How to make a DIY smoke machine

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you guys ready to build a smoke machine before we get going guys remember to hit that like button subscribe to leave a comment down below how's it going guys in this video I'm gonna show you how to turn this into a homemade DIY smoke machine for under 10 bucks you can fix your car if you have emissions leaks or other problems like that where your check engine lights coming on this thing's a lifesaver it's gonna save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in car repairs let's check it out so when I say you can build a smoke machine for under 10 bucks I'm assuming you have access to an air compressor this is a 6 gallon porter-cable air compressor with a regulator which is super important because you're gonna want to greatly reduce the air pressure to your smoke machine into your car or else you're gonna blow the thing apart which is not good and create more problems for yourself the assumption is you have an air compressor if not this is not going to be under ten bucks to create a smoke machine for you because you're gonna have to buy any air compressor or gain access to one I think I paid something like 150 bucks for this air compressor ten years ago or something I've had it for a very long time pretty cheap but just a note there that this is not included in the ten dollar price all right let's take a look at the other components you need this is your actual smoke machine here okay so number one you need a paint can I think this thing cost me like a dollar at Home Depot if you're super cheap you can use a paint can you already have just an empty plain old paint can and you also want to get the lid which we'll get to in a second now the second thing you want to do is you want to go and buy some cheap smelly smokey incense you can see I got the old black cherry there which actually doesn't smell bad when I burn these things so you need cheap incense I think these incense cost me like I think was like two packs for a dollar or something like that and I think this is like what forty sticks in there so a lot of smoke screwdriver just to pop the lid on and off of this thing lighter to light the stinky incense so you don't really need one of these things say but just something to put the incense in this is just a magnetic Bowl sure you guys have seen those before so I just kind of set the incense in there and then place it in there I'll show you how it works in a second and then I like the incense and we're off and running and then finally back to the lid want to make sure you get a nice flat lid that seals tightly and you'll notice a couple of things here I have two air fittings on the top of the lid so basically what I did was I just simply drilled a hole here drilled a hole there put the air fitting through and I just simply silicone around it to hold it in you can see that same thing with this one and we'll show you why you have two of them and how that whole thing works and then in my case this is 3/8 inch tubing and I go out I think it's like 6 feet or 8 feet of it or something like that and so let's take a look we'll put the machine together and I'll show you how this thing works so number one I'm gonna take my little bowl here again it doesn't have to be a magnetic Bowl but I'm going to essentially take my smelly incense I'm gonna break them into little kind of pieces here so they fit in the bowl just kind of snap them in half and the only reason I'm doing that is so they fit in the bowl they're not hanging all over the place and we're good there so the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to take some of the incense out and I'm gonna light it get it lit pretty well here and then I'm gonna stick it in the bowl once it starts smoking a little bit am I gonna try to catch the whole bowl on fire if you will get the whole bowl smoking the idea here is is that you want this thing to be a smoky as possible so I'm gonna kind of let this burn hopefully not me so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to place this burning bowl into the paint can blow it out a little bit you can see that's get some really nice smoky right and that's exactly what you want gonna put the lid on lightly to seal it and now here's where the magic happens guys so if you haven't done this yet this is an important step I'm gonna back this and again the reason for that is you don't want to blow up any of your components in your car and make your situation worse now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna hook the hose up to my smoke machine and we're gonna produce some smoke alright guys so here it is get my hose for my air compressor right here my smoke machine you can see smoke kind of coming out of that fitting right there I'm gonna put my air hose on there and remember I have my regulator back all the way off so don't blow this in you what you guys can see is not a whole lot right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slightly increase because I don't hear feel any airflow coming out of this thing I'm gonna start to force a little air through it I'm just turning the regulator up a little bit here we go look at that boom back it down a little bit that's exactly what you want that smoke or even thicker now what you can do is you have all kinds of smoke you separate your emissions components on your vehicle for example I've done like my charcoal canister my canister closed valves things like that I'll pull the hose off I'll put this hose up against the hose on my car and I'll just simply do like gorilla tape or duct tape around it to seal it doesn't have to be perfect and then you have your smoke machine I've found all kinds of issues with my car over the years my charcoal canister a big crack in it again canister closed valves a couple of times it's it's been an invaluable tool and look at that smoke look at that check that out exactly what you need under 10 bucks provided you have a compressor thanks for watching
Channel: The Comeback Kid
Views: 4,140
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: How to make a DIY smoke machine, evap, leak, vacuum leak, vacuum, crack, hose, save money, autozone, smoke machine, smoke, advanced auto parts, pep boys
Id: K2JgcUVgPc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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