How To Make A FALL HARVEST CAKE! Carrot cake, caramel, cinnamon buttercream and sautÈed fruit!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: How To Cake It
Views: 1,903,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yolanda Gampp, Yolanda Gamp, How To Cake It, Cakes, Cake, Sugar Stars, How To Cake It By Yolanda, Buttercream, Vanilla Cake, Chocolate, Vanilla, Recipe, Chocolate Cake Recipe, Simple Syrup, Fall, Thanksgiving (Holiday), Fall REcipe, Carrot Cake (Dish), Carrot Cake Recipe, Apple, Plum, Cinnamon (Ingredient), Fruit (Food), How-to (Website Category), carrot cake, fall cake idea, caramel carrot cake, fall cake, fall harvest cake, thanksgiving cakes, autumn cake
Id: 7ox7EePH51w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2015
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