How To Make a Hand-Engraved Hammer with Simple Tools

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let's make a handle okay and so what I will do first I think is I'm gonna just establish the flat bevel and I'm gonna use the vise is kind of my guide so I don't go too far then I'm gonna do the curve with [Laughter] okay so here is where we had I made it I made one bevel I've made a couple of starting Devils and I've made this one that is nice and somewhat polished out I will probably we finish it later but I'm gonna stop here with the bevels for now because I want to make the terrifying bit which is the slot of the hole that will accept the wooden handle and I want to make it I want to make sure it will be nice and straight and this is probably the most crucial part of the hammer since this is already basically a hammer it's only need someone to grip it properly so yeah I'm gonna do that so drilling this size of a hole with their every the hand drill it wasn't it super fun expense it didn't go very slowly but it felt like something can go wrong any second and there I would avoid repeating it in the future it's not that anything went wrong but just like it felt uneasy in uncomfortable and so I didn't go all the way through with the drill I decided to finish everything with the file and as I didn't want the deal to catch at the very end and bad bad things to happen okay I promise I will fix my vise well like like soon like now like okay so that's most of the hammerhead raft in and before we're doing any finishing work and doing the engraving and all that I would move on to making their hammer handle some just we are prepping the wood and doing all the shipping shaping necessary if you're wondering I do actually have it a bigger plane than this one but he needs needs a little bit of setup so I decided I would just use the smaller block plane yes well that that's not helpful at all I just make it somewhat close approximation give a bit of spare somewhere around here right almost there okay I think we're at the point where we can hammer this but I don't want to hammer it all the way since I want to do old engravings and everything and the handle obviously before that but we'll just see if it goes and we're very close very close yeah so I think I will do a final touch-up and I think I'm gonna leave it to that and move on to the handle and the Hammerhead finalizing and the very end I will put it all together and we'll be golden [Music] [Laughter] all right so now for the engaging portion of the of the building I'm gonna use two methods of transferring the design on to the Hammerhead one is the I guess the proper way to do that which is which I'm showing right now is basically to draw it on a paper and transferring it with some transferring paper and some wax and the second method just drawing it on the metal itself and you mostly just like improvise as I go along which doesn't really sound like a method but that's what I used most of the time I traced the design onto a piece of transparent paper because to lift it with the masking tape wouldn't work with just a regular paper because it will tear out the grains or whatever and it doesn't do that with a transparent paper so this is just some kind of work that I just melt no to get a smooth even layer now what I normally do before starting graving is that I make well I need to make spirals but I'm gonna use circles to get the rough idea of where the spirals will will go then I will just use smaller and smaller diameters to get somewhat close to it spirally thingy and I will just may use it slightly larger one to get the start and then yeah I just you okay so this is a only one face done I will do all the faces around the hammer but I just want to have a quick look how it turns out with their with the color inside so at the beginning I've used just acrylic paint but it doesn't seem to be very robust and hold very well so later on I went and bought enamel paint which worked like really the best the viscosity of the enamel paint allows you to remove the color while still having the right amount of color inside the crevices of the engraving okay so that's all the engraving done I think it looks awesome and now we get to do the handle fitting and that's it yeah alright so let's do that so I've decided to make another best wedge in order to basically eliminate all the tiny gaps that are left yeah that's the Hema finished there is no saints of Berlin Waldo day and night making yourself in my [Music] you [Music] but he wanted just another one so he made it [Music] okay so a thanks for what you need is long and like it if you like it and share it if you feel like it and yeah I will see you in the next video
Channel: Uri Tuchman
Views: 1,595,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hammer, engraving, woodworking, metalworking, blacksmith, steel, brass, cherry, animals, house of the rising sun, fancy, viking, victorian, craft, creative, renaissance, medieval, carpentry, plane, how to, tutorial, carving, custom, tools, saw, scroll
Id: u2mWvozSdvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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