How To Make A Multi Column Gallery in Power Apps | Grid Style Gallery

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hey youtube welcome back to the channel today we have a really quick ui tip when working with galleries and power apps so sometimes when working with galleries your data source might only have a few columns but you have a whole gallery and then a whole screen to fill with that information so in our example we just have kind of a dummy pto request app you can see our data source only has three columns we have employee name the leave date when they're returning and then a couple buttons to approve or reject and the problem is that even though we've been able to fill up a big chunk of our screen with our pto record status selector let's call it we still have a bunch of space to fill up here and there's just not enough information in the record to show so the solution to this is the gallery property wrap count you can click on your gallery and you can find it down here on the right or we can come up to the left-hand side and type in wrap count and we can change it manually here so what this is really doing is changing how many columns or rows are showing based on the type of gallery so right here you can see we have a vertical gallery so we see multiple rows of data in one column and on the other hand if we had a horizontal gallery we'd have multiple columns of data in one row and the cool part about the wrap count property is that we can add a column or row based on the gallery we're using so if we were to change this wrap count to two we would have two columns of data with multiple rows and that's going to allow us to show more records on the screen at once while also allowing us to fill up a lot of that white space that's in our app right now so i'm going to start by moving over my buttons to the left side and getting some of my text over that will make that look a little better in a bit but for now we're just going to click on the gallery and make sure we're not in the template and we're going to change the wrap count to 2. so right now we kind of have a mess but you can see that now we have multiple columns showing our pto requests so we're going to start by resizing our background move that back over to the left and we'll resize this kind of header and now we're looking much better but i'm going to resize some of this text and i'll be right back so we've taken out a lot of the white space on the screen and now you can view more of the records on screen at once and kind of go through them quicker again it's very situational depending on what type of information you're working with but i do think this is a really cool ui thing to keep in mind when you're working with galleries and not just in situations where you might have limited columns but even records that might have you know 15 20 columns this is still pretty useful in my opinion hope you enjoyed today's video let me know if you have any questions or what you think about this trick in the comments below and maybe what you want to see next time with that we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Power Apps University
Views: 7,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power apps grid gallery, power apps gallery grid, power apps gallery, Powerapps Grid, Grid gallery powerapps, Powerapps grid, Power apps gallery multiple columns
Id: ZuahCRvmB_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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