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g'day guys Greg here well today I thought I'd show you how I like to make a macdonald style cheeseburger now if there's one place you guaranteed to never ever find me that will be inside a McDonald's restaurant because I can't stand them but I do like their cheeseburgers so how do I make a cheeseburger home that tastes exactly like the McDonald's one without having to venture into that cesspit of a restaurant well let me show okay so for this all you're going to need is some meat some processed cheese and onion some dill cucumbers or dill pickles or some sort of pickle some American mustard yeah and some tomato sauce yeah and today I'm using a bread roll that actually looks like one that you put a hamburger in right so the first thing I'm going to do is cut my bread roll in half now McDonald's bread rolls are actually loaded with sugar but I'm not going to use sugar on mine because I can't see the sense of it so I'm just going to come on in half and then whip it over to the frying pan over here which I've already heated up I'm going to spray some olive oil on there and just throw this bread down on here just the toast it of it now this is just a beef patty that I actually get from haldi believe it or not so I'm just going to squish it out like I did in my last video when I made a hamburger because I just find it so much easier to cook and it takes less time and it's not raw in the middle look nothing worse a raw hamburger meat in the middle so by the time I've done that I'm just gonna take this bread off which is sort of half toaster put this over here spray a bit more oil on there and throw on my bag of ham now last time I cooked a burger like this I sprayed some oil on it and somebody got really upset saying you should not add more oil so for that person I'm putting some okay so now I get an onion and I'm just going to cut it find me up into little tiny bits be careful doing that do this sort of thing what's your fingers oh because otherwise if you're not looking and you're texting someone while doing this you could cut your fingers off I'm just going to turn this over now and I'm just going to get my gherkin or pickle God have a look at that oh look at the size of that thing oh and I'm just gonna slice it up and do a little thin bits like this I feel like a moil doing this oh and now done that this burgers already cooked so put that on I'll add some of this processed cheese if I can find where Dover and a prompt which is there should I go one or two pieces today hmm I'll go to why not nothing better than cheese for you sing I don't have any butter on this I'll need the extra dairy so now I just sprinkle some of this onion lay across some of this gherkin pickle whatever you call it wherever you're from and now I'm just gonna drizzle some tomato ketchup sauce over there top and bit up this American mustard yeah America and that's it your burger is done well there it is it looks amazing and I really just can't wait to tuck on in oh yeah let's talk on it that is thought seriously good that types absolutely incredible his bits falling out everywhere but I don't care because the flavor and this is just sensational mmm oh my that taste is so good it's such an amazing tasting burger that one tastes like the real deal it's even better than the real deal because it's not made out of cardboard it's not loaded with sugar or preservatives and they're not destroying up the rainforests of Borneo to make it Oh anyway guys thanks for watching remember to thumb this video up for me or down if you love McDonald's haha thanks for watching I'll see you next time right here on Greg's kitchen you
Channel: Greg's Kitchen
Views: 1,138,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheeseburger (Dish), McDonald's (Organization), how to make a mcdonalds cheese burger, big mac, meat, onion, pickles, how to make a big mac, fries, burger, recipe, instructional video, video, youtube, chef, best, most popular, channel, lesson, learning, teach, teaching, French Fries (Dish), junk food, fast food, cheese, comedy, gaming, wow, real thing, taste test, american, american taste test, stoners, weed, 420, Cooking (Award Discipline), atheist cooking channels, halal, quarter pounder, Aldi
Id: lt6lWxPANG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 08 2014
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