How to Make a MEGABUILD: Step 1...

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to timberborn this is the first episode of the new Mega build Series in this season we're going to be walking through how I make the mega builds and you guys are going to get to see all the behind the scenes footage for it and then at the end of the season we will have a complete Mega build for your viewing pleasure we're going to be starting a new game with the iron teeth so let's get going with that we're going to be doing on the smallest map of diarama and then for these Mega builds I always do them on easy because it's really more about the building than it is trying to survive so we'll go ahead and start that up and right off the bat we're going to pause this because we want to make sure the beavers have some time to get all of the first building set up we're going to get some berries collected and then also get some Lumberjacks set up as as well as we want to get some water Pumpers so we have the first few buildings set up we do want to also get some water storage set up as well and all of the infrastructure that you see right here is going to be temporary because we're going to be doing a little bit of rearranging of the map itself there's going to be some terraforming that happens but that probably won't happen for quite a while I already have another world of this exact map setup and I designed it how I want this one to look so we're going to be using that as a blueprint for when I'm designing this I have a bunch of screenshots of the other world and so it's going to help guide me and that one I made on creative mode so I was able to place everything in if you click alt shift and Z at the same time you can enter that like this and then you can spawn stuff in but that's not what I use for these Mega builds these I do completely on my own I'm not going to be using any mods for this one we're just going to be going with everything we have in the default game and before we get too far end of the video we do have a big announcement we just passed 950 subscribers which means we are getting really close to hitting 1,000 subs and for my 1,000 subscribers special I'm going to be doing a Q&A so leave any comments that you have about the channel timberborn or myself I'll do my best to answer as many questions as I can and for this entire series if you become a channel member you will have Early Access to all of these videos and if you do that you will help support the channel but if you want to support the channel in other ways be sure to subscribe like the video leave a comment anything and everything you guys do is appreciated so I haven't done anything like this before doing a mega build and also recording gam playay in between the cutcenes so if you've seen any of my previous Mega builds you notice that it looks like this for all of them I get rid of the HUD and then I basically just uh design what I want the Beavers to build make sure they have the resources for it and then just start recording and let them build and then at the end of it I save that clip and then I store up a bunch of those and then piece them together into a mega build so this series is going to be everything between those clips I imagine you guys will probably have some questions about how I do the mega builds so leave a comment Down Below on any questions you have I'll do my best to answer all of them so we just got through the first clip and we have set up the farm we have a couple of inventor sets set up as well and we're not going to be too concerned about resources at least not food and water they don't go through a whole lot on easy mode but we are going to be a little bit concerned about wood because we're going to be using a lot of wood on this Mega build and so we'll want to get this area irrigated so we'll need to set up some fluid dumps but first thing we'll need to get a lumber mill and then get a Forester set up we're also going to get some wood storage set up because we don't want them to not be chopping wood at any point and then for the lumber mill we're going to put it over here and then we're going to be using some of the bad water power to power that so for now we're going to get a dam set up and then we just have to probably get rid of these so we can connect the path in so we're up to 100 science I just finished another set of B- roll which means we can get the Forester set up so we're going to unlock that and place this right here we still need to make some planks though so we're going to get these water wheels set up and then we'll have the first lumber mill right here and then we're going to make sure we diversify our trees a little bit because we don't want all the wood growing up at once we want to kind of spread it out and since the Birch and pine take 9 days and 12 days respectively we're going to plant those and then once we start irrigating over here we can plant some more Oak we do have a lot of food set up and I am seeing some be sitting on their butts so let's go ahead and increase the amount of workers in The Farmhouse we will need to get some storage set up as well so let's do a medium Warehouse right here and then we'll have this set to col robes so we have that set up we should probably also set up maybe a small warehouse for berries we'll do a couple of those right here so right now I'm not following my blueprint really at all I'm just trying to get some of the basic set up I am making this power station over here because I know I will be doing some of the production over in this area there's going to be some of the production on top top of this river which I'm going to shift it around a little bit some of these buildings we don't need to prioritize like these storages we don't need to focus on that as much I do want to get this Forester set up but we need to make sure they have in this build as well so we'll bump that up and then some point we will need to start getting some houses in order and we can start pausing some of these guys since they aren't doing anything we really could relocate let's do we'll get rid of this one and this this one for now and then we'll move a couple of them up here and we're almost at 100 science and I think that's enough to unlock stairs so we'll get one set up right here that will expand the range of this guy so we can plant everything down here but we don't need to worry about this quite yet once again Lower on the priority list because this guy will have plenty to plant up top I am going pretty Ham on planting the pine down here one thing that we'll also need to keep in mind is that there will be bad Tides I don't think there is frequent as in normal mode and it does take several Cycles before they start to show up so we won't need to worry about that for a while but in my design I do have a way to divert the bad water the general layout is going to be we're going to raise up some terrain blocks over here and then have a big zigzagging stream bed if you will but it's not really going to be a stream bed there's going to be like several locks so it'll go around and then back and then it will come down the river and we're going to be building a bunch of stuff on top of it so you won't really be able to see the water that much and since it's a small map we're going to be using every square inch of this space that we can we have a few vacant jobs I just paused some of the Lumberjack Flags because we have them pretty spread out we also don't need quite as many Builders because there's not that much wood going around I think it might honestly be worth getting rid of these and then placing in some platforms instead because this will be moving and so we'll get some planks the sooner we finish this Forester the quicker we can start planting trees and make sure we get our wood production underway and we're almost at 100 science which will allow us to unlock these and then we can start placing these platforms across here something I'll also need to do is pick out the background music for the Mega build I normally do three songs but that kind of depends on the length of the video so we just completed the Forester and we also hit 100 science let's go ahead and and place these platforms across this will allow us to build these right here and then in the future we'll probably get rid of these Place some other ones over here and then put in some more water wheels but for now I think just having these three water wheels will be enough to power this building and then probably another gear workshop and now we're going to get into a tree planting time lapse so it has been a few days we have quite a few trees planted and then we also got some of the basic set up including housing we have a campfire and then we also have a rooftop Terrace over here we do need to put in some more water wheels because I had to get rid of them in order to get some extra wood to complete those projects it looks like we do have quite a bit of wood and we have some unemployed beavers as well then we also reached a new well-being score and we have some more planks so when doing the time lapses I can't see any of these updates that appear so I have no idea how much water food or wood we have so I had to plan ahe a little little bit before entering into time lapse mode and now we have a bunch of science I am going to take a look at some of the blueprints that I have laid out so I'm going to be placing the first fluid dump pump here we are out of science right now we don't have 250 required to unlock it but we are going to have them start building this so we'll need to get rid of this path and then reroute the Beavers to go up this way instead and then in the future I'm going to actually be building up some of this level with terrain blocks but we're a ways away from unlocking dirt for now and I have all this set up which I actually don't want them to be building all this that's also just showing where some of the terrain blocks are going to be in the future we do actually have some homeless beavers so let's go ahead and get another Barrack set up we'll just keep it over in this area so this map is probably going to be actually a little bit more difficult than some of the previous Mega builds because in the other ones I'm able to build some of the production fac facilities kind of offsite and so you weren't actually seeing where I was making all the goods that I used to make the mega builds for this one I'm going to be making all the production in the same area that the mega build is actually going to be occurring so it's going to be a little bit like musical chairs where I'm moving stuff around as the mega build evolves so we'll see how this turns out this is kind of an experiment that I'm trying out I'm also trying out doing the commentary and the B- roll for the Mega builds it's kind of a lot to juggle but we'll see how it goes we should probably set up some plank storage and we can also unlock the fluid dump now so we'll get that placed right here and then connect it in with the path we do have a couple unemployed beers which is not a bad thing and we still have quite a bit of water and food even though we only have one Farmhouse and one water pump at the moment but it just kind of goes to show how much easier easy mode makes it let's go ahead and get rid of some of these Lumberjacks that aren't very useful right now so as soon as the water dumper starts dumping some water here that should allow this Forester to start planting some trees and then I'm hoping that yeah expands the rain a little bit once we get some dynamite and then we will be moving this back and then blasting out a nice 3x3 grid because as long as it's a 3X3 that is the optimal size to get water to irrigate the biggest radius possible and then we have another water dump that we will be setting up here in the future for now we might just set up temporary one right over here so we'll go ahead and get this set up as well but first we want to make sure that we have somewhere to contain the water then I think science is also going to be one of the limiting factors cuz we want to unlock a bunch of stuff but we don't quite have enough science so let's go ahead and get a couple more inventure sets set up and now looking at the next steps based on what we have right here I think that the next thing we want to get is some metal and since we have enough signs we're going to go ahead and unlock the scavenger flag and then we'll get a few of those placed here and then we'll have these guys start collecting scrap metal and then we're going to make a temporary smelter right over here and then use some of the water power to power that building and since we have an ass science we'll also get a smelter set up and we once again have some homeless beavers so let's go ahead and get some more housing set up we still have a lot of wood which is fantastic plus we have some more that's growing up and ready to be chopped down which means that we can also get some more Lumberjack flag set up and we may as well throw one of the unemployed beavers into this lumber mill and it looks like Builders are in short supply we have a few things that we're trying to get set up which means that we should get a builder hut set up and we have enough signs for that we can place it right here for now and high prioritize it and so I think right now the biggest constraint is getting Dynamite so that we can start diverting the river a little bit and in order to get Dynamite means we need to get some bad water pumps and we're going to have some over here but in order to get bad water pumps we need need to have some metal blocks and it looks like we're actually pretty close to getting this set up but we need some more gears so we'll go ahead and unpause that and we got the additional builder hut set up and you can see they're finally getting rid of some of these resources over here we don't really need them we have plenty of berries over here and we're going to increase the amount of trees we have planted over here that way we have a little bit more access to some wood and for now we're going to get a third Forester over here and plant even more trees we'll do some more Oak this area over here is eventually going to be a farm but we don't really need a whole lot of food at the moment but for the Aesthetics we will have a nice pretty farm in the end and with that we're going to wrap up today's episode we got the foundation of everything set up in the next episode we trying to get the smelter set up and then also get some bad water pumps and hopefully we can get some Dynamite created so if you enjoyed today's episode go ahead and smash that like button I really do appreciate it and be sure to leave your questions down below either for how the mega builds work or for the 1,000 subscriber special once again in that 1,000 subscriber special I'll be answering all your questions on timberborn the channel and myself and with that we'll see you in the next episode thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Atomic Gaming
Views: 1,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, lets play, beavers, timberborn gameplay, gaming, build, dam, timberborn update 5, Update 5, badtide, badwater, atomic, atomic gaming, megabuild, megadam, tips, timberborn tips, timberborn game, timberborn builds, faction, Youtube, how to, 1000 subscribers
Id: Lstmun37gjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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