How to make a million dollars reselling. (Talking to some of the biggest resellers in the world!)

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what's going on everybody it's a boy Jay back out it another video Dave to sneaker con so you guys saw we posted you saw the video yeah like a hundred forty thousand and buybacks in reality was like closer to 160 cuz we bought some more after the post and I'm back at it today so far that's some of our pickups and some more pickups right over here so I got a lot of crazy stuff in the works sit back enjoy this video and watch the UN we [Music] most in the city so make a million dollars reset right anywhere as a reseller man everybody's a reseller when you guys started reselling right up into this point what's been your biggest lift why Tokyo tents why don't you what did he what did you buy them at and when it's we paid $50 over retail retail was close to 20 yeah to honor to 7 so you paid to 70 up there we sold operate on her bucks of her 80 pairs 80 pairs - the $30 profit five-thirty so to what do we say 270 3300 but five hundred thirty dollars of profit times eighty times eighty so five times eight or roughly around eight thousand make fifty thousand this is before we knew the prices on there was some of them were still about a thousand right you finally sell about how long did it take you to make that fit no a week we saw them in less than three days that wasn't him that was a best one hey how long have you guys not been open three years yeah we even started three years ago you started with how many shoes our first store was probably 600 square feet holy it was basically a hallway probably 250 shoes I mean how many dunno with 4,000 yeah Rhys nor should i me restock Chicago hey so I'm here with one of my favorite resellers hustlers in the game KD I am just KD right on it on Instagram I'm just kidding so I've been going around asking sneaker shops resellers are like what was their biggest live right so whether that was how many one one individual item that you bought a lot of or one individual item that you sold bought and then sold for a lot of money so for you and all these years that you've been reselling how long you've been reselling on 2006 so you've been at at 12 now yes what was that biggest flip for you it makes airmax there's one thousand eleven there yes the earlier period okay what did you find like i'ma send you to me three or four grand and I sold it for about 75 so you made 3500 on one flip yeah and about sick about always in a weird it's not bad that's more than what most people make in a week yeah you've been able to do this for 12 years yeah I mean that wasn't the only shoe now that I think about it awesome when I know there's like 25 on it okay I still do it for six now oh that's something that's a later how long they take it it took about two months okay took about two months yeah those are those are two shoes that that I remember for even since today that's pretty good so I'm gonna tell you right now he's definitely worth following he's somebody that I've looked up to because of his work ethic his consistency I see him at every single show across the country prostitution and this man don't stop he's actually are working me give him a follow thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm here with my boy Sam from sole stage and Sam I'm just going around asking some of my favorite resellers some of my favorite shops right uh basically a little bit about the biggest flip right whether it's one one item that you sold a lot of or one individual item that you're not a really big like make on right chef for you and all the years that you've been in it what's been your biggest flip I gotta say it was April 2015 it was ovo ten samples okay so ovo did a pop up in LA and when they did the pop up in LA they did it they had a puffle with clothing okay and on the last day I want to say they ended up doing a release with OBO tens and did the black ones with the white ones and it was a sample was before I came out to you know quick strikes were released to the public and they ended up putting a tweet out with just a Jumpman logo and undefeated and OBO so everyone's like what and it said hey the address it was like first-come first-serve whoever gets there and I was able to get there with a couple of friends and you're buying those for 250 retail that's what they charge when there are samples and you're able to sell those for about forty five hundred five thousand each how many did you buy I ended up getting about twelve pairs that day and then outside I have some other individual so I got up to a good amount so you made basically four thousand just simple on 25 pairs I'm back with Matt so forth four thousand times 25 you made a hundred bands and one day one day it was amazing and I was probably my biggest like my biggest accomplishment as a reseller like topping those up at 250 a pop I've ever attached like 272 and I was like that's one nasty flip I'm in the wrong State we got lucky being in LA so vice versa we still look at the same blow shown in New York but the sneakers fast and somebody that saw themselves sound hot being in LA but definitely you got to go on to Vegas so you wear something you got an empire building we're trying to just stay relevant and find creative ways to keep people to pay attention right and it's friends like yours and the efforts that you put into the sneaker code along with other shops and certain resellers that have motivated me to do or try to try more right 104 sighs is that all the time I talk to everyone they're like I don't look at the enemies with je suis view the same thing but there's enough for all of us to succeed and I always love talking to you and talking other troubles because that's the motivation that's right pushes me in the morning I wake up in strength what are you doing to innovate inside will she let me go copy but it's like it's work together to figure out how we can be better together as different brands I thought we've been on the same way for a while man and I love it I love the fact that we can you know collaborate together and talking up ideas often times right definitely so real quick give these guys your your personal Instagram and the shops in sorry so the shops Instagram zaps whole stage my personal Instagram is Sam si am underscore brick Supply Co so again as Axl stage and my personal loss si am underscore bricks of life now I know this is going to sound a little biased but it's completely true my favorite shop to hit in Connie Seoul state I appreciate love it thank you so much for coming through who always a pleasure or at least on really good guy 140 you know you've never bought for me in like years hell is it because like you feel like I overcharged yourself you want me to go spend money with you every time I go spend money let's [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] he said I having spent no money in two years with dollars so Eric you're just gonna left are you gonna help love these guys I support what they do he's absolutely right I kind of have not bought from them in a while and I'm here to stimulate the economy so we're buying some shoes I mean it was kind of weak at least he gave us like 50k but this is actually not a big transaction we actually had a past I've never had to pass on you I'm sorry about that man I just thought you'd buy all this [ __ ] in Supreme for all right so hold on but considering you have everything in your store like multiples how could you a wow it smells good and that can be my credit card debt Oh all right so I'm excited to get the opportunity to interview this man because I been a fan of watching his growth over the last couple of years through sneaker cons I met him at a city could kind of want to say was Bay Area yes and I've just been watching this guy get bigger and bigger and bigger bigger and he's becoming one of my biggest concerns if not already right moves a lot a lot a lot a lot of bait yeah right and so I want to introduce and I want him to kind of tell me a little bit about his story that he told me once off camera and then I'm we're gonna ask him some questions so introduce yourself to the world for me what's up man when he was Jos prime orders and yeah last year I think it was we met at the Bay Area sneaker con I've watched actually his video about how he started out and very inspiring I was doing real estate I came back and then did this full time and sky's the limit now so so let me ask you a question now now that you're doing this a little bit more right you pretty much like walked away from grilling I don't do real estate anymore nobody knew real estate in 2016 I quit I wrecked my car but I saw the most sneakers out of that December you know and then after that it just blew up after I connected with you I think in March I mean we were selling like 4050 products a month you know crazy so you've been reselling down two years since 2013 on the side so five years on this side in these five years what's been the one item that was your biggest flip it doesn't necessarily mean that it was like one individual item with a large amount or what was the one item that you pick up a lot of and you throw the bunch and you made what was like your biggest flip ever what's UNC one UNC ones okay what did you pay for a ballpark don't want to say how much I paid when I got a hundred pairs and flip 80 in two days who flips 80 and today's what was your profit more or less right 20 25 granite in two days and I'm doing this completely wrong is what I'm noticing with as I've been going around and talking to everybody I'm realizing I'm really doing a horrible job make you hard here do it as you know I said making me like when I don't make that wait I don't have one of these yet this was a gift technically if it wasn't gifted I wouldn't I wouldn't have it either but uh let's uh give the world your Instagram okay give them a follow because this is one of my biggest bait sellers in the store period so at prime orders is my Instagram I really don't know how to use social media so please follow and just let me know what your sizes of send you the size list that I have unfortunately my websites not always updated because I get about 100 200 items a week so so definitely worth the follow trust me thank you brother [Music] 31 oh so now you know can you hold all this for me can you hold on together thank you give them their Instagram Matt lpz on IG [Music] so you got to hear this this guy saw me standing in line before I even opened the store and I was like yo I sell shoes he wins and he's been in every single store and seen it but they had a score they won then I met JC he was camping out at 12 a.m. run I said hey I sell shoes here's my number three months later hits me up I got a shot I've been following him since man the hustle the grind I love it I'm here with my favorite consignor and my favorite moves from Jersey besides a couple of the guys had a pretty cool tool but my boy man that's been consigning would have snow for two years almost two years man how did you started so I mean I was in my friends basement one day it's like a summer day it me but on eBay and we just hooked his shoes man he kind of was into it just kind of to where he found his shoes normal foamposite for a hundred bucks he was like bro I think you can flip this for under 20 bucks man so I was like [ __ ] it I just tried it out I got on your bank account how long ago was that it was four and a half years ago how much did you make last year in sales how much you doing sales six hundred grand in sales on six hundred thousand I started with a hundred bucks all right now my question that I've been going around asking all my friends or all the people that I look up to letter reselling whether they're private sellers consigners or consignment shop owners is what was your biggest flip right whether it was it could be one item that you sold and made a lot of money on or one item that you had a lot of they made a lot of money yeah so I mean this is an easy one for me my biggest one was with Scottie Skinner so from social primacy and I bought 50 pairs of black Firefox 3 fifties often and little did he know that I already had a buyer from so what I did was I took a wire transfer from the buyers a the Scotty with this money fifty pairs I was making about two hundred bucks a pair you do the math on that how long did that move take you 20 minutes 20 minutes do the math on that what's your instrument Matt dot finder thank you jump so this guy's an animal so this is so I'm doing a little interview series kind of thing we call my friends because I look up to power sellers consignment shop owner on it and the premise is talking about one house we started like how long you been selling sneakers okay so is what was your biggest flip whether it was one item that you made a lot of money on or one item that you got a lot of and you made a lot of money so what was the biggest brick even flip ever so there's real questions okay so firstly I started with selling probably like three four years ago three four years again since I was in college and I want to have some more [ __ ] money right so I started to yourself and then after I graduated I met my partner and then we let me exactly how you join their business okay and then I've been doing it right now yeah so what's been the biggest flip they split there's a few remarkable deals I mean it'd be three four years all the biggest one is I have 1500 pairs of lunches but 1500 plus yes 1500 pairs of flushes you pay about retail about now and you sold like 300 pair like these prices so have to fulfill all my PR days now so you saw you made about $80.00 repair proximately on 15 by more than 20 more than a proximally okay so 100 a hundred times 1,500 how long did that take you I mean I still have some budget sitting right I mean that's the big sizes but I still like more than 80% okay how long did that 80% take you to sell a monthly to a month what's your Instagram my Instagram's mobile kicks MLM okay I see Kane said if you don't know who this guy is now I might get a small guy don't listen in here if you don't know he's looking for living I'm just working for a living he supplies almost every consignment shop globally to know from Vandelay one of the members you don't see that much behind the scenes but it's responsible for a lot of the crazy stuff you cheap and aleyko so I'm walking around I'm going up to my peers my friends friends that I respect brands that I look up to okay and I'm asking them one question that might lead into a couple questions okay right the whole premise is talking about what your biggest flip ones whether it was one item that you wanna model or if it was one item that you sold that had a really large margin and so how long have you been reselling eight nine years maybe 10 I give it take that's a lot of shoe that's a lot of shoes yes what's been the biggest whip I mean the one shoe I remember with the adidas white glue that's you at Barneys I mean I happen to like that design they said it's on sale turbos get up here goes okay what's on sale for 180 retailers like 300 right so I bought stuff for my personal comment like or I believe okay and then in about I would I'll say about good month it jumped from retail to four five six people were paying 1200 1500 per pair so I moved all my pears contact at Barney's try to hit for another sale price for like 180 but which they didn't but I had some friends I work the Barneys which is coming for retail so honey parents did you guys totally I probably end up selling good ten pairs for like around 12:15 so let's just average it out at 1300 if you paid 300 or less yeah so I made a thousand prepare so I'll say I make good I said I cleared $9,000 and how long did that say are we within about a week nine thousand in a week yeah I got the wrong job thank you can you give the world your your Instagram yeah God you know you could also call Amanda Leigh but I mean I'm the hidden guy in the Mandalay but Eric does Muslim stuff I like to stay behind and just do what Eric tells me George is important is that it's not more the guy you don't see is the guy that's working the mortgage you guys have seen this guy before Eric Wanderlei so we're currently in the competition oh cool more than hair the craziest right well I had my own road yeah I know Bridget you're battling this is a tough battle um so this is what I'm doing right now brought around I'm asking my friends peers people on the trip to better individual private sellers and businesses consignment shops brands that people have to have a cult following like Mandalay and I'm going around asking everybody but their biggest flip ones whether if it was one I don't think you sold a lot of or one item that had a lot of crazy margin right yeah for you individually what's been your biggest flip well he would be for answer that you look up to me yeah I broke well we are not shorter than you so chuckling be happy yeah but no yes I tell you all the time on and off the camera especially on the camera how excited I am to continuously watch your brand go and see what you guys are doing and how you're pushing the culture forward and I just I don't want you to stop I need you to keep going and I and I'm really short amount of time mentally thank you so much when all he does is text you to flex and it gets me disappointed but anyway biggest biggest flip I bound we sold a couple hundred Jordan whoops I won't say to who we take a couple hundred I probably made what did you pay for them let's start that and whatever hey it was Jordan one might have been might have been okay so Royals croci I don't remember exactly what I'm paid by Ike's knew exactly how much are they how much did you make I made like sixty five hundred bucks how long did that 6,500 parts take you to make one phone call he called me I said I can get it boom done boom boom it was like three days how many pairs a couple hundred couple hundred 6x 55 55 55 55 and your initial investment in fifty five hundred you're probably paying twenty thirty dollars or burritos no I think I got this burrito okay so 141 good what to use once so you have to have 50 you had to have moved 300 pairs in three days it was good though that's a pretty solid flip but uh it was good I mean I don't make as much as this side but it was a solid solid cover for me I don't make like big big big resell money I'm not like that into sneaker reselling like that I just try to keep it though right you see this face low-key humble yeah he he's he's smokey and humble but he also has releases that to sell out and [ __ ] 20 minutes online when he drops a shirt and then has lines all day where people are asking to make profession shirts right I think I'm Wednesday flag get out of here he's being way too much no I'm good I love him this is my guy you need a follow-on plan follow his friend they got the best sneakers into Facebook and I've been telling him to open a store for the last three here and there late in the house followers are banned are they he south this is Charles BHT you Phoenix right so I've been going around I'm doing this little video where I'm talking to some of my peers friends business owners consignment shops and asking them what their biggest leak was in the sneaker game doesn't have to be not necessarily sneakers but what was the one thing that you flipped that you made the most money on whether it was like taking one shoe and selling a hundred and making this much more than one shoe that you what's in your crazy and sleeping all these years as you may know I deal with a lot of pre-owned stuff so I can offer you know saying about stupid stupid stairs but probably my thumbnail with my biggest clip so I got a pair of Diana Taurasi LeBron sevens for 40 bucks and I clean them up I'm going to pick up money for the shermanator hook them back up and I sold it for 19 Wow Wayne bucks a 1980s go see god I saw that how much it you take it hey big we did it for free you did it on the string with an hour turnaround time to like all them before dinner at flame we got to finish you doing so how long how long did it take you to sow that show so I listed it on eBay I kept getting offers offers you know say five under 600 time I yellow out and I want to say it fights it like 48 hours well so for those that don't follow you can you give them your info so they can start following you make sure you follow us and we had those personal page that official King Charles I guess it hit us up preciate it this is an interview that I'm excited about going because his Hustle is crazy so tell the world who you are and what you do I'm Korean quali - grab a bag and I just threw sell shoes and basically just do that so how long have you been recently I've been here about two years two years how many secret cons have you done - in two years so I've been asking a lot of like big-time resellers I've been asking a lot of assignment shop owners I've even asked a couple of youtubers what their public's their biggest flip right so that big flip for you could have been just one shoe that you made a lot of money on or that one shoe or item that you bought a bunch of that you sold a lot of what what was that for you and how much do you make I mean my biggest like single worthless like aromatics I made like $2,000 on those and my waterfall shoes the off-white in November how many off-white which which operate and how many I firstly got some little like [ __ ] and what would that amount of money you made off that release I mean three four thousand and how long did that take you how do you I'm 13 and he's been reselling for two years you hear this 13 you're making three four thousand dollar clip there's no excuses for you not to go up and get it so I am here with one of UK's biggest height beasts if not the biggest self-proclaimed biggest self-proclaimed but he really is so basically what I've been doing is I've been going up to friend's reseller private sellers consignment shop owners might be right and talking about reselling right and and some of their biggest flips so what I've been basically asking is what's been your biggest flip whether it was one item that you made a whole bunch of money on or was it one item that you bought a lot of and sold and made a lot of money yeah alright so this is it's a good story okay so huh so in London obviously Louie Vuitton supreme like a week early right this Katy GM's me and he's like yo I would love to meet you in London one day why don't you do a fan meet like something right right now like I didn't think I had like enough crap to like do any of that so I was just like I laid that off and then he's like you still messages still mess that's right so he messaged me like yo but what about next Friday can I meet you then I'm like it's a Friday what's happening on Friday Louie Vuitton supreme quote it's a job where there's a pub on Friday and this went no one knew like no one turns out his dad was working security need the under security fund by that event he knew I was like dude give me the address I'll see you on Friday so Thursday comes along and we're supreme and these were assigned to know about it now it's a day before still no one knew but they know I think losing Springs actually happening like tomorrow so as soon as I heard that I obviously had the address anywhere was that no nothing was announced peace didn't no none of that so me and just one homie we went there and there's nothing man with soul cookies anyway I'm first in line right to Louboutin supreme London for me and my bro person second so we can talk like a day stray full camp and then just like three orders to come in like crazy like duffle bags three racks like what the hell like 1,500 on top by news that was crazy so anyway I was first in line move baton supreme and there was no rest no none of this bread leather the whole drop was black right so I started speaking to the manager turns out he was like the managers director the whole of Europe who lose time I'm a young man like where's the red stuff at right I wasn't really popping on so by the time Riesling was like my main [ __ ] so he was a young man like sorry like there's no red leather we're planning that for like another week or something like that and he gave me his number you say if you need anything that please let me know so the whole Louboutin got canceled everything was dropped those fights just it was mayhem everywhere so that price went up I text him yo man I really need the backpack Christopher backpack so then he didn't reply he didn't text back outside majorelle I just got a phone call one morning from the customer service like hi is this mr. Petri we have a Christopher backpack on hold be right we would like to process it over the phone so you bought it at retail yeah what is your solid four nine seven and a half thousand pounds which is like nine thousand us fully like ten right so 8k USD produce so $8,000 profit I never went to a drop it ever again crazy yeah like I never camped out ever again after that I offer Louboutins to frame how long did it take to sell immediate if that no no way less I post on Facebook that I ordered it and I saw it before Ken yeah Wow yeah and for those that don't know but most people know who you are what's your RG my i GC @ re petra and i've got a channel to youtube channel it's the same re petrol you guys beside this worldwide worldwide worldwide peace yes followed by world's so yo I've been asking friends family private sellers resellers non resellers consignment shops what what's the biggest flip that you've ever whether it was one item or a bunch of items that you saw what was the biggest margin the biggest was like five six years ago I can't remember but before I was like in big into the secret community I bought the championship LeBron oh man on no pot got through size 9 to get the social supremacy put it on consignment I sold it for me for 3 racks what did you pay each I was five hundred twenty-five hundred less than a week sold servicing you know that was my that was like from my before my like you know having money day so I was like trying to flip stuff but that's my biggest like straight prop yeah yeah that's a lake dog I would have took that one you know during that release I couldn't hit and it wasn't a release that happening in Vegas and I was like literally offering people to pay for plane tickets like Hotel whatever just to pick up that they couldn't but it didn't work out I wish it was my size I would have kept it before so that was nice I thought about that I back in the day what I would do was I wouldn't look at a slide that just please like have a plan all night that's that's my biggest come on thank you bro i'ma see you yeah there you have it how to make a million reselling alright some of these guys are some of the biggest movers of height in the industry some of them are just collectors I get the opportunity make a dollar the whole point of the video was look it does there's no right or wrong way there's no like this guy's better than that guy it's we're all caught up in flipping flipping flipping and sometimes the flips are better than others but even if you're making a twenty dollar profit and you're able to make that flip in a little bit of time and you can do that over and over and over it adds up man so I appreciate you guys watching I'll catch you guys on the next video Melbourne see you soon
Channel: Two Js Kicks
Views: 439,463
Rating: 4.884572 out of 5
Keywords: shoes, sneaker, sneakers, kicks, trainers, crep, sneakerhead, vegas, jaysse, jaysee, lopez, JC, jayc, joanie, joaniebean, urban, necessities, urbannecessities, lasvegas, airjordan, jordan, adidas, nmd, yeezy, kanye, ultraboost, boost, theun, nike, puma, shoestore, consignment, shoeconsignment, hype, hypebeast, beast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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