How To Make A DIY Japanese Beetle Trap And Save Your Garden

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hey guys we're here in the rain making a video about Japanese beetles because as gardeners we love the rain but we hate Japanese beetles tell you who loves Japanese beetles uh with our chickens okay another benefit to backyard chickens they'll eat your beetles okay the way we like to deal with Japanese beetles is naturally there are several birds whose favorite food is Japanese beetles ok these birds include these chickens okay but also but we can't let them in the garden that's why we also have another weapon we use with Japanese beetles we're going to show you how to make it but starlings grackles Robins crows various types of sparrows cat birds these birds love Japanese beetles so one thing we started doing in the winter you see we have this bird feeder hanging here it's been here for a long time we feed birds in the winter when they don't have enough food outside occurring in nature and we trained our birds to come to this rosebush for food so this year we've not had any problem with Japanese beetles because we have birds all day long we'll sit on this lamppost and eat the beetles as they try to land on the bush we got one beautiful bloom already this year we gave it a hard pruning we're gonna get more blooms and we're not using sprays which is important to us because we have a pond right there okay now in our garden we are currently being attacked vigorously by some Japanese beetles on our green bean teepee we can't let our chickens in the garden for obvious reasons and we don't want to lure other birds into our garden for the same obvious reasons so I've been out here making some Japanese beetle traps that I use with just for various items from the kitchen and submit these milk jugs and I thought well why not show you what I'm doing and how I do it so you can do it too so that one's already made I'm gonna just get right to it and show you what you need to make this basically and I've got I'm hiding my stuff down here to keep it dry but you're gonna need an empty gallon jug that's make sure you wash it out you don't want any milk residue that's got about a third of the ways worth of warm water that's because we're gonna be using yeast and we want the warm water to activate the yeast okay doesn't have to be hot a little warmer than lukewarm but not hot you're gonna need 1/4 of a cup of sugar which I'm hiding down here to keep my homemade funnel dry you're gonna need some well ripened fruit and I'm using a rotten banana rotten equals well ripened okay and then just a little bit of dishwashing detergent it's a very simple method okay you take your 1/3 jug full of warm water and you open up your yeast and you pour your yeast in your hot water or very warm water it doesn't have to be so hot okay and then we're going to add our 1/4 that roosters mad at me he's been going on our back porch today in making nests as if you know what I mean and I've been it I clean it up now I'm kind of shooing him off the back porch because I want to be out there clean it up he doesn't like it he's allowed to go anywhere in the world he wants except the back porch and he always likes to go on the back porch so anyway I get this sugar down in here mom anyway we've got our warm water or one packet of yeast and we've got our fourth of a cup of sugar we're gonna give that a bit of a mix here to get the fermentation process going now we're gonna add a little bit of our well ripened fruit you don't have to use a lot this is basically to help send out the odor of the fermentation process this is what will lure in the Beatles The Beatles are gonna smell this and they're gonna be attracted to it and leave our green bean teepee and come into here now with the dishwashing detergent use about a tablespoon full you can guesstimate that's what I do you just put it in the main purpose of this is it it makes like an oil slick so when the Beatles come into the jug if they try to crawl out basically they're coated with a slick substance and they slide back down into your in your concoction here and they expire I'll use that word so it doesn't sound so cool so from this point we're just gonna go hang it up beside our green bean teepee with a bit of rope so let's head over the garden we'll show you how we're gonna do that so here we are in the garden and here's our beautiful green bean teepee that's being decimated by the Japanese beetles okay I was being a little over the top there it's not really being decimated but they have attacked honey come closer let's show them what's going on up here fortunately we noticed this relatively quickly but you can see the Japanese beetle damage up here here's here's a beetle under here they're hiding from the rain it's been raining most of the day and so the rains been knocking them off which has been a big help to us but as soon as the rain stops are coming back and we know that however we're gonna have something waiting on them and that's our Japanese beetle trap we just made I'm simply going to secure the trap to a fence post over here using a piece of line I'm actually using a piece of old clothes hanger line here you want to make sure it stays secure and doesn't fall down you want to keep this up off the ground okay and what's gonna happen obviously is the Japanese beetles are going to smell the well ripened fruit and they're gonna smell the odor that occurs as a result of the fermentation process that's going on with the yeast in the sugar that beautiful sweet smell so they're gonna say who wants those nasty old green beans when we have that nice sweet smell coming from over there they're gonna go in here to feed on our concoction and then of course as you know they're not gonna make it back out and this is gonna be the end of them and I've got the other one I'm gonna put back here but that's all there is to it folks as far as making a Japanese beetle trap goes keep them off of your vegetables in your garden and get them into the trap so we hope you enjoyed this video we hope you learned something from it if you did please subscribe to our channel homesteading off-the-grid and we'll see you next time [Applause]
Channel: Homesteading Off The Grid
Views: 223,357
Rating: 4.8694663 out of 5
Keywords: Japanese, Beetle, trap, concoction, home, made, DIY, pesticide, pest, pests, garden, gardening, solution, kill, bugs, insects, predators
Id: mX8m3xOxkh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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