to do the shrimp, it's a little bit different. We're gonna need a egg wash so. To a, we're gonna add about two eggs to about two cups of milk. You know how to make an egg wash, right? Just give it a good mix. This is gonna help the breading to adhere to the shrimp. Alright, you've seen this done before. Now, first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna drop the shrimp into just regular flour, just giv'em a light coating. Man, I'm gettin' hungry, oh, yeah. And then you put'em in the egg wash. Give them a good coat. Then you drop'em in the seasoned corn flour. Just like that. Simple enough, don't need to show you any more of this right? Now, again, take your time, coat'em evenly, alright. Get that seasoned corn flour all over them. It's good! Now you might be thinkin' uh, what's a po'boy or what makes a po'boy different then another sandwich? Well it's the way it's made alright. There's a certain way and technique to doin' it and this is what we're showing you right here. This is no submarine, this is no grinder. We're makin' po'boys right here. Now, like we did with the oysters, we're puttin' the shrimp in a single layer in the fry basket. Right into 350 degree fahrenheit corn oil, oh yeah. (oil crackling) You smell that? It smells good! (chuckling) Oh yeah. I think we need a moment of silence to hear on that shrimp being fried in that corn oil. Lord have mercy. (chuckling) (oil crackling) Now just like with the oysters, it only takes a couple of minutes, two or three minutes to fry up these shrimp, and make them golden brown. Don't over fry'em, you'll ruin'em. These are perfect. Alright, it's time to put these po'boys together. Now, here's another essential ingredient with the po'boy and you gotta have yourself some fresh French bread. You gotta have the French bread and here I'm making it pretty, just taking the ends off. And you want to slice it, but don't slice it all the way through alright. You wanna make a pocket, just like that. And here you wanna remove some of the extra breading on the inside alright. We've got plenty of breading on the fried oysters and the shrimp so we're gonna take some of this out of there. Oh yeah. Now, let's put it together. Like I said, this is the way we're gonna do it. I've got some melted butter and you wanna slab it on both sides right here. Now you could use a remoulade sauce or spread just some mayonnaise. If you want a good po'boy, you put on this melted butter. Now to the sandwich we're gonna add shredded lettuce and you want shredded lettuce alright, not whole leaf lettuce, you shred it just like that. Pile it on good, and you gotta have some garden-fresh tomatoes is the best tomatoes you can get, put it on. Now, the magic. We're putting on the shrimp and the oysters and we're alternating so every time you take a bite, you're bitin' into something good. Just like that, load it on. (engine revving) Dam, I'd say it's time to eat. (upbeat music) Now of course, we gotta be addin' some Louisiana heat. Alright, just a few drops or a lot of drops, just the way you like it alright. Now this is the hard part, whoa, yeah. (crunching) Take a look of that. (chuckling) You hungry or what? Oh yeah, can't forget the pickles man. You get those pickle chips in there. Now you've got yourself a Louisiana po'boy sandwich. (upbeat music) Now if you've been following us over the years, you know we apologize for eatin' in front of you like this. Oh, good, mm. Yeah. So the next time you're looking for a recipe for your barbecue, you check out the (crow cawing) (fire crackling)
Channel: BBQ Pit Boys
Views: 159,322
Rating: 4.9111738 out of 5
Keywords: recipes, bbq, recipe, grilling, food, channel, tv, Po' Boy, Oyster (Animal), Barbecue (Cuisine), Cooking, seafood recipes, Shrimp, fried, sub, sandwich, YouTube Chef, Frying (Dish), Chef (Occupation)
Id: JrUmWrxhIQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2013
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