How To Make A FREE Social Media Website With WordPress 2024 ( Just Like Facebook )

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hey guys subscribe welcome to my youtube channel i'm so excited to have you watch this video so in this video i designed a website like this uh just a social media website just like facebook and i think it's pretty cool i show you uh so this is on my screen here a demo website like that and you can see just pretty much something more like facebook you can see where i'm signed in here and you can see where i can just type in whatever i'm feeling uh whatever i feel like typing and i've got activities from my uh left sidebar here you can see always online you can see that you have also features to to design groups just like facebook groups and this is my profile here i can update my profile and i can see members that are active newest popular and i can scroll down i can post images i can like i can comment i can delete i can join group i can create groups like you saw me did here 17 hours ago i can also post videos like you can see i'm posting one of my video on youtube here i can do as much as possible as i want to just like facebook pretty much uh you can see that i have options for members here you can go to four rooms here you can go to group here and also have a blog session as well you may also want to do that the amazing thing about this website is i designed everything on this website absolutely free i didn't spend the time i didn't use any pro plugin or pro team everything here from the team to all the plugins here are free and that's that's amazing that's awesome so i thought i should share with you as well uh but if you want to have a similar website uh social media website like facebook twitter or the likes uh there are quite some themes on the wordpress repository uh not necessarily just wordpress teams basically that are paid that you can use so this is uh one this is a list of some of very good wordpress teams that would do that for you and trust me they are expensive uh to use and a lot of them will give you uh good and good features that you want uh but you can i can i can give you the link to this place in the description below so you could check them you could you could go to team forest and go type and you will see some of these themes that work but i don't want to i want to show you in this video how you can design something like this absolutely free well i didn't really take time to style this i didn't change colors i didn't play around all of those things you can you can you can work more on styling walk more on colors and i'll show you exactly how to get all of those done in this video so if you are pretty much excited about this and you want to see how you also can design a website like this uh then let's let's get started let me show you exactly how i get how i did design this [Music] okay so before we jump right straight into this tutorial this is where i'm going to advise you to watch this video from beginning to the end please do not skip any part of it because if you do you just might be missing important steps and actions you might not get your desired results so i would advise that you watch this video thoroughly and then you can then watch the second time to practice so that you have an idea you have you have a range you have the scope of everything we are going to do this is very very important uh this also can be designed uh alongside your website for those who already have a website but you just want to have a social uh social network wing on your website where you want to keep interaction and on live members so you can you can add these to your website this basically mustn't be everything on your website and that's another cool thing you can do i would advise that you subscribe to this youtube channel because i keep posting videos on wordpress showing tutorials the things that work and the things that do not work so if you're into wordpress if you want to learn anything at all so you should be hanging out here so please ensure that you subscribe uh that's the only way i get to go this channel and i do appreciate support from you i have a newly installed wordpress uh on this domain here so i want to use this domain of mine for just test purpose for us to design this uh website so we'll be designing this same thing we have we'll be designing it here and let's get started so this is the back end of of this domain so first things first we'll be installing the theme that we'll be using so let's come to appearance let's come to themes i have a wordpress default team installed so let's add new so we search for body x in wordpress repository it's a free theme and uh i'm sure we're gonna use this theme we're gonna get value for it okay so this is the theme here buddy x so let's install body x and then let's activate it okay so buddyx right now is requesting that we'll install some recommended plugins so let's continue from there begin installing plugins and then let's just i'll click this to highlight all the plugin and then bulk action then install then let's apply okay we have this installation complete so let's come straight to plugins uh let's see all the plugins we have um okay i've got some okay so we can see the newly installed plugins that we have uh four of them actually i have really simple ssl already installed here before i love to use that plugin to force ssl on my wordpress website so i think i have a video on that on my youtube channel so but before we begin to activate this plugin like is recommending now we do we still have quite a number of plugins that we're going to install that will give us all the functionalities we want on this website so let's let's get started installing this plugin so let's hit add new button you can do that here or you can do that at the top uh bar here so we would install the first plugin we'll be installing here is a buddypress blog suspend and report plugin so we have the plugin here blog suspend and report for buddypress and let's install this plugin so we'll be activating now so let's uh install another plugin i that member so i've got the plugin here so let's install this plugin so our next plugin will be hide page and boost title okay so let's install this plugin the next plugin will be press cursor let's install bb press and then let's also install a plugin called login press all right this is login press let's install this let's install under plugin called rt media so rt media for wordpress body press and baby press so let's install this so finally let's install this plugin called body press activity activity and social shares basically so we've got the plugin here we become designs body press activities social share so let's install this all right so we've had uh a good number of plugins installed i think all these plugins will be enough for us to have this website and if we need to install more then we'll come back here so let's go back to all our plugins and let's see then okay so i have about 12 plugins now so let's install all of them except for really simple ssl let me leave this the way it is and let's hit the activate button and let's apply okay so we have uh plugin activated i suppose uh this is a pop-up from body press uh we've got to close this uh uh there is a tiny x button very faint here at the right hand corner so when you click that this would close uh we have quite a number of uh notifications here on our screen uh usually i like to keep my wordpress dashboard tidy so let's come to screen option i just like element overview i don't like this welcome no blocks are spent for okay let me leave this right now in rt media let me leave this else status let me leave it at a glance no activity elementor turbo no quick draft no wordpress event and news no i don't want that so let's leave this this way and now close all of this hide this as well i dismiss this i dismiss this i close this as well so i can drag and drop this here to activity i think i don't like this activity i take that out good so i have a very clean dashboard i can see important things i need to see so this is something i like to do personally you can also do this it would help you so before we go straight into designing this site and let's even go to the front and let's see what we have here you can notice before because i'm signed in you can see this bar here that takes me to the back end i'm not expecting that to remain after we have installed that plugin you can see that the bar is gone and i have a pretty much default uh website so pretty similar to what we have here right so we just want to play around with every of the things that we have here uh really okay so that's it so let's continue customizing this theme until we get what we want exactly first things first we need to add some pages so let's come to our pages let's even check out the pages we have here on this site so we see we've got apart from the privacy policy which is the default and sample page we have another page for members and for activities so if we come down here we'll see that we have activities we have members but we're supposed to have a page for forum groups and blogs so let's create a page for forum and blog for the group we'll find a way around that eventually so we titled this forum uh i was meant to even do that earlier to let you know what each of the plugins that we have installed earlier we doing for us but for forum uh the plugin response before that is bb press i'll say we are very familiar with bb press you know wbb press is the famous plugin for wordpress forums uh so here is the forum so we would be adding the short code for bb press here for us to be able to populate this page with our forum on the website so i will search for short code so i'll be typing this shortcode bbp iphone forum iphone index and then i close it so that's the short code for forum for bb press plugin you can set that online you'll find that everywhere and then i can eat the publish page button so we have this page ready so let's come back here and then let's create our blog page but it's not compulsory you have a blog page is uh very optional in case you have a blog page already you can skip that but those are the uh very important pages we have to create but for me i just like to create a blog page and then i publish this that's everything i need to do for blog all right so i don't need to view the page you will see the pages eventually so let's go back to the back end so we have uh these pages ready before we continue there are some settings we should do uh that uh settings will help us uh yeah along the way so that we don't get stuck somewhere so we come to settings and then we come to general okay so you must make sure that when you come to membership uh you tick here that everyone should be able to register and the default url for anybody registered should be is subscribers okay so you save this very very important you do this and the next settings right now is will also come to bb press there are quite some settings we have to do here so that we get bb press to work uh so you can see xnet profile is activated friends connection you just want people to friends to be able to connect like you have friends on facebook you want to have people had other people as friends on your website so you do that you want people to send private messaging definitely we want that we want user groups uh site tracking i've not really done that before so i don't really think it's something i'm okay with so let's save this settings so let's come to the options tab so if you scroll down everything here is installed template back uh wordpress novel that's good buddypress also has legacy which i think this one is okay just leave it the way it is ensure that it's there an invitation allow registered members to invite people join this network definitely you want to but i think all the settings here are quite straightforward there are things that you can you can understand just pretty much reading them uh profile for to upload cover image upload you want to allow all of these things just like on facebook you can upload your profile your cover images and all of those things and so if you come down here you want people to post comment allow activity stream commenting on post and if you want that you can uh you can also activate that so you can save settings and then let's come down to pages so you can see that our members page is a member activities activity group is group and then so let's come to rt media credits as in is just giving reference to people who design the plugin allow users to upload allow users to comment on uploaded images uh definitely we want to have that on our website enable gallery media search you won't be able to search for gallery yes in case you don't want that use light box to display media that is turned on enable uh this grid layer no direct or enable direct upload i think i want to uh get this on and you can see here if you hover around this icon here it tells you more about what you're about to do upload the media directly as soon as it gets selected so when somebody selects any media from your phone automatically direct it upload sorry uh you may want to leave that on or switch it off so if you come down here you see that you have the option to enable mercenary view for uh thumbnails for people to view images on the uh whatever so you can you can choose whatever works for you uh that's good so this is for general settings so let's save this then one more before we go let's come down to body press and then enable media in group yes definitely once people create groups we want them to be able to play with media allow upload from activity stream definitely we want people to upload media the number of media people can people can upload at once uh in case you don't have your server resources you may want to limit this to maybe two or three or five but if you leave it at the zero it will be unlimited so people can upload as much images as possible as they want per time so if you keep scrolling down enable media notification so you want people you want to get notification when people like your media or maybe your image or your video or comment on them you just want to take that on these are the things you see on facebook how create activity for media likes uh actually so i just want to take all of these things on show album description you may want to but i think i'm okay with this so read through and then you i'm sure you won't have any problem whatsoever so that's it uh i think uh we are good with this you can still come down types or media sizes and just uh you want a default media size and all of those things you can play around with those settings i'm sure that we have covered basic uh settings that we should okay right now before we continue let's go check our live website let's see what it looks uh are there any changes are pretty much nothing that's okay nothing to worry about but the next thing we should do right now is for us to create a menu and bring bringing a menu here so let's come back let's go to appearance let's come down to menu we don't have any menu here let me just create a menu i'll call it apps you can call it home you can call it main menu you can call it whatever you want to call it but i would assign this menu to my primary menu and then i'll create this menu all right well before i done that i should have moved things into the menu but again that's good so here we have our blog uh groups blog forum member activity i think that's pretty much everything we should have let's add this to menu so we have everything here i think i like to rearrange this uh activity first and then group second uh maybe members member stored forum forth no form fourth then block the list i think i like this and then i'll see okay awesome let's let's come back here let's refresh this all right so you can see uh i've got me and this is pretty much something close to what we've got here uh that's awesome and you can see that we don't have something like a logout link here uh i'm not even sure i put anything like that here as well so we don't have a logout link so let's see how we can generate a logo link we should have a logo link really i don't want us to i don't want to install the plugin for that so let's just come here you can just come to log out and once you come to log out you can copy this link address and then let's come to custom link uh let's post this link here i think this is okay here once i get to log out here is okay i can copy all of this and delete them pretty much everything we need to do to create a logout link is for hosts to pick our domain url then uh slash compica domain us slash we pivoting login.php then question mark action equals logout so if you've got that then you've got the you've got a correct url that will log you out and then i can link text would be log out so let's add this to our menu [Music] okay fantastic we have a logout link so let's save this menu so i'm pretty sure that i will have a logo link right now so let's refresh to see this okay yeah we've got log out so i'm very sure that if i click this uh this would log me out but i don't want to do that right now i'm going to test all of those uh yeah when we are done building the site so right now let's come let's now put some customization on our website let's come to our parents and let's come to customization i think this is time we need to put some fear here and there to bring out exactly what we want okay the first things is general i'm sure that you understand uh pretty much how these things work site layout are definitely i wanted full with and then i'll come back site loader no i don't want to paid my pin now no you can play around that if you want to i don't want to waste too much time on this video site title uh this is for typography you can come around play with uh the typography on the website if you want to change the font i'm not sure i'm going to be changing anything for the heading for the menu for the body you can put different uh page front and then you can mess around with that site editor and enable such such uh we and say enable search icon uh we have this set icon here we can disable if you want uh logout link is enabled and registered link is enabled we won't be able to see those right now because we're already logged in and if we were to open this page uh in an incognito window where we're not logged in you'll see the option for you to log in and for you to register and i think that's okay uh sub header i'm not sure i want to play around with that your side skin this is where you change the colors and all those things i can change colors i i did play around with all of those colors here so you can see that i've got something more like orange hair and all of these colors here so you can you can play around with those colors they will give you a feel for your site in case you have a color combination you are looking at uh also for the blog what we want our blog to look like uh the layout you want it like this or you want it something like this uh you may also want to have is hide bar for your blog that's for your single layout where people can see maybe options that you've got here you can play around with that as well i'm not sure i want to spend time uh doing that outside footer if you come down here you would see that from uh copyright credit we have powered by body x wordpress team i don't want this here uh nobody wants to have this everything there isn't a free team nobody wants to give that copyright uh but in case you want to leave it that's okay but for me i don't like it so once i come here i'm just going to from site title to powered by the theme credit here out young the heart and i think that will be all for the footer session in case you want to add more footage you want to add widgets to your future you can come to footer section here add some widget and all of that but i like to keep it simple for the sake of this tutorial for time purpose uh in case you want to see more videos around that i think you should uh let me know in the comment section maybe i will do a video teaching you how to work on those things uh this is the option where you subscribe to this youtube channel because i will keep uploading videos every now and then and then when you recommend videos to me i make sure i give make it a point of duty for me to uh upload videos login press i would love to have designed this right now but i would leave maybe i should so that i won't come back here again uh that would mean that i opened these size in an incognito window let's do that all right so like i took like i did told you i have uh login uh okay for log out here was supposed to make this visible for only people who are logged in we work on that eventually to see how to get that done so if you click login just because we we installed a plugin called loginizer we would see something entirely different from the usual wordpress so you can see this is what we've got we've got a wordpress logo on a different background entirely it's not compulsory you use login press rather it's not compulsory you can't use any other login plugin you know on wordpress you can just the idea is just for you to have a custom login page from the usual default wordpress login so let's let's redesign this into something entirely different so what we need to do basically is first take away this logo put our logo if we must and if we don't have any logo we can take it out and then change this background to something more close to uh like a social connect or you can just maybe look for an image on maybe pixels where people are uh punching your phone hanging out on social media or stuff like that but i won't waste so much time doing that in this video so i'll just come to login press but i need to let you know this is where you get that done uh the theme so you can see this is the theme here i think all these ones here are premium so you need to go pro for you to be able to use all these beautiful login options but again this is good for us to style and then let's come to logo like i did told you uh we can select a logo here i'm not sure i have anything on this side but let me look for any random logo okay i'll use this i found this this is uh someone else's logo it's not my logo i i'm sure maybe it's one of those workout done at some point so this is for tutorial purpose i'm not impersonating anybody or trying to claim um who i'm not so please let's get this okay so uh i have uploaded this logo here so we can put the logo i think pretty much everything we need to do here but if you want to disable logo entirely you can just click this and the logo option is gone but again uh let's give logo you can change the size of the logo i think uh let me look let me do like hundred i really don't know what i would look like but eventually we can we can style that into something we want so let's come on from logo background image that background image looks so uh not so good so uh but this is where you should use your own image you can select an image i'm bringing from the laptop or whatever but for the sake of this tutorial i'll just pick another random image here let me use this and you can do recapture i'm sure that's a premium uh that's a premium option but basically i think that's it this is good enough uh let's come back and colors we can leave that as well background image for our site uh but let me publish this setting so that we make sure that our login press is is installed correctly so let's refresh this now let's see what we got so you can see uh this is maybe not bad but leave it this way but you know what to do you just need to change the the background to any image that is appealing to you we can also make it uh make it transparent that you don't get to see all these things these things just fit directly into it uh the settings are there but again i'm sure you won't have any problem with login press the form yeah so this is where we enable the transparency that i talked about and then let's publish this so you can work around as many things as possible this logo here we can increase the size and make it transparent so that it just fits into this and pretty much a lot so many ways that this can be styled to look uh beautiful into something much more we want but again i don't want to waste time around this that's not why we are here uh so let's let me come out of login press and let's come to our own page settings this is very important that this is uh here we want to point our homepage to a static page and we have to select the page here we want it to come to our activity page i want our post page to come to our blog really that's it so let's publish this oh we are getting there then let's let's get back let's come to our team options lazy low definitely i think this is good for seo uh then body press and we can come some general settings okay i think i like that the way it is enable custom front page uh no but basically you can come here and and uh play all around with the settings and see what you want i'm sure all of these things here are self explanatory i'm not sure you're gonna have any problem doing all of these things but it's good that you come down here to cost to customize more your body press how you want them to display on the side different different customization for different people based on what you like and what you want on the site really so buddypress is quite uh an amazing plugin and it's quite a robust so it gives you lots of options so you can you can do quite a lot with it so you can spend time here to read through the customization for your body press uh how you want your directory layout to be use column navigation for members you can you can tick that as yes in case you want to i use tab styling for members directory navigation use column navigation for activity direct quite a lot of things but again if you click the key in and on ticking and you see the difference is that these things will bring on your website so group navigation uh you can take all of these things uh but let me just play around with this member front page you know i think i don't want to play with this girlfriend members navigation use tab styling for primary menu you stop styling for secondary menu okay right i think we can play around with data once we are done with all of this uh then let's publish again uh always make sure that you hit this publish button here uh here is where we can change the logo i think this doesn't really make sense so once we come here site title is conf config converge fl i can just make it something like this and then or i can just bring in a logo completely as since i already have a logo i brought in earlier let me still use that same logo it's just for tutorial for post now let's keep cropping and then i've got my logo here so i can take this off uh display site title and it's gone so that's it oh so this is how you can put your logo around and i think that's that's good okay finally let's come to our widgets so at the right hand corner let's customize this we've got uh search button recent post and recent comment but if we come here we see we have complete profile we have members so let's add a widget let's do bb press body press rather we have complete profile here i can hide that so base uh add widget upon its hundred percent so once uh you complete your profile it will hide that uh this widget so this is good so i would delete these ones that are here you can leave them you can add more this is just me trying to show you what i have done before but pretty much uh that's it so the next we get to be members so let's start body press members okay so we've got members here okay so maximum members you can show five well i can change this to 10 depending really uh default members to show are active members so that's good we can leave these two in you can leave this two here so let's come to our left and sidebar now it's not showing here now but it's okay let's remove these ones here let's add a widget so i'll search for body press so body press latest activity is here we can add that new members profile picture and all of that so let's add that we can also add another widget for who is online uh body press group body press login so we use online is here so who's online max members to show 15. i want to see 15 people online per time uh you can change that whatever you like and let's add groups so body press groups awesome so you can show me maximum of 5 groups that's okay as well and then let's publish this so really if i come here if i refresh this so you can see that we have uh this okay so our sidebar is gone and that's okay so let's come back here so let's come out of our widgets let's come to sidebar settings where is that settings i hope uh this works site sidebar so really we this is where we should set default sidebars for our website i hope this works so activity directly sidebar layout we want boot sidebars right both sidebars and then let's publish this let's see if this works let's refresh this this yet isn't working but it's okay i don't know why that is but what we can do right now is for us to come back so let's close this it's okay and then let's come to pages all pages and activity pages are front page let's edit this page maybe because the page is now a default wordpress home page is the reason why is not getting customized from the customization team options but again we can come to our page attributes here and then we can see that we have default template so we can just switch this to page both sidebars and then let's update this page once we do this if we come down here if we refresh our page we should have a sidebar so fantastic we've got our sidebar and this is pretty much uh what we need to do uh for us to have all of this working so we may need to do this for as much page as possible as we want to customize so let's come down to groups for example you can see that groups doesn't have uh sidebars as well and we can create group here you can leave your group like this in case you want your you want your group to have a field uh like your activity page where there is sidebars here i just want activity for the group to be done inside here you know you can just change the you can go to the groups and change the sidebar and just leave it with the side or the left depending on what you want to do but it's okay you can leave it as full as well for your members the same thing you can just play all around to see uh what you want to do so you can i think pretty much members should be full page like this but depending on what we want to do uh really so i think that's that's pretty much that's pretty much that so let's come and check the functionality of this site so right now no activities here but let me see if i can make a post but before i make a post uh let me come down here and let me see if i can update my profile so like proof of uh profile fields let's click this you can see that i've got profile notification member friends media and all of this my name is required so i'll change my name to dapps okay so let me save my name all right so name has been changed and you can see that is showing on the website here's apps so my profile photo i can change that as well i can hit here and just select any picture from my laptop as you can see let's use this this is just for uh this is for testing purpose uh it's it's pretty much the same thing so you can expand this you can pretty much expand this to fit the screen so you can see then you can eat crop image and then we can change a cover image too as well just like uh facebook you will have the image here at at the top corner here but not be doing that right now i don't want to waste so much time trying to do that so you can play around setting your notification your messages uh you'll see that you don't have any notification uh from anybody your messages uh your friends your groups your invitation forum media your settings you can play around with your settings how you want your profile to display and i think that's it that that's beautiful so let's come back to activity page and you will see that you have a progress so you see i have 67 uh and it's showing here that i don't have a cover image so that's it so you can see the activities has been recorded here so dabs changed their profile picture dabs updated tabs profile was updated three minutes ago uh that's on the activity timeline but again it's in oh it's in one of those settings in case you don't want activities like this to appear uh things like this to appear in your activity you know where to change that and let me just say i want to just post something i can just say hello hello world so that can be typed and i can i can as well uh add images so you can see this button here for you to upload images let's just say i want to add an image to my post just like what you have on facebook let me choose the let me choose this image here and let's upload this yeah i can just post update so you can see hello world and you can see my image here ah that's that's good so there's pretty much nothing you can do people can comment people can like this and you alone can delete these other people won't be able to delete it so you can still you can definitely still post uh maybe an image or maybe a youtube video so let me copy this video url and let me come down here and i can paste i can see hello guys check my new my latest video out or check out my latest video and then i do something like a column here i post the video url here and then i update so you can see here my video is showing hello guys check out my latest ad input video i just check out my latest uh but again that's good and anybody here can come can play the video and fantastic right so this is exactly how i designed this website a lot of things can still come into play you can see that we've got no groups we can still come down to our groups now you can see that we don't have a group let's let's try to see if we can create a group the name of the group i can just say dap's fun club description this group is for folks that love stops yeah so i can create uh the group and then i'll go to the second step which is to choose what kind of group i want is a public group private group just the same way you do these things on facebook you want it to be a eating group then group invitation all group members can invite people only group admin can uh invite people and also uh and also moderators as well uh group admins alone are the people who can who can invite people to the group so this group is public uh let's just leave it the way it is let's go to the next step and group forum yes i want this group to have a forum so in this group we want to have a forum where we can chat discuss and do all those kind of things then we go to the next one where i get to post a photo of my group dabs fan here so let's upload a picture and i can just use this picture for test purpose and then i can expand this to fit so that everybody here can see okay so let's eat the crop image this has been uploaded fantastic you can go back to the previous step or you can go to the next step uh okay for the next step uh our bomb creation control who can create album on this group can all members create album only group admin or whatever you don't you can choose whatever fits that and the next thing will be for us to upload our cover image uh here so uh maybe i should look for an image as well that can do that maybe i should just use one of these images here uh since i really can't find any suitable image on my laptop right now but that's okay we can manage with this so you can see that we've got our image uploaded here and this is just an image of me here so you can delete this cover image you can go back and then but let's go to the next step which is for us to invite people ah yeah you can because we don't have uh members right now on this site so we don't have anybody to invite so we can just pretty much finish this process and then we have our group created tabs fan club has been created and this is the group so anybody can post things here members invite media manage and all of that so i think this is this is pretty much beautiful and i think it's cool so basically i think that's it so if we come down to activity we can see here so if uh if i had added more members to this group i would have shown you how easy it is for you to have friends or just or maybe had a friend as your friend and all of those things so really uh you can i can have more members here once i had more members then i can start liking those members had them as friends and then members begin to connect and that's pretty much uh everything around this so you have forums you have members you have groups so once people start hiding joining the the site you will see them on the member section okay that's it guys thank you very much for watching this video i hope this video has been helpful you can add more widget you can customize this website to whatever you want it to be change the background do so many things you can i really didn't want this video to be longer than this uh a lot of things can still be done here like customizations like for example you see this command it looks so you can change the words here all these things they're always online you can change it to whatever you want to change it to latest update complete your profile all these things can be changed like this for example comment you can even take away the comment and just leave this icon alone like this so there's still a lot of customization that can be done to be pressed in case you are interested in a video like that let me know in the comment section below i should be able to work around that and finally for a website like this to be complete they should have more options like a live chat where members can have live chat with each other you can check who is online for example i see someone here i click this person and i have a chat with them like we have on facebook uh in case you want to see a video like that again let me know in the comment section i would do well to upload more videos like that i just want to know that people want to learn these things before i just upload them instead of wasting so much of my time and resources into videos that people don't really want to see so in case you want to see a video like that you know what to do uh it's me in the comment section below and this is where you should again i have to emphasize to subscribe to this youtube channel because that's the only way youtube gets to notify you every time i keep uploading videos so that you don't get to miss any important videos valuable videos just like this showing the things that work on how to get things done uh with your wordpress website so finally before i end this video i want us to look at uh the login button how to make it visible for uh people who are logged in a loan so let's go back to our wordpress website let's come to our plugin uh session uh let's add a new plugin let's search for a plugin called user menu so let's install this plugin and activate it okay so right now now let's come to our appearance and let's come to menus okay so you can see that we have options to choose which role considers link so basically we want everybody who is logged in to be able to log out so if we do subscriber subscriber would work for everybody that is a member of the website so we can just tick everything for administrator and for all everybody uh basically i think that's it so that's exactly how to uh set your your menu visibility uh to restrict it uh in that sense so we hit the save menu so from here let's see our website let's see if we can see uh so you can see that here we can see log out again because uh we are not signed in anyone who's signing now would be able to see the logo link so if you find this video useful as well do not also forget to give me a thumbs up like this video give comments and in the comment section that's the only way youtube can get around this video that more people can see this video and make the best of it thank you very much for watching this video if it has been useful then let's make it a date in my next video until then have a wonderful time bye [Music] you
Channel: Daps
Views: 7,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media website wordpress, social media website design, social media website using wordpress, social media website tutorial, build a social media website, social media website create, create social media website wordpress, create a social media website like facebook, social media website wordpress free, social media website in wordpress, how to make a social media website with wordpress, how to make a social media website, how to make a social media website like facebook
Id: j7J5awIaE-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.