How To Make A Croissant Loaf

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yeah you know what a croissant is and we've all heard of the cronut but have you ever seen a croissant loaf or a crow 'the if you will in that doesn't sound good the name needs a work okay so we're making a loaf version of the humble walk that was a Carl reference by the way every French person is like Josh I get it all right I'm just gonna say croissant it's weird like you're with friends you're like gotta go to this bakery you guys want to get some so you know croissants are kind of a difficult thing to make but I'm actually shocked by the amount of people who have made my croissant recipe my croissants are actually one of our most viewed videos not even that it's my rest are you just more so that people are actually interested in making something that complicated really goes to show the whole consensus of like oh people only want things that are fast and easy is a bulk thing and not true but with that said let's make this shall we so first thing you need to do is prep your dough I'm gonna start with 168 grams of water and 168 grams of milk just mix them together and yes we're only doing this in grams sorry we're not doing any cups or anything this needs to be precise now look you don't need to give this hot or anything just take the chill off of it and get it to like room temp if you can warm it up in the microwave or whatever and then add 12 grams of instant yeast not activated dry yeast instant yeast give it a little mix and you don't need to let that sit you're ready to use right away then into the bowl of a stand mixer you're gonna add 600 grams of bread flour 10 grams of fine sea salt and 62 grams of granulated sugar give it some whiskey business slapping around a little bit you know you want it nice and incorporated then directly to the flour mix you're gonna add 45 grams of room-temperature butter that's right slap it right in there we haven't even added anything yet put that on your stand mixer mix it on medium-low speed add in your liquidy yeast mixture that sounds gross and then let it mix until it comes together and then continue mixing for about three to four minutes you just you want low to moderate gluten development you don't want it to get super developed literally three minutes and it's done as soon as you see it turn smooth pull it off in there shape it into a rough sort of square oval shape then just place it on a lightly greased baking sheet or a plate cover with plastic wrap and set it in the fridge overnight and for this it really turned out properly you make sure you add the smiley face and tuck in bed okay you better give him a kiss he needs it day one is done okay so onward to day two now before we start rolling out our dough we need to make our butter block so you're gonna need 336 grams of unsalted butter but I found a really great way to make this in a nice well even square a great way to get it into a nice even shape is actually to place your butter in the freezer for about 15 minutes take it out grate it you know the gram weight that I asked for 336 grams cover with another sheet of wax paper and then using a rolling pin beat it down fold in a little bit beat it down fold a little bit until it's one solid mass and you're gonna place it in some wax paper and fold the wax paper into a six and a half inch by six and a half inch square and roll that butter out into the edges of it so you're gonna have a nice even square like this next Reiter take your dough from the fridge and you're gonna roll it into a ten inch by ten inch square make sure it says even in as square as possible it's kind of important place your butter square directly in the center that out of diet and also the points are facing you know the way that they look here I don't know how else to describe that and then take the edges of your dough and fold them over the butter overlapping each of them and then pinch them shut this is crucial make sure that there are no spaces no tears you want one solid dough mass with butter inside of it completely encased next you're gonna take that dough and you're gonna roll it out into a rectangle measuring 20 inches long and then you gonna fold it letter style fold the top down to the center and then the other half over like that nice and even then just lightly press along the entire length of it just to kind of adhere those pieces together wrap it in plastic wrap and place it in your refrigerator for 30 minutes that is full number one what's that 30 minutes is up take it out of the fridge now you're gonna repeat that exact same rolling process but pay attention to how you roll this okay always roll it to where the seams are pointing right so you want to roll this lengthwise if you roll it the other way you're stretching the glute in the opposite direction that you've already begun to work it so don't don't do that so roll it the way that you're seeing here fold it the same way as before wrap it in plastic wrap again then place it in the refrigerator again for 30 more minutes and then repeat that fold one more time for a grand total of three folds wrap it back up and plastic wrap and then this time we're gonna place in the refrigerator overnight do not try and rush this and do this in the same day you're gonna tear the dough it really needs to rest overnight one big tip about this rolling process is make sure that you're keeping your butter cold but not too cold if it's too warm it's gonna melt and incorporate with the dough no good if it's too cold then it's gonna break apart and turn into little tiny pieces because it's just crumbling wanted to be cold but pliable okay so now we're on day three which is the easiest day of them all so you can take your dough back out begin roll like you were before but only roll it about 10 inches long then divide the dough in half you're gonna roll each of those halves into 10 by 12 inch rectangles which by the way you may have to rest these in between if they're rolling and they won't seem to roll out very much and they keep kind of like suctioning back then let them rest in the refrigerator for 20 minutes in between rolling now once you can roll them out properly cut each sheet into four three inch wide segments so grand total of eight strips grease some nine by four loaf pans and then gonna take those strips of dough and then starting from the end closest to you you're gonna tightly roll them all the way up don't apply too much pressure you just want to wrap line them up decently tight and repeat that with all your strips you should be able to fit four rolls into a pan with the cut side facing out that little tail you got there yeah you want that to be touching the bottom because if they're facing the top they're gonna unfold and go all over the place you don't want them then we're gonna make an egg wash consisting of one egg and a small splash of water whisk that together and then brush the top of your loaves nice and evenly and then let them sit at room temperature for two hours to rise now I would try to keep these out of a drafted area because that lacquered on egg wash you don't want it to dry up so yeah now after the two hours stuff that should be nice and puffy you're then gonna give them one more brushing of egg wash and then place them in a preheated oven set to 375 degrees Fahrenheit or 190 degrees Celsius if you see them browning too quickly then turn down the temperature by about 25 degrees and you can always tent them with foil after that pull them out let them cool for about a minute and then immediately try to carefully pop them out of the pan and place them on a wire rack to finish cooling and well that's it you've got a croissant loaf I mean I say that's it it's obviously a three-day process but I'm telling you this is so unbelievably worth it you could make the best toast of your life the best french toast of your life bread pudding is you where I'm going like this can be used for everything you never need to have a sandwich bread that's sad ever again but you want to know what else will keep you from being sad forever [Music] alright guys and that is it so croissants but in the form of a loaf if you don't see the beauty in that I don't know what else I can do for you if you like loaves of bread and you like croissants they've had their love child then you are looking at argue one of the most deliciously versatile breads of your life that book sums it up you give to somebody some french toast that was made with croissants they're probably gonna drop to one knee right away and ask you to marry them if you were thinking I was gonna say something else you have a dirty dirty mind and get that I'm gonna be in New York in a few days from this upload and I'm gonna be with a very special person and I cannot reveal who that is but you'll know soon or not with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 621,973
Rating: 4.9739571 out of 5
Keywords: homemade croissants, croissant loaf, croissant bread, croissant dough, how to make croissant dough, french croissants, how to make croissants at home, easy croissants, joshua weissman, youtube cooking series, youtube recipes, laminating croissant dough, laminated dough, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, bread recipes, croissants, bred, croissants recipe, joshua weissman croissants, loaf, how to make croissants, how to, food, cooking
Id: RCugAF7aoLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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